Monthly Archives: May 2008

The Prosperity In Gratitude

The unthankful heart… discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!
~Henry Ward Beecher

This is the time of year when we give thanks. It’s the time when we look around our lives and feel grateful for all that we have. Our families, friends, and all of the love in our lives. We are grateful for the work that we do. We look to see the silver lining in all of our difficult situations, and feel grateful for the opportunity to learn so much from. Did you notice how abundant you felt when you were standing the in place of all of that gratitude?

Gratitude is a powerful thing to exercise when we are looking to create more abundance in our lives. Why? Because as we focus on all that we are grateful for, we begin to feel more abundant, and when we begin to feel more abundant we then begin to attract flow of abundance in our lives. What you focus on grows. Like attracts like. That’s why you won’t increase the abundance in your life by focusing on all that you don’t have.

There is a blessing for us in the loving expression of gratitude. As we focus on what we have, we create more of it. As we focus on on our joy, we create more of that. As we focus on love, we indeed create more of that, and love is core and central to all manifestation in our lives. When you create from a place of love and intention your life will become more joyous and rich that you could have ever expected.

We are all energetic beings – and the energetic vibration of gratitude is one of the highest and purest vibrations available to us. Love and gratitude go hand in hand. Sending out this kind of pure positive energy into your life will bring more of that back to you – it’s universal law, it’s the Law of Attraction. Gratitude can start a positive momentum in your life that change your life forever. When you begin having an “attitude of gratitude” in your life, you jump start the process of manifesting all of your desires.

The question is, “It’s Thanksgiving, but, shouldn’t we practice gratitude all of the time?” The answer is yes! Especially if you would like to create more joy, peace, and prosperity in your life.

Integrating Gratitude Into Your Daily Life

1. Look for what you want to see vs. what you don’t want to see. To often we go about our day waiting and expecting awful things to happen, or we expect to be disappointed. We walk around saying, “I don’t like this, and this, and this….” and look for things that need changing. You would find that your world may conform to more of your liking if you focused on what you did indeed want to see. “I like this, I like that….oh and I really love that!” What a shift in vibration, do you see?

2. Appreciate and be grateful about something about you. Be grateful that you have a beautiful smile and a heart of gold. Be grateful that you are a savvy business person, or that you are inventive or intuitive. Be grateful that you are a wonderful parent. Be grateful that you are not perfect. (Wouldn’t that be a bore?)

3 If its hard to find something to be grateful about yourself, start by looking around your world and appreciating that. The snow, the leaves, the sun. Look for beauty in your life. Focus on the penny that you do have vs. the one that you don’t.

4. Keep track of all the good things that happen to you in your calendar or daily journal…even the little things. This affirms that good things do come your way, and you can begin to trust in God and the Universe as the source of your supply. Appreciate the synchronicities that occur in your life, they were given to you as a gift to affirm that you are indeed on the right path.

5. Want to see some fast results? For the next 30 days – set aside time to write for 10 minutes all of the positive things you can about your life, your relationships, your body, your work, your home etc etc. You will not be the same person at the end of those 30 days!

6. Open your mouth and let the gratitude flow from your heart. You will find amazing things begin to happen to you and those around you. Can you imagine what might occur? Play with this and adore someone today.

In gratitude,

Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 61 )

In addition to meaning work,we have stated that psychologically the word Karma also implies causation. Any work, any action, any thought that produces an effect is called a Karma. Thus the law of Karma means the law of causation,of inevitable cause and sequence. Wheresoever there is a cause, there an effect must be produced; this necessity cannot be resisted,and this law of Karma, according to our philosophy,is true throughout the whole universe. Whatever we see,or feel, or do, whatever action there is anywhere in the universe,while being the effect of past work on the one hand, becomes,on the other, a cause in its turn,and produces its own effect. It is necessary, together with this, to consider what is meant by the word “law”. By law is meant the tendency of a series to repeat itself.When we see one event followed by another, or sometimes happening simultaneously with another, we expect this sequence or co – existence to recur.Our old logicians and philosophers of the Nyaya school call this law by the name of Vyapti.

According to them, all our ideas of law are due to association. A series of phenomena becomes associated with things in our mind in a sort of invariable order,so that whatever we perceive at any time is immediately referred to other facts in the mind. Any one idea or, according to our psychology, any one wave that is produced in the mind – stuff, Chitta, must always give rise to many similar waves. This is the psychological idea of association, and causation is only as aspect of this grand pervasive principle of association. This pervasiveness of association is what is, in Sanskrit, called Vyapti. In the external world the idea of law is the same as in the internal –the expectation that a particular phenomenon will be followed by another, and that the series will repeat itself. Really speaking, therefore, law does not exist in nature.

Practically it is an error to say that gravitation exists in the earth, or that there is any law existing objectively anywhere in nature. Law is the method, the manner in which our mind grasps a series of phenomena; it is all in the mind. Certain phenomena, happening one after another or together, and followed by the conviction of the regularity of their recurrence — thus enabling our minds to grasp the method of the whole series — constitute what we call law.

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What Is Trypanophobia? Are You Afraid Of Injections?

The fear of injections is called trypanophobia. This is not too uncommon. This fear can be related to needle phobia which is actually the fear of needles, only it involves actual penetration through the skin. This was officially recognized as a specific phobia in 1994 in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th edition.

Types of Trypanophobia

Since trypanophobia is broadly classified as a fear of injections, there are actually four forms of this fear of injections. The four forms of trypanophobia are vaso-vagal, associative, resistive and hyperalgesic.

Vaso-Vagal Trypanophobia

A majority of the trypanophobes are classified under vaso-vagal. These are the people who have a fear of feeling, seeing or even thinking about needle-like objects. There are several changes that can occur because this fear of injections. Normally, the physical effects that they experience their blood pressure decrease or fainting. Physiological changes include panic attacks, sweating, nausea, ringing in their ears, feeling faint or turning pale at the moment that they are injected.

The dangerous thing about this is the fact that it can actually kill a person. This is because it can greatly and directly affect your heart rate and blood pressure which can cause severe shock leading to death.

Associative Trypanophobia

This type of fear of injections is the next most common trypanophobia. The needle phobes affected by this type is around 30%, while Vaso-Vagal trypanophobes are averaging about 50%. This is cause by a traumatic experience with a needle, directly or indirectly involving the trypanophobe. It could have occurred during a medical procedure that was extremely painful, or by witnessing someone who went through a painful event dealing with injections.

Associative trypanophobia is more of a psychological illness than physiological. The person classified under this type of fear of injections is more likely to feel anxiety and panic attacks. There are instances where they can be preoccupied with upcoming procedures dealing with getting injected, even leading to insomnia.

Resistive and Hyperalgesic Trypanophobia

These last two types of fear of injections take up the rest of the 30% of needle phobes, with resistive trypanophobia at 20% and hyperalgesic at 10%.

Resistive trypanophobia involves fear of injections but also being restrained or controlled. This normally comes from poor handling of needle procedures or repressive upbringing with forced restraint. Someone who has been deemed “hysterical” might experience this if they have to be handled in a forceful manner by being given a sedative via syringe.

Hyperalgesic is the fear of injections that does not really involve faring the actual needle. A person with this fear has probably inherited hyperalgesia which is extreme sensitivity to pain. The thought of getting an injection is extremely unbearable to them, let alone experiencing it.

Through Hypnosis

Overcoming fear like this is one accomplishment and with the option of hypnosis, one should be able to get over the fear of injections. The process of hypnosis is by changing the way one is thinking and relaxation means to provide the necessary solution.

Daily Motivation: What Motivates You Each Day?

Every experience that a person has impacts him or her positively or negatively. All of the positive moments most likely enhance our daily motivation. Daily motivation is what enables us to strive to be better people, to work towards goals, and to lead fulfilling lives.

Setting goals:
Many of us set goals for ourselves. In turn, these goals motivate us to work hard to achieve success. Goals drive an individual’s daily motivation. Goals such as getting a Master’s degree, having a high-paying job, getting married, purchasing an expensive car, or mortgaging a home drive a person to succeed. When setting a goal, a person must remember that taking small steps to achieve it helps keep up a positive attitude. It is best not to get overwhelmed with attaining a huge goal quickly; but rather one should take small steps to get it done. The desire to accomplish a goal is what keeps people going, even on bad days.

A positive attitude is a source of daily motivation. Believing that one of your goals is too difficult to achieve will eventually prevent you from achieving it. Having a negative attitude will cause you both internal and external stress. A negative attitude will de-motivate you, and put you on the road to failure. To achieve your goals, you must be able to tell yourself that every goal can be attained with hard work. If you tell yourself that you can do it, chances are that you will. Never underestimate the power of the mind. Daily motivation is all about attitude and outlook.

While not all of us are religious, many people who are will agree that religion helps improve daily motivation. Religion can be used as a great motivational tool for people from all walks of life. Religion – no matter what kind – encourages mindfulness and internal motivation. The religious depend on their beliefs to strengthen them mentally.

People often depend on their religion when things are going downhill. Prayer and meditation inspire those who might otherwise turn to drinking, food, or drugs to nurture their spirits. Religion may help some people to be more mentally and physically healthy. Therefore, religion is a positive source of daily motivation.

The desire to live:
Daily motivation also comes in the simple desire to live. Whether children, a job, or money inspires someone to get out of bed in the morning, that person is motivated by something in life.

Even things as simple as nature can motivate someone to maintain a positive attitude about life even when times get hard. A person can take pleasure in nature’s beauty by taking time to smell the roses or listen to the birds sing. Studies show that people who live in warmer climates have a more positive attitude about life in general. These same people also have the tendency to go outside and exercise more often. This exercise brings about a sense of inner peace and positive feelings, thus becoming a daily motivation for many people.

The Art Of Daydreaming

When the soul wishes to experience something she throws an image of the experience before her and enters into her own image.
~ Meister Eckhart ~

Do you have any idea what you think about all day? It sounds like a silly question, but most of us don’t actually observe the drama that’s constantly going on inside our heads.

You’ve heard the saying “Be careful what you wish for because you might just get it!!” This is the universal Law of Attraction at work and it applies to all of us without question.

Unless we make a conscious effort to watch ourselves from the sidelines, our everyday thoughts and our reactions to the environment are largely habitual.

We do our daily work and we plan and we interact with our fellow human beings, but in between we also have secret fears, grudges and a great deal of negative self talk.

How is your life going? If you really pay attention carefully, you’ll begin to see that the reality outside yourself mirrors what is going on inside your head.

Daydreaming and the Law of Attraction

What you focus on expands. If you are constantly worrying about this or that…then guess what? You will attract more events in your life to worry about. It really is that simple.

If you tell yourself NOT to worry about something…well you are focused on it, so you ARE worrying about it. The trick is to think about what you DO want and not what you DON’T want.

Did I say it was easy? No, it’s not easy to change a lifetime of habitual thinking, but just being aware of it is a step in the right direction. You will now begin to catch yourself in your internal dramas. When you do, try and change the thought to something that makes you feel better.

If you feel better, you become ‘unstuck’ from your current drama and move on. Your perspective changes and you are in the flow for the time being.

Sometimes, feeling better means that you will run through negative emotions such as anger or revenge, but if it lifts you out of depression or despair, then it is a step in the right direction. You can continue to move up the emotional scale from there until you are feeling more positive emotion such as pleasure, love, and gratitude.

Consciously slowing down your mind and just being present, not focusing on the past or the future will make a huge difference in your state of mind and your overall mood. Meditation, prayer, nature walks or making a list of things you are grateful for are some ways to do this. Practicing this a little everyday will work wonders, I promise you!

Here’s another saying: “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got.”

In other words…you must change those habitual thoughts, self-talk and reactions to get better results.

Just a final note here: As you are all aware, personal changes can sometimes bring about a certain amount of upheaval in your life, but that is perfectly normal. Recognizing the chaos as part of the process will help to keep you moving forward.

Man can learn nothing except by going from the known to the unknown.
~Claude Bernard~

Sweet Daydreams!

Sidestepping a bad day through Distraction

When life becomes a bit too much to handle and I’m in need of some time out I use a simple technique, that of distraction; and for me at least, this works a treat.

When I do distraction, what I’m actually doing is breaking a pattern of my behavior. What this technique doesn’t include is shopping, telephoning or emailing friends because that’s what I would normally do during my working week.

I’ve listed several suggestions below that I’ve used in the past. Some have been joyful experiences and some worse than the reason why I needed a distraction in the first place.

As you read each one, write down in order of preference beginning with the suggestion that interests you most (however remotely), to the last which should be what interests you the least.

From this list try out the suggestions that interest you the least. Compare how you felt when you got out of bed to doing the least favored distraction.

Humor is good, absurd humor (for me) is even better. Absurd humor works very well for me and I have often used it successfully to distract me from thinking about things that have the capacity to turn an average day into a really bad day.

I remember the first time I did a public speaking gig in a large auditorium filled to capacity. Not naturally funny, it was suggested I open my speech with something witty. So I did. What did I hear? Crickets! I responded with “Well moving right along now…”

Some may find experiences such as this uncomfortable; I found it hugely funny and still do. Moral of this story for me is to stop trying to be funny because I’m not and I think that’s hugely funny in itself.

To distract thoughts that have the potential to produce an unresourceful state, try one of the following suggested distractions (for men and women) … better yet, try all of them if you haven’t already:

Try out a new, intricate and complicated recipe this will keep you going for awhile especially if you need to source obscure ingredients.

Start an embroidery project, one with lots of different colored embroidery cotton.

Read an autobiography you may find their ‘real’ life experiences are much like ours, and sometimes worse!

Complete a 2,000 piece jigsaw puzzle of water scenes or the night sky.

Read the white or yellow telephone pages this will keep you busy for days on end.

Choose a small area of garden and count the number of ants, and the species (apparently there are thousands), that run through in a four hour period.

Count how many tiles you have in the bathroom and kitchen, and then do the same thing backwards.

Start a knitting project.

Start a sand art project using either bottles or paper.

Paint your garden pots better still watch paint dry!

Bake a cake.

Polish all your shoes and replace all shoe laces.

By distracting your self before plunging fully into an unresourceful state, you may find that good things have the potential to come to pass.

Your knitting or embroidery project could be a winner if entered in competitions, you could invite friends to share your newly baked cake or taste your intricate recipe, maybe you discover another species of ant, and your sand art project could just be the perfect gift for someone special.

Michaela Scherr, Transformational Coach

How to Spend Your Casino Winnings

Gambling is fun and spending money is lots of fun and here are some fun and beneficial ways to spend the money you won in the casinos.

Traveling is a very nice way to spend some cash. Not only can you fly to places like Dahab in Egypt or Amsterdam in Holland you can afford to fly first class where you can enjoy a pampered flight and you can stay in a 5 star hotel and indulge your every pleasure. One of my favorite things to do is to fly down to the Caribbean and stay in a glass bottom bungalow over the water. I am not talking about the type of bungalow you went to with your parents in your youth. These are 5 star suites with all the amenities of home.

If you have just won a large sum of money gambling you can always spend some of it on your girlfriend. This will not only make for some really nice dates but if she resents the time you spend gambling in online casinos at home this will definitely help you get more time in the online casinos.

We all have family and giving some of the money to your family members for them to use for vacations, bills or even for something nice for themselves is always a great way to show your family that you appreciate all the things they have done for you over the years. If you do not want to just hand over cash to them you can still do nice things for them with it. Maybe you want to set up college funds for your younger siblings or for their children, or maybe some of your family is not good with their money and have run up large bills maybe you would want to write some checks and pay their bills for them. Maybe you do not get along with your family and you want to give them nothing.

Home Improvement:
If you don’t own a home buying one or putting a down payment on a house is a great idea. if you already have a home there is no better way to increase the value of the home then by doing some home improvements. If you have the room to increase the size of the home this is always good, everyone wants more rooms, but even updating your kitchen and bathrooms can make the value of the home increase dramatically, as can the addition of another bathroom.

If it was me who won a large sum of money I would spend most of the money setting up my own personal zoo with exotic animals. I love cats and dogs, but I am also a big fan of turtles, reptiles and fish. I would set up a several thousand gallon fish tank and have sharks in it. I would also design it with a clear top and I would have my bedroom built right on top of the tank. In the walls I would have tanks with all sorts of different reptiles. Unfortunately I would not have any poisonous reptiles just in case they ever get out.

In the end what you do with your money is up to you but if you are not playing in an online casino you will never have to worry how you are going to spend your fortune.

Make The Elephant Jump — Leading With A Kind Heart

PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required. E-mail to: [email protected]

Word count: 567

Leadership is not about getting people to do what they want. If they did what they want, you wouldn’t be needed as a leader. Instead, leadership is about getting people to do what they don’t want to do (or don’t think they can do) and be ardently committed to doing it.

This paradox lies at the heart of all great leadership.

Unlike management, which involves simply the care and feeding of your organizational elephant, great leadership gets that elephant to jump.

Anyone who knows anything about elephants knows that they may run, they may stand on their hind legs, they may kneel on their fore legs, they may roll over; but they don’t jump.

And that’s what leadership is all about: getting organizations to do what they usually can’t do, i.e., getting great results consistently.

Now, you can’t do the jumping yourself. The elephant must do it. You can’t push the elephant into the air. It must jump of its own volition.

Making the elephant jump involves cultivating a special relationship between the leader and the people of the organization.

Many leaders misunderstand that relationship. They try to use fear and pain to spur the activity needed to achieve consistently great results. “Sure, I’ll get this elephant to jump. Just give me an electric prod!”

But inducing fear and pain are habit forming and ultimately destructive both to the leader and the people.

To make the elephant jump — not now and then but consistently, i.e., to lead people to consistently to achieve great results — deep, human emotional bonding between leader and people must take place. And fundamental to that bonding is the nature of the heart of the leader.

This is the secret: You can’t get the elephant to jump unless you have a kind heart. Kindness in leadership means following the Leadership Imperative: “I will lead people in such a way that we not only achieve the needed results but we, the people and me, become better as leaders and people.”

Most leaders focus on the first part “getting better results” and forget about the second part. But in truth, when you have a kind heart, getting results and helping people be better are not two things but one.

From now on, see every leadership challenge you face as a way of having people increase their knowledge, their skills, their courage, their tenacity, and their leadership abilities. Cultivating that perspective is a kindness.

But don’t mistake kindness for being nice. Don’t mistake kindness for having people simply feel good. Don’t mistake kindness for allowing people to indulge the worst aspects of their character, laziness, inconsiderateness, selfishness, etc.

Furthermore, you may be kind and have people be frustrated with you. Many great leaders I’ve had relationships with got me frustrated as they had me go through the trouble of tackling challenges I might not otherwise have tackled. (In fact, deep, human, emotional bonding cannot happen without a great deal of frustration.) But I was motivated despite my frustrations because I recognized that they essentially had my best interests at heart.

Yes, through skill, persuasiveness, understanding, forcefulness, education, and guidance, you can get the elephant to jump — as long as you do it through the kindness of your heart.


We Are Gods Of A Greater God

Have you ever wished that you were a God, creating anything you could possibly want, and destroying the things that you don’t want? Have you ever wished that you could wiggle your nose, and a pile of money would magicallly appear? Or, maybe make a wish upon a star, and it comes true?

Wishing upon a star may or may not work, but wishes can come true, hence the saying, “Be careful what you wish for.” So, if wishes can come true, then just what is it that makes this happen? Wishes are just thoughts, right? Then there must be some sort of force, or energy in thoughts, that enables them to become things. In fact, all things have energy, even thoughts. It’s just a matter of harnessing that energy, and properly directing it into something solid.

There is a term for this concept, and that term is manifestation. The act of creating something visible, like money, out of something invisible, like thoughts. It is the subconcious mind that turns wishes into reality, not the concious mind. You will probably be waiting for a long time if you simply just state your wish, like wishing upon a star. It has to be deeper than that. You need to be dreaming about your wishes. You need to see pictures of your wishes over and over again. This is why subliminal messages are so powerful, because images are flashed very quickly, and your subconcious mind picks up on that.

So, putting up pictures of what you want, or signs with simple words, can really help your subconcious in figuring out what it is you want. If you want money, put up a picture of money, and look at it frequently. If you want a better body, put up a picture of what you would like to look like.

Your subconcious will then understand that that is what you want. You will need to look at these pictures frequently, and especially upon waking. It is also reccommended that if you wake up in the middle of the night, the time when your subconcious is most active, that you look at the picture, close your eyes, look again, close your eyes, and repeat this process, until you get what you want.

You can create virtually anything, changing your life. But you need to believe that you can do it, set your goals, and remain positive that it will happen. There is an indescribable amount of power behind thoughts, and one just needs to learn to use this power to changes their selves, and their lives for the better.

If you are interested in these concepts, and would like to change your life for the better, then please visit my website, where you will get access to the FREE ebook “The Manifesting Mindset.” You can find the my website address below.

Work Satisfying Goals

Every business talks of goals. No business can run without goals and no business can achieve anything without goals. The goals give direction to the business about where to head and what to achieve. Therefore for every business, goals are most important. Generally businesses set SMART Goals – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based. What about our personal goals in career and work? Are we to follow the goals of the organization and try to achieve them or set some more for ourselves that help us in our personal growth. What about having satisfying goals for ourselves? Let us discuss this further.

As a member of a business organization, all of us have to try and achieve the larger goals of the organization. That is true even for self run businesses. But can we reach the goals of business in a way that helps us achieve our own satisfying goals? We can. Let us see how? In the beginning, decide about what gives you satisfaction in your career. It can be – to learn something new every month, or to increase efficiency of ones work every month, or to work in a relaxed manner always, and so on. Each one of us will have his/her goal that satisfies ourself. So you will have to draw a list of goals that are desirable for your satisfaction and try to achieve them one after another.

For example, my first satisfying goal can be that I learn something new every month this year. I may be handling any work, but I want to learn something new about that work every month. That will make me feel personally satisfied. How do I do that? I can work on my given job, try and achieve my business goals and learn something new along with that. This new learning can also help me achieve business goals in time. Now if my organization makes and sells detergents, I will not only achieve the goals on quantity of sales but also about how as a sales person I learn one more sales method every month (This provided I am working as a sales person).

Setting my own satisfying goals and achieving them will not only make me happy and more confident but also make me move along faster in my career. Many of us are centered only on organization goals. Once we add our own satisfying goals to them we will be moving much faster in all the directions. Trying to achieve personal goals can also help remove lot of frustration and if a management can discuss satisfying goals for every employee and guide him/her about achieving them, the organization will have more of satisfied employees. The only care to be taken is that satisfying goals should help achieve business goals and not distract from them. So start defining your satisfying goals from today.