Monthly Archives: June 2009

What Does Your Label Say?

One of the easiest things to do when talking to someone is to start exchanging battle stories with them!

It simply begins by telling them about a time in your life when you went through something that you thought was devastating and how it either ruined you or how you overcame it.

Almost before you can complete your story, the other person jumps in and always seems to try to one up you with their own battle story.

Before you know it, you are in a conversation that seems to last forever because both of you are trying to outdo the other one with your stories.

If the truth be told, everyone in this world has a story to tell. Some of these stories end in tragedy and some in triumph. The sad thing is that, whether their tragedy was in the past, or they are currently experiencing a tragedy, they don’t realize that they still have the ability to turn it into a victory.

They are so focused on proving to the world that they have been done wrong, or that they are owed something for what they have gone through, they never realize that the world is slipping by.

Which category do you fall in?

Are you focused on your wounds and scars or have you been able to overcome them and succeed in life?

The other day, someone I know bought a leather couch. There was a tag on it and I found it to be very interesting. The tag said this:

“This product is not faulty or damaged. All the markings, scaring, and discolorations on this product are normal and enhance its natural beauty.”

In your own life, do you have a tag that reads like that or does your tag read more like this:

“This product has been unjustly damaged. All the markings, scaring, and discolorations on this product are the result of it being victimized. This is not normal and in no way enhances its natural beauty.”

I know that you may have had some very terrible things happen to you in your lifetime. But believe it or not, you have the ability to live your life with greatness and victory. You have the choice what your label says about you. You have the choice whether that label is a label of success or defeat.

You see, every scar, every mark, every burn has the potential to help change the lives of the people around you. How many other people have gone through similar circumstances and need someone like you to say to them:

See here, I’ve gone through the same thing. Here is my scar to prove it. I was able to overcome it and now I have greatness and success in my life. If I could do it, so can you.

Remember that greatness never comes easy. If it did, then everyone would reach their full purpose in life.

If you choose to, everything you have ever gone through, and everything that you will go through, has the potential to help you impact the lives of many other people in a positive way.

So what do you want your label to say?

How To Reduce Your Asthma With Yoga

Yoga has been a revelation for many people. They have found that they can improve the quality of their life with the power of yoga. Yoga combines both physical and mental activities, so it engages your whole body rather than just part of it. Some of the benefits of yoga include better breathing, easier relaxation and relief from the symptoms of asthma.

The reason that yoga can help with your asthma is that by using yoga, you will get your body back to a more natural state. Both your body and your mind will be less stressed.

Relaxation and deep breathing were made for each other. Both of them help you to calm down, clear your mind and re-energize your body. By spending a few minutes taking slow, controlled breaths and paying attention to your breathing rather than taking it for granted, you will notice that your breathing automatically becomes calmer. Rather than it’s “normal”, hyper-active state. In turn, this will bring more energy into your body and calm you down.

Try out this simple breathing relaxation exercise. Read the instructions through a couple of times and then start.

1. Sit down, making sure that your posture is good and your spine is straight as possible.

Place your feet flat on the floor and check that your knees are directly over your feet. Place your hands on top of your legs.

2. Gently close your eyes.

3. Concentrate your thoughts on your ribs and your lungs. Inhale slowly and deeply. Notice your lungs filling up and your ribs expanding outwards and upwards. Then slowly exhale, again noticing your lungs slowly releasing the air you’ve just breathed in and your ribs gradually going back in and down.

4. Repeat this routine once a day for up to 3 minutes when you first start out. Over the coming days, gradually increase up to 5 and then 10 minutes throughout the day as necessary.

Yoga breathing exercises have been shown to help sufferers of mild asthma. You may still need your medication and any other health devices, although you should notice that you need them less and less as you practice these techniques.

Dealing With Stress The Stress-Free Way

Sometimes the workplace feels like a battle zone. With much emphasis placed on the importance of the company goals, markets and business plan much of the workforce feel an increasing pressure to perform at top levels at all times. Inevitably these requirements lead to stress and this must be tackled before it affects staff morale and productivity!

I remember working in a restaurant many years ago and having to go out into the main mall and perform, what appeared to be, ludicrous exercises. We all thought it was designed to keep the workforce fit but it is actually an ancient Chinese method of stress relief.

Tai Chi Chuan is a practise that the Chinese used to relieve stress and, in fact, try to avoid it in the first place. During the time of Mao Tse Tung this practise was widespread. At the beginning of each work day hundreds of employees were asked to meet at the main squares all over China to exercise. It is an elementary form of Tai Chi, the practice of extremely slow martial arts movements designed to balance the flow of Chi (life energy) around the meridian points of the body.

The majority of people who practise some kind of stress control in the work place tend to be more successful in their careers and much more productive. You know the old axiom “a happy worker is a productive worker!”

Some careers may be more stressful than others or more stressful at other times. However, the machine operator in a factory can be just as stressed as the office Administrator because each person is unique and each person’s problems are just as important to them as the CEO’s company problems are to him/her. Large corporations and medium sized companies tend to overlook this and must become aware of the situation if they wish to improve company productivity because the workers are the company!

“Tension Prevention” is the name of the game. Stress management can be easily taught to the workforce by providing the knowledge and skills needed to identify rising stress levels and how to combat them.

Good communication between all levels of the workforce, from upper management, to the labourer, is a very effective way of combating stress. Just the knowledge that someone is listening and prepared to take action on issues is enough to seriously reduce stress levels.

Some jobs require a certain level of pressure but when this pressure get to a point when the worker feels he/she has no control then stress ensues. This sense of urgency can have a very destructive effect on not only one worker but on the company as a whole and starts snow-balling out of control badly affecting staff morale. Controlling stress at work will also reduce the negative impact on inter personal relationships outside work. Improving communication, time management and understanding of the affects of stress is key way to generate a peaceful environment and increased productivity.

Current research suggests that fixed work-schedules contribute the most to increased levels of stress, the feeling that there is insufficient time to complete personal daily work tasks accounts for the greatest cause of stress at work.

By incorporating a stress management system which is focused on time-dependent tasks, an anti-stress program to help workers combat stress, scheduled rest breaks, reward for productive stress-free work and combating non-productive workers that put pressure on their colleagues are all solutions that work.

Which puzzle gives your brain or your kid’s brain the best workout ?

Which puzzle gives your brain or your kid’s brain the best workout ?

SUDOKU, a seemingly simple numbers game that hails from Japan,

has become the biggest and most addictive puzzle craze on the internet, newspaper, magazines, classrooms and even the mobile phones.

So how good is Sudoku?

The rules are simple, but the game is far from simplistic. An advanced Sudoku could have you scratching your head all day before finally giving up.

But is it the ultimate mind workout, as many believe – or are there better ways to boost your brainpower?

So what Exactly Is SUDOKU All About ?

Sudoku is a mathematical puzzle in a very basic and elementary sense. A solver repeatedly counts and subtracts (working out what is missing from row, column or box) and calculates.

The assertion that ‘there is no maths involved’ is not only irritating, it is a little ridiculous.

If there is a three there, there can’t be a three there, or there, but there could be one there ” or there. Or it could be a five.

That sentence would have meant nothing a year ago, but since then, to millions of newspaper readers, including those of this one and its Sunday sister, it has become all too familiar. We have become a nation of Sudoku puzzle addicts.

The instructions are deceptively simple. Fill in the nine-column grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 box within it contains the digits 1- 9.

And no, you don’t have to be a mathematician or particularly numerate ” The Independent on Sunday runs one based one letters rather than numbers ” to do it.

You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.

Math skills aren’t necessary, although thinking inside the box is.

Sudoku Puzzle develops your child’s reasoning skills and concentration.

Reports :

The UK government-produced Teachers magazine has recommended that Sudoku Puzzles are done in the classroom as brain exercise!

Kids gain huge satisfaction from completing a Sudoku puzzle.

There are benefits in playing Sudoku puzzles for the oldies too as age catching up, the sort of exercise and mental workout which the brain gets from playing logic puzzles can help to stop memory decline, make them smarter and even halt the progress of Alzheimer’s disease .

Get Free Sudoku Puzzles and Learn How To Solve Basic/Advanced Sudoku Puzzles At Your Fingertips

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Restaurant Employee Theft

Restaurant owners don’t run a cash machine 24/7. They face the reality of being observed by thieves undercover and this alone is a serious threat not only to the business but to the safety of the management, staff and customers. The most difficult part about this harm is there is no certain point one realizes that there is a thief lurking around the corner waiting for the right time to attack. And the sad part about it is there are a big percentage of theft casualties done by employees.

Yes, that’s right. Employee theft is one of the serious threats that a restaurant owner has to accept. Each year, there is an estimate of over $52 billion loss because of this reason. The percentage is up to 95% and the numbers already indicates a high risk of getting robbed by one of your employees anytime.

The fact is, there is no actual way of stopping this sad reality but it’s best to still think one step ahead of the culprit. You need to start to work on your very own backyard to prevent employee theft. Make sure that you’re aware with your employees’ behavior physically, mentally and professionally. Analyze your employees’ habits such as the borrowing property of others without permission or borrowing money from co-workers regularly.

Also, what your employees do outside work is one of the possible factors of employee theft. Does this employee drink a lot or does she have a habit of buying items more than what she earns? Family and previous employment background also gives useful clues in learning more about your employees’ behavior. Of course, you don’t need to do this to every employee since it will take much time and it’s even incorrect to meddle with the personal lives of others. Just do extra investigation to certain individuals who give off clues unconsciously during work hours.

Don’t accuse anyone without proper evidence. If something has been stolen, be sure that you report it the police and let them do rest. The one responsible for the crime may not admit it and even lie to you directly but don’t take justice on your own hands.

Healthy Brain – Happy Brain!

In this article today I want to share with you, my 3 top tips to look after your brain. The brain is one of those organs in the body that we can tend to forget when it comes to fitness. Ask yourself “Have you neglected the grey matter for too long?” If so, these tips will help your brain get into great shape in a very short period of time. Go easy on yourself – instead of trying to implement them all today, why not try and work them into you schedule over the coming days or even over the next fortnight.

Ok here we go.

1. Drink More Water. OK you may have heard me say this one before, however this is very important indeed! The brain is made up of 80% water and this water plays an essential part in its function. When we are dehydrated, we can reduce our sense of well-being and significantly reduce our performance and our learning. We are also seriously risking our long term mental health. On average, the human body can lose up to 2.5 litres of water per day. These losses are through the lungs, skin (sweat) and through our urine. We must aim to at least replenish this loss on a daily basis. Try drinking more water throughout the day and eating more fruit and vegetables, as these too are full of water.

2. Eat the right fats for your brain! The brain is made up of a total of 60% fat, which includes saturated fat and cholesterol. Now most of us may at first consider fat to be unhealthy, however there are some fats that our brains need to function normally. 20% of the brains fat should be made up of essential fatty acids or Omega-3 and Omega-6. These two essential fatty acids are important as they can not be made within your body, so you need to make sure that you are getting them from your diet. Eat oily fish as these are a well-known source of Omega-3 and Omega-6.

3. Exercise. Keep your brain fit by keeping your body in shape! Scientists have shown us that regular exercise can massively reduce the effects of depression, anxiety and stress. In fact in a lot of cases, exercise can work just as well as anti-depressants. Keeping your grey matter happy will also keep it healthy! You can do this by introducing a daily brisk walk through the park or maybe take a dance class!

So there we have it! By increasing your water, eating the right amount of Omega-3 and Omega-6 and taking a daily brisk walk you will already be feeling great and looking forward to a bright future!

Self-Confidence – 3 Things You Can Do When You Have None

Self-confidence is one of the keys to achieving success you hear that everywhere. Most people think self-confidence is a result of success, but it’s actually an ingredient of success. How do you gain self-confidence so you can attract the success you seek?

1. Fake it!

Though it sounds ridiculous, faking confidence when you have none will actually give you some! Self-confidence is a perception held by you and others. If you act self-confident whether you feel it or not, others will perceive you as self-confident and be more willing to follow your lead, take you seriously and listen to what you have to say. It’s the great paradox where confidence is concerned, almost a “which comes first, the chicken or the egg” situation. Have a little faith in yourself and soon you won’t have to fake it anymore.

2. Take risks.

There’s no need to fake confidence if you live each day like the day before. All of that is known territory you’ve been there, done that. The most direct route to self-confidence is to take calculated risks and examine your results. Will you make mistakes? Absolutely, but those mistakes contribute as much to growing your self-confidence as your victories, particularly if you resist the urge to use them to beat yourself up. No one gets it right every single time and to require that from yourself is self-sabotage at its best. Start with small steps outside of your comfort zone and build your confidence step by step.

3. Stop doubting yourself by default.

We all have that little voice of doubt inside our heads. The trick is to learn when to pay attention to it and when to ignore it. I am a firm believer in “following your gut” and I’ve had to learn the difference between intuition and self-doubt. For me, what works best is to listen to what that doubting voice is actually saying. If its message is mainly lack of belief in your ability or your deservedness, then ignore it and forge ahead. As you gain self-confidence, you’ll hear from that little voice of doubt less and less often.

The dictionary defines self-confidence as confidence in oneself and in one’s powers and abilities without any suggestion of conceit or arrogance. This is exactly what you gain when you fake it, take risks and stop letting doubt control your next move.

Improve Your Memory Recall With Hypnosis

Have you ever noticed how you sometimes have trouble remembering something and the harder you try to remember it the more difficult it becomes? Then later that day, when you’d forgotten about trying to remember, the name, answer or information you wanted just popped into your head?

The information was there the whole of the time of course but you were experiencing what Emile Coue called the “Law of Reversed Effect”.

And of course we all know how the mind can wander when we are feeling relaxed and all sorts of memories can flow up into conscious awareness. This will happen even more easily using hypnosis.

How memory works

The latest thinking on how memory works is that there is a three stage process:

Accepting – a memory into your memory system and filing it away safely.
Storage Keeping it safe and in a place where it can be found easily when wanted.
Retrieval Finding the memory again and bringing it back into conscious awareness.

Types of memory store

There are thought to be two of memory store:

Short term or working memory
Long-term or permanent (we hope) memory

And maybe two types of memory, ‘Explicit’ (which country do you live in?) and ‘Implicit’ (How do you tie a shoe lace?).

So, using hypnosis to improve your memory makes sense. In fact, many accelerated learning programs such as speed reading and photo-reading actually use a state of altered consciousness similar to hypnosis. They won’t call it hypnosis but instead they may talk about

Alpha and Theta states

So, hypnosis can provide a lot of help with improving memory because it can help to overcome some of the problems associated with poor memory such as:

Good perception of the object or thought you want to remember in the first place;

Having a good route and system of storage so you can find that memory again really easily and quickly when you want or need to;

A system of linking one memory to others that may be in the same catagorie or group (very useful for exams and tests).

. However, once in a hypnotic state of mind there are some really excellent memory techniques that can be learned, or as a hypnotherapist may say “installed”. You will learn to use them far more quickly if the initial understanding is gained at both conscious and subconscious levels as in clinical hypnotherapy.

Ten Things You Can Do To Decrease Your Stress At The Office

The world we live on is nothing but a mound of chaotic pressure that is building to the point it bursts like a volcano. We are bombarded with pressure from our employers, our customers and families to the point where some people actually do break. Most of us today in professional lives spend between 8 and 16 hours a day at the office, which equates to almost two-thirds of our lives being in a place we really do not want to be in, but there are things you can do to decrease the stress in your office.

Remember this, what we call stress, is really what we put on ourselves. Whilst other people can influence the way we feel, ultimately we are the ones who choose whether we are going to be stressed or not. You are in control of how you are going to feel, no one else. Stress as such is going on in our heads, so the real secret to de-stressing is to find things that would make you happy and content within.

#1. Have a Photo Of The Happiest Time In Your Life

Think back through your life, what is the happiest moment in your life. It could be the birth of your child, getting married, going out on a fantastic date, visiting some outstanding place or maybe it is when you bought your puppy dog but no matter what it is, you will almost certainly have a photo of that time. Take that photo and put it on your desk to remind you of those happy times as this will be one of the tools you need to beat stress in your office.

The happiest time in my life, and where I felt like the luckiest man in the world, was the day my wife stepped out of the limousine at the church for our wedding. I had never seen my wife look so beautiful and I made sure when I felt those feelings that I would remember them forever. So on my desk at work, I have a picture of my wife getting out of the limousine and each time I feel stressed I simply take a few moments to look at that picture and remember that moment in time. You brain is an amazing part of your body, no matter how many times I look at that photo, my brain releases the same feelings I had on the day and helps me snap out of feeling stressed.

Use the happy times, to control the times when you feel the most vulnerable and stressed.

#2. Think Of Your Boss Yelling At You Naked

Everyone has nightmare stories of their bosses being a grouch and I certainly have had my fair share, but most people who talk of being excessively stressed often relate that stress to a boss who is abusive and yells a lot. Well first off, if you are working in an environment where you boss is abusive, get out NOW! Nobody has to put up with that and remember life is way to short regardless of the money. Is money worth that much that the stress is worth dying tomorrow from a heart attack? NO!

However, if you have a boss who yells at you a lot, just for the sake of yelling and really is quite rude, simply imagine them yelling at you naked. If someone flew into your office absolutely starkas, that is with absolutely no clothes on, would you take them seriously. Course not! So, why take a boss that comes in and yells at you seriously. If your boss is an effective communicator he or she would not need to yell at you.

The next time your boss comes in, force yourself to think of them absolutely naked. When you do that, see just how you actually react and whether you deal with the situation better than when they are yelling at you absolutely naked. After a bit of practice you will find you are able to handle the situation much better and cope with a grouchy boss.

#3. Get Up and Do Some Office Exercises

Look no one on the planet can deny that doing exercise, gets the blood going and burns off the stress however sneaking away during the day can be really difficult but there are other Office Exercises that can bring you a lot of benefit to you. There are many office exercises that you can do like rolling your shoulders, clenching your hands and releasing them and even neck exercises that will help release the stress.

Often, much of our built up stress is simply due to sitting at the computer all day looking at the screen. Make sure that every hour you get up and stretch for at least five minutes. You will find that if you do not do that over a period of time this will lead to aches and pains, which can help increase your stress.

To get the best Office Exercises for you to do simply talk to your General Practitioner or visit a Physiotherapist and they will be able to help you develop an Office Exercise plan and you will be surprised how much easier life is to cope with.

#4. Schedule Enough Time to Go From One Meeting To Another

I worked for a bank about five years ago and I have never met an organisation that has so many meetings. My whole days constituted going from one meeting to another and I learnt one very important lesson. If I did not run my schedule my meetings would. Make sure that when you schedule an appointment or a meeting that you include travel time to and from a meeting.

Whilst working for this firm, if you did not schedule travel time, they would simply book meetings next to each other even if the meeting was across the other side of the city. They would simply expect you to immediately appear at that other meeting.

Message to All Humans – we do not have an instant teleporter, the Stargate is a fantasy, so make sure you give yourself enough time to get from one meeting to another or you are going to stress out.

#5. Plan Your Day

We talked about scheduling time to get from one meeting to another in the previous point but there is an extension to this. Make sure YOU plan your day, not your business associates. All too often I hear management say, “I did not get lunch today” or ” I have been on the run and have not had a chance to stop”. Come on, get a grip, you are in control and it is up to you.

The first thing you should do in every job you work in, is to make sure you schedule two decent breaks a day which include at least half an hour for lunch and a 20 minute break somewhere else in the day. If you are like most people you will be using something like Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes to manage your day. Both allow you to schedule unavailable time in your calendar, so do IT!

By scheduling YOU time, you can ensure you have enough time to have a break, do a little meditation and relax and prepare for the rest of the day. If you are like me and work 16 hours a day, then you should also be putting into your plan a decent Dinner break of at least an hour and half an hour at the gym, even if it is just using the treadmill. If you do not do this, it will catch you up to you and you will be a statistic at 40. Do not laugh, my leading hand lost his life because he did not do the right thing. It can happen to you.

#6. Limit the Amount of Time Spent Dealing With Emails

Technology is a wonderful thing, but when technology rules your life, then you have a big problem and very quickly technology like email can overwhelm you causing you to become stressed. One of the rules my team and I have in the office is that nobody must respond to emails for more than 60 minutes per day. The reason we have put this rule into place, is that many of my team and our corporate clients spend their whole day emailing each other rather than dealing with the issues at hand.

How often have you received an email on one topic and then have the content of the email go off in another direction right before your eyes? I was working in one corporate organisation as an external consultant and very often all I would do is simply respond to emails all day long and get nothing done. Most of the emails could have been dealt with a 2 second phone call. In one of the offices I was working in, it was an open plan office layout and I had a bloke working directly across from me, who refused to speak to me or anyone else on the floor and all he did was when he had an issue, he would send an email.

This is a crazy way to do business and it does not work and only causes technology stress. My solution, each time he emailed me, I simply spoke the answer back to him. He got the point after a while and my email load went down when he spoke to me rather than emailed me. Technology is supposed to make life easier, not take over your life, so if you have a question and the person is sitting in the next office, get up and knock on their door and ask the question.

By doing this you are undertaking item number 6 which is limiting your emails and item number 3 which is get up and do some office exercises. That little bit of walking will help get the blood flowing through you veins.

#7. Be Prepared To Say “NO!”

We all want to get ahead in the world today and I am sure in everyone there is a little part of us that wants to live the life of Bill Gates and Donald Trump and be as rich as them. However, most of us make the mistake of simply saying yes to everything that is thrown at us. Now whilst that is great to say yes, people like Bill Gates and Donald Trump have teams of people to help them, and in all honesty you maybe on their teams, but all of us are only human and sometimes we simply have to say “NO!”

Where is the point in saying to our bosses, “Yes we will have this 500 page report written for you tomorrow”. When in reality there is absolutely no chance of that occurring. Sometimes in this world you simply have to say no and that does not go just for the boss, it also goes for the customers as well. My team and I have a seven day schedule across the various businesses I run and whilst we do not all work seven days a week, sometimes we do work six days a week to get through our responsibilities. One weekend I had one of our customers, mind you it was 6:30 am on a Sunday morning demand one of my team from our car cleaning business, drop everything and clean their car at 7:00am because an important family member was coming.

There were many responses I could have given, but my simple answer was NO! The customer ranted and raved for about 10 minutes by which time I was imagining them naked yelling at me, which really was a funny site and then when they were finished and I simply asked them would they be prepared to work all week including Saturday and Sunday for the next 2 weeks and their reply was “NO, My Weekends Are My Own and I am not working them for anyone.” Then I simply responding by saying to them, then there is your answer and I hung up. You know the funny thing, they rang me on Monday morning and apologised and we did the top car cleaning service on their car the following week. I charged them more as well.

Most customers will accept the answer of No when they understand why you are saying No. Some will not, but then do you really need them as customers anyway.

#8. Take your shoes off and walk on the carpet

This is my favorite de-stressing activity and it shocks the living daylights out of everyone. I first met a lady about 10 years ago who was in her early fortys and nothing seemed to shake her stature. She was always calm and never got flustered and I asked her what her secret was and she said, “I always take my shoes off as often as possible so I can stay in touch with the earth”. This was a really prominent statement for me, because I never really thought of my shoes as a tool to disconnect us from our surroundings but if you think about it, it makes sense.

If you go down to the beach, what is the first thing you do. You take off your shoes to feel the sand through you feet and how does it make you feel, relaxed. If you go to the park with the children, what do you do? Take your shoes off so you can run around and have fun or to play in the mud. Whether we realise it or not, when we disconnect ourselves from mother earth we really do start to stress.

I now always take my shoes off when I am working in my office, including my socks just so I can feel something more inspirational under my feet rather than just the hard soles of my shoes. I know another corporate CEO in Brisbane Australia, who used to walk down to Anzac Square every lunch hour to walk on the grass so that he could stay in touch with the world. Hey, if it works in the movie Pretty Woman, surely it must work.

#9. Play Music

Listening to the right type of music is really important when you are trying to reduce stress and find your inner peace. Some music when listened to, whilst stressed, can in fact heighten your stress levels. One type of music, which research has shown to help reduce stress is Baroque music. This music is written so that there is only 60 beats per minute and funny enough that is what our heart rate should be. The baroque music has been found to increase the alpha waves in your left and right sides of your brain which help improve your learning ability, creativity and calmness.

Whilst you are working in the office on a demanding piece of work, simply put in a CDROM of music and listen to it as you are completing the work, but honestly do watch the type of music you are listening to or it can back fire. Most corporate organisations are now realising the benefit of staff listening to music during the day and with 90% of corporate computers having CDROMs, it is possible to listen to music on your computer whilst doing your work, you may just need headphones. I work in hundreds of corporate organisations a year and only one had a no music policy and that was because they were a call centre, which I can understand. There is no reason why you can not listen to music during your break though to ensure you a feeling calm before hitting those phones again.

#10. Meditate

Okay, I can hear it now, “Oh Yeah Hippy, Want Us to Meditate do ya.” Absolutely! Look whilst meditation has certainly been a thing of fringe groups in western society or associated with more eastern religions many researchers are now coming to the distinct conclusion that meditation can make a huge difference to our day-to-day lives and helps us to overcome stress.

The core advantage meditation will play in your office is to help you to relax and deal with challenging situations more effectively. The more relaxed you are the more creative you can be in dealing with any issues that arise. I certainly recommend that when you are meditating, that you use baroque music with your meditation as it will help increase the alpha waves which will help lead you to a calm feeling. This is especially useful if you do not have a long period to meditate. I recommend a 20 minute meditation session at least once a day preferably two. You will be really surprised the difference it makes to your day. Just try it out, you have nothing to loose and the rest of your life to gain

The office environment in these millennia is far more stressful than they were a century ago, but there are things you can do about it but it is up to you. Remember, we only have one life and it is not a dress rehearsal so get out and reduce the stress your office gives you and have some fun. To finish off let me reiterate the ten things you can do to reduce your stress at the office.

#1. Have a Photo Of The Happiest Time In Your Life
#2. Think Of Your Boss Yelling At You Naked
#3. Get Up and Do Some Office Exercises
#4. Schedule Enough Time to Go From One Meeting To Another
#5. Plan Your Day
#6. Limit the Amount of Time Spent Dealing With Emails
#7. Be Prepared To Say “NO!”
#8. Take your shoes off and walk on the carpet
#9. Play Music
#10. Meditate

Stress and Its Management

Stress can be defined as the non-specific response of the body to any demands made upon it. In other words is the interaction between the coping skills of the individual and its environment. When talking about stress, the first question that comes to my mind is, what causes stress? Well, there are 2 factors that cause stress. At first, is a stressor, and second is what we call the stress-reactivity. A stressor is any stimulus which has the potential of trigging flight or fight response. Stressors are those, for which our body is evolutionary trained, when there was a threat to our safety, consider the example, the cavemen who saw a lion looking for its next meal, had to react quickly. Cavemen, who were not strong enough or fast enough, didn’t have to worry about their next threat. They become meal for the lion, so the flight or fight response was necessary, and its rapidity was vital for survival.

Modern day men and women also react to stressors with the same response, for example, when you step off a curb, not noticing a car coming down the street, you hear the car’s horn, you quickly jump back on the curb. Your heart beats faster, breathing changes, you perspire. These are all manifestations of your response to the stressor, which is the threat of being hit by the car. We encounter different types of stressors. There are environmental stressors like heat, cold, toxins. Some psychological stressors like threat to self-esteem, depression. And other sociological stressors like death of a loved one, unemployment and then there are other philosophical stressors like use of time and purpose of life. We encounter stressors everyday and in every walk of life.

The flight or fight response to a stressor is termed as stress reactivity. It includes increase in muscle tension, heart rate, elevated blood pressure, less saliva in mouth, etc. these reactions prepare us for swift response. When we buildup stress products and do not use them, this stress reaction becomes unhealthy.

Some stress is natural and necessary part of life. It is inevitable and also desirable. At low level of stress arousal you are not motivated to try very hard so you don’t perform well. At another extreme, too high level of stress arousal disrupts your performance on all your tasks. Hans Selye (a researcher in stress) summarized stress reactivity as a three stage process termed as General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS).
Phase 1: alarm reaction- the body shows the changes characteristic of the first exposure to the stressor. A burst of energy is made available to you.
Phase 2: stage of resistance- resistance ensues if continued exposure to the stressor is compatible with the adaptation. The bodily signs of alarm reaction have virtually disappeared, and resistance rises above normal.
Phase 3: stage of exhaustion- following long continued exposure to the same stressor, the adaptation energy is exhausted. The similar symptoms of alarm reaction reappear, but now they are irreversible and this could be fatal.

Stress has many effects on our health. If not given proper attention could lead to hypertension, stroke, ulcers, migraine headaches, coronary heart disease, tension headaches, asthma, hay fever to name a few. Have you ever noticed that some people are more prone to stress than other. Some people tend to react to stressors with an all-out physiological reaction that takes a toll on their health. We call these people as hot reactors if you notice people who get angry easily, are often anxious or depressed, urinate frequently, experience constipation or diarrhea more than usual, experience vomiting or nausea, there is a good chance they are hot reactors. People who are perfectionist, obsessive compulsive, etc. are more prone to stress.
The management of the five components of stress in the way to reduce stress:
1) Changing stressors: Identify the regular or predictable stressors in your life. Commonly they are job, relationships, and unreasonable demands. You can change the stressor, quit it, improve it, or tolerate it.
2) Changing your physiological responses: Life style modifications, healthy diet, relaxation, exercise.
3) Changing behavior: An important part of managing stress effectively involves changing your behavior so as to replace old, stress increasing and self defeating behaviors with more successful behaviors.
4) Changing your perception: Interpretation of your situation as a threat makes it a stressor for you. Your expectation whether or not you will be able to cope with it influences your level of stress and your expectations of your not coping also influences your levels of stress.
5) Changing your feelings: How you think is how you feel. Learn to handle your bad feelings. Denying your feelings and pretending they don’t exist will only make things worse.

These are just a few suggestions understand and start working on the stressors you feel in your life. Rare is a person who doesn’t experience any stress. The first step is to be aware. Observe and introspect to identity the stressors in your life. As a starting point think of all the stressors in your life and the level of stress they bring to you.