Monthly Archives: August 2009

How To Create Irresistible Curiosity With Rapport Hooks Using Hypnosis

As you know by now rapport is a key skill that you will need to master to be a successful hypnotist. Without rapport your subject will not be open to your hypnotic suggestions and communications.

A brief review of rapport is the harmonious relationship that you share with people. In this relationship you understand and relate to people’s feelings, ideas as well as communicate them well with one another. Everyone does this everyday with the different relationships they share with family, friends and co-workers.

In order to build a strong and wide rapport you will need to practice and perfect certain skills. Rapport in normal circumstances can often come easily. Think of how easily you share your life with a spouse or your best friend. The rapport here is focused and good, it comes easily and casually.

However hypnosis is not a normal or casual relationship. A deep amount of comfort, trust and familiarity must be established before you can reach your goals with a hypnotic subject. Remember they are going to let you into their mind this is not a place you open to just a perfect stranger.

As you are learning hypnosis you will want to focus on advanced strategies for building rapport. Creating and building on ‘rapport hooks’ is a great skill that will get other people to build rapport with you. Rapport hooks are going to do the work of drawing your subject into you as you get acquainted.

Rapport hooks are developed in a way that will keep people coming back to you to build on the relationship. It causes people to work hard and value the relationships they are building. If a person feels that they are working hard to build something they will also continue to work to maintain the past success they have had.

When you put rapport hooks into action, they will keep the person coming back for more information. The hooks will get your subject to keep asking questions, and coming back to fill in the informational gaps in you are purposefully leaving in your stories.

One way to get a person to keep coming back for that information is to give them small pieces of information that may not be complete. Leave questions in their mind as you tell stories. Give a casual tone, but leave what, why and how open for your subject to dig with.

The key here is to avoid forcing information on to them. Get your subject interested but leave your topics open by adding suspense and unfinished information.

For example, if you are telling a story about a place you visited, use the name of the country but give no specifics about where you went. Tell them the scenery is beautiful but let them ask about the region or sites you saw. Let them probe for these answers. You can do this with almost any topic.

While you are talking remember to use a casual tone and present the information in a way that inclines them to ask for more. If your subject’s curiosity is peaked they will be inclined to want to know more to the point of asking you.

In this manner you are elegantly giving them a good story and drawing them in as well. The more curiosity and interest the person has the more questions they will ask. Asking you questions is subconsciously earning them the right to the information and they begin to feel it is more important.

When you use rapport hooks it will also help you with fractionate rapport. Fractionate rapport happens when you giving rapport then consciously taking it away.

Give your subject your full attention for a while, then, distract yourself. Getting casually distracted by looking around or engaging your attention elsewhere will cause the subject to re-engage you. If the person does re-engage you then you are on board with the beginnings of a foundation for an advanced rapport.

Again this is causing the person to work for your attention. You give it, and then take your attention away. They then have to work to get it back. This makes the relationship more valued yet again because it is not being forced upon them. They are asking for it and earning it.

When using these advanced rapport building skills you will successfully push your rapport further, faster than normal. The more push and pull you involve in your conversations the quicker and deeper your rapport will go.

These skills will take your relationship to higher levels of comfort and trust quickly so a good and wide enough rapport is set to continue. Once this is founded and put into place you will be able to begin to put your subject into trance and begin the real work of hypnosis.

You Make Me Feel

Do other people make you feel things?

Do they make you feel happy or sad?

I’m curious. How do they make you feel this way?

Do they say, “Hey, here’s a tin of sadness.”

Or maybe they say, “Ahh, you need a bucket of happiness. Hold on, I’ve got one here you can have.”

Can you find happiness or sadness on the supermarket shelves, pre-packaged and ready to go?

Shopaholics amongst you would argue that you could; however I would say you can’t.

We often rely on other people to “make” us feel a certain way. We rely on them to do something, say something, be something in order for us to feel happy. If they don’t do what we are expecting them to, we get upset, sad and hurt.

In short, we often attempt to control other people in order to control how we feel; that is, our emotions.

And when we do this, we are setting ourselves up for failure, because we can’t control anyone else. We cannot force anyone to do anything or assume they will.

There is just one person we control; ourselves.

People don’t make us feel certain emotions. We choose to feel them. We decide to react in a certain way. We make assumptions about what people mean. We leap to conclusions.

No one can give you a tin of unhappiness, or a bucket of joy. These things are not physical items that can be passed from person to person. They are intangible items that exist only in ourselves.

In fact just the other day I was at a wedding. I told one of my friends how wonderful she looked and how much I liked her outfit. She leapt to the conclusion that I was being sarcastic and chose to be offended by what was a genuine compliment.

Had I even been being sarcastic, she could have chosen to be complimented and replied with a, “I’m glad you like it” and felt better about herself.

There was a guy I knew when I was younger. He was short, balding, spotty and he had been short changed in the looks department. Yet whenever we went out to bars, he’d wander up to any pretty woman and start talking to her. If she turned him down, he’d shrug his shoulders and continue.

I don’t think it ever even occurred to him to feel bad about these rejections. He’d just smile and say, “Your loss” and move on to the next one.

Believe it or not, each of you are in control of yourself and how you feel. You can choose to feel anyway you want. Right now, you could choose to feel happy; or I am sure you could choose to feel sad. Just by thinking about it, you could change how you feel.

It’s almost magic isn’t it?

So what about choosing how you feel when you are interacting with other people?

The vast majority of people run on auto-pilot. They allow their body and mind to more or less get on with it, not worrying too much about the programs that are running or the condition of it. It doesn’t interfere with them too much so they allow it to get on with it.

It’s like watching all the cars driving around a city and not realising there is someone inside controlling them.

Most people have forgotten there is this “person” inside of them controlling them.

If you choose, you can take back control of how you feel and stop relying on other people to meet certain conditions.

When you go to the office and someone says, “Good Morning” to you, you can choose to grumble and mutter, “There’s nothing good about it.” Or, you can choose to reply in kind and say, “It’s a fantastic morning.”

That is, you can choose to feel bad or choose to feel good.

Which do you prefer?

Realise that you are the only person who can make you feel anything and stop allowing the people around you to make you feel bad. Decide to feel good and enjoy yourself.

If someone turns you down or rejects you, “It’s their loss” or something similar.

If someone says insults you, “Poor thing, must be confused” or something similar.

Decide to take back control of yourself and your life and to stop being on auto-pilot. Choose how you are going to feel instead of allowing other people to choose for you.

Expanding Sources While Learning German

Expecting similarities between the German and English language is a normal idea. It is actually typical for anyone speaking English to hear distinct and familiar words which they could make out from a German conversation by just listening to it. Doesn’t matter if it is understood or not, what is important is that the German language has already made its impression to a foreigner yet again.

Yes, it’s true. Similar words from the German language can be found in the English language as well. But there are words that need double-checking too. One word from the English language can mean another in German. Though it isn’t suggested to learn just the words when one is learning to speak the German language (which means one has to start from the very beginning), because it would not be of any use anyway; the learning experience and means can be done in various methods.

Media is one of the best things about living in this generation because everything can be heard and watched easily through communication tools such as TV, the Internet and mobile phones. You can even learn German just by subscribing to podcasts and since you can bring an ipod anywhere (if you have one); it even makes it more convenient!

Going back to the language proper of German, it is suggested to concentrate best on its uses especially the articles that are commonly found before a German noun. It could get a little confusing but of course you can’t expect to speak fluent German in a day. Even those who have been speaking German for years now and were able to immerse in Germany doesn’t claim that they have a knack in speaking the German language already.

Another area of the German language you need to look in to is the pronunciation. A word in German may have the same exact spelling as an English word but it is pronounced differently. The pronunciation has to be thick, solid and should always come from the back of the throat. The pronunciation part needs a little effort because native German speakers can distinguish whether it is right or wrong.

The best learning source is a German speaking friend. A person who grew up in Germany is better because from him, you can learn a lot about what’s proper and not. This way, you’ll also have a personal language coach.

What Causes Problem Blushing?

Why do some people blush more easily than others? Blushing is a physical response that is triggered by an emotional response to one or more self conscious thoughts. Everyone has self conscious thoughts from time to time, but such thoughts do not trigger blushing in everyone.

Most people blush at one time or other. People generally have a tendency to blush in response to shameful thoughts or actions. Blushing is a normal physical response to an embarrassing behaviour or thought. People who exhibit problem blushing, however, tend to blush in reaction to many additional types of situations.

People who tend to blush excessively have a tendency to be very sensitive to the opinions and reactions of other people. They tie their self esteem to how they are perceived by other people, and they are very susceptible to external criticism and attention. The emotional response that triggers blushing in such individuals is often tied to a fear of being judged, be it positively or negatively, by others.

Such a marked concern for the perceptions of others may be a genetic personality pre-disposition. While many people naturally have little or no concern for how they are seen by other people, many people at the opposite end of the spectrum are overly sensitive to the perceptions of other people. Most people lie somewhere between these two extremes, but those with blushing problems seem to be particularly affected by how other people view them.

Any time that another person is likely to form a judgment of them, good or bad, problem blushers are likely to turn pink. Problem blushers often experience blushing in reaction to finding themselves in a situation where attention is drawn to them. Just being the focus of attention, which makes problem blushers vulnerable to being judged by others, is enough to trigger an episode of blushing. The very idea that another person may be thinking about them can cause a problem blusher to blush.

Unfortunately, there is not a drug or other medical treatment that can stop problem blushers from caring about how they are perceived by other people. The best way to reduce blushing problems is to make a concerted effort to change the way you think and feel about being judged by other people. Since blushing is brought on by a mental trigger, to reduce the occurrence of blushing it is necessary to look for ways to turn off that trigger. While it is difficult just to decide that you don’t care what other people think about you, reducing your sensitivity to the judgments of others is truly the best way to get problem blushing under control.

Anchoring The Nlp Secret To Self Confidence

We have all heard about Pavlov the guy who found that he could condition dogs to drool by merely ringing a bell. The dogs were conditioned to associate the ringing of the bell with food. In NLP we call what Pavlov did anchoring.

If you think about it anchoring plays a large part in our lives. We all have a song that makes us feel good…or bad. NLP gives you the chance to create your own anchors and to create them in other people as well.

Imagine having the people around you associate feeling good with you! How would that change your relationships with them? How about that person you are attracted to? If you could make them associate feeling of attraction with you how would that change things?

So how does anchoring work?

Someone has an intense emotional experience and at some point during that experience a specific stimulus is applied creating a neurological link between that stimulus and emotion. A negative example of this would be a woman whose husband has died. As those who attend his funeral pass they touch her on her arm while giving her their condolences. Weeks after the funeral the woman will only have to be touched on the arm for those feelings of grief to come back to her.

The stimulus could be anything from a touch to a tone of voice (how dos it feel when that certain person tells you that they love you with that certain tone of voice?) to the tapping of a pencil on a table top. The important thing is that it is used at a certain point of the experience and that it is suitably unique when there is strong emotional stimulation so the two get associated with each other.

Let’s try an exercise in developing instant self confidence:

Think of a time when you were totally confident, you felt powerful and there was no doubt in your mind. As those feelings come back to you they will peak and subside. Start clenching your fist. Repeat this and then test it by clenching your fist. If you’ve done it right you should feel a welling up of those same emotions. This is how simple it is. See what a difference anchoring can make to your life? Imagine firing off this confidence anchor whenever you are feeling a little unsure of yourself.

You can also do this to other people. The same principles apply.

The effectiveness of the anchor depends on the strength of the emotional experience, the uniqueness of the anchor and the number of times it is repeated.

This article covers the very basics of anchoring a good practitioner course will give you many powerful anchoring techniques and applications from training to playing poker.

As mentioned near the beginning of the article imagine anchoring everyone around you to positive feelings. How about being able to anchor your boss to good feelings? Would this make a difference to your career? You bet it would.

If you could anchor yourself to states of extreme confidence power and motivation that you could then fire off at any time you wanted what would be different about your life? Imagine being able to do the same to the people around you. Would this increase you power as a business leader or manager? How about doing it to your children as a parent? The possibilities are immense.

Self Arising Impression And Judgement

When we interact with the world and others, are we really engaging the external environment or are we really just interacting with our thoughts and ourselves?

A scenario to illustrate this further: Alex sees a fat man on the street. He thinks this guy is really fat; therefore he must be living a very fortunate life. Whether the fat guy is really living a fortunate life, we will never know. But to Alex, it is true at the moment he conjures the ‘judgement’.

My opinion is that all impressions and judgements are personal and from oneself. The ‘external’ is just the way it is. The external is really not directly related to the thoughts that arise within us. The thoughts that arise are interpretations of the ‘external’. Therefore all judgments must originate from within oneself. When we dislike someone, do we really dislike the person or are we disliking the image of the person that arises in the mind?

Metaphysically speaking, we see that each one of us is just consciousness self-awaring of ourself! This is quite abstract and hard to explain. The individual points of self-awareness’s interpretation of the external are ‘tinted’ with the habitual patterns that were inherent. We (the consciousnesses) see through our own lenses of habitual conditioning.

An example to illustrate the habitual influences:

When viewing a single object, three individuals will have 3 different views/interpretations. But none of the views is the TRUTH. They only reflect images of the TRUTH.

So… what allows ‘points of awareness/consciousness’ within an environment or world to ‘understanding’ one another? It is ‘cultural conditioning’ and a fairly common/standardized set of system of beliefs that binds and creates the impression of interaction. We literally live in a huge belief system, confined within our thoughts and conditions!

Looking at another level above, we see that all self-awarenesses are different ‘viewpoints’ of ONE source focusing in different directions.

Kvetching Behavior and How it Hinders Success

Kvetching is the Yiddish word for complaining, hand to the forehead, why is this happening to me, complaining, griping, and mental misery. In marketing it’s always time for us to take a serious look at how our attitude affects our business. Studies show that you become the words you speak, and that the difference between people who succeed and those who fail is their ATTITUDE. For just one day, try to rid yourself of kvetching.

1. Pay attention to your thoughts. Mindfulness is being highly aware of what you are thinking at all times. It’s not easy to do, but with practice, you can master it. By being mindful, you will begin to notice how many of your thoughts are positive or negative. Each time you find yourself thinking something negative, you need to stop and replace it with another, higher quality thought. What you think about, you attract. Pay attention to what you’re doing with your mind. If you wish to attract better, you need to think better. For one day, eradicate negative thoughts from your life.

2. Look for the positive in everything. Some people might think this Pollyanna. But, the truth is that we make our lives what they are. We are the sum total of our thoughts and actions. The wonderful thing about life is that we always have a choice – no matter how much we might not believe this or see it in the moment. We can always find the bad in things or we can live from a higher place and seek out the positive. Why pick the dark side when you can walk in the light? For one day, find the positive in everything, no matter what.

3. Avoid negative talk. What we say, flows from what we think. When we start verbalizing our negativity this is when we really start to “pollute” our life and that of others. Life is hard enough, why waste it talking about negative things. The more you do the less you’ll attract people and opportunities. No one is interested in your problems as much as you are. As the saying goes, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. This way, you’ll avoid re-enforcing any negative thoughts you might be having and the people around you will welcome the break from your intruding on their peace of mind. Just for one day, avoid saying anything negative. Speak only about positive things or say nothing at all.

4. Focus on productive things. Nothing can be accomplished by focusing on negative things. Negativity is all about stopping things, blockages, inaction, and being stuck. It will never lead you towards accomplishing the goals that underlie your vision. By focusing on productive things, you will be acting from a place of control, actively creating the reality you desire. Productive things are things that fulfill your goals. They are things that you can take charge of and direct. And, they are the stepping-stones that lead to accomplishment, success, and happiness. For one day, participate only in productive activities.

5. Take action. When you’re in action, you just don’t have the time, energy, or inclination to complain about what is going on around you. Your mind, body, and spirit are actively engaged in productive activities oriented towards achieving desired outcomes. In fact, if you find yourself in a negative frame of mind, taking any type of action is the quickest way to pull yourself out of your funk. Negative thinking tends to focus on the past, what could have been, and what you should have done. Action puts you in a more positive mode. When you take action, your mind is focused on the future, looking forward to results, accomplishment and success. For one day, take three actions towards accomplishing a selected goal.

6. Get clear. Often times, mental misery stems from chaotic thinking. Chaotic thinking is thinking that jumps all over the place, with no rhyme or reason. It often stems from having a poorly defined personal foundation or philosophy of life. When we have a clear sense of who we are, what we believe in, and what we stand for, we have a framework from which to operate our lives. With a strong foundation, the thoughts and experiences we have then have a place to “land”. Based upon our framework, we are able to make sense of them and develop meaning from them. When we are without a solid personal foundation, everything in life seems chaotic and nonsensical. We don’t get it, we don’t understand, and frustration and anger are the results. By strengthening our inner core, we can better make sense of who we are and the world we live in. For one day, try to create a more clear understanding of something you are dealing with in your life.

7. Find resources and people, and get involved. Sometimes we find ourselves feeling miserable because we are operating from a place of isolation. We need to engage other resources and people to change how we feel. We can read interesting books. We can consult others or make new friends. We can try new ways of doing things. By engaging more fully in what life has to offer, we can get our minds off of ourselves and our problems and looking outward instead of inward. When we get engaged in life, we start appreciating how magnificent it really is. We focus our attention and intentions on service to others instead of focusing on our self and our ego. For one day, think about how you can get more involved in some aspect of your life and take one action in that direction.

8. Find better things to do. Our misery is often rooted in the activities in which we engage. We might not enjoy our commute to work, the types of work we do, doing dishes, or dealing with the same people who annoy us. If we find better things to do or different ways of doing the things we are currently engaged in, quite often we are able to change how we feel. For one day, think about how you might change one thing you do to make it more enjoyable. For example, we can take a different route to work or listen to books-on-tape to make our commuting more fun. We can use paper plates and plastic ware when we would like to avoid doing lots of dishes, or we can stand up for who we are and let the annoying people in our lives know that they need to change their attitude with us or leave the situation. We are responsible for our own happiness. We must make it happen.

9. Change your environment and you life will change. We are involved in all sorts of environments – communities, ideas, organizations, physical, mental, spiritual. If we change the types of environments in which we are involved, we will automatically change our thoughts and, thus, our life. Even simple changes in our physical environment, like filing paperwork, straightening up our desk, and aligning our books on the bookshelf can have a tremendous soothing effect on our mind. For one day, make several changes in your physical environment and notice the difference it makes in terms of your thoughts and emotions. You may then decide to tackle other environments and see what happens from there.

10. Get feedback from others. Often times we don’t realize how horrible our attitude is until someone tells us. We are too close to the problem and not living from a place of higher awareness to realize that we complain about everything, look on the dark side, or never appreciate or express gratitude. If you want to know how you appear to the world, get feedback from others. Find out what you’re complaining about, how often, and also how annoying that behavior is to others. Believe me, others can readily tell you how you act because they are experiencing you and your attitude first hand. Try to deal with their comments objectively. This valuable feedback can help you realize the impact that you are having on others and the environment. And, hopefully, this will empower you to make some changes to improve your attitude and, likewise, will create positive results for others as well. For one day, ask for feedback about your behavior and make an effort to improve upon it. What you do and think affects everyone; you have a responsibility to yourself and to others to do what is right and best at all times.

Enlightenment: Your 7 days program to Positive thinking

I’m sure you have a bright idea hidden somewhere in the back of your mind that you just can’t wait to test out. Of course you’re not the only one with the bright idea. So what motivates you to churn those creative, or even inspiring juices to its utmost flavor?

It’s always best to set up a personal goal where you can accomplish the most in record time, maybe like mowing the lawn in an hour before the big game on TV. A correct and positive attitude in whatever you do will make things easier, and even enjoyable.

Here are some tips to make it through the week even if you’re just sitting in your favorite couch. An idea takes time to form in your head and is always at work while you are busy sitting.

Having a bit of positive thinking can help you realize things that are never thought possible. Thinking big is indeed the American Way and that what made our country prosperous.

1. Take passionate action towards living your life by design. Talk is cheap. Action = deposits in the bank of a passionately authentic future. Without it, passion is void.

This is a perfect example where dreams are made of where you start by tinkering with your mind, then with your hands. And if the idea weakens, you can always go back to it later until you finish it.

2. Commit to yourself as well as those you love to create powerfully a life you can love. Instead of reacting, commit to creating from your heart and soul, out of love rather than fear. The American Dream will always be there, but a dream will still be a dream without motion. Be amazed as the transformation begins.

3. Recognize and embrace the thought that each moment is perfect regardless of its outcome. Every time you hit on something that may appear too extreme, why not give it a shot and see if it will work. You will be surprised to see of there are other ways to get the task done in time. If you are not pleased with the outcome, decide to use that moment to learn from and make the appropriate shift.

4. Dwell completely in a place of gratitude. Learn to utilize what you have in your hands and make use of it in the most constructive way. Slipping into neediness will become less of a habit when you repeatedly shift towards gratitude, away from poverty consciousness.

5. Use a Passion Formula of Recognize/Reevaluate/Restore in place of the Shoulda/Woulda/Coulda whirlwind. The former is based in increased knowledge and abundance while the latter focuses on scarcity and lack. As you face people or tasks that may seem harder than scaling the summit of the Himalayas, allow yourself to realize that the task is just as important as giving out orders to your subordinates. You would rather be richly passionate!

6. Keep humor at the forefront of thought, laughing at and with yourself when possible. You may find yourself quite entertaining when you loosen up! I am yet to see a comedian ever go hungry even though his jokes are as ‘old as great-grandma’. Life has so much to offer to allow you to mope around in self pity. Humor is very attractive, very passionate: life-giving.

7. Believe that you are the architect of your destiny. No one can take your passionate future from you except for you! Create your life authentically. As long as there’s still breath in your body, there is no end to how much you can accomplish in a lifetime. The concept of thinking big is all about enjoying your work, which would lead to celebrate a discovery that is born within your hands. Watch everything flow into place with perfect, passionate precision.

It’s interesting how people get wallowed up by something trivial as learning to use a computer, when nowadays that top computer companies are manufacturing software that even the kids can do it. I don’t mean to be condescending, but that’s the idea of not having any positive thinking in your life-you’ll just end up as a dim bulb in a dark corner. So instead of subjecting yourself to what you will be doomed for, make your path by taking the first step with a positive attitude.

If you are interested in learning more, probably the best self improvement and positive thinking and habits information resource online today can be found at

5 Simple Steps to make 2006 the Best Year Ever!!!

So how was your 2005? Was it by far the best year of your life? I mean over the top, you can’t wait for more? If you are like most people, you probably answered no. If you had the choice of spending the same 365 days and just surviving it or having the best year of your life, which would you choose? Of course you would choose the best year of your life! You know what you would prefer, you always get the same 365 days each year, so what is getting in the way and how do we get it out of there?

First, let’s start with the question, how did you do on your Top 3 goals in 2005? Most people don’t even have a top one goal, let alone a history of what they did on their top 3 goals. Well, let’s turn that around right now.

Step 1: (Spend only 30 seconds on this. REALLY!) Pick your number one goal in each of the following categories. Physical, Financial, and Relationship. STOP! Do it now. We are talking only 30 seconds and then write the goals down.

If you had achieved these 3 goals in 2005, do you think 2005 would have been your best year ever? If you answer is anything but YES, redo Step 1 with bigger goals.

We have done it. In only 30 seconds. Can you believe it? Finally, you are starting your new year off with actual targets that will make your 2006 the best year ever. How much better do you feel knowing you now have clear targets to go after? It kind of takes the anxiety out and allows you to get down to business. You know what you want, now let’s get you there with Steps 2 through 5. Remember, you have only 4 and

Ways To Improve Your Lifestyle

Are you looking at ways to improve your lifestyle? Are you bored in your current role of employment? Do you think you could be achieving a lot more than you are at the moment? Are you seeking a new challenge? In this article, I give advice on how people can go about improving their lifestyle, this advice is based from my own personal experiences.

I believe that we should always be looking into ways of expanding our knowledge and should never just accept second best. The brain is very powerful and loves to be set a new challenge or to a learn a new task. It is what keeps it alive and ticking over. I am sure that we have all heard of the phrase, I think this job is making me brain dead. This is where someone has a role in employment that is not challenging them or their brain, and this can lead them into a state of boredom and even depression. Their mind and brains are desperate for something to get to grips with and something to test them.

I am always looking into finding new areas of life which I can learn about. Just recently I have been attempting to educate myself on the ins and outs of website promotion. This is something which is of great interest to me and I wanted to find out about how you can increase the amount of visitors you have to a website. I have spent a great deal of time studying this area and even though I feel that I have learnt a great deal, I would love to know a lot more. What I like about website promotion and website marketing is that the search engines are constantly changing their ideas of how best to rank a site, as they are fighting a constant battle against spam. This certainly keeps me on my toes. One thing I have learnt in this and other fields is that hard work pays off and if you attempt to defraud the search engines you are more than likely going to be found out. That is a good thing in my opinion.

I also like to help out people on a voluntary basis. This is something I would advise other people to do if they have the spare time as it can give you a real buzz knowing that you are helping somebody and it also keeps you busy. A lot of people who have too much time on their hands can easily find themselves becoming restless and this can lead them into thinking too much. These thoughts are normally worrying about something or other which of course is not very healthy or productive.

The people I help out on a voluntary basis are my parents who run a form of animal sanctuary from their home. My parents are both in the sixties and struggle to look after the many animals that live with them. I normally spend around twenty hours a week at their house, cleaning out and feeding the fifty rabbits, walking the dogs and feeding the cats. It is not exactly the most interesting of things to do, but I know that it is helping take some of the burden away from my mother and father.

In the past I have also attended evening study classes. This again is where I am trying to improve my knowledge and is something of course that I can include on my c.v. It is also a great way of meeting new people which is something I like to do.

In conclusion there are many ways in which we can become happier and more contented. Our life does not have to be boring and mundane, there is always options out there of how we can go about improving our lifestyle. Good luck.