Monthly Archives: September 2008

Taking care of yourself abroad

Most people do not take care of themselves. They think it is selfish and self-indulgent.This could not be further from the truth. My experiences have shown me that when I do take care of myself in the ways that I need to, it is only then that I am truly capable of being of real service to someone else. I have also found this to be especially true when one is away from “home” and from expected support systems.

When living abroad there are so many things to be aware of and take care, that it is too easy to forget to take care of oneself.

Have you considered how you can take care of yourself in your new environment? Here are some ideas that may work for you.

* Voice you feelings. Don’t keep them inside you. Share your accomplishments or disappointments with someone you trust. Remember that when you express your feelings, it is then that you can change them.
* Do not compare yourself with others. This kind of jealousy causes self-disgust. Do not think others are better than you. If there is someone you admire, use them as a model to improve yourself.
* Take time to play. Play is any activity that makes you feel good. You not only deserve it, it is essential to a balanced state of well-being.
* Learn to say no. When you become more comfortable with saying no to others you will find that your self-esteem improves. When you then choose to say yes to others, you will want to and you will feel great and energised by your choice.
* Exercise. Go for a walk. Ride a bike. Take the stairs. You don’t need to go to a fancy gym to break a sweat. There is nothing like some physical activity to help shift yourself from a mood of despair to one of hope.
* Remember you are only a human being doing your best . Don’t let others put you high up on a pedestal. When this happens they expect you to be perfect and they feel angry and disappointed when you let them down.
* Please remember to laugh, laugh at everything, especially at yourself. Try it! It is the cheapest and most effective form of medicine for life.
* Practice being an encouraging and kind person. Find 2 people today you can help out in this way. When you do this, you will not only feel amazing, but it will kick up your self-esteem a notch or two.
* Take up a hobby. What is one thing you have always wanted to try out? It could be oil painting, learning a foreign language, taking flying lessons … the list is endless. Creativity helps you unleash a sense of enthusiasm and zest for life.
* Put time aside for your spiritual life. Slow down. Practice sitting quietly. When thoughts crop up, acknowledge them but do not pay attention to them. Be still. Be courageous and if a traditional religion has not been helpful for you follow your own spiritual path.

Action Plan For The Week

As an action plan for the week, how about choosing 3 tips from the list of 10 below? Put them into practice everyday and take note of how it affects your relationships with others. You might just discover that by indulging and taking care of yourself, you are in fact enabling yourself to help others by just being YOU.

Quote Of The Week

“Live life fully while you’re here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You’re going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don’t try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human.”

How To Increase Your Capicity To Memorize Information And Overcome Test Anxiety

If you are a student who is trying to bring up your grades, there are a list of tricks that will help you to amplify your capacity to focus your concentration, absorb the data that you study, and bring it back to consciousness during an exam without being subjected to mental blocks or test anxiety. Here are the best ways that I know to establish good study habits:

(1) Create a place for study and study only in that place! Establish a peaceful room that will make possible concentration without any distractions. Some usual examples would be a library, a vacant classroom, or your home office. You will want to establish the habit of studying when you are in this place. So it is best to not use this place for other activities like daydreaming, watching TV, or playing music, etc.


(a) A comfy seat, but not excessively comfortable

(b) Your writing desk or table

(c) Excellent illumination

(d) Sufficient air flow


(a) Views that will be distracting

(b) A telephone

(c) Distracting music

(d) A large screen television

(e) A companion who talks a lot

(f) A refrigerator filled with snacks

(2) Split your work into small, short-range projects.

(a) Set up small highly specific projects like, “I am going to study my English from 1 PM to 2 PM. Or else you will be setting yourself up to fail.

(b) Set a doable homework goal for the amount of time you are able to allocate. For example: finish reading chapter ten in my chemistry text, or complete a final version of my chemistry paper, etc. Set your goals when you you are ready to study but before you actually begin. Set realistic goals. You may do more than reach your goal, but set a reasonable goal even if it seems far too easy.

(3) Test Anxiety

(a) Some students experience physical symptoms for the most part, like feeling hot or cold, nausea, or faintness, etc.

(b) Other students experience mostly emotional symptoms, like feeling irritable, crying, or getting frustrated quickly.

(c) The main difficulty with anxiety is that it can make one have a memory block. Or it could make one have thoughts that are racing out of control.

(d) Although you may currently experience some level of anxiety while taking a test, you can learn to diminish that anxiety, or even completely eliminate it!

(e) Anxiety and the resultant stress are as a rule the main causes of a lack of the ability to focus your concentration. Stress can also trigger a mental block when one tries to remember information.

(f) Hypnosis CD’s can be utilized to relax your mind and focus your concentration. As your mind calms down, your ability to stay focused will increase. Similarly, a calm mind enhances your ability to retain information, and recall it when it is needed.

(g) Hypnosis and NLP CD’s can be utilized to program your mind for the positive expectation of tranquility and the ability to bring back to mind the information during an exam. This is effective at diminishing or eliminating test anxiety.

(h) There are a number of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) techniques that can quickly do away with a test phobia!

Hypnotherapy Weight Loss

There are several reasons why a person gains weight. Sometimes eating too much is actually a manifestation of a more serious psychological condition like depression. As you gain more and more weight, your self-esteem becomes lower and actually causes you isolate yourself and eat more.

Unfortunately, being overweight comes with serious health repercussions. You could have diabetes, heart problems and other diseases.

To avid these diseases, you could try slimming down or losing weight thru a number of different methods like dieting and exercising. If you have difficulties doing it yourself, you can join groups like Weight Watchers.

Eating sensibly would also help. You should avoid eating foods that are laden with fat and carbohydrates. Starving yourself is not a solution. Your body will simply adjust to the starvation and refuse to burn fats.

Controlling what you eat is healthy as long as it does not become an obsession. You may end up slimming down and yet have an eating disorder. Exercise with a friend if you want. This makes slimming down easier and more enjoyable.

Your family can help you by providing you with moral and emotional support. When you feel the urge to eat, distract yourself by watching the television, walking around your block or even brushing your teeth.

If needed, slimming should be done under the supervision of medical experts since sudden weight loss could also pose serious health problems. But if your problem is your inability to refrain from eating due to low self-esteem or depression, you would require some psychotherapy.

A psychiatrist would uncover the reason for your low self-esteem and depression and address them. You would be probably given some anti-depressants to deal with your depression. Taking these prescription drugs are known to be habit-forming and you should make sure you take them according to the doctor’s prescriptions.

Another treatment is hypnotherapy. It usually involves hypnotism by a qualified person. Your subconscious will be targeted by the therapy and alter your behavior. The aim is to change your eating habits so that you will no longer feel like eating whenever you feel sad or depressed. Hypnotherapy is relatively cheaper and provides faster results.

Slimming can be accomplished as long as you have the will to do it. As many experts say, it is a matter of mind over body. If you decide to slim down, you would be like taking control of your life once again.

Expect With Confidence

Often our expectations are based on the assumptions we have about people or groups of people. The same is true of us. Have you ever noticed how your expectations become reality in your personal life? Expectation is literally a self-fulfilling prophecy. We do this consciously and subconsciously. Remember the kid in grade school who was always really rowdy and disruptive? Sometimes if people already assume they are perceived a certain way, then that is indeed exactly how they will act, even if they don’t mean to. The rowdy kid in grade school knew everyone perceived him as disruptive, and so he was. The teacher expected bad behavior, and the expectations were fulfilled.

Consider the profound impact this can have in your own life. Are the assumptions and expectations you have about yourself liberating or victimizing? There are countless examples of “self-fulfilling prophecies,” or the Law of Expectations at work in everyday life. Ever notice how people who think they’re going to be fired suddenly experience a drop in the quality and enthusiasm for their work? Then what happens? They get fired! Their belief causes them to act a certain way, and those expectations then work to bring about the very thing that at first was only a figment of their imagination.

In another study, second graders listened to statements from their teachers before taking a math test. There were three types of statements: expectation, persuasion, or reinforcement. The expectation statements went something like, “You know your math really well!” or “You work really hard at your math.” Persuasion statements involved sentences like, “You should be good at math.” or “You should be getting better math grades.” Finally, for the reinforcement statements, teachers said things like, “I’m really happy about your progress” or “This is excellent work!” Now, what do you think the results were? The scores were the highest in the “expectation” category! Why were the expectation statements the most effective? They created personal assumptions within each student. Those assumptions conditioned the actual external results.

Nail Biting – An Awful Compulsion You Can Quickly Break With Hypnosis & Nlp

Nail biting is related to skin picking and hair pulling. These behaviors are labeled as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders. Nail biters keep their hands behind their backs or in their pockets. Nail biters often feel social embarrassment and experience out-of-control feelings at times. At times they may wonder why they are not able to stop biting and they often question whether or not they are sane.

Biting often happens when people are in one of two modes. Some nail biters do it in an automatic way, as if they are in some kind of altered state and not really thinking about what they are doing. It’s often when they are engrossed in some other activity at the same time such as talking on the phone or watching TV, etc. For others, their main activity at the time is the actual picking or biting, and they will usually interrupt their other activities to engage in it.

There is a strong commonality seen in the various purposes behind nail biting, skin picking and hair pulling. At a very basic level, these symptoms satisfy an urge. Many report an uncontrollable compulsion to do them. Pulling, picking or biting also seems to deliver a pleasurable or relaxed sensation.

When sufferers feel stressed, doing these things has a kind of soothing effect on their nervous systems and reduces levels of stimulation. On the other hand, when they are bored or inactive, they seem to provide a needed level of stimulation to the nervous system. This may account for why so many people who dislike doing them find it so hard to give up these behaviors. It simply “feels good” at the time no matter what.

Even if you have more than one of these problems, do not give up on yourself. These symptoms can be overcome if you have the motivation. More important is learning to “de-stigmatize” yourself. You are not crazy, helpless, morally weak or totally out of control, even though you may feel like you are at times. Once you realize that you are just a person who simply happens to have a bad habit, you can make some serious progress.

Skin picking and nail biting are chronic problems, so there is not currently a “cure” but you can find a recovery if you are willing to work at it. Hypnosis for nail biting consists of three parts.

Therapy For Nail Biting

First off, nail biting is a nervous habit. So the first part of the therapy is to teach the nail biter how to be more relaxed at all times. To that end, I have found that traditional hypnosis, Ericksonian hypnosis, and NLP techniques are usually quite effective. That’s because the very essence of hypnosis is relaxation. The biter can learn to apply several different methods to increase both the relaxed state, as well as his/her overall feeling of relaxation and well-being.

The second part teaches the biter awareness of this unconscious habit. Suggestions are given to the unconscious mind to make the consciousness aware that you are about to bite your nails. Then you get to consciously decide whether or not you are actually going to bite them.

There are also several other powerful hypnosis and NLP techniques. As an example, we can help the client to set up an “Anchor” or trigger so that he/she can momentarily mentally step outside of him/herself. This is an effective method that will effectively relieve the compulsion.

The third part of the hypnotherapy is to eliminate the compulsion to bite. There are hypnotic techniques that actually program the client with a compulsion to not bite.

With this particular behavior, being realistic is very important. First, you have practiced the unwanted behavior hundreds or even thousands of times. It is important to accept that the urge to bite your nails will not be overcome in a few days.

Second, you are fighting the fact that biting your nails feels good, and it offers a lot of short-term satisfaction and either stimulation or soothing feelings. It can take time to overcome, but it will be worth it. My experience has shown a number of techniques to be very effective!

Speak Your Dreams Into Existence

The power of your words is one of the most powerful forces you can use to create what your heart desires.

I discovered the power of “Speaking my Dreams into Existence” in a playful manner.

At the tender age of forty I took my first art lesson and loved it.

I immediately began to say, “I am an artist…”
with a sense of playfulness.

I knew I wasn’t’t really an accomplished artist yet but it gave me so much pleasure to say it and it sounded so good.

Amazingly, within one year’s time, I was charging over one thousand dollars a pop for my beautiful portrait work.

More recently one of my brothers jokingly teased me about taking time off. He called me one Monday morning while I was getting a pedicure instead of working.

He said, “Oh, so, Rebecca, you make so much in one day that you can just take the rest of the week off?”

And I replied, “Oh yes, that sounds so good to me…” After that point, I started playfully repeating his own words to myself.

“You know, I make so much in one day, that I just take the rest of the week off.” Lo and behold, if it didn’t’t come true in less than a months time.

I am am emotional healing workshop leader and within a month my classes started filling up so full that I really did make so much from one day’s work that I could’have taken it easy the rest of the week.

Please realize that I’m telling you this, not to make you feel left out, but to encourage you to do it, too.

That is my sole purpose for sharing anything with you. So you can do it too and because you can do it too…

The vital key here is to keep it light and playful. The energy of playfulness opens your valves to receiving. When we take our dreams too seriously it can cause an energy of desperation which blocks your flow.

If you repeat affirmations with an air of desperation and complete seriousness you stifle the flow. Everything is energy and you attract what you put out, so keep it light and fun while letting the universe know what would be fun for you.

Make it easy on yourself, play a game with this. What dreams would you like to come true? Practice saying them in a joking manner and see how good that feels just to have the words roll off your tounge.

Have fun with your words and “Speak your dreams right into Existence”.

The Secret – When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 47 )

Gideon announced,”When you’re out of your body as you are now, John, your thoughts are materialized at the speed of light, or rather, at the speed of thought. The same thing could happen when you’re in your body, of course, but then you have to take into account the concept called ‘time’. So, managing one’s thinking is as essential here as it is there. As a man thinketh…, remember?”

“Wow! What a fantastic place!”I shouted. “Could I think of all kinds of good stuff, fun things or whatever and would they appear?”

“Here, immediately, there, sooner or later.But appear they will,as sure as day follows night. By the same token, however, if you focus on unpleasant things, they too will be created. Just a universal law, John. Think and expect good and you get it. Think and expect bad and you get that, too. It’s a double-edged sword, you see. You can’t get one without also being able to get the other, or else, where would your power of choice be? How could you exercise choice if you were only given one possible choice? Therefore, since the power of choice is one of the most important gifts from your Creator, you must have at least two choices and most times, many, many more. That’s the simplicity and the complexity of it.

“Gee, Gideon, it’s not as simple as I thought after all.” “Simple it is, but easy it’s not. Most of your great teachers throughout history have spoken about the wisdom of managing and choosing one’s thoughts. Nevertheless, most people still have lots to learn.”

Marla took up the conversation again. “When you travel through time and space on earth, you don’t necessarily have to leave your physical body. Remember when you traveled to your old college and to the Ganges River? You took your body with you because that was local travel. If you were, however, to travel to a different star system, it’s much more efficient to do it this way, without the physical body.

“We were discussing just such a situation a few moments ago. To go to the World Headquarters of G & M Enterprises, you had no need for cosmic travel methods. However, System 22 is outside your star system and is the Universal Headquarters of the Chief. From that location, which isn’t really a place in the formal sense of the word, the entire universe is monitored and adjusted according to the thoughts and needs of its various inhabitants and life forms.”

To read the rest of the story visit

Annual Forecasts & Fengshui Remedies for 2006 : Year of the Yang Red Fire Dog – for Rooster Sign

The ancient Chinese Astrology is not only fascinating but also quite accurate. It’s Zodiac is based on 12 signs, a cycle of 12 years and are named after 12 symbolic animals : Rat (or Mouse), Ox (or Buffalo or Bull or Cow), Tiger, Rabbit (or Hare or Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (or Sheep or Ram), Monkey, Rooster (or Hen or Cock or Chicken or Phoenix), Dog and Pig (or Boar or Hog).

Your Chinese Astrological Zodiac Animal Sign is based on your Chinese Lunar Year of Birth. The Chinese New Year is movable and could start anywhere between 21st January and 20th February, depending upon the year.

If your Date of Birth falls into any of these below listed Chinese Lunar Years, then, because you are born in the Year of the Rooster (or Hen or Cock or Chicken or Phoenix), you are symbolically identified as a “Rooster” :

From 22 Jan 1909 to 09 Feb 1910

From 08 Feb 1921 to 27 Jan 1922

From 26 Jan 1933 to 13 Feb 1934

From 13 Feb 1945 to 01 Feb 1946

From 31 Jan 1957 to 17 Feb 1958

From 17 Feb 1969 to 05 Feb 1970

From 05 Feb 1981 to 24 Jan 1982

From 23 Jan 1993 to 09 Feb 1994

From 09 Feb 2005 to 28 Jan 2006

In Chinese Hsia Calender, 2006 is the 4703rd year and is also the third year of the New Fengshui Land Luck Period 8. The new Chinese Lunar Year is from 29.01.2006 to 17.02.2007. Here are the Annual Forecasts and suggested Fengshui & Crystal Remedies that you may need for the coming “New Year 2006 : Bing Xu, the Year of the Yang Red Fire Dog” :


A better year than 2005, but you are still not out of the woods. You can now come out of your isolation, move out of your territory, explore new avenues and regain your self-confidance, but there are still obstacles to be crossed and inconsistent luck to be faced. Those of you in the employment will encounter more difficulties and non co-operation. Frequent setbacks will lead to frustrations. Flexibility and adaptablility should be your seed mantra. But many of you will get timely help and guidance, if you look out properly. Some will migrate to distant lands, personally and professionally. But think hard and take professional advice, before switching jobs. You will be facing adverse conditions wherever you go. Be extremely careful when you sign any agreements. If you are in a job or practice that involves your speech skills, like a lawyer, PRO, salesman, insurance agent, etc., you will do much better. Display a Dragon & Phoenix statue for a general improvement and continue to wait for better times. Remember that the experience that you gather this year will be significant in future.

You are in punishment formation with the Tai Sui this year, so display the statue of a Three Generations Dragon Head Turtle alongwith a photograph of the presiding Year Authority of 2006 in the North West, to minimise the negativities of gossips and scandals. You should also wear a Fengshui Rabbit Pendant or place the statue of a Rabbit in the East. (The position of Tai Sui corresponds to North West this year. Tai Sui is also popularly called as Grand Duke of Jupiter and is an intangible energy body of war-like nature that should not be disturbed.)


Average wealth luck. Some of you could get help and support from friends and superiors. Stars also indicate financial loss through wrong guidance and because of mistakes of others. Do not enter speculative markets. Stimulate money flow by using a set of large sized wealth coins. You can also place a 3-legged Money Frog over your counter, looking towards you.


Normal health. Look out when you take the steps and avoid climbing very high. There could be some bruising and blood injuries. You might also suffer from viral infections and common cold throughout the year. You can try to pre-empt the destined by donating blood and getting your teeth cleaned by a dentist. Exercise, sleep and rest well. Meditate frequently to safeguard your mental health.


Much better luck in the household. If you try and avoid bringing your career karma into your home, you will settle down to normalcy as far as your home is concerned. If you are a single, be careful of your romantic relationships. Good luck for those who wish to expand their friendship circle.

Beneficial Crystal : White Quartz, for 2006

Good Relationship with : Ox, Snake & Dragon, for 2006

Conflict with : Rabbit, Dog & Rooster, for 2006

Yin/Yang : Yin

A NOTE ABOUT REMEDIES : The above analysis has suggested some remedies/cures for reducing the impact of negative energy and has recommended certain enhancers for increasing and improving upon the beneficial energy. For the remedies/enhancers to be effective, they should be cleansed, energised, blessed and programmed not only for the particular individual/family but also for the specific purpose/problem. They should also be placed in the indicated location. Any or all of these remedies can be reused for the coming new years, the only thing is that some of them may have to be repositioned according to the specific new year.

Measuring Life

Now you can’t really summarize on life, because life is no more the same then it is different for each and every one of us. I’m always taxed with thoughts on the purpose of life. Or maybe another way to look on that, is how to live a life of purpose. Look at yourself in the mirror. Look at your friends, your family, our world. What drives us? Many things do. Are they good or bad? What is our reasoning behind these things? I’ll hit at one because it’s always pushed to the forefront in my life. Possesions. What we have. What we consume. Is it human nature to live like this or did one day we put love and being humble aside, and decide we always had to have more than our neighbor? Do you beleive in God’s creation of the earth or do you beleive in evolution? Did either of those two things create greed? Did man create greed? Was it human nature in the ‘cave age’ that created greed out of a need for survival? Or did we make the cave man up, and in times of need is it not true that we are better off when we stick together, with words like share and love?

What if life was looked at and defined by what we gave away. How much we gave ourselves away. I beleive that all of us at one point in our life have been caught up in the problem of chasing what we believe to be the riches of the world. Some succeed, some fail. Both lead to the same end. An end where all will be left behind; and end which bluntly tells us how foolish we were to be chasing after the wind during our days. How much you give not how much you have.

Ecclesiastes 2:17-26

…What does a man get for all the toil and anxious striving with which lavors under the sun? All his days his work is pain and grief; even at night his mind does not rest.

…I hated all the things I had toiled for under the sun, because I must leave them to the one who comes after me

…A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for witout him, who can truly eat or find enjoyment? To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God.

This all sounds a bit familiar. Maybe because Mathew was getting at it in 6:19-21

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Jump on me for the idea if you want, but keep in mind that no where in the above does it say that it is bad, “to have”; or that God wouldn’t be pleased if you have more than someone else. What I’m saying is don’t measure yourself to your wealth rather to your ability to humble yourself and be thankful for what you have.

Feminization Hypnosis: Unleashing The Woman Within

Being a woman probably is one of the best things in the world. Many expert psychologists would tell you that every human being has a feminine side and men are no exception. There are a lot of things that encompass a woman – sensitivity, felicity, kindness, and a whole lot more. And when it comes to the physical aspect, women have softer skin, better contours, and a high-pitched voice, among others.

There are a lot of people who wanted to be in a woman’s shoes. In fact, the reality is that there are men who are more than willing to become women. Men who dress up in miniskirts and wear high-heeled shoes are a living proof of this. Some men are really enjoy it and love to put on some lipstick on and live under layers of make-up. There are a growing number of men who would go to the extremes of injecting female hormones and undergo several surgeries just to gain some level of femininity in them.

But aside from hormonal injection and surgery, there is a breakthrough in the entire feminization process – feminization hypnosis.

First, let us understand the process of feminization. Feminization corresponds to the method of undergoing a certain procedure of bringing out the feminine side of an individual. People who would benefit best from this process are the transgender, transvestite, and transsexual. Once the effects feminization shows, it can give them a more feminine outlook, not only in an emotional level, in one’s physical movements as well.

When the process of feminization is incorporated with the techniques of hypnosis, one would be assured of a certain feeling of feminine empowerment within them. Hypnosis has been a recognized tool in improving, and even altering, the life of an individual for the better. Hence, if used in the process of feminization, it can effectively incorporate feminine characteristics into any person.

During hypnosis, you enter an altered state of consciousness where you can effectively control that particular part of your mind you do not often use – the subconscious mind. A person under hypnosis is made to come in a state of utter comfort. And at that stage, the hypnotist can effortlessly guide the person in making certain changes in their lives.

A case of feminization hypnosis can effectively dictate the subconscious mind into stimulating the feminine side of a person. Thus, with just a few sessions, you would see improvements on your movements, voice, and even in your emotional state.

The technique of feminization hypnosis follows the idea that whatever your mind can conceive, your body can achieve. So if you want to unleash the woman inside you, feminization hypnosis might just be the key to your total femininity.