Monthly Archives: October 2009

What’s Better Than Plastic Surgery?

Better than plastic surgery

Joni Mitchell has a song, “Happiness is the best facelift”, but curiosity is an equally effective anti-aging device. If you want to stay youthful and energetic, consider the role of curiosity in your life. As kids, many of us were not encouraged to be curious: “Remember, curiosity killed the cat”, my grandma told me when I asked too many questions. At the time (age 5) I shut up and obeyed her, but I wish I had replied with, “But Grandma, I’ll bet that cat had a fabulous 9 lives before he died.”

Curiosity in the world

Curiosity is enthusiasm about your own life and that of others. It’s about being out there in the world, not all wrapped up in your neurotic little self. Curiosity is questioning, wondering, and pondering. Reading can be a great way to experience curiosity: you can travel the world and meet the most bizarre and amazing people without leaving your sofa. Travel is another way to express your curiosity about the world. When you go to different places, you leave your comfort zone behind: new people, places, things and customs keep you alert and pose questions like: “Why do they do that?” or “What would I be like if I grew up here?” Curiosity in the world keeps us mentally expanding and growing…and youthful!

Curiosity about yourself

Besides wondering about others and how they live, it’s mentally healthy to wonder about yourself. When you ask yourself questions like:

 Who am I really?
 Who am I today?
 Who did I used to be?
 Who do I want to be in 5, 10 or 15 years?

You literally create new neural patterns in your brain that keep you younger, smarter and healthier. While there is a fine line between self-curiosity and self-obsession (hello narcissists!), it’s hard to grow without periodic spells of self-examination (even Madonna said, “an unexamined life is not worth living” in her song lyrics), You can use self-help books, prayer, meditation, psychotherapy and even shopping to explore your curiosity about yourself. Yes, shopping! For example, when you go shopping, how do you define what’s really “You”? Do you look at something and think, “I like that shirt/lamp/whatever, but that’s just not ‘me’.” This is shopping as a form of self-definition. By saying “yes” or “no” to things you could wear/buy/have, you are asking yourself, “Who am I and what do I think is right for me?” So the next time you go shopping, consciously enjoy your curiosity. Let yourself be amused and perhaps even surprised at how you define yourself.

Passion: curiosity’s best friend

I define passion as strong feelings or energy directed towards someone or something. There is a common misconception about passion, that it must be dramatic and over-the-top for it to count. This is bullshit. Passion can be as subtle as watching a spider spin a web at your cubicle at work or noticing the color of the tomato plants on your apartment balcony. We are all passionate beings. You may not think you are, but, dear reader, get over yourself. You may not yet be aware of your passion or expressing it (yet), but it’s there.

Often I hear my clients say, “Oh, I wish I felt passionate about something…my life is just so boring.” Even a statement like: “I just HATE my life! Everything sucks!” is hardly passion-less. There is passion there: thwarted passion. Thwarted passion kills: a little bit at a time, we die. Don’t let this happen to you. Instead, look for little things that bring you joy, that make your heart beat just a little faster. Look at the people in your life in whose presence you feel most alive. Look at the animals and plants in your life whose presence you delight in. These are all sources of passion. Your passions will be uniquely your own…no one may understand why you love gardening and circuit parties. This is your passion and it only needs to fulfill you. If you can share it with friends or partners, great. But so much of our inner passions aren’t easily shared. They’re our own little happy secrets.

Discover your own passions

Here’s a little exercise to get in touch with some of your passions. Sit in a nice relaxing spot, turn off the cell phone, get a piece of paper and pen and then ask yourself these questions:

 What do I care about?
 What do I find interesting?
 What would I like to know more about?
 What have I long wanted to do/try/learn?

These are not easy questions, but they will stimulate the right side of your brain…the creative, inspiring side. Take your time and think about them. You may want to answer them now and put them aside, then look at them tomorrow and add to your answers. Let yourself free associate…there are no wrong answers! Let these questions help you identify your passions, those parts of your life that you are curious about and want to explore more. When you follow your curiosity, your life gets more vivid and energized. Curiosity leads to passion: curiosity is the process of investigation and passion is the experience that comes from acting on what you discover. If your life feels a bit dull and boring, try the above exercises and have fun playing with your curiosity and identifying some of your passions. Above all: enjoy the process.

Karma versus Meditation

The Karma lives with us, the karma is part of our lives from the very moment of our birth to the moment of our death, because every time that we do something and even every time that we stop doing something, that generates karma, and you cannot avoid it in any way.

Of course that not all the karma that we generate is the same, there is a kind of karma that ties us or chains us to this life, and another kind of karma that liberates us of the reincarnation cycle.

The karma that chains us, known as Vishayakarma, has as fruits the misery and the lack of interior peace, while the karma generated by good actions or disinterested actions, know as the Sreyokarma allow us to reach the prosperity and the happiness of the soul, that it is much more than reaching the simple external happiness.

Every time that we face an activity with the desire of obtaining a certain result, this throws us into the arms of the desire, the greed and the ego demons, while only the pure actions that we do for love without taking into account the possible consequences of them, are the kind of actions that drive us little by little toward the illumination and the liberation.

That ones whose nature allows them to carry out this kind of unselfish activities, little by little realize that God provides them of all that they need and of all that confers them the interior peace. Another form of achieving the yearned interior peace is the meditation.

Perhaps you might ask yourself why? Why is the meditation so necessary?

Because the man always acts in two dimensions, the external dimension governed by the physical senses, and the internal dimension governed by the intelligence and the mind.

The internal conscience cannot move for itself, but rather needs the guide of the intelligence and the mind, that are the ones related with the external world, they are as the oxen that pull a carriage. These oxen are anxious to begin to walk, but to take us to the correct destination they should be educated, they should be indicated which is the route that takes us to the place to which wants to arrive the internal conscience. And these are the roads of the Truth, the Rightness, the Peace and the Love.

Then to liberate us from the enslaving karma, it is necessary to teach the intelligence and mind’s oxen the art of dragging the carriage of the internal conscience, and this is achieved by means of the practices of the meditation and the repetition of the name of God.

And the conscience, to be able to guide the oxen of the intelligence and the mind, must calm and control the conflicting desires that infest the mind, and this is achieved when we learn how to point our mind to a single direction.

When thanks to the meditation, the bewildered mind dives in the view and repetition of the name of the Lord, the Divine Splendor able to burn the wrong and to illuminate the happiness is manifested.

It is easy to understand the benefits of the meditation. Anyone that undertakes a task, knows that only when he concentrates his efforts toward a single point, he can achieve the desired success. Even the most insignificant tasks require concentration, and the power of an unshakable effort is so big, that even the worst difficulties surrender to it.

When we practice the meditation in the Supreme Being, the mind learns how to retire its attention from the material objects, and the life acquires a new splendor when we get aware of the Divine Essence that is inside us, and guides us into the state of Blessedness.

How sweet is a fruit? There’s no way to explain that appropriately, the only way of knowing that is to eat the fruit.

How good is the meditation? There’s no way of knowing the taste of its fruits until we don’t decide to experience it.

Written by Dr. Roberto A. Bonomi

Be Happy! Happiness is just a Matter of Mind

Though one could be infinitely happy by just enjoying the nature and family and all the human-made things, there are still millions of people who are unhappy. In the developed countries there is very fortunate circumstance of having both God-given and man-made things. Still majority of people there are unhappy. In the developing countries, where for millions there is a real scarcity of even basic needs, people seem to be happy. There are some people who are engaged in difficult tasks and in warfare, and even incarcerated in prisons, and are still happy! We have just discussed the factors of happiness. Millions of people have them, still they are unhappy. There are millions of others who don’t have them, yet they are happy!

You would realize that the mere availability and abundance of God given and human-made things is not enough. There is something else which should be right to be happy. Of course, it is our mind that must have right attitude towards and capacity to be happy.

Milton in Paradise Lost says,

‘The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.’

One can give various examples of how mind can influence our body::

Pavlov’s dog starts salivating at the sound of the bell without any food in sight.
If we are tense we often get headache, backache, and spondylitis, etc.
Heart attacks are directly linked to worry and tension.
Right mental attitude helps in curing many bodily maladies.
By self-talk, motivation, and positive attitude we can become happy and successful.
Through hypnosis one can have command over another person’s mind and body.
Through meditation one can have a healthy body and extra sensory abilities.

Mind has extra-ordinary powers and as far as happiness is concerned it has the ultimate power. We should, therefore, have a positive attitude towards life. Instead of concentrating on bad things in life and people, we should concentrate on redeeming features in them. We should not keep on thinking about past failures and bad experiences but be encouraged by our past success and good experiences. Similarly, we should not be unduly anxious about future as our anxiety is not going to have a positive effect, but we should plan and work hard for the future.

In whatever circumstances you are, you can never have total lack of God-given and man-made happiness. You cannot completely take away nature from somebody; you cannot take away all man-made things from somebody. Even if everything is taken, one’s family and friends are there. One’s precious body is there. And, even if you chain somebody securely in a dungeon, one’s mind is free. One is free to be happy in one’s mind! Mind is difficult to be mastered by oneself, but it is impossible to be vanquished by anybody, any authority, or whatever conditions or situations.

Abraham Lincoln has beautifully expressed it: “Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”


Keep That Focus

One of the things most critical to home business success is defining one’s goals. We are continually reminded to write them on paper, giving ourselves a deadline to meet them, so that we can remain focused on our ultimate dreams.

We need to keep them in front of us at all times in order to maintain the motivation often needed to get us over the rough spots in our businesses.

Wallace Wattles, in his 1910 classic, “The Science of Getting Rich,” states:

“You must form a clear and definite mental picture of what you want. You cannot transmit an idea unless you have it yourself….That clear mental picture you must have continually in mind….The more clear and definite you make your picture then, and the more you dwell upon it, bringing out all its delightful details, the stronger your desire will be.”

Does this mean that you must spend hours contemplating your ultimate goal? Of course not. It simply means that you need to know just exactly what it is that you want and want it so badly that it will stay in your thoughts.

I’ve personally taken this advice very much to heart. Regardless of what your goals are, it’s possible for you to use this same method to maintain your own focus.

Let me explain.

My ultimate goal is for my husband and I to be able to retire to the area in which I grew up, the Mississippi Gulf Coast. I have a very definite image of what life will be like for us there, and each day I set aside a few minutes to simply close my eyes and dwell on the mental picture of some of the things we’ll be able to enjoy –

walking along the beach at sunset, feeling the warmth of the sand on my bare feet (I can practically smell the salt air when I do this)

shopping in an unhurried atmosphere in the quaint downtown section of Ocean Springs, Mississippi – only a few minutes’ drive from the exciting casino action of the neighboring town of Biloxi

reconnecting with friends and family and being able to enjoy reunions that I often missed due to living a long distance away

dining at local restaurants that serve the delicious seafood the area is famous for

I could go on and on, but you get the (mental) picture!

Carrying this one step further, I’ve gathered together some pictures, postcards, and other memorabilia that reflect the overall atmosphere of the area. These items hang on my wall in my office, right in front of me, so that I can have a constant reminder of exactly what it is that I am working toward.

I’m amazed at the effectiveness of these simple techniques!

You can apply these same methods regardless of what your goals are. Even if what you’re working for can’t be quite so clearly defined in words and pictures, you can still benefit from these exercises.

During those few minutes each day that you set aside to form your mental “picture,” imagine the feelings that you will have when you have reached your own personal goals. Create an affirmation statement, using your computer and some attractive stationery to print it out. Frame this and place it in your own personal work area so that you will have a constant reminder of what exactly it is that you want to accomplish.

Focus, focus, focus….and your dreams WILL come true!

The Truth About Perserverance and Goals

If you really want to be successful, you probably spend a lot of time reading motivational books and articles. You want to know what qualities are required for success.

When we read about the tools required to achieve success, very often we are told that if we really want to be successful, we must have persistence.

Persistence is the quality of never giving up when we encounter challenges. Of holding on to our dream. Of refusing to be discouraged no matter what the odds, no matter what happens.

And when you read the life stories of very successful people, they will often tell you about all the hardships they encountered along the way. They will tell you about the discouragement they occasionally felt when they encountered failure, and about all the people who laughed at them along the way.

And then they will often tell you that the reason they are successful today is because they were persistent. They perservered in chasing their dream, no matter what happened.

So if you have been facing a bit of discouragement while you pursue your dream, reading these success gurus can give you the boost you need to keep on doing what you’ve been doing. After all, persistence is the key to success.

Almost everyone says so.

And all those people who encourage you to be persistent are wrong!

Persistence can lead to certain failure if you do not apply persistence in the right way.

Let me explain what these people are leaving out when they tell you to be persistent.

Every day as I drive to work in the city where I live, I always see a middle-aged blonde woman who paces back and forth on the sidewalk in front of a big government building. She is always carrying a big protest sign. She smiles and waves at all the cars that pass.

I’m not sure exactly what her sign says because the words don’t really make any sense.

There seems to be something about an injustice that happened to her when her husband’s pension was divided up during their divorce. And there’s a few comments about a government conspiracy to cover up the injustice that was done to her. I guess what she’s trying to accomplish with her protest is she’s trying to get this divorce decision changed.

Every day, no matter what the weather, this woman comes out to walk back and forth for two hours in front of this government building and wave at all the people. Her smile never fails.

After the first two hours of protesting are up, she goes to another place downtown. She spends another two hours walking back and forth, smiling and waving, in front of a different building a few blocks away.

She has been doing this every day for at least seventeen years.

She is certainly persistent.

All that persistence and dedication for so many years does not seem to be having any effect, but she does not seem to notice.

If seventeen years of her walking back and forth carrying this sign hasn’t had any effect, I don’t think that one more day of walking with this sign is going to change the outcome of her divorce. But she is persistent in continuing her protest.

Probably every big city has a few people like this woman, people you can see standing on the sidewalk. People who spends years holding some sign that doesn’t make sense.

These people can teach us all about the real value of perserverence and persistence.

These people are certainly very persistent, but usually they are not successful.

When success gurus tell us that persistence is an important quality on the road to success, they are often leaving out something important.

When successful people tell you that they got to where they are today because they were persistent, they are actually leaving out part of the story. A very important part of the story.

And the part that they are leaving out is this: They forget to tell you that before they were persistent, they had a goal, and they had a plan on how to get there.

And all along the way, after every step they took, they stepped back to evaluate the results to see if the results they were getting were the results they wanted. And if they weren’t getting the results they wanted, then they would change the steps they took, and try something different, until they found a method that worked for them.

These successful people did have persistence, but they were only persistent about holding on to their vision.

They were never persistent about the method they took to get to their goal.

All along the way, they were prepared to be very flexible and experiment to see what techniques and strategies worked best to get where they wanted to go.

Why do so many successful people leave out this important detail when they tell us the secrets to their success? Why do they so often neglect to mention that if a strategy wasn’t working, they abandoned it quickly and moved on to another strategy?

I don’t think that successful people deliberately leave out this key information because they don’t want us to be successful.

I think that successful people often leave out this key detail because they assume it’s very obvious to everyone already. They assume that everyone already knows that you test each step of what you are doing to see whether it’s working or not. And if it’s not working, you change it. And you keep trying new approaches til you get something that works, something that gets you closer to the result you want.

People who admire persistence often use the example of Thomas Edison who kept trying to produce an electrical light bulb even after ten thousand failed attempts.

But people often forget that while Thomas Edison was persistent in believing in his goal, he was not persistent in the way he tried to achieve it. Thomas Edison did not repeat the same experiment over and over again ten thousand times.

Thomas Edison performed about ten thousand different experiments on his way to trying to find a practical electrical light bulb.

Every time he tried an experiment to produce an electric light bulb, he then stepped back and took some time to evaluate the results. He figured out what was working and what wasn’t working. Then he would try something different the next time. And he would keep track of the results.

So, remember this crucial difference the next time someone tries to tell you that persistence is the key to success.

Without taking some time to evaluate whether or not what you do is actually working, you can be persistent for years, and not achieve the goals you want.

So, if you want to be successful, be sure to hold on to your dream, but remember to check frequently whether the actions you are taking are getting you closer to your goals.

New Age Spirituality – Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 102 )

” I see you remembered to plug in the coffeepot,”

Gideon quipped when I returned.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, not too long ago, a friend of yours was visiting and you offered to make him some coffee. You couldn’t figure out why it was taking so long until finally your friend noticed that you had forgotten to plug in the coffeepot. Then there was the time when you forgot to Journey in the Fields of Forever fill the pot with water. Do you want me to continue?”

“No,” I laughed. “I guess I’m like the absent-minded professor. Those were just minor oversights. In the big picture, they’re lost in the fabric. Let’s get on with more meaningful things like how does one get closer to God?”

“Marla,” Gideon winked at her, “I’ve never seen him so anxious to learn. Have you?”

“I can feel his enthusiasm, Gideon,” she answered. “I think, if he pays attention, what he learns here today might stay with him for the rest of his life. But let’s not keep him waiting.”

And thus I was granted a legacy of wisdom that was to serve me well ever after. “In the first place,” Gideon stated,”God is not a person, a place, a time or a thing to be found. God is everywhere, every when and everything. God is the Presence that pervades every part of the universe from the largest star down to the tiniest atom. When you become aware,looking for God is like a fish searching for water. You’ll know that you don’t ever have to search because you’ve always been surrounded by God’s Presence.”

“I remember, years ago, hearing something like that from God Himself or Herself. It must have been another one of those dreams that seemed so real.”

“That wasn’t a dream, John. God spoke directly to you and explained some of these things. You probably have just forgotten.”

“God spoke to me? I’d never forget if God spoke to me.”

To read the rest of the story visit

The Secret To Success Through Positive Thinking And The Law Of Attraction

Ralph Waldo Emerson said We become what we think about all day long. This couldn’t be any truer. What do you think about all day long? Who’s going to win on football on Sunday? Do you think about what you’re going wear to Sally’s party or who Nicole Richie is dating? If you think about trivial things all day long Don’t be surprised if your life turns out trivial.

You can’t think about ridiculous, trivial things all day and then once in a while when you’re in the mood say, “Oh yeah… and I really want to be successful.” According to Emerson just start thinking about success all the time and it will soon come. Emerson fully understood the law of attraction. The law of attraction is the secret to all great successes. It says that you attract what you think about and focus on.

You can start harnessing the power of the law of attraction today. I don’t care if you have the flu, you have two broken arms and 2 broken legs there’s something you can do today that will make you successful before you know it. Start spending a lot of your day just thinking about success. Read and listen to every motivational program you can find. Start using visualization and filling your mind up with thoughts of success instead of worrying about what Jay-Lo and Britney are wearing. C’mon if your mind is filled up with garbage most of the time, you’re going to become garbage! It’s as simple as that. Think about what you want long and hard enough and it will come – Action will follow. In the same way though think about what you don’t want and it will come. If you sit around all day and think — I don’t want to end up poor, fat and sick, inevitably you’ll end up poor, fat and sick. The mind knows what you fill it up with. Even if your intention is to avoid something if you think about it enough it’s likely to end up in your life. So don’t think about negative things. Don’t think about what you don’t want or what you want to avoid.

Think positively and only about what you want. Your thoughts become your reality. If you want an amzing life, you must think amazing thoughts. This is not some mystical nonsense. Quanum Physics has proven this to be an absolute fact. Our thoughts radically effect our reality. Try it out for a week. Can you do it for that long? For one week, I want you to be very careful about what you think about. Think big, think positive and know that you will get what you think about. Don’t let anyone distract you from this for this one week. Avoid negative people for this one week. Only think positive thoughts and dwell on what you want in your life and watch your life start to transform before your eyes.

Work Life Balance

Its seems like work life balance is an issue with growing importance these days, as more and more parents change the traditional family settings and move into different working patterns, new, unfamiliar problems in balancing work and life rise, and work life balance suddenly becomes an important subject.

So much has changed in our work patterns in the last decade that many people in the western world do not hold on to what was once considered the “family values” with parents working from home, or splitting work between an office and the home office, family duties, tasks and activities are shifting and changing into a much more flexible and unpredicted setting.

Work life balance is all about managing the time you got with them things you want to do, ask every successful manager and she will tell you that you have time enough to do everything you want to do, as long as you prioritize and fully understand what it is that you want to do in your day. work life balance is about setting limits and truly understanding how much each and every detail in your daily routine is important to you and to your goals.

Two key elements for better Work life balance are prioritizing and delegating. Prioritizing starts by simply understanding that there is way too many things you want to do, and that you can not fit all of them into one day, or some time one week. Work life balance, for many of us, is really about balancing work and family, prioritizing draws a clear picture, sometimes its not a nice one, sometimes you need to give up a lot of your favorite things by prioritizing, but eventually, as your work life balance skills improve you will benefit from this. Prioritizing is the first step to better work life balance because it starts the process of understanding the activities limit on a daily basis.

Delegating work is another work life balance tool, this is something you can use to deal with growing tasks and not having enough time to manage everything. Managing time is the same as tasks management, and both are in fact the basics of work life management, in the daily routine everyone can do a little something for this life balance, family life can improve significantly by better work life balance, and that’s exactly why all the members of a family can contribute to it.

One more thought about work life balance, if you think about it unplanned days pass very quickly, the planned ones can move as fast as the unplanned, but in the end of the day you feel more satisfied, and you know what you did. Understanding the time you got available and figuring out what you want to do with it is a great challenge, as with all life work balance challenges, going to bed at night and realizing you have done 90% of what you planned to do, and that your day had the structure of work and family activities you wanted will make you feel good and strong, some even say that it will make you sleep better at night.

Start thinking about work life balance in your life today, balancing work and life is not so hard and it is something most of us need, you will enjoy more quality time with your family and less personal stress if you start thinking about your work life balance. Good luck.

4 Tips Toward Making Resolutions That Matter!

Turning the calendar over is an excuse to make personal resolutions for the coming year. It is also a way to bring about certain frustration for you if the goals that you set for yourself are unreachable, unattainable, or just something you have no interest in doing. Making resolutions can be done at any time of the year, but if you have been thinking about several new ones for the coming year, here are four tips to help you not only make resolutions, but to keep them.

1. I Resolve To… Okay, you have made your resolutions. Now, step back and take a look at each one. Are they resolutions you wanted to make or resolutions others have told you to make? Make certain that each resolution is something you definitely want to keep, not a half hearted attempt at reaching a goal that you really aren’t interested in reaching. If your resolution needs to be modified, do it at once.

2. My Goals Are… Are your resolutions reasonable or are they reaching well beyond what can normally be expected? Let’s say your goal is to lose 70 pounds in the coming year. While the weight loss resolution is admirable, do you have the time to exercise regularly? Change your eating habits? Change your lifestyle? Is the 70 pound weight loss goal too much, too soon? Would it be better for you to stretch the amount you want to lose beyond one calendar year? Consider your health: both physical and mental when evaluating your goals. Keep in mind how your resolution may impact friends and family members…you may be a “bear” to live with over the next twelve months!

3. I Have Fallen and I Cannot Get Up! Do you quit at the first sign of failure? If you splurge on food, do you consider your diet and resolution to be over? If so, why? Simply start again and continue. The road to any goal is paved with pitfalls and you are bound to backslide from time to time. Best advice: Find an accountability partner who knows [and understands] your resolution and can encourage you to keep it.

4. Reward Yourself. At the end of the year, reward yourself based on how well you kept your resolution. If you hit your weight loss goals, consider going on a cruise — don’t overeat! — as a reward for good behavior. If you miss your goals, keep the cruise idea open for when you do meet your goals. In other words, some resolutions are ongoing and shouldn’t be restricted by a 365 day calendar.

Remember this: resolutions are for your benefit, not your detriment. Your attitude toward a particular resolution will help you determine whether you should make that particular resolution or not. Any resolution made which doesn’t have your enthusiastic backing will certainly become a hindrance come February or March and forgotten altogether by April. Make resolutions that matter and be the better for it!

Four Reasons to Set Group Goals Collaboratively

One of the tasks that come with being a leader is setting goals. Goals for ourselves, to be sure, but often we need set goals for our groups/teams or the larger organization. While we may instinctively know that we should include people in the creation of goals they will be working to achieve, too often the press of time and the lure of expediency leaves leaders setting the goals, and simply sharing them with those charged with achieving them.

The Four Reasons

There are four significant reasons why we need to get others involved in creating of the group’s goals. Any one of these are reason enough to create a conversation about the goals rather than creating a PowerPoint presentation with the goals already formulated.

To gain Agreement. There are actually two agreements you want to gain.

1. Agreement on what the goal actually is.

2. Agreement that the goal is worthwhile and beneficial.

Once you have these agreements you will increase the clarity of the goal for everyone. Goal clarity in itself has a very positive impact on ultimate goal achievement. With agreement you will increase focus on the goal as well. Take the time to create both of these agreements and you have a stronger chance of achieving the next item . . .

To create Engagement. Notice I said engagement not buy-in. I know we all talk about wanting people to “buy-in” to our ideas and plans. And, given the choice between having people who are “bought-in” vs. people who didn’t care or disagree, I choose the former. But engagement is more than “buy-in.” When people are engaged in an idea they are committed to it. They feel ownership for it. They have thrown more than their hat into the ring, they have thrown their heart in too. Once people are engaged in the goal you can capture what comes next . . .

To set Collective Consciousness. Have you ever noticed that after you buy a new car, you see “your” car everywhere? The reason this occurs isn’t because thousands of people followed your lead to buy the same car you did. It happens because of your Reticular Activating System. Our Reticular Activating System works as a filter helps us notice things we are focusing on or are interested in. Once people are fully engaged in a goal their subconscious mind goes to work and the Reticular Activating System helps. People will begin to see things that will be resources, methods or clues to achieving the goal. Sparks will fly between people on the team and progress may be achieved faster than could be logically expected.

To manifest Synergy. We have people work together because we know that together we can achieve more than we can separately. This is the definition of synergy. If you prepare your goals in a vacuum and present them to the group the chance for you to achieve team synergies is virtually nil. The whole point of a group working towards a goal together is to gain synergy. If you want it, you have to let people help create the specific goals they will be directly involved in achieving.

Getting others involved in the creation of the goals is more than just a good idea. It is more than just the right thing to do. It is the most important step you can take to improve the likelihood that a goal that is set, is reached.

So when you have a goal to be achieved with the help of others, keep these four reasons in mind and make the time to create the massive benefits described here.

That time and effort is the best insurance policy you can buy to improve the chance your goals will be achieved.