Monthly Archives: March 2010

Become Proactive And Master Success

We all want to succeed in life. We want to succeed in our personal relationships. We want to succeed in our professional lives. Yet despite this desire to succeed we so often do not find success. Just what is the secret to success in our personal and professional lives? Being proactive.

It is easy to place the blame for our failure to succeed on the many factors that influence our lives. Perhaps we were born with certain disadvantages or at least with no noticeable advantages. Perhaps our early years are at fault. Perhaps today it is our family, our employer, our community, or the current economic climate that is causing us to fail. While trying to displace the blame is certainly a very human reaction it is only a reaction. Assigning blame for our failures, even if we accept the blame for ourselves, will not do one thing to change our failure. However if we move past the blame game and start to think proactively — better yet become proactive — then we will be on the path to success.

The blame game is very limiting. Not only does it set you up to repeatedly fail, it does nothing to encourage growth. However once you move past blame and begin to think about what you can do and what you can change. Once you begin to take advantage of your inherently human abilities and strengths you are bound to find success. Human beings have imagination and independent will. This means we can analyze a problem, come up with a creative solution, and implement the plan. We have the power to change ourselves and our lives. This is the true path to success.

Many people are familiar with the term — proactive — however they simply believe it means to take action on our own initiative. While this is certainly a key component of the word. Becoming a proactive person is more than simply taking action. It goes deeper than that. Being proactive means that you not only take action but you also take responsibility for yourself. This means giving up the blame game for good.

In order to ensure your success you must accept your personal responsibility for your own failure and success. Do not blame others, conditions, or the past, but rather choose to respond to failure or success in a positive way.

Remember that failure does not have to be the end of the road but can rather be the beginning of a whole new path. If you can accept the blame for your mistakes and learn from them then take those lessons to forge a new plan of action then you are bound to find success.

You are a resourceful and imaginative person. These qualities are among your inheritance as a human being. If you use the qualities to take responsibility for your actions and generate new initiatives then you are bound to find more success in your personal and professional lives.

Adult ADD: Who Do You Trust?

If you have ADD and you’re in a situation right now where you want an end result, whatever that may be, say… Make more money. And you’re very specific about that end result, but have no idea how to get there, you have to ask more questions. It’s the only answer.

Successful people generally do things in an ADD way that they don’t really realize. Here’s the ADD way step one is decide what you want very specifically. I’m making $2,000 a month; I want to make $5,000 a month. That’s your end result.

From knowing the end result, you have to back into things, which is a very good way for people with ADD to do things. This is where the questions start. You have to start asking more questions. Ask yourself first, “How could I go from $2,000 a month to $3,000 a month?” Now you get to use your incredible ADD creativity.

You decide, “I could get more clients,” or “I could leverage this or that.” Get your ADD brain cranking on ideas. Whatever the specifics are, you get to use your creativity in asking more questions in a really positive way.

To be more successful, whether you have ADD or not, you have to decide what you want and then, go ask people how to get there.

For a lot of people with ADD, deciding what they want is a real challenge. Making that decision on what you want can be very, very difficult. That’s one major concept that really runs throughout all the axioms. There are methods and ways you can decide exactly what you want.

One of the things people face is they decide what they want and then they come up with a new great idea. Well, who do you ask? Do you ask your neighbors? Do you ask your relatives?

If you’re trying to do something in business, for example, let’s say, trying to figure out a new ADD-friendly system for your business. The obvious choice would be to ask someone who understands technology, how to do a particular thing.

But, you never know who’s going to be around you. That’s the thing. So many ADD people get stuck with “I don’t know who to ask.” So, they get stuck on that.

So, OK… When your dog gets sick, do you ask a friend who’s never had a dog and raises parakeets how to get your dog healthy? No. You call the vet because the vet has expertise that you don’t have about dogs.

Or, if you were trying to make a million dollars, would you ask someone who’s on welfare? Definitely no. You would want to ask somebody who’s already been there and already knows. But what if you can’t find someone who’s already made a million dollars? Who would you ask?

Somebody who has made half a million. Or $100,000, right?

The point here is: Don’t allow your ADD brain to stop you. Ask advice from people who are smarter than you and people who have done what you’re trying to do, or at least something that’s like what you’re trying to do. The whole point here is get an idea and ask lots of questions. It will generate more ideas, but make sure you’re asking the right people, people who know what they’re talking about.

Just What Exactly Is Motivation?

What exactly is motivation? Everyone does not always define motivation the exact same way.

Some people describe motivation as a mental force that drives a person to accomplish an end such as finishing a project or saving for retirement.

Some people say that motivation is why some individuals do one thing and others do something all together different. Motivation is often discussed in terms of setting and achieving goals and also what determines the behaviour of a human being.

Motivation is sometimes defined in terms of feelings that push a person to achieve a given objective.

Often motivation is believed to be the reason that a person chooses to do anything in particular, whether it be applying for a specific job or taking a chance by asking someone out on a date.

In the realm of psychology, motivation is closely connected to behaviour in terms of the initiation as well as direction, intensity and persistence of it.

Motivation has to do with having the interest in doing something and then having the willingness and ability to see it through to completion.

Motivation however is not the same as emotion or personality. Motivation is instead a dynamic and temporal state of mind.

A person who is motivated can be motivated to accomplish a long-term goal or a short-term goal and both have value.

Sometimes a motivated individual will break a long-term goal down into a series of smaller short-term goals in order to make the end result easier to reach for and attain.

The motivation to work towards any given goal can change and often times circumstances make it necessary for a person to modify their level of motivation.

An individual’s personality on the other hand is basically a permanent part of the characteristics of the person that does not change.

Aspects of a person’s personality include such things as whether the person is introverted or extroverted, modest, conscientious, shy, loud and so on.

Emotions are temporary states that a person finds themselves in in order to cope with immediate circumstances, such as feeling sad, happy, frustrated, confused, anger and being in a state of grief.

Emotion does not automatically correlate with behaviour whereas motivation does.

Motivation is often broken down into two categories, that of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic motivation occurs when the desire to do something comes from within a person and there is no obvious external incentive for it to take place.

Engaging in a hobby for pure enjoyment such as painting, making toy models, stamp collecting, scrap booking etc. are examples of intrinsic motivation. A great deal of research studies have been conducted on intrinsic motivation since the 1970s.

Extrinsic motivation is when there is an external factor present that serves as an incentive for behaviour.

This is commonly viewed in workplaces where employees are motivated by their superiors by being offered tangible rewards such as extra money or a promotion.

There are also intangible rewards which are things such as being praised for a job well done or receiving public acknowledgement for your efforts. Many people respond well to both tangible as well as intangible extrinsic motivation.

7 Surefire Self Defense Tips Criminals Want Women To Never Learn.

Self defense tips for women. Are you at risk? What makes a woman a perfect target? Here are 7 ultimate techniques and weaknesses criminals who were interviewed look for to take advantage of you. These tips aren’t just for the busy holidays either. It’s all about keeping your awareness all year round. Follow these tips and you can protect yourself from becoming one of this year’s next statistics.

1. Coming up to my vehicle, did I look around – aware of who is near it? Am I walking my packages in a cart or carrying them in my hand? Criminals interviewed say they want to attack the woman who is walking alone and not aware of her surroundings. Always put shopping bags in a cart. This allows you ample time to react if someone is approaching you. If you’re carrying bags, this renders your hands useless to protect yourself and gives a criminal a bonus. Remember… the buddy system. Late night shopping always needs to be a ‘girl’s night out’ affair.

2. Are my keys already in my hand before leaving the store giving me self defense protection? Again, awareness plays a huge part. Also, with a key in hand, it can be a terrific weapon if you’re suddenly grabbed.

3. Am I talking on the cell phone …fixing my hair… counting my change… writing in the checkbook…and not paying attention? Paying attention is the key. Take care of all that ‘stuff’ in the store. NOT in the parking lot, or outside of the vehicle.

4. Is there anyone loitering around my vehicle… if so… are they suspicious enough to making me go back into the store? Don’t think your being silly. NO SUCH THING. Especially when your safety is on the line. If you’re not comfortable with walking to your car, ask security to accompany you or if there isn’t security available, a store manager will do it it is their job. That’s what they are getting paid to do.

5. Is my vehicle in a well-lit area? Is it easily visible to passer-bys? If I can’t see my car really well, who can? Criminals say they do not want to be noticed, recognized, or slowed down in any way. If you’re not easily seen by others at a mall or store, that makes you a perfect target for a criminal.

6. If I have automatic keyless entry, did I hit the unlock button twice … making it easy for someone to get into my passenger side door? Get into the habit of opening just your driver’s side door. New technology is wonderful when you’re with others, loading packages, during the day. But, at night when your field of vision is limited, don’t take any chances. Criminals are hoping that you’ll make their job easier for them.

7. If I am approached by someone no matter how much help I need, it’s OK to turn them down. Remember, criminals will do and say anything they can to gain your trust. DON”T FALL FOR IT!!! If a stranger wants to help you with your bags, tell them no, thank you. If they still insist, tell them no again. Criminal interviews revealed that they will try to play on a victim heartstrings to get access to the vehicle, a purse, or for the vehicle keys – and move-in for the attack when trust is gained and it’s at least expected.

If you are unable to load packages into your vehicle, ask help from the store they would be glad to help. It’s their job.

Fear Not

Modern psychology today seems to suggest that living with fears is normal. Some popular phrases are, “Accepting your fears”, “Managing your fears”, “Embracing your fears”, or, “Coping with your fears.” But is that really the way the Creator intended us to live, with fear?

Fear will always limit you and keep you from being the person you really want to be. Fear is destructive and it ruins lives. Learning to live with your fears is not the answer. Ignoring your fears is not the answer. Getting rid of your fears is the answer and it is available.

If it is “normal” to live with fear why is it that not clearly spelled out to us in the Bible? In fact, just the opposite is true. Many times on the pages of Scripture you will find the phrase, “Fear not.” If it is normal to accept your fears, why would God instruct us to be abnormal by saying, “Fear not?”

Why does the Bible say, “I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears”? If it were God’s intention for us to embrace our fears why doesn’t it say, “I sought the Lord and He helped me to embrace and accept all my fears”?

God never intended for His people to be defeated and full of fear. He desires just the opposite, that we live a fulfilled life, an abundant life. He wishes above all things that we prosper and be in health. The Bible says that fear has torment and that is so true.

So many Christians are living needlessly with fears all sorts of fears. God can deliver you of any and every fear. He can even deliver you from your deepest fear. Jesus told a man whose daughter had just died, “Fear not, only believe!” The man refused to fear and believed, and his daughter was raised back to life! Why did Jesus tell him, “Fear not?” Because fear will always keep you from believing and accepting the promises of God. But when you believe the promises of God, you will see them come to pass in your life.

Are you tired of living with fear? God can deliver you! Ask God to help you and deliver you from all your fears.

Creative Solutions Using ‘What If?’

For the most creative solutions you need to get your mind looking in new directions. One of the most systematic ways to do this, is with a list of words, primarily adjectives, to create “what if?” scenarios. The process starts with the question, “what if it was…” and then you insert a word from the list. “It” in the question is the problem you’re working on, or the current solution or situation.

Let’s explain the process with an example or two.

Example one: You have is an unpleasant co-worker. You aren’t sure how to deal with him, so you ask about the problem, “What if it was…” and insert from the list “smaller.” How could you make the problem smaller? Spend less time with that person? Get reassigned?

“What if it was… fun?” makes you wonder if being annoying yourself might keep the other person away from you. “Closer” makes you wonder if this person might be nicer to you if they knew you better. You continue down the list and work with each word a bit to get new ideas, which you will look at more analytically later.

Example two: Your house is too crowded because you’re running your business from it. You ask, “What if it was…” and insert from the word list, “smaller.” Your house is already too small, but could the business be smaller? The word “divided” might give you the idea to keep the business in just one part of the house.

Since most words on the list won’t help, you can go through the irrelevant ones quickly. But don’t automatically dismiss them without a few seconds consideration. “What if it was hopeless?” may seem like a useless question, or it may make you realize that you just can’t keep the business in the house any longer. Moving into a rented office might be the most profitable of your creative solutions.

The Creative Solutions Word List

Feel free to create your own list of words. You’ll want to use adjectives, descriptive phrases, and any words that can change your perspective. Here is a short list to get you started:

What if it was… larger, smaller, farther away, closer, sooner, later, easier, more difficult, higher, fat, rich, short, black, certain, hopeless, newer, boring, casual, subtracted from, cheaper, common, divided, more interesting, extravagant, subtle, or fun?

Just as with most problem solving techniques, it’s important to allow the ideas to flow without judging them initially. You don’t want to stifle the creative process. Take notes, then evaluate your ideas later, when you have a page full of creative solutions.

How To Triple Your Productivity In 1 Week From Now

In the terms of the layman, productivity refers to the amount of useful activity you complete in a given time. It is closely related to elegance the ability to bring about the greatest results with the least amount of effort. It is the belief of the author of this article that productivity grows exponentially with the degree of elegance with which you perform tasks. So how do you increase your elegance and triple your productivity?

Mamy authors write about the powers of the unconscious mind. This is the subconscious mind that part of each person that takes care of the things we consciously take for granted from the beating of the heart, the regulation of the blood composition, the thermostatic regulation of the body’s temperature by the hypothalamus part of the brain or such processes that were once conscious then become unconscious as one develops competence e.g. driving, walking, being able to comfortably read the words of this article etc.

Would it be fair to say that to the greater extent that you can take control of and allow the unconscious mind to get you what you want, the greater productivity and elegance with which you perform and complete tasks will be? Imagine for a moment…how often do you wake up and start the day on automatic you get up, may be you stretch, you go prepare breakfast, clean you teeth, or if you’re smart and enthusiastic perhaps you go straight for a run or do some other form of exercise…

All those things are normal and fine, but if you examine this behavior it is a habit that you have formed. It happens on automatic if it happens smoothly and you don’t really think and decide about what you’re doing, the chances are its ingrained as a habit and your unconscious mind is running the behavioral pattern. So, the rest of this article will show you how you can use this information to create more of what you want by taking control of your unconscious processes, teaching your mind who is boss and achieving bigger and better results, small step by small step.

Try this for a week (7 days). Anyone who can do something for 7 days can do it for 21 days, and the experts say it takers only 21 days to learn a new habit. Do it for six months and the chances are you can keep it up for a lifetime it becomes so ingrained if you choose to. To implement this simple step and triple your productivity in a week, you will need only a pen and paper plus a little willingness to take control and do somethings you’ve been putting off.

Step 1: Write out a list of about 20 things each day that you know you need to do this can include even the most basic of things such as “get up out of bed”, “make the bed”, “clean teeth”, “switch out the lights”, “wash up my breakfast bowl”, “kiss my spouse good morning,” etc. You get the picture, just make sure that you have a list of 20 different things that are really easy to achieve.

Step 2: Decide to do the first thing on the list and then do it. Give yourself a tick with the pen and consciously tell your mind that this is a success. Your mind will be pleased with you and support you because you’ve decided to do something and then you have gone ahead an d done that thing that’s a successful loop it shows to your mind who is in control no matter how big or small the task.

Step 3: As you find yourself effortlessly doing this list, and rewarding yourself along the way by ticking off your “to do” list, you will find yourself feeling terrific about yourself. You will bring to the fore of your mind the things you’ve been dreading and putting off and actually create the burning desire to get them done well. You’re self belief will skyrocket.

Step 4: You can test yourself by slightly increasing the difficulty of the tasks, perhaps add something you don’t yet know “how” to do eg earn an extra couple of hundred in a week. By increasing your productivity like this and training your unconscious to just get on and support you to “do it” you may well find you achieve far more than you expected over the next week of doing this. You have it within you to triple your productivity in just 7 days. So go ahead, your instructions are above.

Deciding To Learn French

Learning the French language could tire you at some point but it does require you to use your verbal and mental skills to be able to learn, understand and apply properly the French language towards your normal day to day activities. Similar to speaking English, the French language has its own unique style to how it should be put to a good conversation. You certainly don’t want to use improper addresses to people who are older than you are and certainly, talking to someone you are not close yet using the informal French is just plain rude.

With all of the requirement you need to know about the French language, what is really the easy way to go around it? An online French-speaking friend suggests to analyze first to what purpose you are learning the French language. It could be for a business purpose and for that, you will need to learn the formal French more, proper grammar rules and application. On the other hand, you can say you want to learn French for the purpose of being able to understand French movies, music or simple messages from French friends. This suggestion does help because it allows you to concentrate on just the specific details that will matter at the moment. There is no need to worry about many details at the same time because you can move on to it later.

After setting what French words or phrases you want to know, you can start learning the proper way of how it can be pronounced. Of course, as you do this, it would be best that you have audio materials to guide you since this will keep you from pronouncing and using incorrect pronunciation. Don’t forget also to use a pronunciation guide which, elaborates the correct pronunciation and accent patterns.

Lastly, don’t hurry up on things. If you are in a hurry to learn French words or phrases, it really wouldn’t work since you don’t spend enough time to understand each of it. Assess yourself after each bits of lesson you undertake and check how well you have perform.

Tackle Your Fears And Anxieties One Step At A Time

Your fears, anxieties, and other problems have the best of you and you don’t know what to do. You try to manage your fears but are not able to do so. At this point, what you need to do is to be smart in how you manage your fears and anxieties.

The most important thing to remember is to manage your fears and anxieties one step at a time. Some people make the mistake of trying to get rid of all of their fears at the same time. When they do this, they are unsuccessful and the fears and anxieties continue bothering the person.

Try to find out what is causing all of your anxiety. If you have trouble, then use the services of a professional to find out what is the source of your fears.

Once you know the source of your anxieties, then try to break the source of your fear into a series of smaller steps. Completing these smaller tasks one at a time will make the stress more manageable and increases your chances of success.

For instance, let’s say that you have a fear of speaking in front of a large group of people. In order to get rid of this fear, get into the habit of speaking in front of 10 people. Once you feel comfortable, then try speaking in front of 20 people, then 30 people, and so forth. As you feel comfortable doing this, gradually increase the number of people you speak to. Breaking the overall goal into a series of steps will make it easier to get over your fear of speaking in front of a large group of people.

In addition, learn to take it one day at a time. Instead of worrying about how you will get through the rest of the week or coming month, try to focus on today. Each day can provide us with different opportunities to learn new things and that includes learning how to deal with your problems. Focus on the present and stop trying to predict what may happen next week. Next week will take care of itself.

As a Layman, I realize that our anxieties and stresses can sometimes get the best of us, however remember to tackle each fear one step a time. It might take some hard work and persistence, but eventually you will be successful in conquering your fears.

Test-Taking Tips Help Reduce Student Anxiety

Standardized tests are becoming increasingly common at all levels of public and private schooling. For many students, these tests can be a source of anxiety. But by following some simple strategies, both students and their parents can be fully prepared for success on test day:

Tip #1: Read all directions carefully! Oftentimes in test-taking environments, the adrenaline gets pumping and students read through instructions too quickly. Taking the extra time to slow down and make sure they understand the question not only saves students from making wrong answers, but also saves time in the long run.

Tip #2: Listen attentively to the teacher or proctor. It’s very easy to let anxiety take over while waiting for the teacher to start the exam. Talk to your child about taking a deep breath and not getting distracted from the directions the teacher is giving.

Tip #3: If the directions are confusing, ask! Your child’s teacher is there to help explain unclear directions. It is always better for your child to ask and be told by the teacher that they can’t answer the question than to not ask at all.

Tip #4: It’s OK to take a break. Time management is important, but not if it means that your child is going to burn out before the end of the test. If your child says that tests feel overwhelming and exhausting, tell him that it’s OK to put his pencil down and close his eyes, stare out the window for a moment or just take a few deep breaths. Just don’t lose track of time!

Tip #5: Manage time well. Good time management is critical to good test taking. It doesn’t matter if your child is in 3rd grade or graduate school, no one wants to run out of time on a test. Every question gets equal weight, so it is in your child’s best interest to skip questions that are particularly difficult and save them for the end. And if your child finishes early, answers should be double checked!