Monthly Archives: March 2009

Forget Conventional Dream Interpretation: Learn to Cultivate Your Dreams Today!

One of my favourite quotes of all time and I am sure many of you share my thoughts, is the speech by Martin Luther King at the civil rights march in Washington, 1963, which went like this:

“I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood…”

“I have a dream…” Indeed. Inspiring stuff. I want to discuss our dreams in a very practical way today.

I want to talk about how to cultivate your dreaming. It really is a tremendously valuable thing to do. I want to steer away from conventional dream interpretation and will explain why.

As of today, pay attention to your dreaming and your daydreaming. Dreams are important to us in many ways, because they do the following:

Firstly, when you dream you actively process information and feelings.

Secondly, dreams are always involving many senses, so the highly sensory experience is very rich. It is quite rare for us to use all our senses at once as we do when we dream.

Thirdly, dreams give us valuable information about what is going on in our lives, whether directly or more often in a disguised or symbolic form.

Fourthly, dreams are strongly sequenced, though often in a way which is emotionally rather than logically organised.

Finally, dreams draw upon a rich range of unconscious, associative, creative links between many kinds of information.

Some people remember their dreams; others tend to forget all but the most dramatic bits as soon as they wake. When you dream or daydream, take time to replay as much of it as you can in your mind before the events of the day overlay it. Relive the story of that dream. Remind yourself of the events, pictures, sensations and other sensory information it involved.

This dream was the product of your mind. Marvel at your own creativity! This is amazing stuff here; get excited by it.

If you get into the habit of asking yourself when you wake, “what did I dream?” you may at first only remember a few particularly strong feelings or vivid images: write them down and review it regularly. I actually used to write a dream journal and wrote everything down as soon as I opened my eyes each morning. It provided me with such inspiration when I required it.

Naturally, lots of you may want to start with dream interpretation straight away. Resist the urge for dream interpretation, ok?

Do your best not to assume that there is necessarily a single clear meaning which can be interpreted according to psychological theories or books on dream significance or dream interpretation. How can your dreams have the same meaning as someone else? Is your brain the same as that persons? For now, ease off the dream interpretation.

I have found that the most useful assumption to make about dreams is that they have some kind of significance for you, the dreamer: they come from your internal, unconscious mind’s storehouse of feelings, experiences and images, and are an active and useful way of processing that is quite different from and just as useful as the processing that belongs to the logical conscious part of your mind.

Often a strong feeling will be your first clue to the meaning a dream has for you: so note it, and wonder about it, but don’t try to rush to tie it down by conscious analysis. The real work of the dream is often done simply in the dreaming of it: the conscious mind does not always have to understand, and when it tries to translate dreams into its own terms it may be limiting it, just as poetry translated from another language usually loses something of its more subtle tapestry of meanings.

Think about the value of dreams.

Dreams demonstrate a different level of mental functioning from conscious, disciplined thought. When you pay attention to them, and even cultivate them, you are learning to become familiar with, to trust and to draw upon a fuller range of your own mental resources: in other words, you are using more of what you’ve got. Hey, this stuff is going to keep happening, so why not really use it.

The mind works both consciously and unconsciously. Conscious thought is formally taught in our education system. Its strength is its systematic and disciplined way of handling information. Its limitation is that it tends to be rule-bound and too narrow in its problem-solving approach.

The brain also processes information at an unconscious level: mostly, this is associative and depends on links, similarities and feelings. This processing produces dreams, as well as much of our other “creative” or “expressive” experience. That is why we are often surprised by the spontaneous connections we make or insights we have, and by our imaginative inspiration: it is not what we would have come up with consciously at all, yet it seems somehow completely “right”. This way of thinking works “laterally” it expands, goes sideways and finds multiple avenues rather than just one.

We need both kinds of functioning if we are to make the most of our brain power. Logic and intuition, discipline and divergence, are all vital tools that enrich and enable us. But whereas we are used to working with the conscious mind, in part because we are aware of it and can monitor it as it works, many people are less at ease trusting and using the unconscious processes. Paying attention to your dreams, and deliberately cultivating daydreaming, are both ways of stretching yourself into this area.

So let us have a look at the value of deliberate daydreaming. Where dreams come unbidden, you may find it useful to deliberately evoke the conditions for daydreaming, if, like many people, you have not really valued the activity before now.

How is it valuable? Daydreaming brings us escape and relaxation; visions of the future that inspire and help us to bring about what we have dreamed of; solutions to apparently unsolvable problems; inventions and creative possibilities. Daydream states allow the unconscious, associative parts of the mind to work in their own playful and imaginative ways, bringing not only pleasure but results that our usual deliberate, attentive, rational thought does not. We need space in our lives for both ways of processing if we are to realise ourselves as fully as possible.

The key to daydreaming is to be in that right state. If you want to practice, please visit my website and download the free hypnosis session there, or learn self-hypnosis, read my book “The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis” or invest in the self-hypnosis masterclass audio programme, there is nothing else as good in the world today, really there isn’t. There is a kind of automatic abstractedness that goes along with daydreaming. Mostly it just seems to happen but when you know about creating and changing states, you can choose to make it happen.

Here are some ways you can cultivate and work with your daydreams:

Firstly, notice when you have been daydreaming. Is there any pattern of circumstances that helps bring about your particular daydreaming state?

Some people find that repetitive, relatively automatic, activities such as jogging, ironing or walking create the right state. Perhaps it is a warm bath, swimming a few lengths, or sitting in the garden. Or it may be swaying to the movement of a train, staring into space, looking out of the window of a bus on the way to work, or going on a long drive.

Once you find what helps you daydream, use it and make space for it in your life on a regular basis, imagine that you are in that experience, recreate those circumstances inside of your mind. Let daydreaming come to you, and notice what kinds of windows it opens from our ordinary world into what other kinds of possibilities. Some of your best ideas and inspirations may come at these times.

Secondly, next time you have a decision to make, or a problem to solve, or a challenge to overcome, you can set up the circumstances so that you can trigger your daydreaming state and allow yourself to explore your problem or decision in this way. When you have done so, make some notes of what you experienced and discovered. Add that to your conscious thinking on the subject: you now have much more information, and the advantage of having engaged more of your mental resources.

Thirdly, for today, forget dream interpretation. That is a conscious and limiting thing to do. Did I make myself clear? Forget conventional dream interpretation. For now use your dreams in personal ways to you.

Write down your goals on paper!

Every person should write down his or her goals. Business goals, personal goals, income goals, and what ever you want to achieve in your life. If you want to achieve something in your life, don’t just think about it. Get a nice piece of paper and write down the goal.

Having a goal sitting in your head may not help that much. Every book says that you need to write down your goals. First thinking about the goal is a good way to start but again, you need to write it down as soon as you think about it.

What is it that you want to accomplish?

Think about this in your mind and come up with the exact goal that you want to get. For example, let’s look at a person who wants to earn $1000 in the next 30 days online. Here is what he or she needs to do.

first step is to write down the goal of earning $1000 in the next 30 days. So that’s done. Good.

Next what you will want to do is to write how you are going to achieve this goal. You should figure out by now that you will want to find someone who has already done this before. Having a burning desire will also help you get to your goal.

Write down why you want to achieve this goal. For some, it is just having that extra income to help them pay for a car payment. For others, it may be that they want to save money. What ever your goals are, write down why you want to achieve them.

Another point to consider is to have complete faith in yourself and your desired goals. You need to have faith because if you don’t, you may not achieve your goals at all. You may have written them down, but it means nothing if you kick out your belief of achieving this goal from your “belief” system that is sitting there somewhere in your head. You need to have faith that you can reach any goal that you set.

After you achieve a particular goal, don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back. Give yourself some sort of a reward. Once you achieve your first goal, you can accomplish any of your future goals in life. It should give you some sort of motivation to write more and more goals down.

Now, what would happen if you don’t reach your goal? This can happen to anyone who sets goals. The best thing that you will need to do is to learn from this situation and think what you can do next time to achieve that goal.

If you fail once, try again. If you fail the second time, then try again until you reach your desired goal. But don’t take the same action. Learn what you did wrong in the first trial and try something different.

7 Quick And Easy Steps To Manage Your Time More Effectively

The internet is one of those things in life that borders on the verge of a good versus evil battle. It can be the greatest money making tool in existence, or the most malicious time waster. When people venture into the business of internet marketing, they often think it’s going to be a piece of cake. Most people who decide upon internet marketing as a business venture love the internet to begin with and want to unleash its evident power to their advantage.

Sometimes these web lovers are sorely disappointed because it seems that they work for hours upon hours and don’t get anything accomplished. That, my friends, is the nature of the beast!

If you intend to do business on the internet, you absolutely have to be disciplined in order to manage your time. Here are 7 steps to doing a better job of it:

1. Set work hours

It is so easy to waste time when you should be working and to end up working unreasonable hours. Internet work can seemly turn into an addiction overnight if you don’t set specific work hours and stick with them.

2. Schedule play hours

Don’t spend your work hours playing surfing the net, visiting internet forums or participating in chat rooms. Set aside leisure time for such activities if you are prone to them.

3. Schedule communications

Set specific times during your work hours to open email. This should usually be the first thing and the last thing you do each work day. If you open your email periodically and respond to it, your work hours can be eaten up in a hurry! Turn off any indicators that tell you you’ve got new email.

4. Block the SPAM

Use a SPAM blocker to isolate or block SPAM email and keep it up to date. Use a separate email address for your business and personal email. Open personal email during your leisure time and business email during your scheduled communication time within your work hours.

5. Make a long-term plan

Make a long-term plan of what you wish to accomplish through your internet marketing. Having a vision with milestones and deadlines will keep you focused and working purposefully day after day.

6. Plan your days

Plan your days ahead of time with a “to do” list that ensures important things will get accomplished. Always plan a little time for unexpected interruptions or demanding little emergencies.

7. Kill the messenger

If you use messenger programs such as MSN Messenger or Yahoo Messenger, log out during your work hours. If you conduct business communications through the messenger program, open separate accounts or block contacts so that only your business associates that you need to be available to can contact you via the messenger program during your work hours.

Implementing these 7 simple tips will help you to master your time and will skyrocket your productivity!

The Small Important Steps Of Time Management

We have to go through many stations to reach the final destination.

Reaching each station is also important, as with the reaching of each station we are closer to our target.

When we talk about time management we should keep both short term goals and long term goals in mind.
If you are focusing only on the big goal while making a time management scheme, then you better sit down and review your time management scheme, plans and actions.

You need to be logical and analyze each and every step needed to achieve you goal. Each and every step then should be defined and timed realistically.

Ideally, the steps or short-term goals should be broken into as many small steps or sub-goals as possible, needed to achieve the short-term goal. This will make your goals very clear and at the same time will make achieving your long-term goal seem reachable.

To get to your ultimate goal you need to strive everyday. There may be times when you would feel that you are going to fail but if you have the determination and the passion – just keep going on. Stand firmly on what you believe in, keep achieving your short goals and you will find that the target is right in front of you. Just a few more determined steps and you would be able to smell the sweet smell of success.

Its not that you cannot stop in the middle of it and take a break. You can take a break but make sure that this is a purposeful break and that after this you would be able to be on track with a renewed zeal.

Time management may be tricky but if the target is always in your mind and your focus is on the road leading to it, then your task is simple- just follow your mind.

While laying out your plans, you need to visualize each and every aspect, envisaging any hurdles, which could delay or derail your progress.

Now that you know your goal requirements and that you have taken care of all aspects and anticipated obstacles, let the journey begin with your eyes on the final objective.

When you are planning to be a leader in your business category, then apart from achieving other goals like finance, marketing, distribution etc., there is one important factor to be considered is Competition. This one factor alone can topple all your plans.

Competition will affect all your plans and has to be considered, in order to make you time management plan successful. You need to be alert and be in touch with the things going around. Your plans also need to adept according to the market situation. Due to competition, the final price may go lower and now your plan should be robust enough to withstand the sudden fall in your margin.

You need to consider the increase in the cost of all inputs as well as the possibility of selling your final product at lower margins to stay in the competition.

Your plans have to be realistic and should have considered the future increase in overheads of your business as well as increase of your family expenses.

When you are defining and scheduling your goals, you need to define them from your perspective i.e. keeping your abilities and skills in your mind.

If you or any of your staff have to undergo any skill or education enhancement to fulfill your aim, this will increase your expenses. This will also have a bearing on time. All this have to be accounted for in your business plan sketch. All this will be compensated by increase in productivity and you would be well on the road to victory.

So remember without conquering smaller hills and mountains a Mount Everest expedition can not be accomplished successfully.

Giving And Receiving

How many of us were told as children “It is better to Give than to Receive”? And many of us grew up believing and thinking that the virtue was always in the giving.

Yet the Universe always has a balance. If there is an up there is an equal and equivalent down. The left is balanced with the right. True North is the exact opposite of True South. Everything in the Universe has an equal and equivalent opposite. Yet it is true that some things are more preferable than their opposite. For instance, most people would much rather be happy than sad and most people would much prefer health over sickness.

Yet when one strives to live with an Attitude of Gratitude, the concept of giving and receiving take on new meaning. Being truly grateful for all of the gifts of an abundant Universe means being open to receiving. The true gifts of the Universe are very often not of a material nature but they are more of a more joyous and spiritual nature. The love of our families and friends, the beauty of nature, the joys we find in our work are some of the sweetest gifts we can receive and they are all far from being material items.

Even in our giving of gifts to others we can receive back the gifts of the Universe. Seeing someone else’s happiness when they open up the gift we chose especially for them is our gift to be grateful for. Watching the enjoyment of our families and friends as they partake in the holiday we prepared for them is a gift from the Universe to be grateful for. Enjoying the excitement as the children wait for Santa is a gift to be grateful for.

So Giving is a wonderful thing. Receiving is an equally wonderful thing. Be open to give and be open to receive. Giving and Receiving can be the perfect balance-which is also another gift from the Universe.

When you give of yourself, you can’t help but receive Joy back. That Joy is your gift.

Murder Your Motivation – Spirituality Information

For ten years i made the same mistake again and again…. I cannot recall a single morning when i got up full of energy and raring to go. There was nothing which motivated me. I used to work for the best companies across the world but they mattered very little deep down within me. I wanted to do something else, something so big and so unique that has never been done before. The biggest mistake i made was I thought that i can achieve all my dreams only if do it full time and quit my job…. I did not have the guts to quit my job and so i just thought and thought about my dream and did nothing else about it … One fine day however ….

It was Jan 12th 2004. I was doing very well as an employee. Great salaries,top position and it was all looking very good for me from the outside. But my deepest intention of being a full time motivational writer remained only a thought and nothing more…. I can still recall that day . I was so frustrated that i locked myself in a room and screamed to my dreams within” Never again bother me . Get out of my life and let be be the ordinary man i always was.Get lost right now !” I stabbed my dreams a dozen times and murdered it so that it never troubled me again….

By evening of that day i was feeling very light as if a huge responsibility had been taken away from my shoulders. I killed my dreams and now i was free.. I had no pressure. It seemed to me that I was carrying a mountain of dreams for the last seven years without fulfilling any of them. I felt as if it was the best thing to happen to me.. Now watch what happened during the next two weeks…

Jan 13th 2004…. I get up at 4.30 am . I am so happy . I don’t know why…. I listen to my favorite music and then I sit for meditation. I head to my workplace after having breakfast..

Jan 14th 2004…. I get up again at 5.00 am and am feeling very calm within. I don’t know why….

This continued for two weeks and then on ….

Jan 28th 2004…. Something very strange happened in my morning meditation. It was as if someone entered into me from outside and was not willing to go out….. The experience was very strange….That someone i later realized was my Inspiration, my real goal, my dream, my life and my purpose in this world.That was my real intention and God was kind enough to reveal it to me. From that day on a voice within spoke continuously to me that my real purpose in life is to build centers where Life changing thoughts are preached and that help will come as i gain strength and momentum in my internal world… This experience did not leave from then on… It caught me by the neck and reminded me of my real intention every day…. Slowly but surely i made progress in my internal world. I did not experience any frustration…. Now i had a great dream, and the plans for achieving those dreams were revealed daily to me from a source far greater than me which was genuine. These plans did not come all at a stretch but they came in bits and pieces as was necessary . I was warned from that day on that i will listen to two voices and i should be capable of recognizing the force of God…

Within one year i quit my job. I did not try hard to quit my job . My job disappeared all by itself.. I am still far of from reaching my goals but i have a dream and it just does go out not even if i scream or stab it a dozen times. This dream is genuine and rock solid …..

The two most important definitions you have to learn in life are Motivation and Inspiration. Motivation is when you go after a goal,or a dream and set plans to achieve it…. This could be many times frustrating and on most occasions even after you achieve your so called dreams you are not happy. But inspiration is something totally different… In the case of Inspiration the dream gets hold of you instead of you going after the dreams. It works its way inside of you and just does not leave you. You are forced to take action…. Inspiration is genuine and is the force of God … Motivation is good but is man made…

Don’t go after things in circle. Murder your motivation today to allow Inspiration to take over. It could be the best thing that could happen to you…. Motivation is cheap, inspiration is genuine. When you are motivated you have to run after things, when you are inspired things work in your favor. Both good and bad events take you to your dreams… It might take a while for you to experience all this but this knowledge should be nailed at the back of your mind….

There are three basic steps you could take starting today as you proceed to murder your motivation.

How far you can go?

Each and every one of us has his or her cherished dream. We think about it all the time and do everything possible to realize it. Dream can be a purpose of one’s living and inspire to do a lot of great deeds. Some dream of a quiet life in the country, having a bunch of children and living peacefully till the rest of their days. Someone’s dreams are quite ambitious and eventually they become famous or contribute greatly to the society. But the most certain fact is that everybody wants to travel at least somewhere during their lives. Why do we want to leave our motherland where everything is familiar to see some other wicked places with a completely different culture? Why do our hearts make us go for an adventure?

Every day seems exactly the same to us. Same worries, same duties, same things underhand. It can drive even the most patient and conservative person insane. Wanting more is a quite natural thing for humans. When we get sick and tired of what surrounds us, we long for new impressions and things, to make our lives more interesting. We forget about our duties, belongings, due times, college term papers and take off for the unknown. It can be also characterized as an escape from the society, which stresses you out. Traveling around the globe is an expensive thing, which not everybody can afford. But it doesn’t have to be India or Caribbean where you spend your time resting and getting your thoughts together. You can go to neighboring country and see their culture.

Your being in a completely different surrounding makes you feel better. You forget about all the problems you had, all the arguments you went through, all things that wait for you at home and dive into a completely new world of wonders. You go on excursions that widen your outlook, hang out in different clubs and caf

An Old Message For A New Age

Do you consider yourself a seeker? I have a feeling if you’re reading this article, you do.

If so, how exactly do you define it? What does it mean to you to be a “seeker?”

For me, the definition is constantly in process of clarifying itself, shifting in and out of focus as I ask, “What is it that I’m seeking?” There have been times days, weeks, months, dare I say years that it felt like wandering, lost and lonely, in search of a nameless, faceless something that seemed forever before me, but like a mirage, moving farther away the closer I drew. I could not grasp it, but I knew that when found it would make all the pieces of my life click together. Instant happiness and abundance, perfect peace and love. Most of all, everything would finally make sense. I’d know my purpose; I’d be brave enough to live it; I’d have no question that I couldn’t readily answer.

I can tell you, after so much time in the desert, I have found no such “something.” But that doesn’t mean the journey has not been fruitful.

In its finest moments the search has been a pilgrimage. One with the hue of holiness. And in those rare instances I know clearly what it is I seek. I’d like to share a story.

Several years ago my husband’s company sponsored a celebrity golf tournament. We attended, and I surprised myself at how star-struck I was! Especially since the stars were sports figures with whom I was barely familiar. Of all of them, the kindest was David Robinson of the San Antonio Spurs. Walking next to him, my head came only to his elbow, but I found him to be a gentle giant. Late in the day I, along with many others, asked for his autograph. When he gave me back the piece of paper it had on it his name and the letters and numbers “Matthew 6:33.” I overheard someone explain that he always places a verse from the Bible on his autographs a different one for each person.

Well, I am someone who does not take things in vain I believe that everything that happens is a perfect set-up for our growth and learning. So, I went home and looked up the verse. Upon reading it I had one of those “pilgrim” moments.

Matthew 6:33Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you as well.

The perfect message for a true seeker. But, of course, the question follows…what does it mean? I know that some will have a very clear-cut answer, but for me it has taken years of touching upon, moving away from, and coming back to the message…to find for myself the meaning. The day I received the verse I typed it up and put it in my meditation space, where I have looked upon it every day since. But lately it has begun to call for my attention more fervently, demanding from me a clearer understanding.

Ultimately, I have come to realize this one sentence as the most basic ingredient for living, and the word that has always stood out to me is “first.” Here, the order of things. In our society we are driven by the desire to obtain – material possessions, personal achievement, physical perfection…we strive first and we strive hard. But in this verse we are asked not to “do” first, but to seek. We are told where to begin.

I would like to go slowly, go back and explore this simple message, piece by piece…

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God…

Is this the answer to the interminable question, “What do I seek?”? If so, then I ask, “What exactly is this ‘Kingdom of God’ that I am after?” My mind immediately travels to another verse Luke 17:21, which says, “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.”

And so, it is not something beyond my grasp that constantly beckons me. It is not a place, or thing, a job or person, a philosophy, idea or fragment of knowledge. It is not to be found in books or buildings. That which is sought is the Divine reflection within my own being, that same reflection alive within yours and in everything else. The dwelling place of the holy lives no farther than the beat of our own hearts.

For those of us who have been on this quest for a while, this idea is nothing new. I realize that. We read books about getting to know and love and be ourselves. We take classes and workshops in the hopes of prying open the door to that illusive hallowed ground we’re after. At the end of every yoga class we say, “Namaste,” the Hindu recognition of the Divine spark within us all. I, like you, know where I’m supposed to look; I can think and speak about it; but it is the experience that I am after that which cannot be spoken of or written about in whole. That which absolutely cannot be taught or bought. That which is secret and private and can only be known in the silent places of one’s own soul.

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God…Seek first the Divine within…Seek first, your own truth.

And then we read on…

…and His Righteousness…

Now, here is a phrase for contemplation. For some it is instantly understood and revered; for others, it will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. It is a loaded word; one that can scare with its asking.

If it is the knowing of our highest selves, a re-union with our own Divinity and, I suspect, with the greater Divinity of all life that we seek, and if we hold faith that the source of Divinity is indwelling, then how do we define this righteousness? I believe that the answer will lie in your own definition, image and knowing of God.

Hypnotherapy For Exam Nerves Goodbye Sleepless Nights, Hello Excellence!

Do you remember how you felt a day before you took your final exams? Sleepless, sweaty, anxious and troubled seem to be perfectly good words to describe your state then. And then there are those times when you think you have studied all you could, made your revisions meticulously…and yet, one look at the exam paper, and all is blank. This is an accurate representation of many students on the eve of a major test. So much depends on you performing well in your exams, but you just can’t seem to control the anxiety. How great it would be if someone had a magic wand that could take these cares away. I am here to tell you that there is a magic wand like this, and it lies within your subconscious; all you need to do is summon this wand to your assistance with the help of hypnotherapy for exam nerves.

I have in my career encountered a number of students who needed help with their anxiety. These students came from various academic streams and levels; some were A Level students, while others GCSE, from those studying medicine to those studying philosophy. I have worked with them, and they have successfully implemented the techniques of hypnotherapy for exam nerves to keep them in good steed. So how does hypnotherapy for exam nerves really help? Exams are all about proving ourselves against others, its all about a flawless performance when it counts. If you are overwrought and anxious, you will never be able to achieve this perfection. The first step of hypnotherapy is to take care of these anxieties. Through soothing echoes and calming visualizations, you are given the opportunity to get over this anxiety. You will be able to relax your mind, even as the positive affirmations work their way towards your subconscious mind.

Through hypnotherapy for exam nerves, we can control the wavering of our minds, and become more focused even when faced with stressful situation. And anyone who has suffered from exam nerves will tell you that answering an exam paper can be as stressful a situation as there can be. Success in exams is as much a matter of academics, as it is about focus and your present state of mind. If you are calm, you can focus and concentrate better on the task at hand, and you will be able to recall answers with clarity. Hypnotherapy is also a great confidence booster, as it tunes your subconscious mind into believing that nothing is impossible; as a result you are sure of yourself and have a better self-image, as the self-doubt is done away with.

Hypnotherapy for exam nerves is also a long term solution. Once you have gone through a series of these sessions, you will able to recall these techniques to your aid as and when you need them. What a sense of liberation it can, this sense of control over anxiety. Hypnotherapy also helps in keeping your energy levels up, and your motivation levels high. So once you have these weapons in your armor, you are tougher; and once you are tougher, no exam paper will seem threatening enough!

The Best Way To Stop Smoking

I am somebody who has managed to quit smoking, it took a lot of determination and will power, there were many periods where I was seemingly desperate and had mad cravings for just one last cigarette, however I was able somehow to resist. In this article, I will be giving some advice about how I managed to successfully stop this nasty and unhealthy habit, advice which I hope will help other people to also quit.

I had tried many times to stop smoking cigarettes and had always failed after only a few days. What I needed to do, was to try to work out why these previous attempts had failed and to hopefully learn from my mistakes. In my new quest to stop smoking, I would need to have a whole new approach from any that I have had in the past, an approach which may result in success rather than the normal failure.

I decided that I would only try again to stop smoking, when my life was in what I classed as a good period. I am the kind of person who easily becomes stressed and I can make the slightest problem seem like the biggest disaster. When I feel that things are not going well in my life, cigarettes become like my friend. At least I have something to look forward to do in that day, smoking. When I am doing well and am happy, I have far less of a need to smoke, therefore this will be the type of period, when I will start yet again to quit the fags.

When attempting to stop smoking in the past, I have always told everybody. This is a big mistake as to quit it is important that you stop thinking about cigarettes completely. When you are constantly being asked about how you are finding giving up the cigarettes, it is like a constant reminder to you. By going about it in a quiet way, maybe only telling your closest family members and friends, makes it a whole lot easier.

As well as quitting smoking, I also decided to seriously reduce my intake of alcohol. When I had failed in the past, it was normally because I had been drunk and could no longer bat away the voices in my head that were telling me to smoke. The alcohol weakened my resolve and increased the amount and severity of the cravings. It was important therefore to massively reduce the amount of alcohol that I was drinking.

Another reason why I had failed in my previous attempts to quit smoking, was possibly due to spending too much time with other people who smoked. I decided that in this new quest, I would attempt to stay away from other smokers as much as I could. This was not that easy as quite a lot of my friends are smokers. I had to be determined and make sacrifices. What I am attempting to do could have a very positive affect on my life, I therefore have to have the courage to do everything in my power that I think will help to lead to a successful conclusion.

I hope this article acts as an inspiration for other people to stop smoking.