Monthly Archives: May 2009

Keep the little things … little.

Too much stress? Get dressed before bed, make breakfast the night before, and work with the little voices … say what?

Ever feel you have too much stress in your life? Most of know there is good stress and bad stress. Good stress challenges us, helps us be productive, creative and leaves us feeling better for having coped.

Some stress isn’t good for us, especially if it lasts for longer periods of time. Most articles I’ve read suggest we have no control over 90 percent of stressors that could impact us. They are probably going to happen whether we like it or not.

Do we turn a blind eye? Are there little things we can do to mitigate the daily stressors we all face? I’m talking little things.

One of my neighbors, Dr. David Posen has written three books relating to stress and lifestyle management. He observes we all have a little voice in our heads that talks to us. These internal conversations can be positive or negative. The good news is we can control the type of dialogue we have. In my business I work with top sales professionals. One of my areas of focus is helping them understand the power of positive self talk. Managing these little voices can significantly impact their business goals and improve their personal life.

Dr. Posen in his latest book offers 52 “prescriptions” he believes can have a profound and positive effect on lifestyles. I’m not a doctor so I can’t write a prescription. I can share some ‘little things’ I’ve done for the past 20 years that have worked for me.

In the morning, have you ever worried what you are going to wear for the day? Why not make that decision the night before. Before you go to bed, lay everything out. You may think it funny, but I lay out my clothes the night before, including my socks and underwear! I extended this to breakfast. Just before I go to bed, I program the coffee maker; lay out my cereal bowl, coffee cup, juice glass and multivitamin. Does it save a lot to time? Maybe not but if my most difficult thing to remember in the morning is the coffee goes in the cup and juice in the glass, them I’m off to a good start. Next thing I do is organize the little voices in my head. It’s going to be a great day. I will be productive. I will not let others actions impact my behavior. That’s it. I get on with my day and try not to let the little things become big things.

Take charge of the little things you can control – and if you don’t already do so, start singing in the shower!

Do Good Luck Symbols, Charms, Talismans, Amulets, Crystals & other Remedies really work ?

Symbols and symbolism are popular in almost every civilisation, culture and religion that has evolved on Earth. They are deeply ingrained in the way of our life itself. Symbols impact our subconscious mind and if their influences are strong enough, then they could stimulate confidence, effort and good outcomes. Whether we realize or not paintings, pictures, jewellery, statues, birds, animals and so forth have meanings and effect on us.

Mankind, after closely watching nature, events and environmental life over a period of centuries, has developed a vast and time tested database of Positive Symbols. When the geometric shape, size, meaning and their other nuances are properly understood and activated, it results in transmission/amplification of “energy” – the vital life force that governs everything in the Universe.

Some classical examples are Crystals, Pyramids, Vedic Yantras, Sacred Geometry, Maha Meru, Pancha Boodha Stupa, Vajra, Viswa Vajra, Rahu (Dorje Phurba), Fengshui Objects, et cetra.

Usage of positive symbols can alter energy flow and enhance the surrounding space. It is the easiest way to introduce positivism in our environment. They are normally categorised into 2 types : to remedy/cure a problem, to heal a situation; to act as a booster or enhancer to bring about harmony and prosperity. There are energy tools (like Crystals) that when placed (after processing), can dissolve negative energy and also stream out purpose-solving, high positive energy. These symbols, when processed and positioned correctly, will definitely yield results.

By creating an environment rich with positive symbolism that elicit positive thinking, focused minds, confidence and innovativeness, progress and prosperity will result. We will then become aware of the life force in the environment in which the energy had been altered by us, thus enabling us to empower it. This powerful symbolism will reinforce our energy levels to benefit in every aspect of our lives.

For example, a Black Tourmalene Crystal Pendant can balance the emotions and calm the mind; a pair of Pink Mandarin Ducks statuettes can bond a couple more strongly; a Viswa Vajra can protect one from negative entities; a Five Element Stupa can balance the five elements of nature and correct the vaastu/fengshui energy of land and building; a set of Sailing Ship Coins can instigate cash flow in Business; a Pyramid can accumulate Positive Energy; a Shri Yantra can remove financial blocks, a custom built Crystal Energy Field can bring in Health, Wealth, Harmony & Happiness, et cetra.

But how can merely the statue of a Phoenix bird bring motivation and new opportunities?

The shape and design of the gadget determines the nature of the energy that the remedy can receive and transmit. (2) The raw material and size decide the storage capacity and life of the remedy, when energised. (3) Programming of the remedy defines the problem to be solved or the purpose to be realised and the Programming only fully dedicates the energy of the remedy to the purpose and binds it to the person.

It is thus important to realise that the remedy by itself is only the hardware part (like a computer). You have to supply the electricity (energising) to switch it on and keep it running. But ultimately you have to supply the proper software (programming) to make it work. Appropriate placement then completes the circle.

There are some who would argue that the “shape” of the talisman or remedy itself does signify a specific energy and hence does not require any other processing. Sure it does : that’s why it has been selected as an energy tool. For example, the shape of a majestic Elephant does signify the energies related to strength, shrewdness and long memory – but that alone is not sufficient. The image or statue should definitely be energised in ways where it stores enough to last for a few years, not weeks. Then the stored energy should be programmed as to whom and for what purpose it should work. The programming also helps the remedy from being corrupted from the onslaught of negative energies that it surely has to face (on behalf of it’s owner), once activated. This way, if and when the vital positive energy of the remedy is critically overwhelmed by negativity at one stage, the remedy simply breaks and declares it’s inability to serve (it’s owner) further, rather than damage it’s owner.

Will a Laughing Buddha or a Crystal or a Yantra bought off the shelf give results?

The simple answer is a firm “no”, if it has not been programmed and energised. Merely energising will not help. The energy needs to be stabilised, sealed and then directed through “specialised” programming.

In fact, the source of the energy remedies play an important role in determining the effectiveness. Many who buy the same Fengshui product from two different sources will find that one is working so well and the other may not. But they never bother to ask why that happens. The answer is subtle, the source determines the “root energy” stored in the products.

(1) It is a key element (the root energy) that the qualified expert (who is going the sell/channel the remedies) checks before selecting. Then the products are (2) cleansed (of negativities that arise during manufacturing/changing hands), (3) instilled with auspicious and positive energy and (4) kept in proper storage area that has a strong positive energy belt before being sold. Finally, when sold, (5) the expert programs the remedy to the purpose and the user and explains the (6) ideal placement of the energy tool in his/her place.

Then and only then will these remedial tools yield results.

In modern living, where the environment at macro level is highly influenced by many factors beyond our control, micro level energy correction done with empowered remedies can effectively bring in and retain Health, Wealth, Harmony and Happiness.

This is copyrighted work. Permission is granted to republish (both in electronic media as well as print media) the article in it’s entirety only, including the full bio of the author and his links. All links should be “clickable” hyperlinks. An acknowledgement mail from Republishers will be appreciated.

Frauds in the Metaphysical Field Part 2

Another indication of the metaphysical fraud concerns the matter of apparel. Psychic cheaters normally wear robes and turbans and other fancy costumes to give the impression to people and their prospective clients that they are different, sacred or holy in some way. The moment we meet such psychics our gullible subconscious minds are influenced negatively unless we take the appropriate measures of protection among which is to rationalize the situation and to see through their deception. Let it be known that true modern saints or genuine metaphysicians, in general, do not wear apparel any different from the norm. They dress the way ordinary human beings dress taking into account environmental factors and culture. One of the most important principle to keep in mind is that true metaphysicians or saints would never direct attention to themselves. Their words, mannerism, and behavior are free from the taints of the false ego.

It is important to realize that most psychics, whether fraudulent or genuine, when given the chance will play upon the fears and worries of clients. They would strengthen a client’s belief that all that they fear are true and more besides, and that the only way out of their dilemma or problem is to apply the directions of the paranormal which usually involves emptying the purse. Often they would declare how negative you are or how you are so filled with negative energies and that with their “great powers” they would purify you and help you succeed in overcoming all that is counterproductive to your welfare–but with a certain reward, of course. At times they will say that you will have a potential problem in a certain bodily organ and to prevent it from manifesting they will balance the situation for you–for a fee. Although the detection of an unbalanced situation in one’s bio-energy field is a possibility, many so-called psychics dupe the public as to their ability to do this. They only cause unnecessary concern over dangers that do not exist.

Beware of those psychics that advertise the “testimonies” of their “clients,” (normally celebrities) to support their claims of power, talent or the effectiveness of their services and products. These statements often appear in print in the mass media and are mostly unwarranted.

You will also find many psychic frauds on the Internet. When requesting a psychic reading, psychics in the Net will send you a stereotype profile reading that would apply to any Tom, Dick or Harry. If one would reason it out one would come to realize that it would be impossible for any human being to cater or to devote their undivided attention to hundreds of persons requesting a psychic reading in a single day. The only resort left for these psychics is to present something applicable but spiritually meaningless to all. The daily or weekly horoscopes to be found in magazines are of these sort as well. Psychic frauds or those who are under the influence of self-deception often make bombastic claims in their advertisements but offer very little of soul-worth. Here we do not comment on the reality of psychicism, of magical forces, of subtle energies. We know that they do exist and are real to those who are able to perceive them; basically, what we are opposed to are psychics and frauds taking advantage of the ignorance of their fellow men.

Paranormals and low-caliber metaphysicians have the tendency in making their clients overly dependent upon them, their services and their products. Even spiritual teachers fall into this trap. They allow their disciples to lean too much upon them. The Master Jesus once said to his disciples that he had to leave them at a certain time, for if not, the “comforter” would not come. He meant by this that if he did not leave them, and that if his disciples depended too much upon him for their spiritual sustenance, they would not spiritually mature and that they would not acquire a higher awareness and understanding through personal effort and experience. True metaphysicians teach one not to be overly-dependent upon anything artificial and external for one’s well-being. It is wholly vital that we resort to an internal resource or be dependent upon our inner Source, our true Self–the part of God within us for our spiritual nourishment.

The object of metaphysical service is to facilitate the spiritual growth of humanity. This principle is constantly being violated, however. Unaware of spiritual values and purposes, psychics simply deliver goods that in the long run stall the evolution of man. Their services do not promote spiritual unfoldment or the manifestation of the Christ Consciousness. In this they are no different from those who implement the practices of hedonism and materialism. For instance, one of the paranormal practices is the insertion of implants to manifest charisma, charm, power, fascination, etc. Indonesian psychics call these implants, “susuk.” It is not too often realized that the power of these implants are temporary in nature notwithstanding the statements of some psychics as to the contrary. Energy by its very nature is in a constant state of flux and may be modified, changed, or transmuted. All organisms are constantly radiating energy and this influences whatever it comes into contact with, so an implant imbued with a certain force may unwittingly be transmuted or neutralized by the person who has it inserted into him. Now even-though such implants may contain and radiate power, the persons given such a force may not want to undergo the necessary character-building and metaphysical disciplines that would eventually give them what they seek and consequently, progress spiritually. For they presume that what they need already exists in them with the presence of the implant. However, it should be noted that the power derived from an artificial source is ephemeral and the total reliance upon it directs us away from the spiritual path. It makes one self-complacent and slothful. We should acquire the qualities or conditions that we seek through personal effort. Implants, talismans, and such are simply aids to help one–they are not to be totally relied upon. Their use should be rightly understood if they are to be of true worth to us. Please note here that we are not disapproving the practice of making or bearing talismans or acquiring magickal powers–in fact we present such things on our site. Our intent is to explain the right attitude to be adopted.

The Dark forces wish humanity to stagnate in its soul progression. It will not have humanity improve its spiritual status. Thus anything that stalls evolution or hinders man from treading the Spiritual Path is the work of the Fallen Ones. Psychic wares can degenerate into instruments of the Dark forces. Those who are inclined to experiment with the wares of paranormals should do so with the right understanding and perspective.

Pseudo-psychics have their confederates. They often have their minions search for gullible persons whom they may influence and manipulate. By persuasive speech henchmen of pseudo-psychics convince their prey how powerful and wise a certain paranormal (their boss) is. Various tricks are used. Information concerning a certain potential client may be acquired before hand and then conveyed to the “psychic.” When the client visits the psychic, he is astonished that the so-called seer knows everything about him.

Sleight-of-hand, hidden gizmos, and gadgets are often used in the “healing” of a patient/client of a psychic malady, or to prove the existence of the psychic’s innate powers. Since the belief in transferred, malicious etheric implants (“santet” in Indonesian) are taken for granted among the lower class, tricks and deceptions are frequently resorted to in order to convince the patient that an object had been taken out from the patient’s body; and this is supposed to be the cause of an illness. Often a healing may well take place using such quackery since a large percentage of cases of illnesses have a psychosomatic origin or are caused by abnormal thoughts and feelings, and these respond to the shaman working within the patient’s belief frame-work. Such healings are based upon the principle of suggestion.

Psychic healers may boast that a patient of theirs may have been to every kind of healer, undergone every form of therapeutics, and yet no healing took place until the individual came to them to be “healed.” Not only is their boast self-promotional in nature but their belief is a fallacy. Firstly, healing is a process conducted by Nature–no single individual does the healing. A person may have been to one doctor or healer after another without being apparently cured; however, the healing process may already have begun without the person’s knowledge and awareness. Thus, at a certain point of the healing process the person finds himself completely cured and he ignorantly attributes this to the last healer that attempted to cure him. And this “healer” arrogantly considers the healing to be the result of his or her own personal powers and prowess. Secondly, a person is not curable unless he subconsciously and consciously wants to be cured–when he is psychologically ready to release the malady. When this is released through self-determination and faith he finds himself cured, and this often occurs no matter to what healer he goes to or the form of therapy that he undergoes at that time. Thirdly, some illnesses are karmic in nature, and only when the karmic lesson is learnt or the karmic force spent and compensated will the inharmonious bodily or psychological condition disappear. Again, this may occur spontaneously at a time when the person visits a healer and without the healer actually having anything directly to do with the healing process, nor ever having acted as a catalyst of bodily harmony.

One of the negative traits of the so-called spiritual Masters who present themselves as teachers of meditation and metaphysics is that they do not offer constant guidance or availability to their students. They are here one day, and in the next they are off somewhere where it is almost impossible for one to contact or communicate with them. If one encounters a problem in one’s metaphysical practices the Guru is not available to offer assistance. This is an irresponsible act of omission on the part of the so-called Guru. In many cases this can be construed as the incompetence or inability of the Guru to provide true beneficial guidance. It can also be assumed that their motive for teaching metaphysics or branches of it in the first place was simply for its monetary returns. The true metaphysical Guru knows that spiritual teachings cannot be given in one gulp, but morsels at a time. Spiritual growth is a process and the Guru has to be constantly around to nurture the unfoldment of his students. Frauds normally take off and break communication after a few sessions with their victimized students.

Genuine Masters and Adepts as a rule, also do not offer any services of instant metaphysical development. A true Master does not perform the work that the disciple ought to be doing for himself. Self-involvement in spiritual work unfolds a divine character, and this is what the Guru wishes of his students. There is also more merit and is more honorable doing metaphysical work and exercises for oneself instead of having others do them for us. For instance, which do you think is more praiseworthy, running in a race and reaching the finish line by one’s own efforts, or to be carried there by the Master on his shoulders?

Concerning the instant transference of power, or the raising of the kundalini by the Master, there are many points that the true Master would consider. Such transference is a blessing and is given only after the disciple had applied the disciplines for some time–often years, and not given by the genuine Master at the very inception of a student’s metaphysical career–especially not on a massive scale. This is an irresponsible act on the part of the Guru for not everyone is physically or etherically prepared for such an empowerment.

Many Spiritual Masters (so-called) are a disappointment. Oft times they declare, whether implicitly or explicitly, that their kundalini have been permanently raised, or that they have attained enlightenment or are in constant contact with the Ascended Masters. Should this be true one awaits glorious things coming from them–from their minds and hearts. One would expect them to be divine in their everyday expressions; original and creative in their literary works, and selfless in fulfilling their missions. Their works would be of an unsurpassed quality even surpassing the state of genius, however, as it is, their products lack originality and they produce no novel concepts or precepts that reveal heretofore hidden facets of Truth, or strive to uplift humanity even higher on the scale of evolution in a balanced manner. Most of their written works are too simplistic, they merely scratch the surface of metaphysical thought and often than not, are plagiarized versions of other authors’ works. What is pitiful is that their ego can still be clearly seen–and they are blind to this. They are so keen in criticizing others but fail to look into their own soul and correct innate faults. Those with a little knowledge are so quick in attacking others and in speaking the loudest. These undeveloped “Gurus” give all sorts of “plausible” excuses for their short-comings, for their extravagant way of life, for their creature-comfort-which only shows that they are self-centered and focused upon the personality level. Hopefully this condition would change in this new millenium.

Dogmas, false religious teachings and revelations are often taught and spread by false mystics, bigoted priests, channels and paranormals. They do this for fame and to instill fear in the masses so that the masses would turn to them for assistance–and this, of course, is designed to fill their personal bank account. Some psychics foolishly predict the future revealing dire cataclysms and catastrophes that would occur sometime in the near future. Although most are deceivers and malicious in their intent, there are a few who are sincere but mistaken as to the source of their psychic impressions. They regard the visions that they receive as coming from God or the Ascended Masters. They do not realize that most of what they psychically see are mere thoughtforms created and radiated by those who are psychologically unbalanced or who are mentally disturbed. Substantially, these thoughtforms have no real power to manifest on the physical plane or affect it unless we give them power through our constant attention and fear. Even if visions did flow from the Divine Cosmic Mind, they are often distorted by the unpurified subconscious minds of psychics so that a clear understanding of the picture is not acquired and presented. Again, even if a vision of a catastrophe from God was correctly received there is always a possibility of preventing its occurrence or decreasing the magnitude of its effects through the proper metaphysical procedures. However, those who are self-deceived are often adamant that what they “see” must occur. Below we would like to quote a few scriptural verses for your consideration. They are related to this paragraph.

For both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in my house have I found their wickedness, saith the LORD. (Jeremiah 23:11)

I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. (Jeremiah 23:21)

Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the LORD. (Jeremiah 23:16)

Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing! (Ezekial 13:3)

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. (Matthew 7:15)


A Monster Of A Leadership Challenge: The Creature That Ate Your Career

PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required: mail to: [email protected]

Word count: 815

In the 1964 movie, “Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster”, King Ghidorah was a gigantic, dragon-like creature that came from outer space. It had three heads on long necks, bat-like wings, no arms, and twin tails. It terrorized Tokyo until Godzilla, in a role reversal as protector rather than destroyer, defeated it in a terrible battle and chased it back into outer space.

As a leader, you don’t have to go to the movies to face Ghidorah. You do it every day. Ghidorah is the three-headed monster of fear, failure, and self-doubt. How you deal with the triple threat will determine to a great extent how your career develops.

Though fear, failure and self-doubt are each separate, they cannot be separated: The prospect of failure can lead to fear of failure, and fear of failure can lead to self-doubt, which closes the cycle by leading back to fear of failure.

Of course, this is not strictly linear. Three-headed Ghidorah is comprised of any number of combinations. For instance, self-doubt may lead to failure or failure may lead to self-doubt, which leads to fear.

Don’t concern yourself with the combinations that can afflict you. Concern yourself instead with how to deal with Ghidorah. The first thing to understand about how to deal with the monster is that if you’re NOT dealing with Ghidorah, you’re doing something wrong. Leadership is not about living an easy life for ourselves but a hard life for other people and for the organizations you serve. Fear, failure, and self doubt are a natural outcomes of good leadership.

That’s especially so for leaders who are trying to motivate people to meet extraordinary challenges.

You’ll never know how good you are as a leader unless you are motivating others to be better than they think they are. In that endeavor, you’ll inevitably get at least some of the people angry.

Most people are settled into a comfortable status quo and resist and resent being challenged to break out.

But if you aim to get great results, people not only have to be pushed but more importantly, they must be challenged to push themselves.

So, if you’re not getting some people angry with you over the pushing, you’re doing something wrong as a leader, you’re not challenging people enough.

The second thing is that if you face Ghidorah head on, you’ll find that fear, failure and self-doubt are your benefactors; for Ghidorah can be your partner in achieving limitless results.

For instance, I worked with the CEO of a company that proved results are limitless. In the 1930s, the company was making tea bag paper. Over the years, they kept changing and improving their products so today they are making high tech thermoplastics. Going from making tea bag paper to high tech thermoplastics involved innovation, hard work, and great leadership. My bet is that fear, failure and self-doubt were driving factors in that three-generation, results-are-limitless evolution.

Don’t simply overcome Ghidorah. Instead, use Ghidorah — use fear, failure and self-doubt as your results-partner. To do so, you need to cultivate your inner, submerged strengths.

An assault by Ghidorah is an opportunity for us to manifest strengths we did not know we possessed.

“I’m afraid I might fail.” We can manifest perseverance.

“I doubt if I can do this.” — We can be innovative.

“I have failed.” — We can evince patience, tenacity, and resilience.

My leadership processes, which today may look simple, clear, and robust, were developed with my grappling countless times with Ghidorah. There is not a process I teach that did not have its birth in a failure of one kind or another. Often, I really didn’t understand the process until I first failed in trying to put it into action. I have to give Ghidorah much of the credit for their success.

Over time, as we keep manifesting our strengths in the face of Ghidorah’s assaults, we tend to avoid getting carried away by appearances or our mercurial desires but instead will gradually actualize a centered leadership. The more we assess our strengths in times of affliction, the more easily assessable those strengths become.

But that’s not all. Here’s the final secret: We manifest these strengths not just for ourselves but also for the people we lead; for when we face Ghidorah, we show others the path; and in doing so, help them tap into their own inner strengths, creating a motivational bond between you.

King Ghidorah was brought to life on the movie screen by a stunt actor inside an elaborate costume, with a team of puppeteers controlling the beast’s many appendages. When tough challenges call forth Ghidorah in your leadership, you may see that the creature is, similarly, not substance but the dazzle of our minds and emotions, reminding us that leadership begins not when we grasp at outward appearances but when hold to our center and the resources flowing from that center.

Finally! Beat Stress And Anxiety Using These 4 Techniques

Copyright 2006 Jeff Smith

Have you ever met anyone who didn’t feel they had stress in their lives? I can’t say that I have every come across anyone who said to me “I have no stress in my life, feel at peace all the time”

In fact, most of the people I come across are paralyzed by stress and anxiety – without even knowing it, they have let stress slowly build in their lives, little by little, without even realizing that it was impacting their relationships, happiness, career, health and entire lifestyle.

Let me ask you these important questions:

1. Have you felt trapped – like a caged monkey who can’t seem to break free no matter how hard you try?

2. Have you all but given in to the pressures of life and find yorself often drifting through days, months even years without really accomplishing anything substantial?

3. Do you have more unhappy moments than you remember in the past?

4. Do you find that even when you do get a spare moment, that you can’t seem to really enjoy the things you used to?

Chances are negative stress has eaten away at your life, here’s 4 ways to reduce the stress you feel now…

1. Recognize and realize that stress is a response you have to things that occur in your life. This may seem less than powerful, but in fact, if you convince yourself that you control your response to stress, you gain hope and belief that you can really make changes to lower your stress response in your life.

2. Take time for you. Many people take from us, our employers, friends, children, even the media and society at large. Its tempting to just give in and give up the piece of your day that must belong to you. By giving up your private relaxation, personal thinking or meditation time you are NOT benefiting those around you, in the long-run you are giving up control, allowing more stress into your life which will result in you being LESS effective to those around you.

3. Exercise. Its not necessary to instantly become an exercise fanatic. Too many of us think in terms of all or nothing. Start by committing to a morning, lunch hour or evening walk 3 times a week for at least 40-minutes. If you prefer a gym, then start slow and build up an exercise regime. Not only will this benefit you in terms of personal image, weight loss, energy gain, but it has been scientifically proven that exercise produces chemicals in your brain that help you overcome stress.

4. Become more self-aware. Its often the case that when we feel most stressed, we also feel that we have lost who we really are. In fact, losing a sense of what is really important to us is one of the biggest factors preventing people from pulling out of feelings of stress and hopelessness. Yoga and meditation are incredibly powerful techniques that are both simple to learn (at least the basics), and can lead to incredible changes from the inside out to alter the stress balance in our lives.

Yoga and meditation will take some up-front committment, but within a few weeks of consistently practicing these principles, you can experience some very dramatic changes in your ability to handle stress.

With the majority of our population being paralyzed by the inabiltiy to control stress leading to anxiety, it is perhaps one of the most desctructive forces threatening today’s society.

At an individual level, you have the ability to change your level of stress dramatically, but that change must come from within and it must start with your own belief that indeed, you can control your response to stress. Following the four principles outlined above will certainly allow you to quickly overcome the limitations of stress and anxiety in your life.

You as THE Authority Figure

She stands at the front of the room exuding confidence.

Your companion leans over and whispers, “Remember when she was just another newbie? We all started out together, and back then, she didn’t know any more than you or me, but look at her now!”

And you have to admit, she seems born to instruct — or command. Fielding questions without a flicker of nervousness, explaining fine points with such personal assurance that no one questions her expertise. A natural leader.

Of course, in the back of your mind there’s still a touch of reserve. She’s not explaining anything you couldn’t. But you have to admit, she just seems so doggone comfortable up there, so natural. So in-command of herself and the room.

Her confidence, however, which today seems so sure and unshakable, was almost certainly cast in a crucible of the same insecurities and self doubts you face every day.

In other words, that natural leader was made, not born.

Ever ask yourself why so many giant corporations invest so much money in books, tapes, seminars and coaching to train their people in leadership? Obviously there are many more slots for leaders than there are people to fill them. It’s also obvious those huge companies aren’t waiting around for enough leaders to be born. They create their own supply.

But that is only the first step in what we’ll be talking about here.

Someone who rises to become an authority figure in any field, what are they but a leader — an opinion leader. Furthermore, if they can manage to get themselves accepted as a leader in their industry, you could do the same thing.

We know that certain life experiences tend to spontaneously develop leadership qualities. If you have children, your parents probably watched as the birth of your firstborn threw you headlong into an exciting, scary new job — raising a baby.

Remember that first child, and how uncertain you were during your initial few weeks as a new parent?

Now fast-forward two or three more kids. You are now a seasoned pro. You’ve become increasingly confident as you’ve carried out the daily routine of being a mother or father. Of course you’re so close to the day-to-day experience that you may not have noticed the growth happening. You may still feel unsure and insecure inside. But ask your parents if they’ve seen any change in you.

Parenting, however, is not the only role that will stretch you. Any new role will cause you to grow, to expand your capabilities and your skills. Eventually you’ll gain increased confidence in your ability to get the job done.

As you fill any new role, you gradually gain a certainty about your actions and decisions that you were lacking when you began.

Where does that confidence come from? In the case of parenting, it nearly always begins from years of observing your own parents and those of your friends. You model what you have seen.

Then stir in a lot of on-the-job training. You practice being a parent by doing the work, making the decisions, handling the crises, being right in the middle of it, day in and day out. You learn by making your share of mistakes, surviving them, correcting course and continuing on, a bit wiser for every wrong or right turn.

To your kids, you’re (more or less) the boss. And you gained that stature simply by wading in and doing it. You made some goofups along the way, of course, but you also learned from most of them, so now you carry a degree of self assurance as you manage your family.

Within the small community of the family group, you are an authority figure.

Now let’s take that principle and put it to work in your career. Given a little time and some concentrated effort, we can actually make you an authority figure on any subject, in literally any community — professional or social — by going through the same kind of process a new parent faces.

You simply dive in and start functioning at a level you think is over your head. You force yourself to stretch.

You can take specific steps to drill into yourself a belief that you’re capable of doing the job. Those steps take you to where you begin seeing yourself as an authority.

There are similar steps that will implant your name uppermost in other people’s minds. You do the things that authority figures do, and people will see you as the role you take on. Do this for a while, and soon the population around you will fully accept the face you show them.

If you specialize in widget tuning, for instance, we can train people to think of you — and only you — anytime the subject of widget tuning comes up.

We won’t go into the steps in depth here. It’s more important for you to develop an intense awareness that YOU can do this.

Bob Bly, in his book “Become a Recognized Authority in Your Field in 60 Days or Less,” says:

“[Certain] people are gurus — recognized authorities in their fields. Because of their guru status, they enjoy greater visibility and reputation than their peers, not to mention more success, income, and wealth.

“But they are gurus not because they are more talented or successful, or because their performance and track record are superior…. Instead, they gained their guru status through self-promotion and publicity. That is, they are gurus not because they are great at what they do, but because they are great at selling and marketing themselves and what they do.”

Clearly, technical expertise is important. But that is not the crucial factor in this arena.

Your field — whether widget tuning or nuclear physics — will have many superbly qualified experts. But the most technically qualified person may not have the temperament or personal qualities to be THE guru or authority figure.

So what am I getting at, with all this talk about gurus and industry leaders? It should be obvious, but in case it’s not, let’s spell it out.

To become a technical whiz in your field, you study the technical stuff. Do that long enough and intensely enough, and you become an expert’s expert.

But if you yearn to become a highly visible spokesman, an authority figure in your industry, you’ll need to study and practice other skills. Skills like those outlined by Bly in his book. These include:
* Writing articles
* Writing books
* Producing and selling information products
* Publishing a newsletter or ezine
* Making speeches
* Giving seminars
* Conducting a public relations campaign
* Using the Internet

You’ll notice that all of these avenues involve words and information to promote your visibility, accessibility and credibility.

Two final steps in Bly’s outline are:
* Achieve critical mass, and
* Maintain guru status

These entail building and keeping your momentum through a steady program. In a word, persistence. You take these new skills and dive on in, start doing them, even if it feels like you’re in over your head — sort of like the new-parent feeling. And you keep on doing them.

However, when we take the task of becoming an authority figure and break it down into logical steps, it really isn’t so complicated. It’s only a bit different from the job you’re doing now.

Cultivating visibility and public awareness — why, that sounds like plain old marketing, doesn’t it? Marketing ourselves as a sort of name brand product.

You’re starting to get the picture now, right? Marketing ourselves and becoming recognized, even preferred, over other names is money in the bank.

Which do you think will command higher prices, a dress from Discount Warehouse, or one bearing a designer label from a shop on Rodeo Drive?

Now, there’s nothing wrong with serving the Discount Warehouse market, but there’s also nothing wrong with serving the upmarket, either.

And it is nice to have a choice. But if you never even consider the option of making yourself a brand name, or authority figure, you don’t get a choice. It’s Discount Warehouse or nothing.

You know what? Down there at the low end of the market, that’s where the bulk of the competition is. There are a thousand discount warehouses selling what you sell.

If you ever want to stop competing with others, and instead let them worry about competing with you, consider making yourself known by everybody in your market.

Create visibility and become a recognized authority, a spokesman, maybe even a guru of sorts.

Then, instead of you having to chase clients, the game switches around, and the clients come looking for you.

Seems like a nice way to live, doesn’t it?

The Five Most Powerful Questions a Coach Can Ask: Five Must Ask Questions for Every Business or Life Coach!

Surprising to some, answers are not the most potent tool a coach has. Questions are! Questions empower people to invent their own answers and solutions, thus developing them for future challenges.

To discover new possible actions or to move your players toward their intended objectives, always ask these 5 most powerful questions:

1. What must happen? What specific, interim outcomes should be accomplished in the timeframe to achieve your ultimate objective? Depending on the objective, this could be the next day, week, or month.

2. Why do you think so? Examine reasons for the selection of interim outcomes. Are there more important or more urgent outcomes that may have been overlooked?

3. How might that be accomplished? Explore a number of approaches and alternatives. Keep exploring until all known options are exhausted and begin to create new ones. Select actions from the list that will help achieve the interim or partial outcomes.

4. Who will/should/could be the one(s) to do it? Who will perform the tasks? Is it you or should you delegate the action to an employee or request a colleague to do it?

5. When must this be accomplished? Set specific dates of completion for each of your objectives.

Responses to these five questions will form a plan to help players realize their objectives. But, it shouldn’t stop there. Arm yourself with a cornucopia of possible questions. Then, and only then, can you unlock new creative pathways and help your player achieve their dreams.


All that you create or do not create in your life- comes from choice. Embrace and understand the dynamics of this essential ingredient of power. You suffer when you dis-empower yourself by feeling that you are not in control of your destiny. Freedom lies in understanding that you choose everything! Even in “inaction” there is a choice. In reality there is no true inaction or stagnation.

You can justify your situation by proclaiming, “I have no choice” “I cannot do anything to change my circumstances” “there is nothing I can do” etc. That is a false belief. You can “choose” to allow the outer world to affect how you see your situation- yet; there is never a situation in which you do not have power and a choice.

With each choice, there is a consequence and an energetic price that must be paid. So, it is not that you do not have a choice- you are only choosing which energetic price you choose to pay.

If you are currently in a working situation in which you are unhappy, you can make several choices.

You can choose to stay because you are fearful of change, of the economy or whether or not you can find another means of income. The price you will pay for this choice is continued feelings of boredom, anger, hopelessness, lethargy and depression. Eventually this feeling will affect other areas of your life.

You can choose to stay- yet, change the energetic of how you see your situation. The simple act of using an empowering thought form can create a dramatic change in how you see your situation. “I will stay in this job because it is providing me with an income at this time. I will keep my eyes open for new opportunities and know that this is a temporary situation and I can choose again at any time”.

You can choose to leave the job with the understanding that you are a creative being and can manifest a new source of income. From an outer view, this looks as if it is the most “expensive” choice in terms of energy. Yet, on another level it is not. What is required is a profound faith.

The first of these three examples is actually the most “expensive” for to continue to live under such circumstances will rob you of your life force. The most gentle of the three is the second option and the most daring and magical is the last.

The same wisdom applies to relationships (both platonic and romantic)

You can choose to stay in an unhappy, stagnant or abusive relationship. You can continue to complain about how miserable you are and how you cannot leave the relationship for various reasons. You can justify and make excuses for your circumstances- yet; all the while you will continue to live in anxiety and pain. You can choose to continually dream about what else may be out there for you- yet, never giving yourself an opportunity to explore the possibilities. The price for this choice is an un-calculatable amount.

You can choose to stay in the relationship with the affirmation of “I love this person and I choose to communicate my feelings with them to help bring about the needed changes. I will focus on the positive qualities and begin to let those be the guiding force. After a period of time, if I am still unhappy and see that the situation will not change, then I can choose again”. By doing this, you empower yourself by knowing that you are staying because it is YOUR CHOICE- not because you have no other options.

You can choose to leave the relationship and understand that this choice may lead to some pain and loneliness for a short time. You may feel sadness and loss, yet with that will come an undeniable sense of freedom. The level of your anxiety, negative thoughts and feelings will diminish, making way for a higher vibration of life affirming energy. Your affirmation would be “I am choosing to leave this relationship/friendship because it is not contributing to my joy and ultimate happiness. I know it may be painful for a little while- yet, I also know there are billions of people on the planet and numerous opportunities to meet new friends and lovers.”

When you use the words choose or choice in an affirmation, prayer or thought- the ears of the Angels perk up and they listen. The Universe begins to realign your world to meet that choice. There is so much magic in the understanding of this wisdom.

The same principle applies to what you view as “missing” in your life. You want to create a business, prosperity, a new job or a relationship yet you see that nothing is manifesting in your life. You can CHOOSE how you see your situation. You can make conscious choices as to how to get to the place you want to be. Statements like “I will never work for myself, I do not have the means to create my own business.” “I will never find a good job”, “I will never meet my soulmate/twinflame”, “I will always be poor”, “I will never get what I want” – all reinforce the CHOICE to create more of the same.

Choose creative and life affirming statements and thought forms and watch how your life is transformed. The Angels stand ready to assist you in your choices to create your desires.

I choose to take steps to immerse myself in the knowledge and learning I need to start my own business. I choose to put all my energy to creating what I want.

I choose to KNOW that there is a wonderful abundance of potential life partners and friends in the world for me. I choose to attract individuals who I will enjoy being with.

I choose to embrace HEALTH and vitality.

I choose to feel good.

I choose to allow prosperity to flow into my life.

I choose to allow my spiritual insight and faith to be my guiding force.

Paula Picard Psychic and Spiritual Teacher

10 Simple Ways To Control Adult Add

Both adult ADD and adult ADHD has drawbacks, though we know there are great benefits in creativity, intelligence, and the ability to hyperfocus. Yet, some of the mundane tasks in the world can be helped by following these 10 easy steps:

1. Color Code Your World: When it comes to things like what to do with the dirty clothes, color-coded bins that make sorting easier is a great way to streamline laundry day and to keep sleeping spaces neat for people with adult ADD. Rather than tossing clothes wherever they may land, get bins color-coded to the laundry sorting ritual. Use white for whites, colored for colors, and black for dark colors. You may want an extra one, just for clothes that could bleed into your other laundry, like red, for instance. Or, you may want to put delicates in another colored bin. It’s up to you how you use your adult ADD creativity

2. Keep it open: People with adult ADD don’t do well with space that is too structured, probably owing to time spent in school desks as a kid, and this is especially true for adults with ADHD. Allow your home to be as open as possible to allow yourself to move around whenever you need to do that. Don’t have too much furniture or other things that can get in your way.

3. Make deadlines for yourself: Even if there isn’t a hard deadline for some project you’re working on, set one anyway. This helps adult ADD people to stay on task and the urgency factor may help you to keep from being bored.

4. Chunk it up: Rather than looking at a huge project and freaking out because it just seems too daunting, remember how to eat an elephant… one bite at a time. Break big projects into a series of smaller ones.

5. So, be a multitasker: What’s wrong with that? Just because linear-thinking people can only do one thing at a time, that shouldn’t limit you. So, listen to music while you’re preparing that boring report for work. Bake some cookies so you can smell them while you’re working, too. Involve as many senses as you need to so that you aren’t bored.

6. Be a time waster: We all are, generally. But when you have adult ADD, time wasting activity can really bring your productivity to a halt. If you feel like you want to waste some time, then do it, but set a time limit, say half an hour. Do whatever it is you want to do to waste that time, and then back to work!

7. If you’re going to waste time, you’ll need a timer: Yes! When it’s wasting time, set a timer for the time you’ve allotted to waste. Or, use the timer for hyperfocus time. Use whatever time you set to work on something boring that just has to be done, like balancing your checkbook. When the timer goes off, you can get back to doing something you like to do better. Set the timer again. Then, go back to the checkbook and continue the process until it’s done.

8. Treat yourself like a child: When you have particularly angry moments or when you’re just so worked up you can hardly stand it, go into a separate room, away from people and get your ya-yas out. When you have adult ADD or ADHD, these periods are bound to arise, so don’t take them out on other people. Go somewhere that you can be alone until your temper settles back down.

9. Workout: Or find some other form of exercise, like running or swimming. This helps to relieve your pent up energies, which are inherent with adult ADD and even more so with ADHD.

10. Plan regular meals: Adult ADD often gets us so hyperfocused on what we’re doing that we actually forget to eat. By keeping a routine, this may ease the burden of remembering to provide sustenance for our own bodies.

These ideas are all ways to make dealing with adult ADD or ADHD easier. Try some of them, and if they work for you, then add others to your daily routine. In fact, email this story to friends who have adult ADD and email a copy to yourself. That way, it will always be close by.

The Secret – Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 37 )

Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blueprint of your ultimate achievements.

— Anonymous

Pursue, keep up with, circle round and round your life, as a dog does his master’s chaise. Do what you love. Know your own bone; gnaw at it, bury it, unearth it, and gnaw it still.

— Henry David Thoreau

Those who realize that God cannot be known, truly know; those who claim that they know, know nothing.

The ignorant think that God can be grasped by the mind; the wise know IT beyond knowledge.

When you see that God acts through you at every moment, in every movement of mind or body, you attain true freedom.

When you realize the truth, and cling to nothing in the world, you enter eternal life.

— The Upanishads

Happiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response.

— Mildred Barthel

Everyone must row with the oars he has.

— English Proverb

He turns not back who is bound to a star.

— Leonardo da Vinci

Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom.

— Merry Browne

Only God is in a position to look down on anyone.

— Sarah Brown

We are overrun with Popes. From curates and governesses, who may claim a sort of professional standing, to parents and uncles and nursery-maids and school teachers and wiseacres generally, there are scores of thousands of human insects groping through our darkness by the feeble phosphorescence of their own tails, yet ready at a moment’s notice to reveal the will of God on every possible subject; to explain how and why the universe was made (in my youth they added the exact date) and the circumstances under which it will cease to exist; to lay down precise rules of right and wrong conduct; to discriminate infallibly between virtuous and vicious character; and all this with such certainty that they are prepared to visit all the rigors of the law, and all the ruinous penalties of social ostracism on people, however harmless their actions may be, who venture to laugh at their monstrous conceit or to pay their assumptions the extravagant compliment of criticizing them.

— George Bernard Shaw

Of course, it’s the same old story. Truth usually is the same old story.

— Margaret Thatcher

God created suffering so that we would learn to help one another.

— Anita Bergen

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