Monthly Archives: July 2008

Am I Living My Vision?

I am living the most abundant life I can imagine! Does this mean that I am living my vision? Not yet.

“Why not?” you ask.

My answer is that I have not yet expanded my imagination enough to encompass my vision, but I am getting closer. You see, I am now a full-fledged student of “The Law of Abundance”. This universal law drives what is manifested in my life.

Our culture is full of truisms that support the “Law of Abundance”. The following represent only a few of those truisms. “If you set your mind to it…” “If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you always got.” “You are a victim of the rules you live by.” “I think, therefore I am”.

Look at the people around you. What do you see? When you look at a person’s life you can literally read their mind. A person’s outer state of being is nothing more than the manifestation of a person’s thought. Now look inside. Do you see peace, serenity, affluence, love, abundance? To have these things, you have to set your mind to it.

As these words are expressions of my vision, I had to fully understand their meaning to me. The following brief definitions represent my vision of my life (and luckily match dictionary definitions).

Peace – harmonious relations; freedom from disputes; the absence of mental stress or anxiety

Serenity – Calmness of mind; evenness of temper; undisturbed state; coolness; composure.

Affluence – An abundant supply, as of thought, words, feelings, etc.; profusion; also, abundance of property; wealth

Love – A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness

Abundance – A great or plentiful amount; Fullness to overflowing

By learning to manifest through proper use of the “Law of Abundance”, all this and more can be yours. “Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement.” Florence Scovel Shinn.

Our lives are our biggest accomplishment. Our lives are the manifestation of our vision. By creating your vision, and by following the rules of manifestation, the universe is yours for the asking. Learning how to ask is the goal of students of the “Law of Abundance.”

Depression: Taking The Bull By The Horns

There is a phase in everybody’s life when one does not feel nice about many things or anything, and for no particular reason. If it is a short period, there is nothing to worry about, but if it stretches too long it could be depression. This kind of depression is some times disabling. When the patient is considered as a disabled person, s/he is also eligible for social security benefits.

But, how to treat depression?

This condition can be diagnosed by a psychiatrist. He can help you overcome the condition. However, in this case no help is better than self-help. Besides, no amount of help from anyone can actually work without your own effort.

Depression is found to be very common among Americans, as around 9.5 percent of the population in the United States suffers from the problem. The worst part is that people suffering from depression normally do not get themselves treated, which, in turn, makes this disease worse. For a layman, cheering up someone may look like a very easy task, but when it comes to someone suffering from depression, it is an uphill task.

For one who is suffering from chronic depression, it is necessary to visit a cognitive behavioral therapist and to take the medicines as and when prescribed by him. No doubt the treatment for depression often comes with a heavy expense but that is nothing compared to the pain borne by the patient.

Often considered as a mild problem, depression can sometimes even lead to suicide. It also affects the normal day-to-day activities of a person and the person starts loosing his self-confidence and begins keeping himself or herself secluded.

There are different symptoms of depression which include gradual loss of interest in something that the patient used to enjoy a lot, getting sleep disorders, becoming unfriendly, preferring isolation or talking about deaths. The list of symptoms is endless. And if such symptoms are noticed in someone, it is important that the person is rushed to the psychiatrist at the earliest so that the progression of depression could be checked in time.

Depression not only affects the patient but also the near and dear ones of him, as they feel helpless in doing anything for the patient. After spending some time with the patient, even the relatives start feeling completely out of sync with the patient.

The best way to deal with depression is to face it full and square. Normally, cognitive negative reinforcement therapists prefer cognitive behavioral talk or interpersonal talk with the patient as they are considered to be among the best methods. Efforts have to be made to make the patient realize that depression is nothing but a state of mind and he or she can get rid of it by trying to be happy.

Medications do help but nothing helps better than the patient’s determination to fight depression. The moment he or she realizes that the cure lies in believing and fighting back, half the battle is won.

The Buddha’s Guidelines To Proper Speech

Abandoning false, malicious, harsh and idle speech

“Abandoning false speech, he abstains from false speech; he speaks truth, adheres to truth, is trustworthy and reliable, one who is no deceiver of the world.

Abandoning malicious speech, he abstains from malicious speech; he does not repeat elsewhere what he has heard here in order to divide [those people] from these, nor does he repeat to these people what he has heard else where to divide [these people] fromthose; thus he is one who reunites those who are divided, a promoter of friendships, who enjoy concord, rejoices in concord, delights in concord, a speaker of words that promote concord.

Abandoning harsh speech, he abstains from harsh speech; he speaks such words as are gentle, pleasing to the ear, and loveable, as go to the heart, are courteous, desired by many and agreeable to many.

Abandoning idle chatter, he abstains from idle chatter; he speaks at the right time, speaks what is fact, speaks on what is good, speaks on the Dhamma (Buddha’s teachings) and the Discipline (moral guidelines); at the right time he speaks such words
as are worth recording, reasonable, moderate, and beneficial.”

Having proper speech is just one aspect of the The ten virtuous deeds:

Refraining from the following ten actions:
1) taking life,
2) taking what is not given
3) sexual misconduct,
(which are the three virtuous actions of body. )

4) lying,
5) slander,
6) harsh speech
7) idle speech,
(which are the four virtuous deeds of speech.)

8) envy,
9) ill will
10) holding wrong views
(which are the three virtuous deeds of mind.)

It is possible to “upgrade” our capacities through diligent spiritual practice along the graduated path to full Enlightenment (Buddhahood) by increasing our Compassion and Wisdom. However, we should not pressure others to “upgrade” their capacities. We should instead use skilful means to encourage them to spiritually grow beyond their current capacity in good time. Sometimes, others need more than this lifetime alone to “upgrade” their capacities.

Organizing Your Life

When you are organized, you will be able to accomplish more and enjoy what you are doing. You will also be able to feel better about your life in general. Organization means a lot of things to different people. For some, it is as simple as buying a calendar, for others it may mean attending time management seminars. Regardless of how much organization you need to incorporate into your life, you will need essentials that can be found by using the franklin covey system. This system allows you to organize your work, personal, and social life by buying organizational materials that will make tracking, list making, appointments, and much more possible.

Time management is an important skill that many people do not possess. When you are able to utilize your time, you will be able to accomplish more and not have to feel stressed out during the day. By scheduling activities and tasks during the day, you will be able to complete them and still get a restful sleep at nighttime. Time management training is available through consulting firms, freelance life coaches, and stress management therapists. You can find one of these seminars by looking online or by calling a consultant. Anyone can learn how to manage their time through a willingness to learn, the ability to learn, and by using the materials that will make you successful.

There are a few personal organization tools you will need in order to maintain your daily life. Day planners are used to keep appointments from being missed and to see where you have time during the day to fit in more. Day planners can be books, electronic devices, or calendars that you add to when a new appointment has been made. You can use software if you want automatic updates for standing appointments and alerts of time that is already taken. Handhelds are also popular as you can use them to send email or create lists.

Learning the seven habits of organization will help you put your life in order and will also allow you to have more time for yourself or your family. Franklin Covey organization materials can be purchased in stores and online. The Franklin planner is very popular and is used by those who have busy schedules. Calendars, binders, and business cases and totes Franklin Covey are planner accessories that you should consider purchasing. Once you have learned the 7 habits, you will be better able to manage your life.

In addition to organizational planning, you should consider leadership training. This is a good way to learn the productivity tools used by those in leadership roles. Having a mission statement will give your business a focus. By using products from Stephan Covey, you will see your business improve. Buying small items like totes and business cases and using software like PlanPlus will also help you become more organized.

Set the Frame to Win the Game

A “frame” is simply a way of viewing an interaction. Every communication is done within some frame or a way of looking at the communication. How you set that frame is of vital importance.

If you let the other person set the frame you will be playing their game by their rules, yet it is something we allow people to do all the time without a thought.

You can create the best frame for any of your communications by asking some of these questions:

How do I want them to perceive me?
This means to place yourself in the role that will give you the greatest leverage and influence; a helper, an authority, a peer or superior.

As a helper, consider uncovering the subjects problem and providing sympathy and hope. By using “we” and “us” as you speak to them you are painting a picture with the two of you working together. It makes it more personal and amiable while still being seen as an authority.

The authority frame is set by a presentation and attitude of confidence that is based on long experience. In other words appear to know what you’re talking about. Uncertainty is a killer and destroys your authority.

How do I want them to perceive the way I communicate?
The way you make your presentation is everything. To be knowledgeable and engaging you can reveal details to the subject that they aren’t aware of (even if they are unimportant) and present them in visual, auditory and kinesthetic modalities.

How do I want them to perceive my message?
To influence you have to consider the presentation style more than just information. Have passion and certainty about what you speak but always leave the final choice in their hands as if you didn’t care whether they went with you or not. This allows you to maintain your authority without them feeling coerced.

How can I put in a call to action in how they perceive me, my communication and my message?
This can be done by giving them options. If there are multiple options then color the choices to favor what you want them to do.
A call to action can further be made by speaking as if its already done “Having done this we’ll have already noticed the benefit.” for example.

Understand that the frame of an interaction always begins in your mind. If you are giving a presentation during a seminar the frame could be “I’m helping with the seminar.” or “They have allowed me to speak.” The first frame makes you a peer to the other people in the seminar while the latter makes you a subordinate.

Sales people often let the prospect set the frame and look down upon them as a “mere salesman”.

Likewise in dating some men consider very attractive women to be “out of my league”

Don’t EVERY let this happen.

Consider every interaction you have and always ask yourself how to frame the interaction to best benefit you.

How To Deal With Supermom Stress

One of the top stressors for women today is what many are calling the “supermom syndrome”. Many of us are led by society today to believe that in order to be successful Moms, we have to do it all, and give all. Nonsense. We all want to do our best as Moms, as we should. But at some point, for our own mental health, our best has got to be good enough. Here are some great ideas to reduce the syndrome at your house.

It’s ok not to be perfect. Let me say that again. It’s ok, not to be perfect. I think many of us hold ourselves up to a level of perfection that merely hurts our ability to be a good Mom. So what if the living room isn’t clean on Monday nights?…you had bedtime stories to read. Who cares if you had to choose a work presentation over your childs field trip…you’ll go next time. Not allowing ourselves any slack simply causes more stress in our lives, and prevents us from savoring every precious moment of being a Mom. Lighten up. It’s ok not to be perfect!

Don’t buy into societies hype that in order to be a good parent, you must offer your child every experience under the stars. Over and over again, psychologists talk about the dangers of over scheduling our kids, but it seems few are listening. It is not healthy for your child to learn to be so busy that he/she never learns to be with and like himself, to dream, use his imagination, or just be bored! Limiting your family to one extracurricular activity per child will help reduce family stress both in time and money. Do not let society guilt you into doing more…after all, this is the same society rules that say its ok for our children to starve themselves to look like movie stars, or to play Nintendo for 12 hours straight. Is that what you want for your kids?

Make time for yourself. Make a rule that you will take 10, 20, even 30 minutes a day and shut out the world. Close the bedroom door, take a bath, take a walk…just have that time to yourself. You deserve it, and your family owes you that much. Do not feel guilty asking for it either! Tell the kids Mom is not to be disturbed unless someone is bleeding or something is on fire…then enforce the rule! Oprah says it well…if your cup is empty, how will you fill up the ones you love?

That being said, it is important to recognize your family as an essential part of your life. Stopping to smell the roses when it comes to your family will help you to keep your life in perspective, and therefore, reduce your daily stress. Make sure you take time for yourself, but also take time to spend with your family outside of the daily chores and running around. Let your children help you cook dinner, play cards together in the evening, take a walk around your neighborhood with your kids. Make sure you read to those little ones every night, and make sure you do those great voices with the characters! Laugh with your family, choose your battles wisely, and savor every moment of their precious childhood…before you know it, they will be tending their own families! (And won’t you feel good knowing what an example you were, cherishing your family as you do!)

Finally, make sure you remember who you are as a person. Not as Mom, or wife, or business associate, but as who you are. Cultivate old pastimes, and expand your world by developing new ones! Learn to play piano, paint, or to speak a different language. Read. Celebrate your spiritual life, and let yourself grow in the world that has been gifted to you.

It is time Moms stood up and made a stand…we don’t have to do it all to be good Moms. We already are good Moms, because we do our best. And that’s good enough.

Can stress trigger diseases?

Stress is defined as the non-specific response of the body to any demands made upon it. Everyday, in every walk of life, we come across stress. As much as people wish for a stress free life, such a task would be impossible to achieve. Stress is a part and parcel of our lives. Unfortunately, stress does not only produce discomfort, if ignored, it can lead to serious chronic illnesses. So what really happens when a person experiences chronic stress?

Our body goes through varies changes in its attempt to cope with stress. Let us examine the bodily processes. When we experiences stress in some part of the body, that part of the body sends a message to the brain via the nerves. Then it passes through the reticular activating system either from or to the limbic system or the thalamus. The limbic system is like the store house of our emotions, to which the thalamus acts like a trigger or a switch, determining what to do with the incoming signals sent by the body. Thus, activating the hypothalamus, this in turn will activate the endocrine system and the autonomic nervous system.

Another way in which the brains will response to a stressor is by activating a part of the brain known as hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system (HPA system). The HPA will activate the production and release of glucocorticolds i.e. steroid hormones, including the primary stress hormone crotisol. This hormone is very important in marshaling systems through out the body to deal quickly with the stress. When the body works to cope with stress, it produces some byproducts. If these byproducts of stress are not dealt with in a productive way, they result in all out physiological reactions or illness and diseases.

Lets us consider some illnesses and diseases. There are many diseases to which the mind makes the body susceptible. These diseases are known as psychosomatic diseases (psyche means mind; soma means body). Let us make this concept clear by an example; Jenny is a 45 year old woman. Her husband passed away, leaving her depressed. Jenny’s husband was a kind person and jenny felt it was not fair, and found it hard to cope with her husband’s untimely death. A sense of helplessness came over her. Loneliness were her only companion now, there were people who where not surprised at jenny’s death just one year after her husband passed away. They officially termed it as death due to heart attack, but to jenny’s friends, it was known that jenny died of a “broken heart”.

You may know a few people like jenny yourself, people who died or fell chronically ill from sever stress with practically little physically wrong with them. How many times we tell people “it’s all in your head”. In jenny’s case, it was not all in her head. Sometimes when we experience too much emotional stress it results in physical disease, such diseases are known as psychogenic diseases. In psychogenic diseases there is no invasion of disease producing virus or micro organism, the mind changes the physiology in such a way that it breaks down. On the other hand, diseases occur when the mind makes the body vulnerable to some diseases causing microbes or natural degenerative processes, this is known as a somatogenic disease such as cancer, or asthma, etc. There can be various diseases cause by stress. Let us look at a few specific conditions. One of the common diseases caused by stress is Hypertension. Hypertension also commonly known as high blood pressure is excessive and damaging pressure of the blood against the arterial walls of the blood vessels. If the blood produces too much pressure on the arterial walls, they will rupture. And the blood that was intended to reach a special location will not reach its goal. If the rupture is in the brain it can cause cerebral hemorrhage. Since blood pressure as well as the serum cholesterol increase during stress there relation between hypertension and stress has long been suspected. Emotional stress is usually a major cause of hypertension. Hypertension can be controlled by medication, but sometimes drugs have their side effects. These side effects with poor habits like smoking and alcoholism can be harmful. To deal with hypertension, alone with medication and improvement in life style, various stress management interventions like learning how to relax, perception interventions, etc. are also essential.

Apoplexy, commonly known as stroke is the lack of oxygen to the brain resulting from rupture or blockage of one of the arteries in the brain. Depending on the site of rupture, it could have its effects like paralysis, speech impairments, or even death may occur. Strokes are related to hypertension, diet and stress. Another disease caused by stress is ulcers. Ulcers are cuts or fissures in the walls of the stomach, during chronic stress norepinphrine secretion causes capillaries in the stomach lining to constrict. This, in turn results in shutting down of the mucosal production which is the protective barrier for the lining in the stomach. When the barrier in the wall of the stomach is lost, the hydrochloric acid breaks down the tissue and sometimes even reaches the blood vessel causing a bleeding ulcer. However, it has been found that there are many other causes of ulcer. Still, stress can exacerbate the conditions in the degenerative track to make ulcers more likely to occur. It can also act as a catalyst in the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Another painful disease caused by stress is Rheumatoid arthritis. It is the swelling and inflammation in various joints in the body which if continued in its development can be very painful. A normal joint has a synovial membrane. This membrane produces fluids which lubricate the joints, in Rheumatoid arthritis, this membrane secretes excessive fluids. These fluids cause a swelling around the joint. If the development continues then these fluids penetrate into the bone as excessive fluids have no where else to expand, therefore they penetrate the bone. In the last stage it may harm the scar tissue with immobilizes the bone and can result in deformity. Sometimes rheumatoid arthritis is due to hereditary factors known as rheumatoid factors. When under chronic stress, it aggravates the development of this arthritis, especially for people who are prone to it. As seen above, if not paid attention to, stress can have lot of negative consequences. Cancer, backache, TMJ syndrome, asthma, hey fever, tension headaches, migraine headaches and coronary heart diseases to name a few.

Healthy stress is necessary to give direction to every individual’s life. So don’t go where life takes you, but take life where you are heading.

Buying the Myth

So much life conditioning inhibits the brilliance that is in you. Are you accessing all that is available to you? As a brilliant coach, as a brilliant human-being, as a brilliant spiritual being, as a bright light in the world, you have access to so much abundance. Are you living it? Are you breathing it? Do you believe it in every fibre of your being?

Or are you buying into the myth, the illusions? There are so many things aimed at people to help them build their lives and businesses; as though they are not enough themselves; as though the magic and mystery of existence were there to thwart your success. It’s so far from the truth of the abundance available in the universe. It often shocks and surprises me to see this disturbing trend. Whatever the truths are, I’m here to say there is MORE!

Dismantle the illusions of safety, security, structures, that create a prison of expectation, necessity, and image. Get into the risk of playing in the mud, getting dirty, letting go and letting God, magic, Source, energy (whatever belief/name suits you). You had it happening once as a kid. Bring it alive again. Inside, you are yearning for it.

Get excited again about the adventure, this life. Get curious and playful with your day-to-day, with your business, with your home, relationships, and finances. If you resist and prefer safety, security, and rigidity, I’m curious:

So how’s that working for you?
Where are you still dissatisfied?
What don’t you want to let go of?
What’s it costing you?

These thoughts, while universal, really are inspired by the tragic scarcity demonstrated in the world. Obviously it doesn’t affect everyone, but we do see some living in scarcity. This is a boost to those that do need it and a reminder to those of us who get it but are still human in our experience.

Time Management Skills And Tips

Are you the type of person who feels that there are not enough hours in the day for you to complete all of your daily tasks and duties? This article gives free tips on how to manage your time in a more constructive and successful way.

Set a to do list

I am one of the people who would have answered the above question with a definite yes. I often used to feel under pressure and uptight, I worried that I did not have enough time to do what I wanted and needed to do.

I now set myself a to do list which helps me to plan my time better. I have a priority list, which is the tasks which are the most important for me to complete. I will concentrate on working through these jobs first and always try to ensure that they are completed before the day ends.

If I manage to work through all of these tasks, I then start on my second list. This is a list of other important tasks which need to be completed as soon as possible but which do not particularly have to be finished today.

I then have my final list which is work that needs to be completed, however there is no immediate rush to finish them.

If at the end of the day I have certain tasks left on any of the lists, they then are added to the lists of the following day. This is a simple formula which has worked for me and which helps me to sleep better at night.

Take a break

In the past when I used to struggle to work through my tasks, I would start to panic and would not allow myself a break. This I have come to realise is a big mistake. My brain and that of most people has a certain concentration span. If I just continue to work, the quality of this work will soon drop as my brain becomes tired and weary. It is as if it is punishing me for not rewarding it with a rest.

I now make sure that I have regular breaks and I will usually take an hour for lunch. This helps me to return to my tasks fresh and alert. My brain is also happier which helps me to think clearer and quicker.

Do not rush

I would always rush each task, eager to start on the next one. What I found was that this would lead me to making lots of silly errors. I would then have to go back and amend these mistakes which ultimately would cost me valuable time. I now work at a speed I am comfortable with. I still make errors which of course is part of life, however there are now far fewer of these.

Do not beat yourself up

I am my own worst critic. I would often go to bed and would be unable to sleep as I was thinking about all of my unfinished business. I would feel guilty and even ashamed of myself. The next morning after this lack of sleep, I would be tired, which would affect my ability to work well.

This of course was like a vicious circle, which was making things a whole lot worse. I now am attempting to be a lot easier on myself and realise that all I can do each day, is to try my best. If I am unable to complete a task or tasks that is fine, I will do it in the morning.

I hope the above advice helps you to plan your day more effectively and leads you to more positive and successful results.

Alcohol And Honesty

Irene, in her late 40s, had been in an out of treatment centers for years before consulting with me. When in treatment, she was fine, with no desire to drink, but once she returned home with her husband, Frank, and two adolescent children, it didn’t take long before she was back to drinking. Even though she faithfully attended AA meetings, she could not stay sober once she returned home. She loved her husband and children and could not understand why she could not stay sober at home. Each time she went back to drinking, she would hate herself for her weakness, seeing herself as a deeply flawed, defective person. She believed that the problem was entirely hers – that her family had nothing to do with it.

“What changes regarding how you feel when you go home?” I asked her on one of our phone sessions.

“I feel trapped. I feel controlled and suffocated, like I can’t be myself.”

“What happens that make you feel so trapped?”

“I don’t know. Frank is such a sweet and wonderful man, and I know that he really loves me. And I love him. I don’t get what is happening that makes me feel so agitated and trapped.”

I asked her if Frank would be willing to join us in a phone session. She was quite sure he would – that he would be willing to do anything to help her and help their relationship.

Frank was willing. In the first session Irene expressed to Frank her feelings of being trapped. Frank’s response was to attempt to talk her out of her feelings by talking about how wonderful their life is. In this first session, I immediately felt Irene cave in and completely give herself up, saying nothing to Frank about how she felt when he didn’t hear her and tried to talk her out of her feelings.

“Irene, in my experience, Frank is not hearing you at all and is trying to talk you out of your feelings. Does this happen often?”

“All the time,” she answered. Frank immediately went into denial, saying that is not what he was doing and that it certainly didn’t happen all the time. His voice was very firm and parental, as if he really knew what he was talking about. Irene went silent.

“Irene, what are you feeling right now?” I asked.

“I feel like I’m going to explode. I just want to get away and have a drink. I feel sick to my stomach.”

Frank actually started to attempt to talk her out of these feelings and then stopped. “Do you really feel that way?” he asked.

“Yes, and I feel this way much of the time we are together.”

“Why haven’t you told me?”

“I am telling you right now and all you want to do is tell me that I am wrong and shouldn’t feel this way!”

In subsequent sessions with Irene, I helped her to articulate all the things that Frank did that made her feel trapped and invalidated – and there were many. He would grab her breasts, no matter how many times she had told him that this didn’t feel good. He would get judgmental when she wanted to spend time with a friend that he didn’t like. He would even try to control what she wore. Invariably, Irene would cave in – and then drink.

Irene and I worked on her learning to speak up for herself and take loving action for herself – disengaging and walking away when Frank was discounting her, pulling on her, or judging her. She had always been afraid to hurt his feelings with her honesty because would be angry and withdraw for days when she did manage to speak up. I encouraged her to tell him that she would no longer be around him when he was angry and withdrawn, and then to spend time with friends, go on a little vacation with her kids, or pursue her hobbies when he acted out.

Once Irene started to tell her truth and take action on it, she found herself not wanting to drink. She was able to make the connection between her drinking and her abandoning herself in the face of Frank’s controlling behavior.

Because Frank does love Irene, he was willing to address his subtle and overt controlling behavior. While it did not happen over night, Irene’s drinking is no longer a problem for her.