Monthly Archives: July 2008

Anxiety Panic Attacks Anxiety Self Help

Most of us through out our lives have experience stress or just feeling anxious. Sometimes when we are so worried about something in our lives in ends up we have an anxiety attack over it. That feeling when you first have one is such a horrible experience we don’t know what is happening to us which makes us feel even more anxiety because we panic and don’t understand what’s happening.

Some symptoms’ may include heart palpitations’, sweaty hands, a feeling that we want to run. You can experience many different sensations through out the body. Then once we experience this then we get scared about it happening again so then we end up in a viscous circle of being worried about having an anxiety attack and then when we do have one we hold on to it, or tense up and so it prolongs the anxiety attack even further. So we tend to live each day worrying about whether it’s going to happen again.

I have experience all this myself and felt it was just controlling my life. Till one day I said to myself is anxiety attacks going to control me or am I going to control anxiety attacks. I found a couple of books and read them. These are couple of points that helped me.

The biggest and best you can do is first let it go. When you have an anxiety attack just allow it to happen, don’t hold on to it. I know that it is very hard to do but believe me when I first let it go I could not believe how fast it went away. Just allow it to happen, feel what’s happening in your body, don’t hold on to what’s happening just let it go.

By breathing normally or best is have a mint, eat something, or start talking or sing to the music. It tends to get your breathing back to normal. That is one of the reasons we feel light headed or dizzy when we have an anxiety attack is because we are breathing so fast there is to much oxygen in the brain. So concentrate on your breathing and just breathe nice and slow.

Vitamin B complex is great it helps you relax, get out and do more exercise it helps you release your frustrations it also induces endorphin’s which is the feel good hormone that is released through the body when we exercise. Notice after you exercise how good and relaxed you feel.

Take time out in your life each day and think about your life, are you happy? What could you do to make it change? Ask yourself these questions, only you can make yourself happy. Don’t rely on others to make you happy that is not their responsibility it’s yours. So take control of your life and don’t allow others to control you.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a great technique to use. You can use it in all aspects of your life. From Anxiety Attacks, Health, fitness, wealth. Go to emofree there is a wealth of information there for you to get started with this great technique.

Just remember Anxiety is not a physical condition it is an emotional condition and it’s a way for your body to tell you that your mind is not healthy. So take what your body is saying to you and do something about it before it does turn into physical sickness in your body. I experienced anxiety for about 10 years myself; I have been there and done that. I never thought I could get rid of it. Until one day I made the decision that I am going to control it, it’s not going to control me.

Buy some books read them, take the advice and try what they say. You DON’T need drugs to control anxiety only you can control Anxiety.

“Change happens not by making ourselves change but by realizing what’s not working”

Nine Marching Orders To Stay The Line

Burning with motivation is not always easy no matter what you are trying to accomplish. For those that are trying to get fit, motivation can even be harder. Whatever it is that you are trying to get fired up to do; there are a specific tactics that can help. You can stay motivated to accomplish almost any goal.

Visualize and see Your Goals in 3D:
When you crystallize your goals and imagine what the end results will be, you are more likely to stay motivated. You may feel more motivated by a picture of what you are working towards or need a daily visual reminder of that dream vacation you are saving money for. By keeping a visual picture in your mind and imagining yourself at your end result, you can stay inflamed to accomplish any goal.

Reward Yourself Handsomely:
Keeping pumped up can be easier if you take the time to treat yourself when you reach small milestones along the way. If you are trying a new fitness plan, try to reward yourself with a new pair of gym shoes or maybe new workout equipment. Knowing that there is something good along the way to your goal will help keep you excited about achieving your goals and you will find second wind.

See an Energizing Movie or Listen to Motivating Music:
I do this all the time. You can get all keyed up to reach your goals by watching a motivating movie (war or boxing films do great) or listening to music that will get you pumped about your goals. Look for movies that will help you see others work hard to reach their own goals. You will come out of the movie feeling ready to get busy and accomplish your goals. Music can also help you stay motivated. If you want to walk more, invest in a good MP3 system and listen to upbeat music to keep you moving. An associate, Ricardo Laudico, keeps stashes of motivational music in a 40Gb Ipod to keep focused. Not surprisingly, he’s hit many short term goals in less than a year.

Set Bit-Sized Goals and take a Breather:
Whether you are working towards saving for a new house or going vegan to lose a few pounds, set manageable goals for yourself and take a break every once in awhile. By deploying small goals, you will not feel too overwhelmed at one time. You can work on each step that will equal to big results in the end. Also, if you do get overwhelmed, take a break. Achieving your goals will not happen overnight. If you feel frustrated, take a day off and rethink your plans. Richard Bandler, founder of NLP postulates the question: “How do you eat an Elephant?” The correct answer always is: “A Bite at a Time”

Seek a Wingman and do it for yourself:
You can achieve anything with staunch conviction. If you work on a goal because you believe you can do it, it will be easy for you to stay motivated. While working on your goals, if you do need an extra push, find a partner who can keep you on track. You may have a buddy who wants to lose weight or get in shape, too. Work with that person to motivate each other when your own motivation starts to slump.

Prove them Wrong. With Flair:
Each is motivated for different reasons, but one way to stay inflamed is to remember all the times someone told you that you couldn’t do it. Prove the negative people around you wrong and accomplish your goals to show them you can. While you should never try to live your life for the approval of others, your internal passion may improve when you try to impress others. Feel good about what you can do, and others will sit up and take notice.

See It as Fun that You want to do:
You may desire to achieve a goal that you find very difficult. It may help to stay motivated by finding something fun about what you are doing. Achieve your goals because you want to do it and not because others want you to. When you find intrinsic motivation, it will be easier to stay the course.

Seek Mentors and Help the Untalented:
Chat with others who labored to accomplish the goals you are working towards. Listen to what they have to say and consider their suggestions. For people who have already been there, they can offer valuable advice and this should help you stay motivated. It would also be good to aid others while you are accomplishing your goals. If you know someone else is depending on you, it will be easier for you to keep up the good fight.

Revitalize your Routine:
Boredom kills. The rut sucks the spirit. I know. I’m an entrepreneur… and as things go, businessmen do the same thing day in day out. As activities become mechanical, the flames for achievement go out. Stop that! Vary your lifestyle and do things differently. Your brain will enjoy the stimulation… and with it, returns your motivation.

Finding Happiness in Your Treasure Chest

If you haven’t been able to find a lot of happiness in your life, maybe you’re looking in the wrong place. Our level of happiness is based on our thoughts and our thoughts are a reflection of what’s in our minds. We can begin the quest for happiness by separating our memories into three separate chests.

‘The Treasure Chest’ of the mind is where we put our most cherished memories. We open this chest when looking for happiness, comfort and contentment.

‘The Hope Chest’ of our mind is for our goals and dreams of tomorrow. As each is fulfilled it is then moved to our Treasure Chest.

‘The Dumpster Chest’ of the mind is for letting go of the hurts and trash of yesterday. Once in this chest they are dumped, to be forever let go. Once these memories are put in the Dumpster Chest you should never go digging them out.

Our thoughts are a reflection on who we are. Happy people have happy thoughts. That doesn’t mean that the happy person never has an unhappy thought, it means the happy person knows how to move these unhappy thoughts into the Dumpster Chest and then forget about them.

If someone speaks of you and is not pleasant or someone acts and is not nice to you, it is not a reflection of you but a reflection of them. Do you think they are happy? What is in their Treasure Chest or Hope Chest that should have been put in their Dumpster Chest? How sad for them, but don’t let it affect you.
If you want to be happy, take the time to sit and think about your thoughts. Put the good ones in your Treasure Chest or Hope Chest and the bad ones in your Dumpster Chest. Focus only on your Treasure Chest and Hope Chest for they are now full of the jewels of hope and joy.

Happy people spend their effort adding to their Treasure and Hope chests while unhappy people spend their time sorting through the dumpster. If you are serious about finding happiness, leave the trash behind and become a treasure hunter.

Connect with Your Body

When we’re in the creative flow, we can sometimes forget we even have a body, because our minds are exploding with color, sounds, words and images. But when unhealthy habits sap your body of its vitality and strength, your creativity and productivity will be sapped as well.

What could be more frustrating than the interruption of your creative flow by an uninvited headache, back spasm, dullness of mind or the “shakes”?

I once heard the expression that as a guitar player, I’m a “small muscle athlete” meaning I need to warm up those muscles and treat them well. Perhaps as artists we’re ALL small muscle athletes. After all, we do need a good measure of physical endurance to get through our creative tasks.

Whether it’s sitting hunched over an easel, the repetitive movements of playing a musical instrument, the stamina to stand and walk on stage throughout an entire show or sitting at a computer keyboard for most of the day, our creative tools all require the use of the body.

To keep that body strong and resilient takes daily attention.

Day-to-day self-care practices such as getting enough sleep, eating three healthy and balanced meals that are evenly timed throughout the day (plus healthy snacks if you need them), moving your body actively and drinking enough water are all essential for taking care of your body.

Taking care of the body also affects the mind. Fatigue, malnutrition, inactivity and dehydration will all have adverse effects on the mind and the ability to problem solve, concentrate and connect ideas.

The Creative Cycle and Self-Care

Touring with a band, rehearsing for a show or burning the midnight oil to finish a painting before a gallery opening, are all examples of extraordinary circumstances where we might relax our self-care discipline and adopt a whole new set of rules.

Then, when the show or tour is over or the piece is finished, we sometimes sink into an anti-climactic “low” or a period of transition before we get back into the creative flow again.

The daily practices you keep when things are “normal” will build resilience for the times when these extraordinary circumstances come up. They also build habits and healthy living skills that you can draw on when life gets more challenging.

Put it into play

One of the best practices for a healthy body, mind and spirit is to get enough sleep and rest. Tonight, end your evening activities a half hour early and spend that time winding down. Release the worries of the day by writing or speaking about them. Calm yourself with a bath, tea, massage, music or a good read that doesn’t remind you of your work.

We can all come up with reasons why we can’t exercise, we can’t make different food choices and we can’t focus more on our health.

You have a unique creative gift to share with the world, but your creativity relies on a sound mind and body.

So which of your reasons for not taking care of yourself are more important than that?

(c) Linda Dessau, 2005.

An Obvious Manifestation Secret

There is a well known and very much overlooked ‘secret’ that Master Manifestors use continuously. It is a very basic, simple component that sets in motion all that exists in the human world. We all know it is real and absolutely necessary. Yet the vast majority of people do their level best to avoid it.

Without this ‘secret’, all dreams, hopes, wishes and well intentioned goals will remain in a keepsake box stuffed under the bed. The box will be pulled out on rainy afternoons, and its carefully saved articles dusted off and cherished once more. Some time will be spent in pondering potential possibilities, and hopefulness will expire. Great wistfulness will settle over its guardian, and with a tired resolve, the goals, ambitions and really serious potential will be carefully put to rest once more.

The real definition of potential, to put it politely, is ‘worth nothing as it sits right now’. Goals, dreams, wishes, hopes and desire have only potential without the obvious secret that can only lead to manifestation. Not worth a darn right now. There is little so common in the world as latent potential. But add the magic ingredient, and your desires will become manifest before your eyes. Pour a viscous, electric blue liquid into your keepsake box, and it will empty itself into your real world.

This secret, magic ingredient is commonly known as ‘action’. Git’r done, get it on, go, just do it, start, ACTION. This is a billion dollar concept that gifted speakers devote entire seminars to.

All desires must begin their journey into manifestation somewhere. All things already exist, but you must accept them, or go get them. You must actively allow results to happen. Take action, and get what it is you want.

Consider a sated, comfortable diner sitting after dinner at a lavish restaurant buffet. All he wanted to eat waits in shiny serving dishes. He tremendously wishes for a piece of delicious pie, but has none. Magnificent fresh pie is only across the room. Does he really want the pie itself, or is the activity of wanting pie more fun? Which will be more satisfying, wanting the desire, or fulfilling the desire? What will it take to fulfill this dream? In the diner’s case, the monumental undertaking of getting up and taking the pie will satisfy a craving.

Lose the potential, and take the action. Start and the path to success will unfold in front of you as you walk upon it. The pathway will continue as long as you wish to travel, but you must take that first step. Desire all you want, but without actually doing something about it, the reality will never manifest itself in front of you, and remain a wistful keepsake stuffed under the bed in a box.

Take action, start, and your path will reveal itself to you. Action.

By Kelly Archibald

Hypnotherapy For Confidence Discover The Great Orator… You!

Not many of us give ourselves the credit of being great speakers; neither do we find ourselves comfortable and confident when encountering new people and situations. How often have you found yourself rehearsing the lines which you are supposed to speak at tomorrow’s meeting? Even though some of us might feel more confident than the rest, it would not be untrue to say that they too have their fair share of cold feet. Sudden bouts of nervousness and palpitations do not indicate that you are having a serious health condition; in most cases it just indicates a lack of self confidence. It would be safe to say that nearly 90% of all humanity suffers from low confidence; if only we could find a magic lamp to cure us of it. Well, I am here to tell you that such a magic lamp exists and it is called hypnotherapy for confidence; and it generally comes in the form of CD’s , audio tapes, books and therapists like me!

So now that we have mentioned that hypnotherapy for confidence is actually a plausible option available to you first let’s discuss how low confidence affects us in everyday life. See, a person’s confidence is like torchlight in the dark…it radiates outwards from us and other people can see it. So even though low self confidence is an internal problem, the affects of it can be seen externally as well. How many of us remember sniggering at someone in school who faltered while reciting something? It is a natural reaction for most of us, but it can be damaging to the person at the receiving end. However, if you suffer from low self-confidence you need to realize that it has a lot to do with your self image; the way you perceive yourself is reflected in the way others perceive you.

Low self confidence can blindside you at any situation in life exam nerves, fear of public speaking, of being interviewed, of meeting new people, stage fright, fear of being laughed at and so on. Some of us have more visible physical reactions to low confidence…sweating, stammering, shaking, blushing; these are all by products of low confidence. Hypnotherapy first helps you address the core problem of low confidence your self image in your own eyes. Through positive suggestions about yourself, hypnosis helps you get rid of unwanted beliefs about yourself. It helps remove the clutter in your mind, and clears the path towards discovering a new you. Through the help of hypnotherapy for confidence, you can take care of most problems related to anxiety and low confidence.

When you suffer from a bout of nerves and are low on confidence, you need to channelize that negative energy somewhere else. Do you know that most great orators at one point in time have suffered from a serious case of nerves? Some of the biggest rockstars and actors still get cold feet two minutes before they appear on stage, so don’t berate yourself too much if you feel nervous; its but natural. However what you need to tackle is the fear of the situation; and hypnotherapy for confidence can help you do that. By working on your inner confidence and making you aware of all the positives in you, hypnotherapy clears your mind, and this clarity is manifested externally through a sense of self confidence and assertiveness.

Remember, nerves can be dealt with, only if you want to deal with yourself first.

Communication Skills: A Quick Start

Here is the easy way to learn about Communication skills without going through a 300+ pages book which, one can forget about before he finishes it

Always start with an Intention:

Anything we start, including communication skills, usually has reason and a starting point. While we become conscious about this fact for the obvious things like brushing our teeth to avoid tooth decay, we forget to give the same importance to our communication. We start talking, go through all the niceties and then some how stumble upon the reason for conversation or make it up by that time.

The problem with this approach is that the message looses its power. If you keep doing this often, you loose the power to bring it to work when needed. As a soldier polishes and keeps his guns fit even during peacetime, we have to keep our arsenal of communication skills handy to use, when required.

Develop flexibility in language and in approach:

Most people will think being flexible means using all the words in the Dictionary. Having a good vocabulary does not mean that people have to run for a dictionary every time you speak. Instead, a good vocabulary means that you have created enough choices and variety in your language to suit the listening or reading requirements of many people.

Flexibility is also needed in your approach to communication. Developing more than one approach is really good. If your style of approaching women is the Nice Guy, try the cocky and funny approach. See how that works. One more area that we can change and notice the results very quickly is by modulating our voice. Here is quick exercise to learn how to modulate your voice. Practice speaking a Para in a British accent. Do your best to be British. If you find it hard watch BBC and imitate them. Next, try sounding American and then French or Chinese (speaking in English).

Once you have done at least 4 accents, switch between them as often as possible, in practice. After you do this for a while, notice how you naturally are modulating your voice and how you find it easy to choose from different tones and tonality. More about this, on my website.

One Caution: Please do not measure any new skill by the initial response you get because, all new skills need to be naturalized before it becomes effective. (

As you develop flexibility, you will find yourself more comfortable to live with and then others will also find you comfortable to be with.

Forget techniques and learn the principles:

A lot of managers are fond of using something called a Sandwich technique. It is situation where you slip in a negative comment or feedback layered in between two positive comments. It is a good technique no doubt. But if you repeat it to the same old staff for 2 years, it means you are not capable of innovating. People get conditioned to any one particular behavior over time and so the technique looses its impact.

We all have a favorite way of reacting to situations. We gather these techniques by experience and by learning from others. What we eventually forget is that they are just techniques, and are replaceable. Something like software programs which almost always gets replaced by a better version. But since it works so well to us, we get possessive about it and find our selves bound by it. It becomes difficult to break that mould. A person in a mould is like a frog in the well. He has limited reach and limited awareness.

Using techniques is like giving a fish to the hungry man while understanding the principles is like teaching him fishing. So, instead of getting all cluttered up with techniques understand the principles driving them. You will find many on my website. (See

So to be the survivor of the fittest in the field of communication skills, always start with an intention in your mind. Once you master this, your level of influence will increase rapidly. Take away your focus on techniques and learn the principles. This way you tap the source of power itself rather than a branch. The last and most importantly, develop flexibility in your language and approach. It will maximize your capacity to reach your audience and thus your power.

Do You Have This Bad Habit?

It’s likely that all of us have this bad habit to some extent, and I nominate it for the title of the worst habit one can have. What is it? Fighting reality rather than accepting and dealing with things the way they are. Here are some examples, and a few suggestions as to how to break this habit.

Are You Fighting Reality?

Fighting reality is a subtle habit, expressing itself in everything from blaming others for our problems to getting angry at traffic, to wishful thinking. How do know when you are doing it? Watch for these clues.

Consider how rarely you complain, or are angry or annoyed because rocks are hard and water is wet. Your easy acceptance of the facts of nature is due to clearly seeing this is simply the way it is. You have no ideas that rocks should be soft or water dry. In other areas of life, however, you probably do have ideas about how things “should be.” This is the first clue that you may be “fighting reality.”

Of course you can work to make the world a better place, but you don’t need to deny or fight reality to do that. I once failed in business because I felt that there “shouldn’t be” regulations and complicated tax systems. I used these ideas as excuses for not doing all that I had to do to succeed. Entrepreneurs may agree with that laissez-faire viewpoint, but successful ones also accept that things are how they are, and deal with it.

A great way to excuse ourselves from taking responsibility, and one of the subtle ways of fighting reality, is to blame. Seeing the role that outside factors and other people play in our problems is honesty, but focusing more on assigning blame than on how to deal with the problems is just a bad habit. It’s like a child screaming “I don’t want it this way!” thinking that complaints will change reality. It isn’t very productive, as you may notice in friends who find many things and people to blame in their lives.

Breaking A Bad Habit

Blame the person who chooses to be cruel to you, but you are also to blame if you choose to be abused repeatedly by spending time with this person. It’s a bit like sticking your hand in a fire repeatedly, hoping it will one day stop being hot. Almost, I say, because a person CAN change. However, how often do they? Be realistic here, or you are fighting reality as surely as when you put your hand into a fire.

A person can wait for his “ship to come in,” or can face the fact that people create most of the “luck” they have in life, and start working toward his goals. I can work for political change or just complain and wish things were different. You can watch people succeed, while talking about the “reasons” for your failures, or you can see what they are doing to succeed and try that.

Sometimes we don’t want to see the truth. To really want to see it we may need to look at the futility of fighting reality. Who is more likely to find happiness in this world, a man who demands it should be the way he wants it, or one who accepts things as they are, changes what he can, and does what he needs to do? Who will more likely succeed, a man who knows all about how things “should be,” or one who sees only what is there and deals with it?

Do you need motivation to change? Start watch complainers and blamers and those who say “should” and “shouldn’t” too often. Watch closely, and you’ll see how they suffer for their demands on reality. This is a bad habit upon which many other bad habits are based, but it can be broken.

Help Is On The Way: Call In The Thought Police

We’re all grownups here, right? How hard can it be to be a functional adult? Then why do we struggle so? Depression and anxiety disorders are epidemic in our society. Stress-related health problems threaten the quality and span of our lives. Alcoholism and drug addiction touch many of our lives and to me reflect our attempts to find release or escape from pressure and our failure to thrive.

Are we even built to withstand the strain of our increasingly mechanized world? We adapt but at what cost? People move from job to job, from state to state, weakening the fabric of community and family ties. We are increasingly forced to rely on our own internal resources and have a limited repertoire of mental and emotional strategies to draw from. Our “emotional intelligence” may not be up to processing and resolving the myriad of challenges we face, especially when it comes to our relationships.

What if relief was as easy as changing our thoughts? Neuroscience is proving what Norman Vincent Peale posited in The Power of Positive Thinking. We become physically addicted to emotional states. Therein lies the power of negative thinking. We reinforce neuro-pathways by repetition of thoughts and associations so that we automatically switch on self-destructive tapes. We feel resentment, anger, hurt, hopelessness and fear, often unnecessarily. Many painful emotions are related to injuries incurred in childhood and are re-experienced through the hardwired perception of the immature mind we inhabited as a child. By retraining our conscious mind, we can choose to put a different spin on our perception of events, emotions and the behavior of others.

The Buddhists believe that it takes 100,000 repetitions for any new skill or idea to take hold. Undo established negatives by eliminating every “should, “have to”, “always” and “never” from our vocabulary. Listen for other rigid, fixed ideas that preclude seeing events in a dynamic, liberating way. By challenging these carryovers from the past we can rewrite our history from the perspective of the empowered adult. We then create the space to realize that we have all the resources to overcome life’s obstacles. In time, and with many repetitions, we change our thoughts and our lives.

Starting Over Yet Again With A Home Loan Mortgage Lender

Break ups are a nightmare. You find yourself alone, unsure, and terribly insecure. So how do you deal when love, as promised, does not conquer all? You can cower, sulk, lick your wounds, eat tubs of ice cream, and feel sorry for yourself. Or you can choose to bounce back, start afresh, and live again. The latter sounds more inviting but infinitely more difficult, especially when you see the things and places chockfull of memories of what was once there.

A Change Will Do You Good

Change is what you need. Change could range from hairstyles and interior decorating to careers and zip codes. Yes, the more painful the break up was, the more drastic the change one needs. What better way to escape the happy and the not so happy memories than to pack up your bags and move? A home loan mortgage lender could show you the way.

What’s Stopping You?

Have you always wanted to travel to Europe or Southeast Asia? Have you always wanted to learn fire dancing or kite boarding by the beach? Have you always wanted to buy a house of your own? Now you can finally do these and more. Find a good home loan mortgage lender and you’re well on your way to owning the house of your dreams and decorate it as you please.

There really isn’t anything or anybody stopping you now. And the best thing about it is you don’t even have to put up plaid wallpaper in the den or have a big, ugly recliner in your living room. With a home loan mortgage lender, you’ll have your own house filled up with your own things. Imagine how good that will feel.

The Choice Is Yours

Of course, you’re taking a big step and there will be people trying to deter you from going after your destiny. Remember that you are not escaping in a cowardly fashion. It is merely survival at its very best. Though they probably mean well, you have to remember that you have only yourself to answer to.

You have been bruised, broken, and left alone and because of that, your decisions are yours and yours alone. You can choose the best home loan mortgage lender for yourself, move 5,000 miles away if you wish, and maybe even get a dog. You can do whatever you want as long as you do it right. Just remember to find a home loan mortgage lender first before you get the dog.

Moving Forward

Indeed, life is too short to live in the past of bad memories and broken dreams. The important thing is to keep moving forward with a positive outlook and your spirit intact. Though the past will always be a part of your life, there’s no point in dwelling on it.

You have to let go of who you were in order to become who you are meant to be. Remember that the most significant relationship you will ever have is the one you have with yourself. And if one day you can find somebody who will love the you you love, well, that’s just priceless.