Monthly Archives: September 2008

The Benefits Of Having A Personal Coach

If you have been watching the news, reading magazines, or even overhearing conversations while in line at the post office or grocery store, you may have heard about something called a “personal coach”. More and more people are turning to personal coaches each day; if you have ever wondered what one is and what they can help you with, read on!

Simply put, a personal coach helps you become the best “you” possible. Just like a sports coach helps athletes work out their problem areas and achieve new records with their strengths, a personal coach can help you set and meet goals that apply to many areas of your life.

In today’s society, many people over-book themselves with work, family, and social obligations. A personal coach can help you learn to manage your time effectively, and teach you new ways to calendar your time. You will work with your coach to find a system that works for you, and you’ll be able to meet all of your commitments. They’ll even help you carve out some personal time for yourself.

A personal coach can also help you with your parenting issues. It is no secret that being a parent is the toughest job you will ever have. A personal coach can help you work through any problems you have been having and help you learn new parenting techniques, as well as open the lines of communication between you and your child.

Stress is a common ailment that is shared by almost everyone. Some of the side effects of stress include aches, pain, fatigue, high blood pressure, anxiety and overeating. A personal coach can help you manage your stress levels. This alone can help you in all areas of your life. When you feel less stressed you will be happier and ready to take on new challenges.

Simply talking to a non-judgmental third party can do wonders for you. When people face problems, they are often too embarrassed to ask for help. They may not want their friends or family to know they are struggling with something. This can lead to further feelings of isolation and depression. A personal coach is there to listen and help you find solutions for your problems.

Working with a personal coach is actually more affordable than you think. Most offer free consultations. It is important for you and your potential coach to get to know each other; after the initial consultation, you can decide if this coach is the right coach for you. Likewise, the coach can tell you openly and honestly if they can help you. If they can’t, they will refer you to someone who can.

These are just a few of the benefits of having a personal coach. Think about how great it would be to have someone on your side, rooting for you, giving you honest feedback, and helping you achieve new goals. If you have been struggling with reaching a goal, it is time you experience a free consultation with a coach, and find out how they can help you!

Time Management – Feel Like Scrambled Eggs

Some days I feel like a plate of scrambled eggs. All messed up and with the strange feeling that despite my best efforts nothing really got accomplished. I felt like time was not on my side at all. Despite working 14 hours a day I was making very little money and was exhausted.

I needed a change so I implement these five simple steps to give me more personal time:

1. Simplify Your Schedule

Things that can be done less or things that can be done once instead of twice are those things that will help us save a lot of time. Clean your house once every ten days instead of every 7 days you can do that, it’s normal and the house won’t get dirty in those three extra days. Make a work report every six week not every four weeks if possible. Keep meetings to inform yourself on ongoing projects twice a month not every week. And the list of things that can be done fewer times can go on forever.

2. Challenge yourself!

Watch the clock and settle to finish an activity by a certain hour. Focus, get rod of anything that could distract you and work more efficiently. Work to accomplish one thing at a time, and finish the project 100%.

3. Ask more out of 15 minutes.

Can you find 15 minutes a day that you could use more efficiently? Is there lost time in your activities? Or maybe a less important activity you can give up on? If you manage to save 15 minutes every day, you will win in fact 91 hours every year!

4. Do a list of little activities that don’t take you more than a couple of minutes.

Of course, we usually want to deal with the important problems first. But when we feel tired, stressed, in a bad mood, we find it hard to concentrate and we lose our time forcing ourselves. A list of simple activities will help you finalize something and push up your productivity. And obviously it is always better to know you did something, even is it is small, than to realize you haven’t even started anything. Sometimes even a small task done completely will set you sailing through the rest of your more complicated activities.

5. Make Large projects more time manageable.

On LARGE projects, it is better to tell yourself: “I will work on this for 2 hours and see how much I can get done during this interval”. Focus and try to do all you can during that two hours. This is excellent advice to solve problems, and make progress on projects you avoided lately.

These are some simple steps that help me prioritize my day and get more done. I now have a more profitable day and spend more time with my family.

The Blessing Of The Present Moment

At each moment in our daily lives, we have an unprecedented opportunity. Generations before us did not have this blessing of spiritual awareness that is available today. Humanity as a whole is awakening, and we are actively participating in this process even if we are not consciously aware of it.

One of the simplest and most profound of spiritual teachings asks us to be in the present moment. This is an ancient teaching, and today has even greater meaning. With the advent of global telecommunication, daily life can be full or even stretched to capacity with communication, tasks and events to deal with. How then are we to remain centered, guided spiritually, and present to God’s love in the midst of such a rapidly changing landscape?

Today’s meditation practice can no longer be separated from the events of daily life. The serious nature of the times we live in now requires us to be fully in life, and present to address the many challenges we all face. Though it continues to be helpful to consciously set aside a few minutes of silent, contemplative time each day, our lives are asking that we carry this contemplative awareness more fully into our daily lives.

A regular meditation or prayer practice trains the mind and the body to create space around habitual and reactive mental patterns that keep us separate from God’s love. Meditation is profoundly useful for purification and freeing oneself from negative of self defeating patterns. Even five minutes a day of meditation can refresh the body, mind and spirit, and can even transform difficult experiences.

To take this one step further, allow your entire day to be a meditation and a prayer. This is not meant as drudgery but as joyful freedom. How do you do such a thing? It starts simply with awareness first, and the intention that you become closer to God throughout your day.

Today, as you go about the affairs of your daily life, notice how God is guiding you. What thoughts and feelings are present within you? What events come into your day unexpectedly? What challenges do you face? How do you respond to your fellow souls that share this Earth with you? Notice the opportunities God offers to share love with others. Do you joyfully embrace these opportunities, or turn a deaf ear because you are busy with other things?

Each day and each moment is a spiritual teaching. God is constantly revealing how we can love more, how we can learn more about ourselves and the Divine. God speaks in each moment, even if we do not think we can hear. The voice of spirit lives within our bodies, our hearts, our minds and our consciousness. Each day is a blessing that is given to us freely. What we do with this blessing has a profound impact on the others around us, on our loved ones, families, friends, and the larger network of human consciousness that we are a part of.

The Earth herself benefits from the blessings that we share through being fully present our daily lives. The vibration of love that opens when we attune to God creates a healing presence that affects the physical and energy bodies of the Earth, and offers support during this very difficult time when so much is changing on a planetary level. Give yourself blessings, praise and love each time you breathe and take a moment to attune spiritually in the midst of your busy day. By full embracing the blessing of the present moment, you are helping your fellow human beings as well as yourself.

Stress Management In The Workplace

As a Health & Safety officer for a large company in the IT sector, we have had to tackle the issue of Stress Management at work and i wanted to share what should be done to reduce stress related illness at work with everyone.

The HSE (Health & Safety Executive)recently launched a new campaign based at employers to manage stress at work for all employees which sent panic round many industry sectors.
Stress being explained as the “adverse effect people have to excessive pressure” summed up our assumptions of stress in the workplace with many people going off ill with stress but also G.P’s not knowing enough about the symptoms and ready to sign off people for weeks on end without a full diagnosis.

Employers need to be aware that stress is now classed as an accident at work and should be investigated fully, not just left at the docters letter sitting in the HR in-tray.
Your employer should be looking for signs in their employees of stress like anxiety symptoms, heavy drinking has been linked to stress as people cannot deal with the pressure and turn to the bottle. Personal issues can have a dramatic effect on your woprking life so managers should be approachable for issues and help out where ever they can.
Managers are responsible and should receive stress management training & how to carry out suitable and sufficient risk assessments on stress either in a generic format or personal risk assessment on individuals.

Impliment the control measures trained, ensure excessive working times are eliminated, all holiday entitlement is taken, consider job rotation,give the employee scope to control they way they work(reasonable), reporting structure for stress and not feel penalised for this, whistle blowing on bullying & harrassment and even consider confidential external councilling.

A strong stress management policy which is communicated to all employees is a good starting block for the management of this issue. If your employer is not doing the above then they are breaking the law and could be prosecuted.

Once Saved, Always Saved?

I used to think that once saved, I would always be saved. This in part because of the scripture in Romans 8:38 Where Paul makes the statement:
(“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord”).

I believed that by Paul making these statements, he was saying I would always be loved AND saved.
What changed my mind?

On October 25, 2002, I gave birth to a stillborn child at full term. During the following months (during my grieving period) after spending several hours in non-stop prayer about the situation, The Lord took me back (in my mind) to the day I was in the hospital holding the lifeless child in my arms.
He revealed to me: The way I felt for this lifeless child, was the same way He felt for us (his children).

During this prayer, (I call it a prayer, but it was more like: I was flat on my face sobbing to the point I couldn’t speak) So in my spirit I poured my heart out to God and told him:

“God, when I whispered in the baby’s ears, she couldn’t hear me. When I spoke the words “I love you”, she never turned her head to acknowledge me. She never opened her eyes to see me. I have accumulated everything a baby needs to survive- food, clothes, shelter, toys, etc., but this means nothing right now because I will not be able to take her home with me.”

The Lord in his wisdom answered me: He made me understand He also has children that he calls out to; however, they close up their ears so they cannot hear him. They shut their eyes so they cannot see him. He provides everything for them, but they do not acknowledge Him~ they are dead in their sins. He cannot take them home with him in heaven because they are dead.

This brings me back to the original scripture, “I am convinced that neither life nor death or anything can separate us….” The Love God has, will never change, it will always be there, even in death, it is just that some people have chosen to remain dead in their sins.
God is a just God that never changes and in his word, he says that the wages of sin is death!

Maybe at one time they did listen to him. They did hear His words and He grafted them into the vine, of which we are the branches. Now, if they have closed up their eyes and ears, and have returned to unbelief, He can cut them out of the vine. He cannot take them to heaven-they are dead.
The good news is God is a forgiving God. In His Word He says that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.

Questions That Most People Ask about the Second Coming of Christ

In this article and the next few following, I will offer a general compilation of the most often asked questions asked of me over the years, and hopefully some sensible answers. Some answers will have solid scriptural support while others my just appeal to reason and good sense.

You could get some answers by punching up your questions on the internet, perhaps on Ask Jeeves. You might want to confer with a Harvard University theological professor if you thought you would be getting a more valid answer. You may also just take a more casual approach, by just waiting for the next TV special on the subject and listen to the whole heavily opinionated body of experts. They might range from scoffers and doubters to liberals and conservatives and maybe a few crackpots and fanatics to spice the pot. You may, or may not learn anything, and you may escape sinking further into the swirling pool of confusion and uncertainty you already feel is prevailing, more likely than not you will be no more prepared than you were before.

The answers offered here are not infallible but they have a backing of over thirty five years of study, examination, revelation and hopefully a good smattering of common sense. The only other thing I can offer is my assurance that God has given me this particular calling and ministry. Whether any reader accepts the weight of these things is a matter of choice for them alone.

My choice has already been decided. First I would not dare to call God a liar. Secondly I have nothing to prove and last, but not least, it has clearly been required of me, and I must do this as sure as I must take my next breath. I hear ever so clearly these words every time I approach this subject… For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more. Luke 12:48

What is the single worst belief or false doctrine of all, concerning the second coming of Christ?

The single worst thing that works against sound second coming doctrine isn’t a doctrine at all. It is indifference. The business as usual lifestyle will be the chief reason millions are not fully prepared for His return, not some controversial doctrine. No one has made that clearer than Jesus. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coining of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking. marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came and took them all away: so shall also the coming of the Son of man he. Matthew 24: 37-39

In America the idea of preparedness is being replaced with the idea of prosperity. Those in the continued hot pursuit of more material goods, securities and life as usual will be shocked and surprised at the sudden return of the Lord. Those who are students of the second coming message and who are prayerfully watching, will he surprised by nothing.

Rev Bresciani is the author of two popular Christian books, one on the second coming of Christ. He has hundreds of articles published both online and in print. Visit the website at

The Healing Presence Of God’s Love

God’s love as a healing presence in the world is growing stronger daily. Many people are not yet able to perceive this growing presence of light, because there also exists at this time a thick cloud of negative energy that is surrounding the Earth. This acts to obscure both the perception and the consciousness of people, and to create feelings of isolation and despair.

These feelings are not the spiritual reality of this time; they are produced by the presence of much negative energy in the atmosphere of the Earth which has not yet been transformed. There are some ways that you can attune your consciousness at this time, to be able to open your heart more fully to experience and receive more of God’s healing presence and light.

As you reach out to God and open to divine love, you not only nourish yourself, but you will also support your fellow human beings on the Earth by holding a presence of light and love. This has a powerful effect on the world and on all those around you.

It has been said that God’s love can heal all. This is a spiritual reality, which restores a soul to their original purity and divine essence. All that has been out of harmony with God’s love is released and transformed. This healing process is happening not only for individuals but for humanity as a whole at this time.

There is a growing understanding among many people on the Earth that there is much change happening in the world, and that there is a need for people to come together to solve the problems of the world. This awareness is one of the first signs of an awakening humanity that will one day fully know and feel and experience the presence of God’s love as a living reality.

God’s love can be not only felt in your awareness, but also can now be felt tangibly in many sacred places on the Earth. God’s love can also be felt radiating from the hearts and minds and bodies of many spiritual healers, lightworkers and teachers who are present on the Earth to assist humanity in this awakening process.

There are two ways that you can begin to feel and receive more of the healing presence of God’s love in your life. One is to take a few minutes each day to quietly meditate, pray, spend time in nature, or simply sit and breathe. As you do this regularly, with the deep prayer and intention to open your awareness to receive more of God’s love, your awareness and perception will open and you will begin to experience yourself in a new way.

The other way that you can begin to more fully experience God’s love is to join with other souls in prayer, meditation, worship, or spiritual practice. There are many ways to experience God’s love, and the form of the spiritual gathering is not important. What is important is that you choose a group, spiritual path or religious practice that you feel connected with, that uplifts, refreshes and restores you.

In any spiritual gathering, the participants must put aside their own personal concerns for a time and focus on God. When a group of people does this, the healing effect is profound, and benefits not only the participants but also the Earth itself and all beings that are nearby, experiencing the radiance of love and light that is generated from such a sacred gathering.

At this time on the Earth when there is much suffering, all that you do to bring greater love and light into the world is of benefit to humanity. Even the small, simple thoughts and actions that no one but God sees are significant, for all your thoughts and actions contribute to the magnificent web of life and consciousness of which you are a part.

In uplifting and transforming your own consciousness, you are participating in a much larger event which is the transformation and healing of all of humanity. We give thanks for your work, your love, your prayers and your faith.

Personal Development Programs

Have you always imagined having the kind of life that most people only dream about? Have you ever dreamed about waking up each morning being excited about what the new day will hold for you? Have you ever thought about living your life in such a way that every wish, need and desire is satisfied? Have you ever envisioned breathing in the air of freedom because you know there is more than enough to go around? Have you ever wondered when the time will come that your home business will be truly successful?

Have you been searching for a personal development program that will bring success to your life and to your home business? Have you done endless searches on the Internet looking for just the right personal development program? Now it is finally time to unleash the power of abundance for your life and your home business. It is finally the time to step up to the new and exciting level of fulfillment for your seemingly lackluster life.

You now have the chance to participate in a personal development program called “The Prosperity Game” teleclass. You will finally experience the knowledge that all you have ever wanted in life is yours and this is something that will never run out! No matter what your current lifestyle status is, this is now the opportunity to find out how you will be able to enjoy the kind of lifestyle you have always dreamed about! You can finally make your home business a true success.

“The Prosperity Game” is not just some teleclass about money. Although you will surely enjoy more of that in your life, you will discover a most powerful truth your thoughts not only generate but they, in fact, control your circumstances. You will learn in the personal development program that you are the one who is ultimately in control of writing your life’s script. You design your career and your home business. You decide what events you want to experience. It is up to you to choose who you want to associate with. Finally, you are the one who creates the wealth that you want in your life.

Are you unsure if “The Prosperity Game” is right for you? Is this finally the catalyst that will bring success to your home business? Consider the following questions:

Have you been struggling because you do not have enough money or you can never seem to get ahead in life?

Do you look at your mound of debt and feel like it is never going to go away?

When considering your finances, do you feel anxious?

Do people in your life do or say things that impact your life and fuel your own negative thoughts?

Have you tried to use the Laws of Attraction, but you are still not able to put you goals and desires into action?

If you answered yes to even one of these questions, then “The Prosperity Game” personal development program is definitely for you! You have waited long enough to realize success in your home business. Take action today!

Sleep Apnea

A sleep disorder is considered when it happens to any person of any age. This means that snoring, which is a common but often misunderstood sleeping problem can be classified as sleep apnea. It is the most severe case of snoring problems. This could become a serious condition since literally, apnea means “to lose breath” or “without breath”. When a person has an apnea problem, what happens while he sleeps is that he tends to lose his breath alternately.

The reason why every snorer should watch out for this disorder is because the very thought of “missing breaths” for every 10 seconds could lead to a permanent absence of breath. Although it isn’t considered fatal as this point, lack of overall blood oxygen in the body could lead to high carbon dioxide which could eventually cause stroke, brain damage and heart disease.

For one thing, sleep apnea shouldn’t be taken lightly on young children because it’s not a disorder occurring only during adolescence. The thing is, it doesn’t pick its victim and this means your child as young as a toddler could experience sleep apnea. Sleep apnea’s common symptoms are restlessness while sleeping and loud snoring. When awake, symptoms like morning headaches, irritability, mood change, anxiety, increased heart rate, trouble in concentrating and heavy sweating are all but minor signs of sleep apnea.

However, you might want to watch out for the snoring itself done while the person is asleep. A sure sign of sleep apnea is when the snorer stops snoring just at the same time when the body tries to breathe. This occurrence is followed by a deep gasp once the sound made by snoring and breathing resumes.

If sleep apnea is left untreated, it could cause all the serious problems in a person’s body. The sickness mentioned above could possibly occur and the worst case is when pressures forced on the lungs could affect the right side of the heart which can eventually turn out as a congestive heart failure.

Stress In The Work Place: Active Tips To Avoid Burnout

Stress in the workplace is a growing problem. Time and time again, hard-working employees hit the wall and lose all ability to perform. These employees show few outward signals prior to collapsing, as they want to impress and succeed. Any sign of weakness can be misinterpreted, and thus, they keep it to themselves.

According to the Health and Safety Executive one in six employees finds their work situation to be very or highly stressful. This means, in larger companies, the effects can be quite large. The same study calculates that 10.5 million sick days can be linked to stress-related. The costs of these sick days and performance can be enormous for both large companies and small companies.

There are many options open to companies to tackle the issue of stress before it grows out of control. Several of these can offer employees different ways to cope with stress both in the workplace and at home. These methods can be provided by an employer and have showed a great deal of success at large companies.

1) Relaxation techniques: Learned relaxation techniques can help employees deal with stressful situations. These techniques can consist of breathing methods, short walks outside, and meditation classes. These relaxation techniques can be learned or encouraged by management.

2) Organising and prioritising: Allow employees to organise and prioritise in a way that benefits both you and the employee. By letting them structure their day in a way they feel is manageable the results can be improved. Often times organisers and time-management specialists can help give structure.

3) Access to exercise: employees who exercise regularly are better able to cope with stress. Access to a gym, yoga classes, or aerobics can pay back ten-fold in cutting the number of sick-days.

4) Self-hypnosis: A learned technique that can create more focused employees capable of dealing with stress. The technique allows the employee to focus on problems and issues at work as they arise. This often requires work with a licensed professional, but once the employees have learned the skills, they can use them without added expense in the future.

Each of these methods involves a basic investment in the employee that increases initial costs for the employer, but according to the HSE study, these costs will come back to the employer in the amount of sick-days retained. Also, having healthier and happier employes can only enhance quality of performance. Any combination of the above techniques to reduce stress should see a result.