Monthly Archives: October 2008

How To Reduce Stress And Ease Worries In Just 3 Minutes

Stress is everywhere, we know it’s unhealthy, and we know the conditions it can lead to. Many of us feel we really should do something about it, but the trouble with stress is when we’re in it’s grip it’s difficult to do much about anything.

Meditation, relaxation and visualisation are the standard recommendations for reducing stress, and they are all beneficial and useful to us in many ways, however, they are not so easy to put into use when stress strikes with it’s disruptive companions frustration, confusion, and anxiety in full attendance.

Here’s something simple you can try to diffuse stress quickly and easily, anytime and anywhere.

1. rub your forehead with both hands in vertical lines from your eyebrows to your hairline for a few moments

2. about an inch above each eyebrow you will find a bump rest your fingertips there lightly and hold

3. take a deep breathe in and lighten the pressure of your fingertips until they are touching those points very softly

4. breathe deeply again and allow yourself to sink into how you are really feeling right now focus clearly and specifically on the one thing that is mainly causing you stress, or anxiety

5. allow yourself to think the truth of the matter, hold the points and breathe and remain that way for a couple of minutes

6. concentrate on the area you are holding and feel for pulsations under your fingertips as the blood flow, previously diverted by stress, is restored to your forebrain. Now you can begin to think clearly again as you feel stress drain away and find yourself in control and able to choose how you wish to respond to what’s at hand.

What many of us don’t realise about stress is that although it is often triggered by our mental states and emotional responses it is in fact a physiological occurrence. The body responds directly to every impression we feed it be it real or imagined; it makes no difference to the body. If you tell it you are stressed it will respond immediately by sending the majority of the blood from your forebrain to your chest for faster breathing and the more efficient pumping of blood through your heart and to the muscles of your legs for whatever action they may need to take.

When you consider this automatic physical response it’s easy to see why we don’t always think well under stress. This simple technique tells your body to stand down and encourages the blood flow to return to the brain for clear thinking and decision-making.

Try this for:

– diffusing stress on the spot and stopping it from accumulating

– easing worries

– regaining control of your resources and having access to your full capacity for dealing with any given situation.

– preventing the digestive disorders associated with stress developing. (Use this before eating to make sure that your digestive system is ready and willing to receive the goodness from your food in a calm and efficient manner.)

– relaxing and clearing your mind before sleep

– inducing a feeling of calm from which you can then step deeper into a meditative or relaxed state

Angels and Spirit Guides

Even when you feel as though you are completely alone, there are Divine Companions who are always with you. Before your incarnation they chose to accompany you through your lifetime- from the moment of your first breath- until your last. Spirit Guides are highly evolved beings that have completed the cycle of birth and death in the physical plane and are now serving as teachers and guides to further elevate their vibrations. They are as “real” as you are- they are just vibrating at another level and reside in another plane of existence.

They work to guide you by working through your dreams and intuition. That quiet voice you hear is often the voice of your teachers and guides. They may also make themselves known to you through signs and symbols. For me, when I am at a crossroads in my life or journeying though a personal or emotional challenge- I find feathers everywhere. I also see feather tattoos, hawks and hear certain songs. It is a reminder for me to be still and listen to the guidance of my own personal guides. The feathers are representative of the energy of my guides- one being a powerful Shaman and the others are from the Angelic Realm.

Some individuals have one guide and others have multitudes- much of this depends on the path and purpose of your life. For instance, a teacher/professor may have several guides- one to guide them through the academic nature of their profession and others to assist them with the great emotional requirements of performing such an important task. A policeman, fireman, or soldier will often have a “team” of warriors guiding and protecting them. Much of who your guides are indicative of your own personal journey though life.

Spirit guides are almost never a loved one who has passed away. Although our loved ones stay with us in spirit and we can contact them, they do not serve the same role as a “spirit guide”. Some individuals have Archangels and Angels as spirit guides who are always with them. Yet, the presence of Angels does not always mean they are your spirit guides. Angels can be called in times of distress to assist you for a short time. If you have an Archangel or Angel as a guide, chances are your mission in life is a complex one. Through my experience with being a psychic reader and spiritual teacher- I have found that individuals with a challenging life path often have Angels as spirit guides.

Your spirit guide is always with you, whether you acknowledge their presence or not. You cannot call them to you or send them away- they are part of you and your journey. However, you can choose to gain the knowledge of who they are and what their role in your life is. You can interact with your spirit guides in a more proactive way. If you want to know who your guides are, just ask. Get in a quiet and meditative space and ask that they reveal themselves to you. Do not get discouraged if you do not figure it out right away. Beings from the spiritual realm often communicate through signs and symbols. Once you ask- you must trust your own wisdom. Pay attention to the pictures that appear in your mind. If you see a man in a suit- stay with that- it could be he is a philosopher or scientist. You may see a Native American Indian, a Buddhist Monk or you may see nothing at all. Keep your mind and intuition open. Pay attention to things that keep coming up after you have asked that they reveal who they are. If you are having a challenge discovering who they are you can also contact a professional psychic/intuitive to assist you.

Working with your spirit guides can be an incredible tool for your own personal and spiritual growth. Unlike beings who are in the physical- their wisdom and advice is not influenced by the “world”. They dwell in a higher vibrational plane and the mundane particulars of your situation are not relevant. For example- if you seek guidance from your spirit guide regarding a relationship- they will lead you to focus on what you are learning, what you need to learn, what you are teaching your partner, and what is the true meaning of your relationship. The fact that they leave the toilet seat up or are terrible at budgeting the household finances will be irrelevant. The information that you will be provided with- will be actions that YOU can take to gain more understanding. You can also ask your Spirit Guides to assist you in physical healing. Before you go to sleep, ask that as you are sleeping- you receive healing.

You are never alone. Never. Take faith in knowing and understanding that there is so much magic and mystery in this life. Just for a moment let the “world” disappear. Raise your vibration and allow the beautiful gifts of spirit wash over you. Life is so much more than what we see. Open your spiritual eyes and hearts and you will discover a world of wisdom, beauty and peace that you never knew existed. Of course, you can always choose to not believe. It is always your choice. But, why not? Why not step into another level of existence? Why not believe in magic? You do not have to announce it to the office, but you can embrace the wonders of spirit in your own heart. It will envelope you in a light of love and understanding- and will mysteriously transform you to a more connected and loving being. Oh, what would they say at the water cooler then?

Paula Picard: Psychic and Spiritual Teacher

Dare To Be Yourself, There’s Nobody Like You

There’s no need for you to imitate anybody else; they already exist. Do you want to be just like your colleague? If the Creator wanted two identical colleagues, then He would have created a copy of the first. If the Creator needed another person just like your neighbor, then He would have immediately created two of them. He never cloned somebody, so why would you? Every snowflake is different. Creation is not duplication.

Instead of copying an existing model, He created a whole new YOU! Why? Because He needs you to be just the way you are! Why bother and try to be somebody else?

Don’t imitate others. Observe them, learn from them, but don’t try to be like them. Learn their skills but then implement them in your own life and move forward on your own road. Because you are walking your own road, you cannot follow the footsteps of somebody else, nor can someone else walk your road for you. They have their road, you have yours.

Why did the Creator give all of us different fingerprints, different ears, different noses? Wouldn’t it have been much easier for Him to make all of us out of a single mold? One model; no differences, no comparisons. He could have done it, but He didn’t. Why not? Apparently He needs us to be individual. He needs us to be different. Certainly this fact adds to the pleasure of the game. If all the characters in the play were alike, then it wouldn’t be much fun to watch. He surely likes us all to be different. And He surely needs us all to be different!

Given the undisputed fact that we are all different, why would you try to be like somebody else? Why change your looks or your body with plastic surgery? Why not be happy with the way you are? I’m not just talking about appearance, but also about talents. Character. Everybody is unique. While longing for talents you don’t have, you are neglecting those talents that you do have. This is rather counter-productive, no? You have been gifted with a unique set of talents, so find out what they are and develop them.

There is no coincidence. Everything in the universe exists for a reason. You are not talented by accident! Neither is it haphazard that you don’t have some talents you would like to have.
If you don’t have a nightingale voice, you were not meant to sing. You can do something else with your life according to the talents you do have, and leave the singing to someone who is naturally equipped for that. If you have no acting talents, you should not act. If you weigh too much, you’d better start dreaming about something else than being a fashion model.

Another undisputed fact is that everybody is gifted with his or her own unique talents. Make no mistake! Talents are not only about activities like singing, acting, dancing, painting, writing or excellence in sports. Your unique talent could be your spontaneity, your enthusiasm, your connection with animals, caring for the disabled, your generosity, being a good teacher or public speaker, being a loving community member, or being a good problem solver. It could be your capacity to love, your natural joy, your brilliance, intelligence, easily assimilating new languages, radiating beauty, having a funny way of expressing yourself, making others laugh, kindness, tenderness, and many more. The list of possible talents is very, very long indeed…

What matters in the end is for you to be yourself, right? To be yourself is to find out what your unique talents are. Unique, you say? Others are spontaneous too! Plenty of people are generous or friendly. True, but your uniqueness lays in the combination of your key talents. Find out what your prominent talents are and how you can put them together. In the synergy and alignment of your key talents lies the beauty of your uniqueness.

It would be a big waste of time trying to be someone else. You are at your best being yourself! The world needs you as you are, exactly as you are! Dare to be yourself. The more you dare to be yourself, the more freedom you will feel. The more freedom you feel, the more you will dare. Daring and freedom support each other to re-create your unique self in an ever expanding celebration of Life. Your life.

Three Key Elements To Improving Leadership

Great leadership is the key to success. Great communication is the key to great leadership. Think of any great leader in modern time: Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr, and John F. Kennedy come to mind immediately. They were powerful leaders because they could inspire people to follow them. It was their ability to articulate their vision that made them successful in achieving their goals.

In your organization you must be the leader who inspires the team to great heights. To get them to follow you, be sure they are listening to your values and your vision, and then establish the right environment for them to thrive and grow.


When I mention values, everyone nods their heads as if of course, Kerri, that’s obvious. But, when I check up on this piece, I find the last time they discussed their values personal and professional with their team, was often in the interview before their people were even hired.

You must clearly know your personal values and your organization values to lead effectively. For example, do the answers to these questions come readily to mind?


1. What do you stand for?
2. What is most important to you?
3. What would you like your life to demonstrate?
4. What is your personal mission in life?


1. What do you stand for?
2. What are you willing to do to get new business?
3. What are you not willing to do?
4. Do you have a professional mission statement?

Quality leaders don’t change their values over time or to achieve short-term success. Consistent core organizational value systems form the strong foundation for long-term success.

A simple definition is that your values are the rules by which you play the game. A well-defined value system makes all decisions easier and encourages your team to go where you lead.


It’s easy to say you have a vision for your business. It’s your lifeblood. You know it inside out. Writing it down is the next step. Sharing it widely with your team is imperative too. Even more importantly, your vision for the business must provide a unifying picture so that everyone on the team regardless of job function can see exactly where you’re going and the importance of their role in getting there. Therefore, the clearer the concept and the clearer (i.e., short and simple) the message is, the more likely you, and your team, can achieve the goal. Your vision needs to answer three questions. And it must answer those three questions for everyone on the team.

1. What do we do?
2. How do we do it
3. For whom do we do it?

As Jim Collins proved in his book, From Good to Great, this is not a 30 minute, one meeting exercise. This requires 100% participation. It can’t be a top-down decision. It must be iterative and inclusive.


Andrew Carnegie said: “You must capture and keep the heart of the original and supremely able man before his brain can do its best.” When you understand what is at the core of your team members, you can serve them and allow them to reach their full potential. Value their uniqueness. Your team members are your internal customers. You must treat them at least as well as your external customers. This is the highest level of customer service.

Shape the right work environment and you’ll have loyal team members to lead. That means, you have to create a work environment that respects each person, appreciates them and rewards their effort, and encourages an openness to change. Make it a safe environment, one which encourages trying new ideas. When you unleash personal creativity, each team member has a stake in the outcome. It’s an environment that promotes growth at all levels. Combine all three elements and you have a formula for inspiring greatness and leading to breakthrough success. Do it now!

Complete Well-being Begins With Building Positive Emotions

Women come to me often wondering why they are having a hard time finding their own place of well-being or inner calm. So I’m always looking for the hard facts. Specifically, my curiosity has always been around complete well-being: not just physical health, or financial wealth, beauty or balanced weight, and not just a healthy mind, but all of them put together. The real questions have always been how do we create complete well-being for ourselves and how do we teach it to others?

My basic premise is that complete well-being begins with building positive emotions where no emotions or negative emotions exist. Pure and simple, our history, upbringing, friends, family and many other factors play into the types of emotions that have become habitual for each of us. Sometimes lack of complete well-being stems from a build-up of lots of habitual negative emotions that fuel more negative emotions. In a way, it is founded entirely in not knowing what complete well-being feels like (or not knowing what it is like to live with an abundance of positive emotions).

I look for evidence of my theory everywhere. Sometimes I find it in one of my kids, other times in myself, and sometimes I even find it in complete strangers. Today I find it in my reading:

One article submitted towards the topic of ‘the science of well-being: integrating neurobiology, psychology and social science’ by Martin E. P. Seligman, Acacia C. Park, and Tracy Steen in the Royal Journal says: “Results from a new randomized, placebo-controlled study demonstrate that people are happier and less depressed three months after completing exercises targeting positive emotion. The ultimate goal of positive psychology is to make people happier by understanding and building positive emotion, gratification and meaning.”

Another article, this one submitted by Barbara L. Fredrickson says, “The broaden-and-build theory describes the form and function of a subset of positive emotions, including joy, interest, contentment and love. A key proposition is that these positive emotions broaden an individual’s momentary thought-action repertoire: joy sparks the urge to play, interest sparks the urge to explore, contentment sparks the urge to savour and integrate, and love sparks a recurring cycle of each of these urges within safe, close relationships.” In other words, positive emotions spark more positive emotions.

Both of these articles support my theory that complete well-being can be learned and that we’re all capable of living in a state of complete-well being, if only we set our intention to live there and learn how to create new positive thinking.

The reality is that working towards a state of complete well-being is a process one that never ends because life throws us new challenges every day and we have to find new ways to regain our balance. However, once you realize that this wonderful place of health, inner wealth, and richness can exist for you if only you know the secret, you are halfway home.

Knowledge is powerful. This knowledge, in my opinion, is powerful and priceless.

How To Successfully Overcome Life’s Challenges

We all experience various challenges in life. Maybe we have to figure out how make our next rent payment. You may be dealing with depression or anxiety. Perhaps you’re having relationship or job issues? A worst-case challenge might be dealing with the death of a loved one.

The first step in dealing with any challenge is to recognize the issue. Recognizing a challenge isn’t so hard with some issues. For example, you don’t need to do a lot of soul searching to realize next month’s rent is due, and you don’t have the money for it in the checking account.

Some issues do require recognizing the challenge. Alcoholism is a good example. Most alcoholics live in denial and don’t recognize the challenges they face. Many challenges have negative associations. Who wants to be labeled addicted or an alcoholic? Even though society seems to have become more accepting of such challenges, there’s still a personally felt stigma to avoid.

Once you’ve recognized the challenge, there are additional steps you can take to overcome the challenge. One important step is to talk about your challenge with others. Discussing your issues with others has a number of benefits. First off, it helps define the problem and how it affects you. Open discussion can also help you relieve your own internal stress about the issue.

Talking about the challenge with others allows you to get their insight into the issue and potential solutions to the challenge. If the challenge is a medical issue or mental health problem, you most definitely will want to talk to a medical professional. For addictions, organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous can help.

Discussing the issues allows you to follow through with another step you can take to overcome the challenge dealing with the emotions associated with the problem. For example, at the loss of a loved one, you need to allow yourself to grieve. Holding in emotions is destructive and can cause additional mental and even physical problems owing to the undue stress.

Once you’ve recognized the challenge, discussed it with others, and allowed yourself time to deal with the emotions corresponding to the challenge, it’s time to look into solving the problem associated with the challenge. One way you can look at solutions is to research how others have dealt with similar challenges.

Another way might be to ask for assistance with finding a solution through either discussing the issue with a professional (medical professional, clergy, mental health professional, etc.) or with someone who can give you insight into a solution. Often times, you’ll find that a person who is less involved with the challenge can give you a more apparent perspective on the issue because they’re not emotionally invested in the problem and can think more clearly on the topic.

If the challenge is something where you can find a practical solution, then you should act on it. There are some issues you might not be able to solve immediately. For example, you can’t do anything about the death of a love. You can, however, look into additional ways to earn money for that overdue rent.

Some issues may be solvable but difficult to solve. You might not be able to immediately stop an addictive behavior, but on the other hand, you can certainly begin the process with the appropriate guidance and behavior changes.

Acting Confidently

Acting confidently can go a long way to teach us how to feel and be more confident. If you practice acting confident for at least part of your day every day, you will notice a difference in a month.

How does a confident person stand, sit, and walk? How do they look at a person? A confident person will look you directly in the eyes, won’t they? How do they speak? They don’t use a small voice, do they? A confident person is not afraid to ask for things, or to speak with strangers.

If you have somewhere to go like a job interview or on a date, take a few minutes before you go to daydream how a confident person would do it. Do you have a role model? Perhaps there is someone in the movies or life that you wish you were more like. How would they handle the situation? Have fun in the privacy of your home play-acting.

Sometimes you can rehearse situations with a friend to help you with your confidence. This is great for becoming comfortable with job interviews or dealing with customers. Practice and familiarity makes us feel confident.

If you would like to become good at job interviews, you could also apply for many jobs, even ones you don’t want. At first you may feel nervous, but your purpose is not to get a job, it is to get more comfortable and better at impressing others favorably. The more interviews you do, the less they intimidate you and the more confident you will be. With practice, before long, you will be very successful at getting job offers.

A great deal of how we appear to others consists of how we appear to ourselves. When we are nervous or not confident in ourselves, it often causes others to have less faith in us as well. If we believe we are beautiful, others will see our beauty. If we believe we are valuable to them, others will see our value. Always remind yourself of your qualities and the good you have to offer.

How Do I Manifest My Desires

AutoResponder: [email protected]

If you are asking the question how do I manifest, then read this. Learning to manifest your desires is similar to learning
to swim.

So how is swimming similar to manifesting?

Both manifesting and swimming requires total trust, i.e. letting go. In the case of manifesting, you need to let go
of your need to control the outcome and trust that you shall receive that which you seek.

In the case of swimming you trust that you will not drown.

Everyon*e who has learned to swim will tell you that fear causes you to sink. Lack of fear allows you to float. And
even if you go down it will be temporary and you’ll soon bob back to the surface.

It is the same with trying to manifest your desires. It should be practically fait accompli (It’s already done). Accept your desires as alrea*dy having been fulfilled. If you have any doubts whatsoever, that this is not so, you will fail to attract your desires.

You can fool people, but you cannot fool the Universe. Every thought, feeling or doubt, no matter how slight is vibrated out to the Universe.

I only learned to swim now recently and it was while in the pool that I realized the parallels between swimming and manifesting.

I was baffled by the fact that I had difficulty keeping my hea*d above water, while experienced swimmers didn’t have such a problem. They would swim effortlessly while I struggled.

That was until my instructor said this: “The reason you sink is because you don’t trust the water to keep you up. You’re afraid that if you let go, you’ll go down.”

And then it hit me. It is the same with manifesting your desires!

No trust, no manifestation.

It’s only when you totally and unequivocally trust that your desires are as good as having alrea*dy been delivered, that the manifestation will appear.

The proof of your total trust is when you express your gratitude and already start celebrating, in spite of your present reality which may be the exact opposite of what you profess.

However, just as it is with swimming, getting to that point doesn’t happen overnight. We first have to let go of our fears which is a product of our past experiences

Until we choose to change and do things differently, we will continue to get the things we’ve always gotten.

So in short the answer to the question, how do I manifest, is to just trust.

Trust that the Universe/God wants what’s best for you and is fully capable to supply what you want.

Trust that if you follow the laws of attraction and of manifestation, you shall certainly have everything you want.

Trust that just as the water lifts you up and lets you float, the Universe shall keep your head above the tides of life, irrespective of how fearful things may seem right now.

Basics In Time Management Questions

We all have to find what works best for our individuality, since each and every one of us is different. Accepting our own actions, behaviors and thoughts is not the beginning of learning who we really are. Rather, it is an attribute, which follows a connection between our past and our futures. You heard the nonsense “never look back?” Well, the people that are telling you this are in a big office basing their ideas, theories and guesses on experiences and lifetimes. Hypocrites need to pluck the needle from their own eyes and quite advising others, since obviously the plans they make rarely work. This acceptance starts with the basics in managing our time. The basics in time management are setting up goals and plans that are obtainable. When we set goals for our selves we must ask…”Is this goal obtainable. Do I have the ability to achieve this goal? How do I plan to make this goal successful?” Asking questions then is one basic element of diverting a time management scheme that works smoothly. Asking for help is another basic element in time management that leads to success. Success is the greatest reward that life has to offer us.

No one knows it all, so sometimes we have to ask for help. When you are asking questions, you are letting others know that you have a goal and you are searching to obtain that goal by seeking out a solution. When we question our selves, we are performing a therapeutic technique that helps us to find answers to unanswered questions. For example, if you are getting married in July and it is January, you may want to ask yourself is your timeframe suitable? Does the timeframe work with your schedule? Am I ready for this? Do I have the ability to manage a marriage? If you see where I am going, it is obvious. Many people commit to marriage, but often neglect elements of time management, that are essential for making the marriage work. Time and money is invested in this arrangement and often wasted, since the marriage leads to divorce. Likewise, if we are starting a new business, we have to ask questions. Questions are the root of establishing a time management scheme that leads to success. Don’t let pride get in the way of obtaining your goals. Pride is a root of evil and it does not bring forth good results when utilized inappropriately. Maintaining pride brings us to ‘keeping it simple,’ which is another basic rule in time management.

Keeping it simple is smartest element in time management since it works to benefit our mind, body, and responsibilities. Simple does not mean to be simple minded, neglecting your responsibilities. Rather, simple means to put a plan in motion that works smoothly and effectively, while reaching for your goals. One example of a simple plan, is when problems arise it is often because someone made a mistake, unless nature is in the picture. If we are making plans to obtain goals, then we want to analyze carefully which strategies work best to reach that goal. We want a plan that is logical and simple; so that it informs us which steps to take next to reach our level of success intended, without feeling doubts or running into complications constantly along the way. No plan is flawless, so keep in mind when you are creating a plan for time management “role playing” can often decrease risks in plans. This means when you come up with an idea for your planning scheme, you would ask questions, play out the part, and focus on the results. If good results come from the actions or decisions, you know then that the plan will run smoothly. Life is too short to waste time, and time is wasting money, so learn the basics in time management so you can reach your goals. Time manages everything. No matter what we do in life, it all revolves around time. We can spend time wisely and get results from our efforts, or we can waste time and sit back wondering what happen to our lives?

Quiz- Do You Believe That You Are Unique?

Do you know that you are a unique person? Do you believe that? Or you think that you are one of the billions in the world? Do you appreciate your unique qualities? Do you know about your true potential? Let us quiz and find out.

Quiz- do you know that you are unique? All of us are unique. No face is same as any other face in the world. No fingerprints are same as other fingerprints. You are a unique person with qualities that are not with others. You are truly a unique person. Please remember that at all the times.

Quiz- do you appreciate your unique qualities? You have some unique qualities. It is seen that all of us recognize the uniqueness of others, but cannot recognize our own qualities.
Why not make a list of all your qualities. Separate out the qualities that you think can be further developed and help you achieve more in life. For example, you might be a good speaker. Have you ever considered becoming a professional in that? You may be a good painter, or a carpenter, or a good designer and so on. The point is to recognize that and develop a quality that can help you reach high in life with that.

Quiz – your ambitions. Please write down your goals, think about them. Are you aiming to reach very high or your goals are very moderate? Please revise your goals. Make them realistic but raise the bar high. Unless we extract our full potential to reach high goals, how shall we achieve great feats in life?