Monthly Archives: February 2009

The Fear of Expressing Anger

There is much to learn from anger, yet many people are afraid of this feeling because they don’t know how to express anger in ways that are helpful rather than harmful. I teach a process at my weekend Inner Bonding workshops called “The Anger Process.” This powerful process, which is described below, is not only for releasing pent-up anger in harmless ways, but for discovering what your responsibility is in any conflict with another person.

Often, when I describe this process in a workshop, some people get anxious and want to leave. They are afraid of anger and of expressing their anger. This is invariably because they come from a family where one or both of their parents or other caregivers were angry in a mean, violent way a way that caused harm to others. These people are so afraid of being like their mother or father that they repress their anger, taking it out on themselves instead of others.

Neither dumping anger on others nor repressing it and taking it out on oneself is healthy. Anger expressed in these ways is about controlling rather than learning. Venting anger on another is about controlling through intimidation and blame. Anger dumped on oneself is about controlling feelings that are harder to feel than anger, such as fear, anxiety, loneliness, or helplessness over others.

Anger is an important emotion. It is here to tell us something, to teach us how we are thinking or behaving that is not in our highest good. You may have been taught that other people’s behavior causes your anger, yet this is generally not true. Others may behave in ways that you don’t like, but your anger at them is frequently a projection of how you are not taking care of yourself a way to control them rather than take care of yourself.

It’s important to differentiate between blaming anger and justified anger, which is really outrage. Outrage is the feeling we have when there is injustice, such as seeing someone abuse a child. Outrage moves us to take appropriate, loving action in our own or others behalf.

Blaming anger comes from feeling like a victim and gets us off the hook from having to take personal responsibility for ourselves. This anger does not lead to learning or to healthy action.

The anger process is a way of expressing anger that leads to learning and growth. When people in my workshop want to leave rather than do the process, I explain to them that it is very important for them to reassure the frightened child within that this anger is not like their father’s or mother’s anger it is not being expressed with the intent to control. It is being expressed with the intent to learn.

The Anger Process is a three-step process:

Fully express anger toward a person you are presently angry with (not in their presence!). You can yell, call names, kick something, and pound with fists on a pillow or with a bat, but you cannot harm yourself or anyone else.

Ask yourself who this person reminds you of in the past parent, teacher, sibling, friend – and then let the angry part of you again fully express the anger.

Finally – and this is the most important part – allow the angry child within to express his or her anger at you, the adult, for any ways you are not taking care of yourself in this conflict, or any ways you are treating yourself badly.

Step Three is the most important part, because it brings the issue home to personal responsibility. If you just do the first two parts, you are left feeling like an angry victim. The anger that comes from being a victim is a bottomless pit and will never lead to learning and resolution.

Once you understand that you can express your anger with an intention to learn, your fear of your own anger will go away. You don’t have to repress your anger in order to not be like your parents. You can express it harmlessly in The Anger Process and learn about what your anger is trying to tell you.

The Secret Movie Review

Copyright 2006 llbglobal

What is this big secret? Is it the answer to all of our deepest desires? Do you desire personal wealth, health, and happiness? Is there a burning question in your soul? What does it all mean? Are you frustrated, or have you had enough? These are the questions that everyone would like to have answered. After thousands of years of searching for the secret to life, we may have finally stumbled upon the answer. What we have found is that the answer was inside of us all along.

These are the burning questions that are revealed in the movie “The Secret”. This powerful film is sure to stoke the fires of our very existence. We have all been searching and now the search is over. This carefully crafted piece of art centers on the foundations of our creation. Each of us creates our own reality. Each of us is a product of our Universe. When you begin to understand this process, you will have opened the door to your unlimited potential.

Now some of the world’s most brilliant minds have joined together to share the gift of the secret. Writers, Philosophers, Scientists, spiritual leaders, teachers, and more have come together in this uplifting motivational adventure into the mind.

Do you seek prosperity? Do you want to get out of debt? Do you want a better life for you and your family? Do you want to destroy any fear that may be inside you? All of life’s situations can be resolved if we intend them too. We are at the leading edge of a new dawn for all mankind. We are taking the evolutionary leap and you will soon see your true unlimited power potential.

Through focus and determination we can achieve great things. You can find your place of well-being. You can remove your fear of the unknown and move forward in life. You are the one who creates your own future and your own destiny. You are the one who can create beautiful things in life.

If you don’t understand the secret, it is only because you are just now being introduced to it. You will soon understand the reason why you are here. Even if this concept is hard for you to comprehend at this very moment, you are about to become witness to something so powerful and beautiful that it will shape the very existence of who you really are. The movie the secret is going to point you in the right direction, if only you take the time understand what you are about to see.

What Hypnosis can do to make your sex life more exciting?

After you have induced a state of hypnotic self-relaxation concentrate on your specific sexual problem, assuming you have one. Ask yourself a series of questions. In answering them during your self-analysis stage of autohypnosis, try to develop some understanding of your particular sexual maladjustment. You will surprise yourself as to how much self-insight you can gain in this way, which will enable you to find solution to your problem.

When a psychiatrists succeeds in getting his patient to develop insight into his own problem (referred to as “insight therapy) he has practically achieved half the cure. For example, if you are aware of having a faulty attitude about sex because of some negative beliefs or habits, tell yourself that you can and will develop a more positive attitude. If you are living in the past, tormenting yourself with guilt feelings because of some past sexual wrongdoing, accept the self hypnotic suggestion that you are going to close the door to the past, forgive yourself and devote your efforts toward making a better future sexual adjustments.

Some of the questions to ask yourself:

The Secret – When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 54 )

Together we walked along a lovely pathway in a garden of exquisite beauty.Flowers with the most delicate forms blended their exotic scents to perfume the air with an ever so subtle fragrance. Surely, I thought, Eden must have looked like this. Birds with brilliant-colored plumes sang while painted butterflies danced in fluttering pirouettes creating a rainbow of colors.

We crossed a nearby clearing into the midst of a garden party. The tables and chairs were neatly arranged beneath the tangle of outstretched branches, which served as a sheltering canopy. The comforting sounds of talking and laughter rang out all around us. As we approached a table on the far side of the clearing, a stillness fell over the crowd. A closer look indicated that there was but one person sitting at that table. That person was God, appearing just as I had seen Him in the Big City. “Hello, Lord, What are you doing sitting all alone?” I asked.

“Sometimes it gets lonely being God. Please sit,” He said gesturing in our direction. We pulled up chairs and joined Him.

“Where are we? Could this place be heaven,Lord?” I asked.

“No. This isn’t heaven. Heaven is neither here nor there. Let me assure you, heaven is closer to you than you think. It’s within you. All of this comes from what’s within you. Both heaven and hell are within your mind. All you have to do is choose which you’d like to have.”

“Bless you, Lord,” was all I could say. Realizing how ridiculously stupid I must have appeared,I quickly apologized.”Don’t be embarrassed, John. It’s generally the intent that’s important,” said God.

“Thank you,Sir,” I replied as Marla and Gideon giggled in amusement at my predicament.

“Why don’t you say something, Gideon?” I asked, feeling at a loss for words.

“This is your party, John. We’re celebrating your visit.”

To read the rest of the story visit

The Secret Of True Love ……

Have you ever asked yourself what is the Secret of True Love?

Take This….

The ability to fetch a wonderful thought from the universe (just like you pluck a beautiful flower from the garden) and to care about it long enough and to pay it undivided attention such that whoever is the recipient of the thought (be it your partner, your child, your parents or your friend) immediately from that point on feels damn good even if he or she is miles away from you. This is the secret of True Love…..This is the way relationships grow and blossom into a full blown rose flower…

Strength does not lie in licking a woman’s breast; even a stray dog can do that. Strength is always the power of a beautiful thought not the domination of the muscle. The strength of a muscle can break a dozen bones but it cannot travel beyond a certain distance. A glorious thought however can travel leap years ahead, beyond continents and beyond the realm of time and space. It can deliver messages at lightening speed and can rebuild a million lives and bring smile to humanity. It is that powerful.

Attention to a caring or authentic thought is what is love .Every other thing is a stray dogs meal.

So what are the qualities of a great relationship?

The first and foremost is to FEEL DAMN GOOD ! If you don’t feel good reading this email, if you don’t feel good talking to someone, if you don’t feel good when someone walks into your house then there is a good chance that you really do not care about the relationship too much….

So feeling good is the highest attribute of a great relationship. Everything else is secondary. You have to learn the ability to fall in love with your thoughts…And then love in all forms be it money, relationships or health will come knocking at your doors. You can sitting in a remote corner of the world send out a wonderful and caring thought and the person at the other end can immediately feel damn good…. Thoughts are way too powerful it is just that you have not experienced its power, its strength.

John once told me that that poverty is a state of mind being broke is only a passing phase. You don’t have to regret being broke He had experienced the downside of life…

Hatred and animosity towards your partner is a state of mind facing big time problems in your relationships is a passing phase. You can turn the tables around very quickly…

Feeling low and weak is a state of mind , current health problems is only a passing phase.

You should not mistake the current circumstances to be your destiny. They are only a passing phase what is permanent is your thoughts, your state of mind. That is where you have to begin the work. If you pay too much attention to the current events surrounding you then you become a play tool of circumstances and events . You got to learn the fine art of holding on to fewer thoughts, of breaking focus of your day to day problems and caring about your thoughts….

Would you like to learn the fine art of sitting in a remote corner and sending a caring thought to your partner who is miles away from you and the moment you release this loving thought he or she feels damn good ? Would you like to learn that skill?

Would you like to fetch a powerful thought, an idea, nourish it take care of it, give it legs feed it with strength and then send this loving thought to the universe and the universe in turn hands you cash…? A Million dollars or more. Would you like to experience this? You think all this is fun, philosophical bookish… Damn It ! They are all a piece of cake. All great things were backed up by blazing clarity of thoughts. Go back and re-read history and you will see that most of the millionaires and rich people were broke or average at a certain point of their life….

Ditto with Health…. There have been cases where cancer has been cured with the power of thoughts. This is no joke. I am not hear to have fun. I don’t enjoy writing ordinary mails. My mails reach the recipients heart faster than the Fedex guys…I am pretty serious with what I do. John would seem casual on occasions but he has a mighty heart, a reservoir of spiritual energy and so he can afford to play with certain things. Not you and me…

The moment of truth has arrived….

Problem is the obstacle and Problem is the key. For Problems according to ancient scriptures is the guardian of knowledge. The supreme obstacle is the supreme door.

You can chose with all your might to overcome problems and knock it down and even if you are successful you will find that a new wall has already been formed behind the existing one. It is a never ending game a totally futile action a, complete waste of energy. Would you like to continue doing this or would you like to open the secret door to experiencing true love , because love is money, love is relationships and love is great health… It is a piece of cake as clear as the blue sky you can see it with both eyes all you need is insight, a spark of curiosity , a collision with feeling if you will….

A murmur in the soul tells of a world to be…says the great John Harricharan . I am pretty sure there is no soul in this earth save a few who knows his real strength. He is a mighty warrior who can save a million souls he has got that strength. I have seen and experienced it. He is the real deal … The time to unlock his reservoir has finally arrived… You are damn lucky to be living in an age where John is physically alive. Go and re-read what I have written above and compare it to the best texts you have written and you will see that there is something in this mail which touches your deepest being, which bruises your ego, causes a rash in your body. Thoughts are mighty powerful. They can generate wealth, build homes, and bring a smile onto your face. I would like to see one in your being this moment right now….

Come join us in this epic Power Pause Workshop and we will completely transform your life . We will hand over all these skills on a platter. It would be fun, adventurous and breathtaking. This is no ordinary workshop… You got to experience it ….

Imagine the joy you would feel when you are able to fetch a wonderful thought from the universe and send it to the universe and the universe in turn helps you generate tons of cash, builds your relationship and automatically takes care of your health. You think this is a dream. You could say so because there are handful few in this world who are living this dream. And today is your golden chance to do so.

So just to recap this is what you take away with you as a Power Pause Workshop Attendee:

1) The Complete Power Pause Kit which includes the PDF book with bundles of other Bonuses which currently sells for $97. You get it as a physical shipment in the form of a CD.

2) The Complete Video of Power pause(not yet released to the pubic selling in private circles for $197. You get it as a gift once you join this program). You get this in the form of a DVD.

3) Four High Powered Teleseminars by John where he takes live case studies and shows you step by step in a gentle and caring manner how great tools are identified and personalized and how you can turn your back on to problems and recreate the magical colours of life… He has never done this before. This is a great challenge to him and it is going to work wonders for you..Even if you miss this call the entire call would be recorded and the transcript also available to you as a download.

4) Six Member Mastermind Group . Four State of the Art Group Calls which will be intense, personal and taken care of by me. I will personally put you in groups of six so that you get sufficient chance to get up and close with me. This would the perfect icing on the cake and it would be so wonderful to be sharing with each of you those great tools which John has personally taught me and which has worked magic into my life.

The stage is set for a grand finale… All you got to do is enter the field and the rest we will take care…. You will look back on this day with pride, with a smile which nature will endorse, Dreams will turn real…. Love will work its way into your thoughts, you will experience sudden jerks and suddenly you will be transported into a world full of abundance, prosperity where you can feel, touch, laugh and cry with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Get it if you want to , ignore it at your own risk and if you chose the latter, it will still stay around you ,giving you another opportunity. Why delay the inevitable ? This is the day this is the time this is the moment. The moment of truth has arrived. You are just one click away from experiencing the magic of life. Hold yourself no more. Break free and dance your way into life… 38 slots remain… Reserve your spot right now…..

Love and Affection


In studying books we are sometimes deluded into thinking that thereby we are being spiritually helped; but , if we analyse the effects of the study of books on ourselves, we shall find that at the utmost, it is only our intellect that derives profit from such studies, and not our inner spirit. This inadequacy of books to quicken spiritual growth is the reason why, although almost everyone of us can speak most wonderfully on spiritual life, we find ourselves so awfully deficient. To quicken the spirit, the impulse must come from another soul. Today is your chance to meet up with a gigantic spirit . Hold yourself no more. Break free and dance your way into life….

Living With Real Spirit

The decision I made took me out of character. It went against the grain of my early life experience and clashed with how I’ve become as an adult.

This decision has left me feeling part-whole – more spirited – part scared – uncomfortable and confused. It really took me outside my comfort box.

As a child I remember people often making comments like, ‘Children should be seen and not heard.’ I remember kids I went to school with telling me I couldn’t sing. I can remember my opinion being laughed at in a classroom and family asking me to make ‘Less noise.’

As a result of all of these comments I learned to keep my mouth shut, keep my opinion to myself and live a quite almost monkish existence.

Then at 6am one morning, while out for a walk on a country lane I had an uncontrollable urge to shout.

It wasn’t that I wanted to shout anything in particular. I wasn’t angry, frustrated or fed up. I just wanted to shout, ‘Hello’, ‘Thank you’, and ‘Yes I am here.’

It felt so good. I wanted to do it again. But louder. So I did. Then I wanted to laugh. And it wasn’t just a quite laugh. It was a really good belly laugh.

As I’m writing this I understand that my spirit wanted to raise the roof and let some more of the hidden me out.

You see it’s all very well being ‘spiritual’ – meditating, understanding, being agreeable, showing empathy and all that, but it’s quite another thing to be ‘spirited.’

Being spirited might mean allowing yourself to make a little noise, letting your voice be heard, perhaps not complying to protocol – or the norm – when you don’t agree with it.

Having let out my voice I was faced with the urge to dance – the part of me that is uncomfortable was pleased I was at home by this stage and not still walking a country lane – I mean what would it be like to be caught dancing in a country lane at 6am in the middle of nowhere?

Then throughout the week I’ve had the urge to put music on – rather than sit and read or meditate – to speak at a higher volume than usual – shout thanks up to the sky when something good happens rather than bowing my head. And do you know something?

It feels more like REAL spirited living than all that quite stuff.

When someone seeks me out as their coach they are often frustrated at circumstances or looking to accelerate their growth – in other words find how they can have what they want and get rid of what they don’t want.

What I’ve found from my experience with REAL SPIRIT is that I want to live with more of the kind of spirit – shouting with glee and dancing and laughing. It made me feel more inspired and enthused.

When we’re inspired and enthused we are on the journey to having everything. It also means we digest every experience that comes our way in a more positive light.

Three things to try:

1. I dare you to shout!

2. At dinner time, throw your head back and shout thank you for the food.

3. Put some music on loud and just allow your body to do what it wants

With Love and good wishes


Christmas Spirit: Do You Possess The True Spirit Of Christmas?

While for so many people this holiday season is about rampant commercialism, keeping up with the Joneses and rushing to keep up with a hectic schedule, we should all jump off the speed train and take time to not only appreciate the true meaning of Christmas but also to embrace the true spirit of Christmas.

Emotionally this is a difficult time of year for so many. Depression and anger drive up the rates of suicide and domestic violence. Stress builds upon stress to destroy the holiday cheer of many.

The underlying problem for so many people is that they focus all their energy on what they do not have rather than embracing what they do have — that is what Christmas spirit is all about.

Whether or not you are an ardent Christian, if you live in the Western World then you know that the true meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Christ. The Christ child is a symbol of love, light, hope and peace that makes this such a joyful season for true believers. However, even among the believers, there are some for which this message is not enough to overcome the depression, anger and stress of the season.

That is why it is so important to embrace the true meaning of Christmas. You need to reach down within yourself to find the spirit of Christmas. In order to embrace the true Christmas spirit you must be willing to give. Give of yourself, your time and your love, and give of your worldly possessions. Do not think of the gifts you give to others as an obligation or duty, but think of it as a symbol of your love for them. While no gift can accurately reflect the love we feel for those who are near and dear to us, we can show them that they matter by spending time and thought to create or select a gift with meaning.

My son likes to make his gifts and spends a long time designing and then creating these items. Granted, we could have bought a sweatshirt with “world’s best grandpa” printed on by a factory, but I expect that his grandfathers will cherish the shirts he designed himself and then created with fabric paint — misspellings, oddly-formed pictures and all. If you are struggling with your Christmas spirit then perhaps you should avoid the mall entirely this season and find a different way to give?

Embracing the spirit of Christmas also means giving to those beyond our immediate sphere as well, especially those most in need. Obviously it is easy to throw some money in a Salvation Army collection, and that is certainly worth doing, but if your Christmas spirit needs a boost then perhaps you should try something more hands-on.

Local churches, schools, and charitable organizations can usually give you a list of opportunities to give and help. For example, through my church we have taken up a shoebox collection (creating an assortment of holiday gifts that will fit into a plastic shoebox and then are shipped to need children overseas) and bought coats and clothing for needy children in our community. I helped wrap the coats and clothing as well as contributed to both campaigns and it did wonders for making me appreciate what I possess.

Embrace the spirit of Christmas and find the true meaning of the season to bring more joy and happiness into your life.

10 Feng Shui Tips for a Better Life

Ever walked into a house that felt like home? Ever reminisced about the best year of your life, and wondered why everything came together for you? It could be Feng Shui.

Simply put, Feng Shui is about creating a harmonious environment. It’s the ancient Chinese Science and Art of placement, intended to improve our health, harmony, longevity, career and wealth.

Pronounced, “Fung Shway”, it was a jealously guarded secret for thousands of years. Now, the benefits of Feng Shui can be enjoyed by anyone. In fact, Feng Shui is a part of everyday life for many Australian businesses, home owners, decorators, and architects.

June from June Turner Designs and Lifestyles has been an expert Feng Shui practitioner for 13 years. “Feng Shui can be simple or involved whatever you’re comfortable with. Decorate a room or buy a home that is perfect for your family.”

The key is energy (or Qi “Chee”). June offers ten quick tips that can improve the flow, transformation, and containment of Qi in your life:

1) Remove shoes before entering a home. Don’t take your problems in with you.

2) Cook at least one meal a day and eat at the table as a family.

3) Never have knives on show even in a block.

4) Always sit or stand facing the door (or its reflection).

5) Keep the toilet lid down and bathroom and laundry doors closed.

6) Don’t sleep under white blankets or doonas.

7) Don’t sleep with your feet facing the bedroom door.

8) Don’t sleep next to the wall that has the metre box on it.

9) If your front door is in line with a tree or the door of the house opposite, place a Ba Gua mirror above the outside of the door.

10) Never have a Ba Gua mirror in the house. They are far too powerful.

It’s no coincidence that some of these tips are just common sense. You’ve probably been practising Feng Shui for years without even knowing it!

According to June, “this is just the tip of the iceberg. Just a few little changes can make the world of difference. But most solutions are specific to the individual.”

For more information, contact June Turner Designs and Lifestyles on Sydney +612 43992018.

Addiction Treatment Is A Choice

People become victims of substance abuse for different and often inscrutable reason. But whatever these reasons are, it is undeniable that this problem wrecks havoc in the lives of its victims and the society. It is proven that there is a connection between the increasing crime rate and substance use. Other than being perpetrators of crimes, people under the influence of substances damage their own health. Cases of drug overdose, alcohol-driven accidents, and infections are common in emergency rooms, hospitals, and sadly, even morgues. But there is still hope for the family, friends, and the addicted individuals. Different addiction treatment programs are launched yearly by the government and other civilian organizations in hopes of promoting a healthier and peaceful society.

But addiction treatment is a delicate issue. Substance dependents take a long time before accepting that they have a problem. Denial often delays seeking for treatment which often results in growing severity in the dependency. Even family and friends ignore warning signs of drug abuse or alcoholism in their loved ones because they simply can’t accept that the problem exists. Dependents and their families often think that they can solve or stop the habit by themselves. However, substance dependency is not just an excessive physical craving; it is also a psychological problem. Without professional help, the chances of recovery and avoiding relapse are very low to none.

Admittedly, there is no permanent cure for addiction. Recovery and treatment are continuos and life-long processes. But there are several ways to considerably lighten the burden. Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and community organizations with treatment programs guide dependents to recovery. In joining these groups, dependents get the chance to relate and share experiences with persons battling the same problem. These groups are also facilitated by people who are experts in substance abuse counseling. A common practice in these groups is the surrender of the dependents to Higher Powers which guide them through the process. Dependents who undergo this form of recovery describe it as deeply spiritual and life-changing.

If surrendering oneself to another is not the dependent’s cup of tea, there is another treatment program that banks on individual power. The SMART Recovery addiction treatment rejects the Higher Power but instead urges individuals to find within themselves the strength to overcome their problem. The treatment is abstinence-based – the individual has the competency to choose a better life over the substance he is addicted to.

No matter what form of addiction treatment a dependent follows, it is important to emphasize that no one becomes sober overnight. It is also important to stress that relapse is still a strong possibility. Substance abuse programs are only there to help, not to cure. Having a better life is a choice dependents have to make for themselves.

Rock Your World With The Universal Law Of Attraction

Ok…so you have seen The Secret. Now, it’s time to get rockin’ with the Law of Attraction.

So many times people get all jazzed up when they learn about the Law of Attraction – but implementing it gets tricky and that “jazz” fizzles out.

So let’s talk about the Law, and then I will give you the “how” on implementing it. Are you game?!

What do you think of when you hear the word “attract”? How would it feel to be able to ATTRACT what ever you would like INTO your life? It’s possible. You can come to depend on the Universal Law of Attraction, just has you have come to depend on the Physical Law of Gravity.

You may have heard the Law of Attraction referred to in different ways throughout your life, but it has no doubt shown up. Here’s a few ways we have talked about it…

1. What you sown you reap.
2. What you put out you get back.
3. Like attracts like
4. Law of supply and demand
5. What comes around goes around.
6. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7
7. Emerson called it the Law of Compensation

Catherine Ponder, author of the Dynamic Law of Prosperity defines the Law of Attraction like this: “What you radiate outward in your thoughts, feelings, mental pictures, and words you attract into your life.”

Abraham-Hicks, defines the Law of Attraction like this: “That which is like unto itself is drawn.” Yes, like attracts like. What does this mean for you? It means that when you are focused upon what you WANT to create in your life you will attract that….and when you are focused upon what you DON’T WANT to create in your life, you will attract that too. It means that you are indeed a magnet, and it means that you are a magnifying glass. What you focus on gets bigger…and comes to you quickly.

You may have had the experience in your life where you have wanted something very badly, and out of that passion, out of that pure desire, you were able to create it. There was no stopping you. You believed that it was to be, and you did not doubt that it was to come into your life. You said YES! to having that “something” come into your life.

You may also have had the experience in your life where you have wanted something very much, and have not been able to create it. Think about money for a moment… You want very badly to create the flow of money into your life, but you don’t. You say, I want more money…but I hate paying bills, I hate that others have it and I don’t, money is evil, or you just focus on the fact that you indeed can’t create it. You take action, you ask, you pray and it still does not show up. You focus on the fact that it’s not here, you focus on the lack of money in your life. What do you think you will create?

So, if like attracts like….and you focus on the negative aspects of anything, or focus on what you do not have – you will create more of what you do not have. If you focus on what is, you will create more of what is. If you focus (and sometimes we do very strongly) on what you DON’T want in your life, for example, I don’t want cancer…I don’t want poverty…I don’t want this or that or this or that….you are saying NO to it, and that as well will bring it into our lives. What we give our attention to comes into our life…it is the Law of Attraction. Whether you are saying yes or no to something does not matter – it is the focus that carries the vibration and causes us to attract unto us. Be careful what you say no to.

The key would be to focus on FEELING GOOD and focus on what you DO want! The key is to consciously be aware of your abundance mentality, and know that you attract what you radiate and vibrate into the world. Nothing is more important that feelings good! How you are feeling and where your attention is, is your point of attraction. Period.

You must remember that the universe is abundant – completely. There is no lack, only our perception of it. You must remember that there is always enough, and what you ask for is given to you. You must remember that you were meant to prosper… be wealthy on all levels of life. There is nothing that you can conceive of that you can not be, do, or have.

Most of the time we walk around creating by default…now it’s time to create using the Law of Attraction. You can be or do or have anything that you desire in this life. You must acknowledge yourself as the powerful creator that you are and choose thoughts and feelings that make you feel good, and that are in alignment with what you really want in your life.