Monthly Archives: April 2009

Opening Your Mind To Energy Healing

Energy healing is something that many people could benefit from, yet so many people dismiss it and think that it is nonsense. They believe that they are better off seeking traditional care. While traditional medical attention has its place, there is also a place for natural care. Many people find more relief from natural treatments than they ever find in traditional medicine. So, if you are suffering from an ailment and you find that traditional methods of care simply are not working, why not try something a bit different? Sometimes allowing yourself to open up and try something new is just what you need to change your life.

Are you new to energy healing and wondering exactly what it is all about? It is actually quite simple. Seeking this sort of treatment can be very effective and an obvious choice when you learn what it is all about. Simply put, this type of treatment is based on the belief that there is energy running through the body. Many people are better able to picture this when they compare the human body to an electrical circuit. Just as electricity runs through an electrical circuit, energetic currents run through the body. If there is a blockage, this causes problems in the body as well as in the electrical circuit. When these blockages or “crossed wires” occur, a whole host of problems can happen. If you just put a band-aid on them, they will continue to get worse over time.

Energy healing works well because many of the techniques can identify the underlying problems in the body, instead of just treating the symptoms as traditional medication often does. When you are able to identify the underlying problems, you are able to create a treatment plan and vigorously attack the problems in a straightforward manner. The result is achieving health and happiness through personalized treatment. What is wonderful about this type of treatment is that most people can learn it quite easily and apply it to their lives in very little time, meaning a more balanced life in the short term as well as long term.

If you would like to learn a lot about energy healing from one of the foremost experts in the business, Richard Link has created a therapy that fuses Eastern and Western techniques. The therapy is offered through the company Mindeze at The website will provide you with a wealth of information including through eBooks to help you can decide whether this is a technique that will work well for you or not. Mindeze’s therapy is a combination of kinesiology, qigong, and other methods, and works to restore the flow of energetic current through the body so that health and happiness can be achieved. On the website, you will also find a listing of workshop dates so that you can sign up to attend a two-day workshop to learn these techniques that can help you change your life. The workshops are also available on DVD and direct download.

The Good Life

I was listening to the MSNBC on the radio the other day when a feature came on entitled, ‘The Good Life’. They proceeded to discuss a $14,000 dessert being offered in Sri Lanka that included, amongst other things, an aquamarine. No kidding. This is how MSNBC characterizes the good life. It struck me how in our culture we define the good life more in terms of the consumption of material goods than in relationship to any other quality.

Simply listen to the vast majority of contemporary music on the airwaves these days for confirmation. I have two teenagers in my house so I know all too well: Cristal champagne, expensive cars, first class jet airline seats, bling…the list goes on and on. This is what our kids are being taught: the good life is about having things, not about who you are as a human being. Where are these values coming from? I believe it is a trickle down effect from what they see being honored in our society.

So if the good life is about having things, how is it that so many people who have so many things have lives that lack so much satisfaction and meaning? I am not saying that having money is not a good thing, quite the contrary. We all need financial security. We need to know that we can provide for our families and be free of the pressure of struggling to make ends meet. We all want to live a comfortable life. But where is the point of no return?

“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.”
Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955), (attributed)

The Worldwide Institute in its 2004 State of the World report explains:

Societies focused on well being involved more interaction with family, friends, and neighbors, a more direct experience of nature, and more attention to finding fulfillment and creative expression than in accumulating goods. They emphasize lifestyles that avoid abusing your own health, other people, or the natural world. In short, they yield a deeper sense of satisfaction with life than many people report experiencing today.

What provides for a satisfying life? In recent years, psychologists studying measures of life satisfaction have largely confirmed the old adage that money can’t buy happiness at least not for people who are already affluent. The disconnection between money and happiness in wealthy countries is perhaps most clearly illustrated when growth in income in industrial countries is plotted against levels of happiness. In the United States, for example, the average person’s income more than doubled between 1957 and 2002, yet the share of people reporting themselves to be “very happy” over that period remained static.

So if growth in income has not made people happier than obviously they are not living the good life. In order to clarify what the good life is, I do an exercise with clients that involves seeing themselves at some distant point in the future where they are finally who they want to be, they have what they want to have and are deeply satisfied and happy. In other words, they have achieved the ‘Good Life’.

Nearly one hundred percent of the time, without fail, clients do not have visions of extreme wealth. They really don’t talk about wealth at all, at least not in terms of money or possessions. They do not talk about living in a house with every known convenience and luxury. They do talk about a home located in a beautiful setting, perhaps by the ocean or on a lake in the mountains. There is always talk about a place that gives them a feeling of peace and serenity…a place they were meant to be.

They never discuss possessions…ever. No talk of cars, televisions or fancy clothes. It just never comes up. They may mention that they are free to travel but certainly they do not say first class.

They describe themselves as a person who no longer fights feelings of depression, dissatisfaction or dissonance in their lives. They speak of a feeling of acceptance of what is. There is love in their lives although they don’t necessarily mention a specific mate. Just love. There is discussion of deep wisdom accumulated over the years. There is also talk of being surrounded by the people who they hold dear.

Often, if they have children, they will say that they are happy that they have been able to help their kids but more often is the description of children who have grown into responsible, loving and fulfilled human beings. They describe with pride children who are contributors to the world. I hear about pets in the house and perhaps grandchildren. These are folks who have discovered what truly has meaning for them and what they really value.

“Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one’s values.”
Ayn Rand (1905 – 1982)

Values. What are the things to which you attach value? What is important to you? If you had to create a list of the top five things that you value, what would they be? Would it be money, possessions, power, stature and authority? Would it be love, family, integrity, freedom and compassion? Or a combination?

“Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.”
Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955)

We have all heard the adage about what the epitaph on our tombstone will say or not say. Will it say that she had a powerful job, she flew first class, that she had a Mercedes-Benz and wore only couture? More often you will read on a tombstone that she was a loving Mother and Wife, a charitable person and an outstanding member of the community. Think about how you would like to be remembered? What would you like to hear people say about you at your funeral or memorial? Will it be on how much money you made or how much you consumed? Doubtful.

I remember the funeral of a very dear friend who died suddenly while he was still in his fifties. The Rabbi said that all we have in the end is our good name. Who we were, how we lived, how we loved, our empathy and compassion, service to the world we lived in and the legacy we left to our children and their children.

My own personal take on the good life, at least for me, involves the following: I want to be a person who possesses a deep appreciation for everything that I have: to be grateful. I want to be able to live without the fear of not being able to take care of my kids and myself and yes, I do want to live well. Living well for me is a lovely home in nature; it is being free to travel; it is having the ability to help my kids get a good start in their adult lives; it is having enough money to be able to take good care of myself and to also be charitable. I want to have a life that is filled with meaning, with a deep connection to the world around me.

What is your Good Life? Take the time now to give thought to the life that you want to live, the life that you would describe as the Good Life. Make certain that it is aligned with your values and your passions and to so you must connect with your values and passions. What are they? Think long and hard about what brings you real joy and fulfillment. Remember those times in your life when you were the happiest…what resonated for you in those moments? Consider how you want to be remembered, how you want to look in your children’s eyes. What traits do you admire in others and how can you adopt some of those traits? What have been peak experiences in your life and what was it about those experiences that made them so special?

These are the kind of questions that beg our attention. These are the questions that will ultimately lead us to the Good Life. Not the $14,000 dessert but a life well lived. With meaning, love, comfort, joy and fulfillment.

Spirituality Information – John Harricharan ‘s Interview With Terri Marie (Q7)

Terri Marie: Well, there you go. You have just stripped away all the essence of all the other stuff and come to a simplicity part of it again. I like the way that you did that John. As well as writing books, you also like poetry. Why do you like poetry? Is there anything special or anything that poetry can give us that’s a little bit out of the ordinary?

John Harricharan: It is almost akin to music, I think poetry in its own way is music and you do very well writing poetry also I’ve read some of yours and loved them. And I think poetry is the music of the soul expressed a little differently from just ordinary prose. It will evoke within us, feelings of grandeur and hope and so forth and as a little boy, I was tremendously influenced by poetry.

Actually I found almost everything poetic, and at the age of three, I was brought into this giant temple by my father we’re in front of a crowded temple. I recited the poem called “A Song of life”. And till this day, decades later, I still could step back and look at that little boy on the stage, as he ended it by saying lives of great men all remind us, we can make our lives sublime and departing leave behind us, footprints on the sands of time.

I think poetry is therapeutic just as music is. And a poetry serves as a source of inspiration sometimes when we’re down in the arena and they have their boots on our necks, and the dust is in our nose and our mouth and we can hear the crowd screaming “Kill him, kill him, destroy him, use the sword on him” and we don’t know where to — and today the crowds would probably be the people who hold your mortgage or who holds the notary of your car or your boss or your job or what not it hasn’t changed much in thousands of years.

So we still get down in the arena, when that happens, we need all the strength and all the hope to say to our souls even when you were bleeding. It ain’t over yet, it isn’t finished yet. It isn’t done yet. I can get up, I can get up, and that’s when you get up and you sit down and you’re kind it to yourself and you say, “Okay John, that stinks, that hurts, that was bad really bad.” But you have brushed the dust off and you go on. Do you know what keeps you going? It’s hope. Hope keeps you going.

You don’t need hope to have faith, but hope leads you to faith and it keeps you going until you take that other step and the other step and all of a sudden, the crowds are not boeing any longer. You’re in this arena, you’re in the stadium and they are shouting for you “long live Terry Marie, long live Vish, Hurray for John”. Now you have come from one place to the other and sources of inspiration such as, music, poetry, nature the company you keep, could take you there and make that road a little bit calmer, a little bit more interesting and a little bit more joyful.

New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 8 )

“There is really nothing else we can do,” said the chief physician with a deep sigh.”We must now wait.”A horrible emptiness overcame me. We had not come this far to lose. First, losing all our material possessions years earlier,then losing my father*, and now the chance oflosing my wife? No! My heart screamed out in protest,as if by sheer force of will I could change the course of destiny. No! She will again recover as she has done so many times before. But a still, small voice whispered, “John, you may say good-bye now.”

I walked back into the room and looked at her sleeping so peacefully on the bed. They had administered some of the strongest pain killers to make her as comfortable as possible. Holding her hand,I whispered,”This is only a blink in eternity. Wherever you go, I will find you.” And then the tears came. Suddenly the room appeared to take on a brilliant glow, accompanied by the sound of music from afar.

I became quiet. Leaning over, I kissed her on the forehead, stepped back, took one last look, turned and walked out of the room. A few minutes later, a doctor walked up to me,shook her head sadly, and with deep sympathy in her voice, said,”She’s gone. I’m really very sorry.”On that summer day far from the little village where I was born,a light went out inside of me. The mounting darkness deepened into a hideous void and I could no longer see the sense or purpose of living. Life seemed such a fragile affair, here one moment and gone the next.

Yet, even as I wept, a nobler part of me was already whispering the hope that every soul needs on its journey home. A part of me knew that from the depths of despair would emerge an understanding far greater than any I had ever known. In the days and nights ahead, there would be times of sadness, moments of loneliness and periods of reflection. But ever afterwards, there would be a sense of purpose that would lead me on. Though no longer would I see her face or outer semblance, I knew that forever Mardai would be with me. I believe that we are all bound throughout eternity to that which we love; that neither heaven nor Earth can ever separate souls who choose to be together. One soul might go ahead for a while, but the other always catches up.

Thus ended one phase of my life as another began. All endings lead to new beginnings. The closing of one door foreshadows the opening of another, and yet, at times, I wonder why there are doors at all.

To read the rest of the story visit

Can Being Online Help Your Personal Development?

In a fast paced world, finding free time for yourself is very rare, and finding time to work on your own personal development almost never happens. Although we all understand that we must grow as individuals and as a group of people, as well. Fortunately, with a lack of free time, you can still find information and receive help through an expert on personal development. All you have to do is turn on your computer!

There are many great benefits from an online course in personal development. The most important benefit is that it can be structured around your time frame. You can log in and work on it before work begins, during your lunch hour, or even while you are at home in your pajamas, just before you go to bed. You are the course instructor, so you can learn at your own pace and decide how far you would like to go with your success. Many of the individuals who opt for an online personal development course are looking for a change in their present life. The amount of change is left up to you to decide, as well as the areas of your life that you desire to have changed.

You can also learn how to gain more self confidence, not only in your business but in your personal life too. You can also boost your self esteem, and learn how to help boost the esteem of others around you. You can learn how to make your life happier and help to make others happier. You may also learn how to reduce the amount of stress in your everyday life that will help you relax more often. Anxiety is another key issue that is covered in online personal development courses. You will learn how to handle anxiety both in the work place and at home. You will be taught how to recognize different forms of anxiety, how to cut down on the amount of anxiety you feel and also how to avoid anxiety in the future.

Those who write and teach the online development courses are trained and licensed in the area of self-help and personal improvement. They are trained to help you with retraining your mind towards positive thinking and finding ways to positively change your life. They will help you to explore your own heart, soul and mind and to begin to focus on your achievements and capabilities. Using the Law of Attraction, you will begin to notice that you have a brighter, more positive, outlook on life. You will be able to think positively, plan for your career growth, set and achieve goals in all areas of your life, and to plan for personal growth.

You will learn many things about yourself and the world around you through taking online personal development courses. You will be able to feel better about who you are and how you can handle the aspects in life that you control as well as the areas that are beyond your control. These types of course are built and designed to allow you to feel and become more successful than you dreamed possible.

Approaching Metaphysics Part 2

If we think about it we will realize that we are unable to take anything material with us to the higher worlds when we pass on. We are unable to take along with us our house, our money, our possessions, our titles, etc. What we do take along are things that are immaterial–our knowledge, our memories, our karma, our habits, our character, our spiritual and psychic development, our aspirations and desires. We can see from this that our purpose in this world, in this physical plane is in connection with those immaterial things mentioned above, and if–and metaphysics declare it to be so–evolution is a law of Nature, a Cosmic law, then our true purpose is to evolve, to improve and to purify those immaterial things. Our greatest opportunity in this world is the correct use of time. Use this gift of God searching for Truth and not wasting it on non-essentials.

Perhaps after being a little pessimistic about reflecting death just awhile ago we may now be cheerful and be optimistic about life and to carry-out the main purpose of physical existence instead of wasting our precious time, energy and resources on immoderate and excessive entertainment: too much watching TV, too much sex, the taking of drugs, and indulgence in other material devices invented and designed by the Dark forces to sidetrack and make us forget our divine heritage, purpose of being and our mission here on Earth. This is the nature of evil: it diverts us from experiencing our true soul-purpose and need. Anything that distracts us from improving our soul nature, our character, our morals, or acquiring metaphysical knowledge of Cosmic laws and truths, is to be considered as an evil mechanism and an intruder to our microcosmic system. These evil intruders sometimes work in such a subtle manner at times that even disciples of metaphysics are sometimes caught off-guard.

The Pure Life

A metaphysical life entails living a life of purity. Even before approaching a Master for apprenticeship, a pure, spiritual, constructive life should be lived as best as one is able to. The degree of purity within us can be seen and felt by the Spiritual Masters and Adepts of metaphysics and the occult. They know our spiritual state and status by the colors and the luminosity of our aura, by our facial expression, by the quality of the emanations of our eyes, and by the way we think, speak and act.

By the above we do not imply that one has to be a saint in order to be a worthy student of the occult or metaphysics. What we are saying is that purity is a necessary quality to possess and to develop when one becomes a serious student of the occult. It is an indispensable quality for it prepares our psycho-biological system, our nervous systems to withstand intense energies that we invoke from the higher worlds through our occult and metaphysical studies. We often hear of people going insane because of their involvement with the occult or metaphysics. This is because of their lack of purity. Their nervous systems were not able to sustain the spiritual vibrations coursing through them. When this occurs, as mentioned before, the nervous system ruptures, certain brain cells and nerve centers are destroyed, and the etheric webs protecting the student from overexposure to impressions of higher frequencies coming from the other dimensions, are shattered. One is then unable to shift focus from one reality to another but is opened to both. This causes too much strain. Insanity is the sad result.

Spiritual energy invoked through mystical practices also evokes the undesirable elements lying within us. If these elements are not cleared by a process of purification, they would cause us trouble. This is not to say that metaphysics or the occult is an unsafe study. There is danger in everything. One simply needs the right information and common sense, and take precautionary measures when delving into any study, especially metaphysics and the occult.

Purification is a multi-level process. It should occur on all levels of the microcosm. For instance, our physical body, our blood-stream, our energy-structures, our emotions, our minds, our aura, and chakras, all need to undergo purification. The Path of Purification is a basic step in any system of occult, metaphysical, and spiritual study. To neglect this essential step is to open-up ourselves to spiritual dangers. Any Guru neglecting the Path of Puification in his or her metaphysical system is a false teacher working against the evolutionary tide and spiritual current. It is not beyond the means of any average person to become pure and holy. The difficulty is that people do not see purity or holiness for what it is. They have many erroneous concepts regarding it. For instance, some of us believe that to be holy one has to seclude oneself from society, be celibate, or wear white robes or even tattered clothing. They believe that to be holy one must dress oneself in some special way or wear a certain hairstyle or do strange things, or act a little mad. These are all fallacies. We should all strive for holiness by being what we truly are, and not be what we think ourselves to be. In the name of Light, Life and Love, we appeal to all students to be pure and holy.

A Balanced Approach Towards Metaphysics

In metaphysics or in the occult, the student is requested to take a balanced approach. There are three factors that students have to consider:

1) Knowledge of metaphysical laws, principles, and cosmic truths.

2) Unfoldment of spiritual and psychic senses, faculties, and abilities.

3) Acceleration of one’s spiritual development, of one’s soul evolution.

The pursuit of these three together in a harmonious way is necessary in developing a well-rounded attainment. When one is over-emphasized and the others compromised as to their importance, then trouble results for the metaphysical student. For instance, too much knowledge without spiritual abilities and a spiritual development results in a poor instrument, one ineffective in the service of men, and one filled with pride and vanity. Psychic abilities without knowledge and a degree of spiritual advancement causes similar symptoms as the above–pride and vanity, together with a poor understanding of what one registers through the psychic centers. Though one be “spiritual,” without metaphysical knowledge and understanding one is often deluded and misled by psychic forces. One falls into the trap of glamour and illusion.

To be spiritually developed without adequate knowledge and psychic ability results in one’s ineffectiveness in serving humanity. We can see from this that the problem facing the metaphysical student is the correct pursuit and development of those three factors simultaneously. The unfoldment of these three factors causes that Divine Spark (Spirit), the Soul-Flame within us to grow in strength and magnitude. This Spark is threefold. There is a will-power aspect (blue), a love-wisdom aspect (pink) and an intelligence-understanding aspect (yellow). This divine flame, metaphysically, has its location within our physical heart and is about 2 cm in size. It is representative of the Higher Soul within the microcosm which is likewise threefold in nature. Esoteric students of Theosophy, for instance, call these components of the threefold Soul, atma, buddhi, and manas.

Too often metaphysical, occult, or so-called spiritual Gurus teach on the basis of a single approach. This does much harm to the student and to society in the long run, or in the very least, it does no lasting good. Advanced teachers, or true Spiritual Masters would synthesize the above three factors. Their approach as a synthesis of those triune factors, would be practical, instructive, and informative.

Let us look again at those three factors. What do we mean by occult and metaphysical knowledge? By such knowledge we mean of the following :

Knowledge concerning, the origin of Spirit-Man; the origin of human beings; the origin of the solar system; civilizations of unrecorded hstory; the real history of man; man’s purpose of being; the progression and the transmission of the ageless teachings throughout the centuries; the origin of religion; the Mystery Schools; the occult anatomy of man; man’s latent powers and faculties; the secret teachings and oral tradition of the prophets; the nature and laws governing the higher worlds and man; the application of Cosmic laws; the hidden laws of this three-dimensional world; the principles of counseling and healing; the nature of man, etc.

Now what do we mean by the unfoldment of psychic and spiritual abilities? What are they? Here are just a few: the ability to register spiritual impulses emanating from the Soul, the Spirit, the Spiritual Hierarchy, one’s spiritual group, and Master; telepathy; the ability to direct the elements and forces of Nature; spiritual vision; etheric vision; the ability to function consciously in the higher worlds; the ability to attune with the Divine Cosmic Mind; the ability to know the past, present and future; the ability to heal body, mind and soul; the power to create; etc.

And lastly, what do we mean by spiritual development? We means expanding one’s consciousness; opening up the intuitive channels; the transcendence of the false ego; the expression of one’s divinity; oneness with Nature, God and one’s fellow men; the purification of one’s thoughts, words, and actions; the realization and awareness of one’s true identity, and the unfoldment of all spiritual virtues and attitudes such as sacrifice, renunciation, detachment, steadfastness, endurance, strength, self-control, patience, magnanimity, purity, heroism, truthfulness, generosity, compassion, understanding, love, affection, serenity, faithfulness, altruism, tolerance, reason, devotion, adaptability, sincerity, joy, discernment between the real and the unreal, service, balance, beauty, harmony, creativity, confidence, perception, reverence, sympathy, punctuality, love, tenderness, gratitude, gentleness, harmlessness, inclusiveness, desirelessness, forgiveness, trust, self-discipline, etc.

So far we have used the words occult, metaphysics, and spirituality interchangeably. At this time this suits our purpose, but we have to realize that these terms are not synonymous and each have a specific definition of their own. To these terms we may include mysticism, magick, parapsychology, parapsychic science, and esotericism as each having a definite meaning and yet still connected with metaphysics in general. In the course of one’s metaphysical study one would gradually come to realize the fundamental difference.

Humility and Fearlessness

So far, we have already dealt at some length with the qualities that the candidate of metaphysical studies has to possess, such as purity and an open mind. Other important qualities are those of humility and fearlessness.

Humility is the quality of acknowledging the greatness of God as expressing throughout Nature. It is the realization that no matter what one attains or what one becomes there is always room for further growth. Thus, one never view oneself as representing a final attainment such as being the smartest kid in school, for one knows that there are still others much more smarter than oneself. There is always room for improvement. We should not just look down before us, look upwards as well and see that there are others far above us. Reaching one peak allows us to see a higher summit.

There is pride in thinking of being wise or in being stupid. There is also pride in thinking of being rich or in being poor. The writer has often heard people lamenting on how poor they are, and they enjoy saying this and proving it. They would take quite a lot of trouble to prove that they are poor and that none are in as much a need as themselves. This is pride expressing itself, for they fail to see that they possess many of God’s precious gifts to them, such as their senses to register impressions, their minds to think, their will to act, and their hands and feet to carry-out their desire; in short, all that is required to manifesting prosperity. Such people are ungrateful beings. In this they show their lack of humility.

When approaching an Occult Master in an egoistic manner, he would most certainly reprimand us verbally . . . or in silence. Such applicants for the teachings are quickly shown the exit. Demanding to be taught indicates one’s unreadiness for occultism and metaphysics. Instead of requesting from the Guru the higher teachings, one should come to realize that one still requires the lower teachings and disciplines from the many challenges that life has to offer and instruct us. All of these challenges are simply for the purpose of taming the human ego. The ego when unbridled, is an unfit vessel for metaphysical and spiritual teachings. Where the ego strives, there humility dies.

Fear is one of the obstacles to metaphysical understanding and awareness. Approaching and advancing on the occult path entails facing many enemies and frightening phenomena, the worst of these is our own lower self with its many subconsious projections which in occult circles is called the Dweller on the Threshold. If we wish to pursue occult studies, fearlessness is a paramount virtue to possess, for in truth nothing can hurt us unless we give it the power to do so. One of the maxims of the Great White Brotherhood is to know, to dare, to do, and to be silent. Make this maxim a part of yourself.

In the maxim above the student is advised to be silent. It is disrespectful to the teacher and to the Cosmic to reveal secret and esoteric matters to those unprepared for it. Be ever watchful of your mouth, for as the Master Jesus said: “Do not cast pearls before swines.” Silence is a protective quality. It protects the person who keeps silent on sacred matters as well as others who may be inclined to misuse the information. Assume silence when you should be silent and only speak when others are not courageous enough to defend Truth. Silence is golden at the right place and at the right time, and on sacred matters. Students will progress more rapidly should silence be a part of their being. Do not draw attention to yourself. Do not speak of your occult experiences to those unsympathetic to metaphysics, for this would simply provide them with offensive weapons.

In metaphysics too often than not, one may encounter contradictions. These contradictions may just be apparent and not real. Truth is like a cut diamond with its many facets. Keep in mind that what is relatively true is synonymous to being relatively false. However, in cases of contradictions, adopt that which seems more logical to you.

This is an important article and the student is advised to consider it wisely. It is hoped that the student be sincere and apply these teachings that he or she may acquire the virtues that we have referred to. In the days of Atlantis, men misused and abused occult and metaphysical teachings. This was one of the direct reasons why the continent submerged and leaving very few traces as to its geographical location, its place in the memory of men, or in our history books. Many civilizations ended drastically because of the misuse and exploitation of knowledge for selfish ends. People mistakenly believe that the ends justify the means. This is false. The means determines the end. Let us not repeat our ancient mistakes, as it interrupts the evolutionary process and cause the holy ones to weep.


Get Out Of The Communication Stone Age: Give Leadership Talks

PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required: mail to: [email protected]

Word count: 715

160 years ago, the newly invented electric telegraph carried the first news message. The message zipped 40 miles in a flash over wires from Baltimore to Washington, D.C.

The public was dazzled — except Henry David Thoreau. He wrote: “We are in great haste to construct a magnetic telegraph from Maine to Texas; but Maine and Texas, it may be, have nothing important to communicate.”

Today, we live in a Golden Age of communication. We have the Internet. We have faxes. We have e-mails. We have streaming video. We have on-line audio. We have RSS feeds. We have logs and blogs.

Yet today Thoreau is as right as rain. When it comes to really getting our messages across, we’re stuck in the Stone Age.

Here’s why. The vast majority of business leaders I’ve encountered are repeatedly making a huge mistake in communication, a mistake that’s screwing up their jobs and careers. They’re stuck giving presentations and speeches. They’re NOT giving Leadership Talks!

What’s a Leadership Talk? Look at it this way: There’s a hierarchy of verbal persuasion when it comes to business leadership. The lowest levels are speeches and presentations. They communicate information. The highest, most effective way of communicating is the Leadership Talk. The Leadership Talk does more than simply send information. It has the leader establish a deep, human, emotional connection with the audience. That’s where leaders communicate for the best results.

Here are a few examples of leadership talks. When Churchill said, “We will fight on the beaches … ” That was a leadership talk. When Kennedy said, “Ask not what your country can do for you … ” that was a leadership talk. When Reagan said, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” That was a leadership talk.

You can come up with a lot of examples too. Go back to those moments when the words of a leader inspired people to take ardent action, and you’ve probably put your finger on an authentic leadership talk.

Mind you, I’m not just talking about great leaders of history. I’m also talking about all leaders everywhere no matter what their function or rank. After all, leaders speak 15 to 20 times a day: everything from formal speeches to informal chats. When those interactions are leadership talks, not just speeches or presentations, the effectiveness of those leaders is dramatically increased.

That’s where business leaders communicate for the best results. You can order people to go from point A to point B. But the best way to get great results is to have people want to go from A to B. Instilling “want to” in others, motivating them … isn’t that what great leadership is all about?

Don’t get me wrong. The Leadership Talk is not some kind of “feel-good” way of relating. It took me 20 years to figure out how to give Leadership Talks and write two books about it. There are specific processes one must manifest in order to give Leadership Talks. Usually it takes me two full days to teach people how to do it. Once they learn it, they can use it throughout the rest of their careers. The Leadership Talk is relatively easy to learn and it takes years to master. The point is that through it, you can take specific, concrete steps to motivate people to take action that gets great results.

For instance, before leaders can develop and deliver a Leadership Talk, they must first answer “yes” to three simple questions: “Do you know what the audience needs? Can you transfer your deep believe to others so they believe as strongly as you do about the challenges you face? And can you have that audience take ardent action that gets results?” If leaders “no” to any one of those questions, he/she can’t give a Leadership Talk.

160 years ago the dots and dashes that chattered down the wires from Baltimore to Washington spelled out that the Whigs had nominated Henry Clay to run for the presidency.

Back then, Thoreau might have said nothing important was communicated; but today if you want to lead for great results, take Thoreau to heart. Communicate what truly IS important. Don’t give presentations and speeches. Give Leadership Talks. Forge those deep, human, emotional connections with your audiences. Get them motivated to take ardent action for great results.


You’ll See It When You Believe It Growing Your Life From the Inside Out”

Generally you pick up on the things that resonate with your beliefs and your view of the world. This is why, when you’re feeling bad, bad things rain down on you relentlessly.

There are the real, major issues that you have to contend with and then there are the generalizations that you have learned to draw from them, like: “Life is hard” “It always seems to happen to me” etc.

It isn’t in any way your fault, of course. It’s also true that bad things happen to happy people too.

Happy people are not necessarily fortunate people in the sense of everything in their life being hunky-dory. How many people do you know who have good relationships, good health, financial security and are still discontented, bored or only half-alive? I can certainly think of a few.

Happy people are the people who have learned to modify their mood, manage their emotions and choose their reactions. Language, which we all have, is the sole tool that they need to do so.

You end up believing what other people tell you, when they tell you something often, or convincingly enough. How many times have you found yourself believing some daft, but effective, advertising slogan, despite your better judgment? How many times have you reviled yourself for being lazy, or stupid or worthless, even when you know that is not really you, because that’s what you’ve been told repeatedly?

If you’ll see it when you believe it, then the first thing to do is choose beliefs that serve you. You can do that because you only have to tell yourself a thing often enough and you will believe it. Unless, of course, your real mantra is: “Well, I’ll try it, but I know it won’t work for me.” In which case it won’t because you’ll get what you’ve affirmed.

But you can choose an affirmation that allows your spirit to soar. You can start from wherever you are with whatever words seem most appropriate to you. Purely as an example, you could choose to affirm something like: “I now give myself permission to celebrate my strength, my uniqueness and my precious humanity.”

Say it once and nothing will happen. Say it several times each day, over a period of weeks and old limiting beliefs will start to lose their hold.

Or you could do it the way Sandy Forster advocates in “How To Be Wildly Wealthy Fast”. Instead of just saying your affirmation, you go through it, putting the stress on the first word first time round, the second word second time round and so on until you reach the last word.

An affirmation of 15 words, like the one above will probably take you 2 or 3 minutes to work through. By the time you’ve finished, it will have interrupted any habitual negative loop and lifted your spirits.

Do that a few times a day, when negative thoughts kick in and it won’t be that many days before you start to feel different. And when you start to believe different things, you’ll start to see different things.

Yes, it’s cheap, cheerful and ridiculously simple. Often what stops you achieving something you truly want is not the enormity or the complexity of the thing. It may just be a small, but crucial bit of information you lack, without which nothing seems to make sense.

The question is: are you prepared to give it a go?

(C) 2005 Annie Kaszina

Improve Your Communication Skills, Become A Better Listener

Listening, often overlooked, is a vital aspect of the human communication process. While speaking is often practiced and emphasized by many, the art of listening isn’t one on which we find people spending much effort. In actuality, listening is easy and can be improved by following just a few simple steps.

Being a good listener means that everything you hear comes directly from the speaker and not from your interpretation of their words. This means that, as the speaker is talking, you are listening to the words as they are being spoken instead of trying to guess the point that the speaker is trying to make. People are often guilty of jumping to conclusions when they do this and, in doing so, they disrupt their listening ability. When jumping to conclusions, the person often doesn’t hear the speaker’s message because it is blocked out by his or her own assumptions. Good listeners absorb all of the information while the words are being spoken and avoid thinking ahead and forming their own conclusions.

Giving the speaker your undivided attention is probably one of the most important tips to good communication. Concentrate on the speaker’s words and avoid tuning out their message. When speaking on the phone, many people engage in other activities such as reading newspapers, checking email and other activities that can distract from the conversation. Many listeners zone out during face-to-face situations by either thinking about their response to the speaker or by daydreaming about something completely unrelated to the subject.

When you allow yourself to be distracted, your listening skills are not what they need to be. Missing a critical point of the speaker’s presentation can be the result of just a small amount of distraction. If you can focus your attention completely on the speaker, you will hear all that is being said. In addition, you can ensure that you are being a good listener and are taking in all of the pertinent information.

One technique of being a better listener involves creating mental images of the speaker’s words. This is a way of visualization that allows you to really comprehend the words you are hearing. These visualization skills can enhance the way that people process information. By using these mental images, you will help yourself by retaining the information you have just heard. This enhanced and improved comprehension makes you a better listener.

Taking care to note your body language can be another way to be a good listener. You will offend your listener if you engage in body language that lets the speaker feel that he or she is not being listened to. Behaviors such as avoiding eye contact, crossing your arms or wincing can send a message to a speaker that you are not really listening to them. These types of body language or mannerisms can result in the conversation being cut short because the speaker does not feel you are interested in what they are saying.

You can also consider asking questions that relate to the speaker’s statements. This technique can also help you to become a better listener. Remember to ask questions without allowing your questions to interfere with your listening ability. If you find yourself focusing on one of the speaker’s key points and spending the rest of the conversation trying to think of a question that addresses that point, you will miss a lot of information. Instead, try asking your questions immediately when you think of them. This way, you can have your question answered in the context of the speaker’s presentation without having it affect your listening abilities. When you ask questions as part of listening, it allows the speaker to recognize that his or her presentation is being followed and that you are interested in learning more about the topic.

If you practice your listening skills, you will be well on your way to becoming a better listener. Try making a conscientious effort to use your listening skills each time you speak to someone or participate in a presentation. Remain completely focused on the conversation or presentation and try not to guess what the speaker is going to say. Create mental images of the words being spoken and ask valid questions to confirm what you have just heard. Each time you have the opportunity to listen, try to work on these important listening skills.

While listening is not as widely practiced as speaking in the art of conversation, it is just as important. When you are an excellent listener, you will not only ensure that you are receiving information but will assure the speaker that you care about the information being presented and that you understand their message.

Learn To Build And Trust In Interdependent Relationships

Q. What happens when we feel the need to impress by trying to “do it all” ourselves? We let ego get in the way of reality, and subsequently place pressure on ourselves.

The result? We take on too much and end up making mistakes or failing to get things done “as and when expected.” In turn, we invite ridicule and judgment from ourselves, our friends and family, and our colleagues. The solution? To build relationships with those around us so to collectively share our skills, experience and resource.

Q. Are You?

– Constantly Trying To Impress By Taking On Too Much?
– Thinking You Can “Do It All?”
– Listening To Your Ego Instead Of Your Integrity?

Begin making the transformation today!

Q. What’s In It For You?

– Develop And Strengthen New And Existing Relationships
– Discover The Benefits Of Sharing Wisdom And Responsibility
– Learn How Collaboration Is Key To Success

By learning to work and share with others, we develop greater trust and understanding in ourselves, and greater respect and appreciation for our environment. In turn, we build positive and constructive alliances that produce valuable and proactive solutions for all concerned.

How do we achieve this? Simple we push our ego to one side and acknowledge what it is we “bring to the table” and what it is we need assistance with. In doing so we move ourselves into a place of integrity that encourages genuine results through collaboration, thus preventing our ego dictating what we must to do to impress (either ourselves or someone else). Result our natural-self radiates both within and without, attracting both greater relationships and greater opportunities.

INQUIRY: Take a look back at some recent occasions where you tried “doing it all” for the sake of making an impression. How often and how much did you let your ego dictate? What were the outcomes? Had you been coming more from a place of integrity what could you have done differently?

ACTION: For the next thirty days, be open and honest with yourself when faced with such opportunities. If your ego leaps in asking to be fed, shove it to one side and look at where you can collaborate for greater success. Notice how by revealing your integrity you naturally develop a stronger relationship with yourself and with those around you.

I wish you every success as you Learn To Build And Trust In InterDependent Relationships …

Best Wishes


“Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful,” Samuel Johnson