Monthly Archives: June 2009

Ever Wondered Why Everyone Except You Is Moving On?

“I attend courses, read books, listen to CD’s, yet I am still not living the life I want to and am unhappy with the life I have. How can I have the life I want to have?”

This is a surprisingly common dilemma. There are many people out there who could be called “Seminar Junkies”. They go from course to course, book to book, guru to guru desperately seeking answers, yet never finding them.

They watch the people around them have magical transformations in their lives, and feel frustrated and resentful that they are not getting the same results. These people typically continue to attend course after course until eventually they give up and live a life of quiet desperation.

Now, I’m going to share a huge secret with you, though you have to promise not to tell everyone else, because otherwise all these people who make their living from self help seminars and books will get very upset at me for sharing this secret.

The majority of people who attend self-help seminars, read the books, listen to the CD’s are all desperately looking for someone else to change their lives. They refuse to take responsibility for their lives and firmly believe that the only way they can change is if some guru waves their magic wand and blesses them. Then, and only then, will they have permission, and the ability, to change.

Here’s a newsflash.

No guru, no self help book, no seminar, no CD is going to change your life.

The only way you are going to change your life is if you decide to change it.

You can attend the courses, listen to CD’s and read the books, but if you are not willing to take responsibility for what you have in your life and accept your own power and ability to change it, you are never going to get the changes you want.

That’s right. You’ll just stay the same.

People are far too willing in today’s society to give away their personal power and responsibility for their lives. They are always jumping from diet to diet or from health fad to health fad or whatever, hoping that one of them will actually make a difference for them.

If you want to change your life you need to follow these 5 steps:

Make a decision right now that you are going to change your life. There are many different ways to do this, and I teach a number of motivational techniques on my courses and in my workbooks you can use to help you make this decision.

Take responsibility for everything that is in your life, no matter how good or bad. You created and accepted it into your life, and as such, you can change it.

Decide what you do want in your life, what you are going to accept and what you are not going to accept. If you don’t know what you want, look at what you don’t want, and the opposite of that is what you want. Decide on who and what you want to be. Create an action plan for change. Create a plan for how you are going to make these changes.

And the most important step of all, DO IT. That’s right, do it and make the changes. This is the step that separates the achievers and successful people from the dreamers living a life of mediocrity.

If you have been attending all these seminars, reading these books and you still haven’t managed to change your life, then look inside yourself and ask this question.

“Am I taking responsibility for changing my life?”

If the answer is no, then take responsibility and start changing your life today. Whether you work with someone else, or you work with me, take responsibility and use the knowledge of the “guru’s” and the courses and the books and implement them into your life and create the life of your dreams; the life you deserve.

You can wait for an eternity for someone else to make the changes for you, and it’ll never happen. YOU just have to DO it yourself. Stop putting things off now, because the more you put things off the more painful and difficult it will get.

P.S. If you are reading this and saying “I tried” or “I can’t” or something similar then you absolutely need to re-read this article right now two or three times and implement it into your life. It is time to stop trying and start doing.

Aromatherapy Massage Soothes And Banishes Stress

One pleasant way to deal with daily stress and fatigue is to massage it away. For thousands of years, holistic therapies such as aromatherapy massage have been used as a way to refresh and recharge the senses.

A daily massage with scented oil can help dissolve accumulated stress and toxins. The benefits to be expected from this calming daily ritual include:

• Increased circulation, especially to nerve endings

• Toning of the muscles and the whole physiology

• Calming for the nerves

• Lubrication of the joints

• Increased mental alertness

• Improved elimination of impurities from the body

• Softer, smoother skin

• Increased levels of stamina through the day

• Better, deeper sleep at night.

A favorite scented oil used for aromatherapy massage combines olive oil and orange blossom. Olive oil is well known for its healing properties, both when taken internally and used to lubricate the outer body, while orange blossom oil is a scent that has been used as a stress reliever for years.

Together, olive oil and orange blossom offer luxurious skin conditioning with the added benefit of soothing stress-reduction.

Described as a delicacy for the skin, combinations of these oils such as those found in the Olive Oil and Orange Blossom Collection by Caswell-Massey offer benefits to the mind, body and soul.

The collection includes a body oil in this scent that can be used as a massage oil but can also be used to maintain healthy skin tone on a daily basis.

You can extend the benefits of the aromatherapy by using other products that contain the scents. These products might include a bath and shower gel, a moisturizing bath oil, a cleansing bar, body butter, moisturizing oil that can also be used as a leave-in conditioner, and scented candles. Even applying a scented lip balm can offer a way to de-stress.

Creating a Life Worth Living, Part 2

Copyright 2006 Melissa Galt

The Real World

This vision was short lived. I moved home and after two weeks of working a retail, full-time job, I came home and declared I wanted to go to college. I found I wasn’t quite ready for the realities of a real job! Of course, I was paying rent, as the deal Mother made was that, if we moved home after college, it was no free ride. And college was a partial gift of my grandparents; the rest was banquet waitressing. I finished out the year and a half working but did apply to colleges. My heart was set on returning to the West Coast, where I was born and raised.

While I was in boarding school, Mother had remarried and moved to Connecticut. I applied and got into a string of schools from UC Santa Barbara to UC Denver. She suggested Cornell University but I knew I wouldn’t get in. I had only a 3.3 average and didn’t figure that was Ivy League material. She urged and I acquiesced. Then, lo and behold, I got in. Guess I didn’t know it all after all! They thought I was “well adjusted” (I guess a year in the real world had some benefits). That presented a problem; I didn’t want to go, but I didn’t want to let Mother down.

I knew it was a great educational opportunity, so I followed her dream (she had not been to college) and back-burnered my own. Sometimes it is necessary to examine the big picture and what the benefits will be when the choice doesn’t seem ideal.

The Lesson: Life is about choices, and each of us is the reflection of the choices we have made to date. We can remain as we have chosen or make new choices and change our direction and our reality.

Not the Good Old Days

I can safely say that it was a fairly miserable four years. I wanted to transfer so many times, I lost count. But I stuck it out since neither of my sisters was particularly scholastically inclined, and I didn’t want to disappoint. I wanted to live up to expectation, even if it wasn’t my own expectation. I did get a great education and always get a kick when someone looks at me wide-eyed with genuine surprise to think that I went to an Ivy League school.

I guess I am supposed to be arrogant or grand or some other something that I am clearly not. More often, I am described as down-to-earth and accessible, and willing to tell all.

The Lesson: Where we are from does not determine who we are, or where we are going. That is up to us.

As Expected

Having made it through the four years, I embarked, predictably, into a career in hospitality purchasing. Essentially, if you ate it, drank it, wrote with it, or slept on it, I bought it. For six years, I moved every eight months to a new company, a new property, a new city, and a new state. With little time for socializing, I made few friends, and fewer connections. But in each place I designed my home as if I’d be there forever.

It was my roots and my foundation. It ensured that I had a haven at the end of the day and a place to escape the daily grind. The most creative I was able to get at work was designing the storerooms and freezers. My staff would all groan when I would don a puffy thermal freezer suit and announce it was time to organize! I loved the first three months of every position, cleaning up the place, establishing systems and controls, and then I got bored. Yeah, probably attention deficit disorder. I was a big-picture thinker and found the day-to-day details tedious and boring.

The Lesson: Pay attention to the parts you enjoy and those you don’t. Consider how you can make the parts you enjoy the greater share of what you do. Reinvent yourself as needed.

Finding the Passion

I finally hit a wall, about five years after my mother passed away. She had left a huge hole in my life, dying suddenly when I was 24. I realized at age 30 that while I was making good money and one of the few women in my career path, I was miserable every day. I dreaded going in to work and couldn’t leave fast enough.

It was time for a change. I knew that my mother and great-grandfather and even my godmother had all lived their passions, and that life was too short not to go in the direction of my dreams. So I quit. I’d never quit a job before, and it was an amazing relief. I took three months off to think about my next step, and I decided to return to school for interior design in Birmingham, Alabama where I had worked previously. I already had a four-year degree and wanted the shortest, most direct route to my new career. I knew Birmingham had a low cost of living that would enable me to focus on school for six months before needing to combine that with a full-time job. I did it, and it worked!

The Lesson: Life is about risk, both known (calculated) and unknown. If we knew it all, we would have no opportunities for growth and surprise. Change your definition of risk to opportunity.

Finding the Place

So after cramming a three-year program into two years, I discovered that with all the travel Mother had shared with us and the museums we had been dragged to (kicking and screaming), I was light-years ahead of most of my peers and even a few instructors.

Being different was finally paying off. And I was ahead in that I had managed to secure a plum position with a local architecture and design firm that launched me in design. I followed that with a stint managing a local textile warehouse and then was ready for a change in scenery. I wanted to pursue life in the Windy City; I wanted to get out of the South and experience architectural history and mastery, the Art Institute, and much more.

While I landed two opportunities on a commission basis, I lacked the essential confidence to take either, and the position I most desired never materialized. So I reset my sights closer to home and explored Atlanta.

The Lesson: Be flexible in the details; the big picture is never set in stone.

The Wild Blue Yonder, Without a Net

Atlanta proved to be a fortuitous decision in 1992. I started off working with a major furniture retailer in its design department. Eighteen months later I found myself going head-to-head with my manager over vacation pay. She said I didn’t have it coming, and I claimed I did. I walked. The check showed up two weeks later. I was right, but I was also unemployed without a client in the world. I had managed to rack up some $70K in credit card debt since my mother had passed, foolishly trying to fill the gaping hole I felt with her absence. I had rent and a car payment to boot.

Panic seemed a good option, but there was just no time. I immediately started work with a catering company, supervising their kitchen event operations on weekends. Often it meant running the hot and steamy dish machine, but it was money. I also pitched Evening at Emory and Oglethorpe University about creating and teaching classes on interior decorating for their adult education program. They both picked me up and I taught as many as five different classes during a decade. Easy it wasn’t, but it was worth it.

The Lesson: Do what you have to do, to get to doing what you want to do.

Simple Tips To Increase Self Confidence

Despite what you might think most people have issues with their confidence and would like to be more assertive and care-free. In this article I write about how I gained more confidence and overcome some of the fears and phobias in my life.

Growing up I felt very sorry for myself as I had many things which affected my confidence and made life a struggle. I had a severe stuttering problem, was quite short for a male at five foot four, I had a bald patch on my head and was also quite fat. I would appreciate if you stop laughing at this point, I have had that all my life.

I was most desperate to overcome the stutter and aged twenty-two decided to try to achieve fluency. As well as looking into the physical aspects of speech such as breathing, I also studied the mental as I realised I needed to change the way I thought and my approach to life. I was someone who constantly worried about everything, I even had grey hair by the age of twenty-one.

I read many books on the subjects of confidence, self esteem and positive thinking. In one of these books, I read a chapter which explained about the fact that we all have issues in life and things about our person that we would like to change. That was certainly me, so I continued to read. There are many things in life that we are not happy with, some we can change, some we can not. The things we are unable to change, we have to learn to live with and to accept and the things we can change, we have to change however hard that might be.

I thought about this and because hair will never grow on the bald patch and the fact that I will never grow taller, these were two aspects of my life that I realised I would have to accept.

The speech problem and weight were areas I could change. To lose the excess weight and to overcome the stutter were not easy and took a long time. This though has changed my life to such a degree, where as a career I now help other people to achieve fluency.

Stephen Hill has a number of websites including:

Despite what you might think most people have issues with their confidence and would like to be more assertive and care-free. In this article I write about how I gained more confidence and overcome some of the fears and phobias in my life.

Growing up I felt very sorry for myself as I had many things which affected my confidence and made life a struggle. I had a severe stuttering problem, was quite short for a male at five foot four, I had a bald patch on my head and was also quite fat. I would appreciate if you stop laughing at this point, I have had that all my life.

I was most desperate to overcome the stutter and aged twenty-two decided to try to achieve fluency. As well as looking into the physical aspects of speech such as breathing, I also studied the mental as I realised I needed to change the way I thought and my approach to life. I was someone who constantly worried about everything, I even had grey hair by the age of twenty-one.

I read many books on the subjects of confidence, self esteem and positive thinking. In one of these books, I read a chapter which explained about the fact that we all have issues in life and things about our person that we would like to change. That was certainly me, so I continued to read. There are many things in life that we are not happy with, some we can change, some we can not. The things we are unable to change, we have to learn to live with and to accept and the things we can change, we have to change however hard that might be.

I thought about this and because hair will never grow on the bald patch and the fact that I will never grow taller, these were two aspects of my life that I realised I would have to accept.

The speech problem and weight were areas I could change. To lose the excess weight and to overcome the stutter were not easy and took a long time. This though has changed my life to such a degree, where as a career I now help other people to achieve fluency.

Finding The Missing Link

“Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” -Benjamin Disraeli

“There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.” -Johann von Goethe

“Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold — but so does a hard-boiled egg.” -Anon.

The missing link between inactivity and achievement is initiative. I believe the missing quality in the homogenized society that we live in is initiative. Ask any employer who is building a business and the number one quality they seek in new recruits is initiative. Having the ability to think and act.

I recall years ago having to address the off duty phone calls I received from my staff of the Hotel I managed, that were not essential. Missing lemons, staff not turning in, an individuals phone number, the list was endless. The first week-end following my staff address was free of calls but not without event. On my return to the hotel the following Monday, I discovered there had been three fire appliances called to the scene and the hotel kitchen had burnt down. Apparently my request consideration towards my free time had not enhanced my desire to build initiative in problem solving.

In order to be a visionary one must show initiative in our educational development. Ignorance is intelligence gone to seed, as is a vision without initiative. We must seek to develop a consistent plan of personal growth, which includes our educational needs. Read when sat and listen when on the move. Redeem time by making the best use of it. Motivational tapes, inspirational biographies and documentaries are great ways of enhancing our education and so is networking with fellow visionaries.

Serving someone else’s vision is a great way to develop your own.

As a coach, I am as committed to building my practice, as I am someone else’s. I provide coaching on life issues, strategic planning, vision and values along with support on a friendship level. We don’t have to have all the answers to be successful in a given field, but we do need to have a positive mental attitude and a teachable spirit.

Successful business people are generally motivated people. The prime reason for this is they have learned time is the main resource that cannot be squandered without good intent. Being successful in business generally allows us to use our time as we choose. This can provide greater leisure opportunities and more quality resources.

A great way to appreciate an improved quality of life is to spend time with those who are doing so. More resources, faster cars and bigger houses are not everyone’s idea of success. These may well follow as a result of careful planning and our responsible attitude towards initiative, however most visionaries are not driven by success they are motivated by purpose.

Here are some ways of defining where to focus your activities:

Stress Eliminating Affirmations

Our thoughts create our reality. Here are some Affirmations which create a more positive, happier more fulfilling reality.

A. About Ability and Security

1. Anxiety solves no problems actions do.

2. Some problems are problems only because I believe them to be.

3. I have the inner power and strength to deal with whatever life brings me.

4. I am capable of handling any possible difficulties which might occur.

5. I feel safe and secure in every situation.

6. While making my own sincere effort, I entrust my life, my family and the results of all my efforts into God’s (the Universes) wise and just judgment.

7. Life gives me in each moment exactly what I need in every situation in order to be happy, perform my life and purpose and grow spiritually.

8. I am intelligent and capable enough to succeed in any endeavor which is important to me.

B. About Self-Worth

1. My self-worth is a function of my inner being (0f who I am) and not what others think of me or how much I accomplish.

2. The results of my efforts depend on many different factors including also my efforts.

3. My self worth is totally independent of any external factors such as: intelligence, wealth, my home, appearance, talents, professional success, my children’s success, being attractive to the opposite sex, making friends, disciplines, “spiritual” activities.

4. I am worthy of love and respect even when I am not perfect in what I do and even when I make mistakes.

5. My self-worth is totally independent of whether others agree with me or are satisfied with me.

6. My self-worth is totally independent of how people behave towards me.

7. My self-worth is totally independent of how much others work or how they work or what they believe about me.

8. My self-worth is a reflection of my divine nature and not my gender, religion, social class etc.

9. I am a good person, a worthy person.

C. Freedom and Love

1. I respect and love all persons (especially my parents and family) without feeling any need whatsoever to live my life according to their beliefs or values. I live my life in harmony with my inner values and beliefs.

2. I am in no way responsible for others people’s reality but only for my own motives and behavior towards them.

3. No one else is responsible for my reality. I am totally responsible for what I feel and experience in life.

4. I am responsible for my purity of my motives and quality of my efforts and not for the results of my efforts or their affect on others.

5. All beings deserve my love and respect, including myself

6. I understand the fears behind each person’s negative actions.

7. I am free in each moment to be myself.

8. No one can limit my freedom unless I need something from them.

9. Real freedom is freedom from fears, needs and false limiting beliefs.

10. Real freedom is the ability to do what ever is in my best interest as a soul in the process of evolution.

11. Real freedom is the freedom to experience peace, love and happiness regardless of what happens or others’ behavior.

For further work on this and many other subjects log on to

(Adapted from the “The Psychology of Happiness” by Robert Najemy)

Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

Worry, fear, and anxiety are a normal part of our life. Have you experienced feeling anxious before taking an exam and later find out that you got a higher result more than what you’ve expected? Or, feeling anxious for a job interview and ended up getting hired, or feeling frightened walking down an alley where bad things often happened? Normal anxiety helps us cope in any stressful situation, it also keeps us watchful.

Mental health professional are not concerned with normal anxiety. But, if your anxiety suddenly occur without apparent reason and lasts for weeks to months and happens in most days than not, that is another issue. If anxiety persists in most days than not, and takes longer than six months, it has become an immobilizing disorder.

An anxiety disorder is a recurring and excessive anxiety and worry about events or activities without logical reasons at all lasting for more than six moths and it is interfering with everyday activities, such as going to work, and socializing. A person experiencing anxiety condition finds it difficult to control the feelings of worry and fear. The thing about people with anxiety disorder is that they actually know that what they think of feel is not real and that they are just made-up.

The common anxiety disorders are Panic Disorder, Social Phobia, Agoraphobia, Specific Phobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Separation Anxiety, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, and Selective Mutism.

A person with anxiety condition may suffer different anxiety disorder symptoms. And because no two individuals are the same, the anxiety disorder symptoms may vary from one person to the other.

The physical symptoms of anxiety disorder are cause by brain sending messages to parts of the body to prepare for the flight-to-fight response. The lungs, heart, and other parts of the body work faster and the brain releases stress hormones, including adrenaline, and that explains that physical symptoms.

Anxiety disorder symptoms may experience physically can include but not limited to:
Abdominal discomfort
Dry mouth
Rapid heartbeat or palpitations
Tightness or pain in chest
Shortness of breath
Frequent urination
Difficulty swallowing

Anxiety disorder symptoms may experience psychologically can include:
Inability to concentrate
Fear of going crazy or dying
Feeling unreal and not in control of your behavior

There are several types of anxiety disorders and sometimes they are associated with physical problem such alcohol and drug abuse. Anxiety is the main symptoms of other mental illness called anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorder symptoms may differ from the symptoms of other anxiety disorders, but all the symptoms cluster around excessive, irrational fear and dread.

For people with anxiety condition, cheer up! Your world does not stop there because there is cure for anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are curable and there are two types of treatments available for anxiety disorder- medication and psychotherapy. But, it is said that the proven most effective way to treat anxiety sufferers is psychotherapy.

Letting Go Makes It Easier

Letting go of your preconceived notions, self-limiting beliefs, and over-analyzing nature can lead to great freedom in your life both spiritually and otherwise. The act of letting go is far easier than most people believe it to be. This is in part due to the fact that most people tend to think rather than act upon this concept. Being intellectually aware and knowledgeable about letting go is not the same as actually doing said task. This was something I myself even after 16+ years of meditation have not always had the easiest time accomplishing. However, recently, this changed for the better.

To truly let go you must first understand what that is. In doing so one completely empties their mind of all the mundane chatter, creating a total stillness within no matter what the situation or circumstances one finds themselves in or subjected to externally. From this stillness one is able to simply observe what is going on both around them and within from the mind without actually grabbing hold of those thoughts and becoming inundated and bogged down by it.

It is within this silence that one truly let’s go. This is again far easier to do once one gets it. Most people tend to think they have to try and focus hard to accomplish this task, but in doing so generally create additional thought out of said focusing. This is ineffective at best, as it simply replaces the chatter, stress, daily goings on thoughts in one’s head with other thoughts centered around letting go vs. simply doing just that.

A good exercise to do while trying to let go, especially if it is a stressful situation one is trying to deal with, is to smile. The smile can be real or a fake one, it matters not. There is a physiologically connection between the body and one’s emotions. When you smile it is nearly impossible to feel a negative emotion. The next time you are trying to let go, sit in inner silence with a smile on your face. You never know what type of results you may gain from this very simple exercise. Enjoy the experience for what it is worth, and again try not to get bogged down by your own thoughts, simply let them slip through your grasp and move your attention from them as soon as they do.

Next thing you know you too will be letting go of all the negative things in your life and truly enjoy it all for what it is worth.

Four Steps to Combat College Stress

You’re back to school and trying to balance exams, papers and projects. Meanwhile, the cafeteria food has you homesick for some good cooking, and your roommate’s pile of clothes is oozing into your side of the room.

If college stress is more than you can handle, take these tips offered by, maker of Vital StressX, a supplement designed to help the body cope with stress:

* Get organized. When your work space and schedule are organized,the rest of your life becomes better organized. Take time to sort your papers into files by subject, putting your books on a bookshelf and clearing your desktop every day. Next, get an organizer or PDA and start putting due dates and social activities on the calendar.

* Discuss any problems with your professors or an adviser. Take advantage of the knowledge your adviser has in helping you manage your schedule and combat any problems you are having with certain subjects.

* Maintain a balanced lifestyle. It’s important to eat, sleep, and exercise regularly. Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, and carry light snacks with you to maintain your energy throughout the day. Aim for eight hours of sleep each night, and exercise for 30 minutes at least three times a week.

* Supplement your routine. Studies have shown some all-natural supplements, such as Vital StressX, can be beneficial in the fight against stress. Vital StressX contains a combination of seven herbs, known as adaptogens, that have been shown in clinical trials to control the production of excess amounts of cortisol. These adaptogens were discovered by Soviet scientists nearly half a century ago and are believed to help your body adapt to stressful conditions, boost energy and endurance, and help sharpen your memory and alertness.

“Vital StressX facilitates focus and concentration, reducing stress and promoting success,” said Dr. Robert D’Amico, a specialist in osteopathic medicine in Tarpon Springs, Fla.

Spirituality Information – Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 43 )

I pulled on my sneakers and it wasn’t more than a minute before I took the elevator to the lobby. Island life is so informal that I felt totally at home. The restaurant was across the street, a short distance from the hotel.It was built in such a way that those who occupied the best seats enjoyed an unobstructed view of the ocean.

By now it was becoming dark,that strange darkness that suddenly descends in the tropics, making you think that someone had abruptly dropped a curtain between the sun and Earth. But tonight was a full moon, just like that time long ago when I was with Kimberly. It always seems to shine more brilliantly when I am away from home a uniquely personal perception. It made me aware that I was still thinking of Kimberly as I walked into the restaurant.

Gideon and Marla had already arrived and after a moment’s greeting, the maitre d’ escorted us to a table facing a large window. It provided us with a sweeping view of the ocean. By the pale light of the moon, the waves appeared to be dancing to the music of the wind.

“Beautiful place you chose,” I said.

“Just want you to enjoy the best,” replied Gideon.

“Romantic, isn’t it?” said Marla.

“Especially romantic,” I replied. “Actually, earlier today

I was recalling a romantic situation.”

“Sounds interesting,” piped in Gideon,”that’s an area you hardly ever discuss. I guess you always felt it was something that you could handle by yourself or too private to discuss with others. So, of course, we never brought it up. What were you thinking about, if you don’t mind?”

“Oh, not much,” I started to say when a waiter appeared.

“It’s good to see you again, sir,” the waiter addressed Gideon. “We missed you.”

“I’ve been quite busy for the past few months, Jarvis, but I promise to visit more often.”

“That’s great, sir,” beamed Jarvis. “When would you like dinner served, sir?”

To read the rest of the story visit