Monthly Archives: June 2009

6 Easy Steps Trumping All Obstacles.

Planning for success is an important way to overcome barriers to growth. It’s similar to taking a vacation. You need a guide or a road map to keep you on course and give you direction. Would you attempt to navigate a ship on the open sea without a chart or map? Of course not. Even the ancient mariners used the stars and constellations to find their way.

A plan is a powerful tool for achievement. It’s a magic key that helps you reach your goals and gives you the momentum to get through difficult passageways. Planning prevents unnecessary detouring, and helps you take responsibility for your actions. Goals are what keep you going and give you your focus. Keep focusing on your goals and continually take the needed steps to reach them. Your ability to keep moving after achieving one goal depends on how clearly you see the next step to set new goals.

Goal-setting is an ongoing, reciprocal process between you and the world. Accomplishing your goals helps you to overcome inner barriers of fear, and affirms your self-confidence. Goal-setting is not a mundane process. It generates out of your human need for self-drive and accomplishment. This drive for accomplishment is innate, it comes from within you. When you set goals, it solidifies you physically, mentally and emotionally. You begin to feel more connected to yourself and to the world.

There are six ways to focus on your goals and plan your success. It is important to include the following in your goal-setting procedure:

1. Identify your goal and make it a realistic one. You must care about it.

2. Select a goal that you can work on, rather than something someone else has selected for you.

3. Make sure it’s specific, not vague. For example, choose a skill like “Communicating more effectively with your friends by using positive vocabulary,” or “Managing your time more efficiently by stating a time and date for getting your goal accomplished.” Selecting a goal you can do something about gives you the power and influence to actively and assertively accomplish your goal.

4. Have at least one goal or objective every day. Feel a sense of joy and fulfillment whenever you take a step toward accomplishing your goal, or objective.

5. Experience how your feelings and thoughts are pulled by your stated goals.

6. Reward yourself for every goal or objective that gets accomplished. Remember to be consistent when rewarding yourself as well.

How To Recognize Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a devastating disease that effects millions of people every year. Recognizing alcoholism in yourself or someone else can be difficult. Alcoholism is defined as a disease that allows a persons use of alcohol to interfere with their life and the basic functioning of their daily tasks, needs and responsibilities.

The clinical way of looking at alcohol is by examining the amount of alcohol a person consumes. A women who drinks more than seven drink per week or more than three drinks a day and a man who drinks more than 14 drinks per week or four drinks in a day would be considered an alcoholic. A drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of 80 proof liquor.

Warning signs of alcoholism may vary form person to person. Usually though these warning signs will be obvious. The following list outlines some of these signs.

– misses a lot of work or school
– losses interest in family, friends or activities
– depression
– drinking to cope with any problem
– insomnia
– being intoxicated often
– moody
– drinking related health problems

These are some of the noticeable warning signs. More serious behaviors can also serve as a wake-up call. Risky behavior like drinking and driving should be taken seriously.

Alcohol when taken in moderation is a nice way to relax or enjoy a social engagement, where when alcohol becomes a problem it can effect everyone who is close to the alcoholic. Some things that can tell a person they may be having a problem with alcohol are:

– worry over not having alcohol or money to buy it
– hiding alcohol so others do not know you have it
– often wishing to be drunk or get drunk faster
– unable to stop drinking once started
– hearing others comment on your drinking

Alcoholism should always be taken seriously. If you or someone you know has a drinking problem professional help is available in every community. Recognizing the problem is the first step to finding a solution.

Going For A Win-Win Result – A Guide To Being Assertive

“The basic difference between being assertive and being aggressive is how our words and behavior affect the rights and well being of others”

Sharon Anthony Bower

It is interesting that many people still confuse being assertive with being aggressive. How about you? Have you learnt the difference? Forgive me if you have, but for those of you who still aren’t quite clear, here is a quick guide to assertiveness going for the win-win result.

Assertiveness is a behavior or skill that helps you to communicate, clearly and with confidence, your feelings, needs, wants and thoughts, whilst acknowledging the needs of others. It means that you are able to state your opinions without feeling self-conscious, as well as being able to express your emotions openly. Being assertive will enable you to make clear to others how you wish to proceed in all aspects of your life. At the same time you will value others, respecting their right to an opinion as well. Through effective, assertive communication you will be able to express how you wish to move forward.

Is there an issue that needs to be resolved? Before confronting someone, why not write down what you are going to say? Be polite, concise and include the following elements: the nature of the problem; how it affects you; how you feel about it; what you want to change. Be prepared to negotiate if necessary to bring resolution. By using tact and foresight and by making the effort to see the other point of view and acknowledging it you will place yourself in a position of strength. Be prepared to offer a compromise if that fits in with what you are aiming to achieve. Assertiveness does not mean digging your heels in for the sake of it!

Are you behaving passively? Do you think it is selfish to say what you want? Do you worry that if you refuse to do something, then people won’t like you? Or do you think that other people should know what you want? Sorry. Most people are so wound up with their own thoughts and worries that they usually haven’t time to be second-guessing you. By being clear and prepared to defend your own position if necessary, you will be able to build better relationships with those around you.

Feeling aggressive? Take it out in the gym, on a punch ball or on the running track rather than at work or at home. Aggression is emotion out of control and can be very destructive. A physical activity can help you to diffuse the aggression.

One of the great skills of an assertive person is the ability to say “no”. Be brief and to the point. Be honest. If you know an unwelcome request is coming your way practice saying “no” in advance. What are you going to say and do? If necessary, use the ‘Broken Record Technique’ where you just keep repeating your statement softly, calmly and persistently. Don’t confuse rejecting a request with rejecting the person making the request. Most people are happy to accept an honest “no” if it is expressed appropriately. The first time will be the hardest!

Practice the body movements of an assertive person. When standing, be upright and relaxed with open hand gestures. Relax your facial features and make firm and direct eye contact with whoever you are communicating with. This does not mean that you spend the day grinning! Your facial expression needs to be appropriate to how you are feeling, so that you don’t give out any mixed messages. If you are pleased, smile, but if you aren’t so happy with the way things are, feel free to frown.

Show a willingness to explore other solutions than your own if necessary. Encourage creativity from all. “How can we solve this problem?” will encourage others to tap into their resourcefulness. Sometimes it just takes a bit of encouragement.

Weigh the costs. Telling other people how you feel also makes it easier for them to communicate their feelings to you. Assertiveness is about acknowledging that all opinions are important “I matter and so do you”. By being passive or aggressive you will lose out. Being assertive costs nothing but brings many benefits. You will be able to communicate better, command respect and be listened to within respectful, negotiating relationships. Win-Win? Definitely!

Gratitude: 10 Practical Steps

Do you get up in the morning determined to have a good day and before you know it, you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, and that you can’t wait for the day to be over so you can rest? Do you feel like you are existing from day to day rather than living a life of joy? Do you ever ask yourself, “Is this all there is, and if it is, do I want it?” If so, you are not alone.

Thousands of people just like you are asking these same questions. These are the people who thought that if they just did it right everything would be okay. Right meant – getting married, having children, buying the starter house, moving to the larger house and two car garage, and so on including getting a good education so you could make lots of bucks. You keep running to keep up with this picture of success and yet you feel so empty. The emptiness feels like isolation, loneliness, and exhaustion. I call this emptiness ‘existential despair.’

Existential Despair

Existentialism is a philosophy centred upon the analysis of existence and stressing the freedom, responsibility, and usually the isolation of the individual. Despair means utter loss of hope or a cause of hopelessness. ‘Existential despair’ then means the painful discrepancy between what is, and what should be, between one’s perceptions, and one’s suppositions.

This sense of loss or the absence of meaning in one’s life is the common denominator of all forms of emotional distress and has been identified as the ‘modern day illness.’ Pain, disease, disappointment, loss, failure, alienation, or merely boredom – all lead to this feeling that life is meaningless. ‘Existential despair’ exists when we buy the myth that having the external goodies creates success and happiness. We do and buy everything we can to fill the ‘hole in our soul’ except the one thing that really matters – going within and making peace with ourselves.

Making Peace with Ourselves

Making peace with ourselves involves changing the way we habitually focus our energy. What this means is that WHAT YOU FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION ON EXPANDS. Scientists are discovering that energy never dies; rather, it changes form as attention is focused on it. Thoughts are energy. A belief is a thought with expectations attached. Everything starts with a thought and reality is created by expectant thoughts.

One of the universal laws is the Law of Increase. This law ensures that whatever you concentrate on will increase in your life. In other words, whatever you think about expands and therefore you will receive even more. In an empowering (positive) way, expressing gratitude for all the many blessings you have received accelerates this process. In a limiting (negative) way, the same principle applies.

What is Gratitude?

Gratitude is the state of being grateful: thankfulness. What does this mean in terms of our lives? Essentially this means that when we look at life as an opportunity to grow in love, and learn about opening our hearts with love, we see the world from a place of healing and peace. When we look at the world as a place of pain and suffering that is also what we see. Pain and suffering actually constricts our hearts and affects our physical health.

Gratitude as a Way of Life

How many of us live our lives being grateful for the many blessings we have? How many times a day do we say ‘thank you’? When was the last time you said ‘thank you’ to yourself for creating this wondrous being that you are?

What would your day look like if you lived your life as if everything was a gift to you? How would you start the day if the first thing you did was to be thankful for the gift of life? One of the quotes I especially like is by Jim Evans. It is, “If you don’t think everyday is a great day, try going without one.” Black Elk (Native American visionary) spoke of his habit of greeting each morning by stepping outside, letting his bare feet touch the wet grass literally reconnecting with the earth, and singing a prayer of gratitude for the day’s arrival.

Practical Steps to Practicing Gratitude

1. Start a gratitude journal. Depending on which author you read, suggestions range from 5 – 80 things a day. What works for me is saying ‘thank you’ to everything I encounter each day, for example a sunrise/sunset, hoar frost on the trees (especially when the sun is shining), food, shelter, warm homes and offices, clothing, colleagues, work/jobs, lessons about living peace, etc.

2. Remember: Meister Eckhart’s saying, “The most important prayer in the world is just two words: THANK YOU.”

3. Do a gratitude alphabet exercise. In your notebook, write the letters from A – Z. As fast as you can, write down I am grateful for ___________ starting with the letter A and going through the alphabet. For example: I am grateful for apples, I am grateful for bananas, I am grateful for carrots, and so until you finish all the letters.

4. Start your day by being thankful for all the blessings you have.

5. Practice an ‘Act of Kindness’ everyday.

6. Look for ways you can genuinely praise your partner, your child, your colleague, your employees, the person who serves you – such as a waitress, mail carrier, paper delivery person, police officers, etc.

7. Thank the earth for sustaining your life by providing food, air, and water.

8. Write a letter to the Universe expressing gratitude for all your blessings.

9. Thank your parents for giving you life.

10. Thank the Universe for all the lessons you have received.

Holiday “Ki” Moments: Choosing Your Best Self

“I like to think of myself as an artist, and my life is my greatest work of art. Every moment is a moment of creation, and each moment of creation contains infinite possibilities. I can do things the way I’ve always done them, or I can look at all the different alternatives, and try something new and different and potentially more rewarding. Every moment presents a new opportunity and a new decision.”

–From Creative Visualization, by Shakti Gawain

The Holidays are filled with key moments — and Ki Moments. Are you ready for them? Gift decisions, company parties, Holiday dinners with friends and family — they’re loaded with opportunities, aren’t they? Will the pressure of the moment help you reach peak performance or will you look back later wondering why you did what you did — again!

When your sibling does something that pushes your buttons, your children are over the top with excitement, your partner forgets the wine, and your associate forgets the most important action item, whatever you do, say, and receive back will be contingent upon what self you choose in that moment.

Give yourself and those you love and work with some unexpected gifts this season:
–The gift of your best self. When the pressure is on, breathe and come back to what you really want — for this moment, and this relationship.
–The gift of empathy. Give up the fight and acknowledge the pressure that you and they are under.
–The gift of perspective. Laugh, love, let go, and learn.
–The gift of peace. Don’t talk about peace, BE peace, in your family, your workplace, your community, and your nation. As Ghandi said, “We must be the change we wish to see in the world.”

Ki (from Ai-KI-do) is the Japanese for life energy. Aikido means “the way of blending with energy.” How will you extend your life energy this season? How will you receive theirs? It’s your choice. Your life depends on it.

Hearing and Seeing Your Destiny

As a child, I read an autobiography of Annie Sullivan. She was the woman who brought Helen Keller out of her dark and silent world and into a place of understanding few of us in the hearing and seeing world fully grasp. I decided I wanted to become a teacher for people like Helen. I wanted to bring lightness and sound into people’s lives.

What did you want to do as a child? Remember how it felt to fully believe that you could be an astronaut, the President or Prime Minister, an Academy Award winning Actress, an Olympian?

Helen Keller made this suggestion to people as they worked towards making their goals real, and I would like to add a variation to her theme. “It is for us to pray not for tasks equal to our powers, but for powers equal to our tasks, to go forward with a great desire forever beating at the door of our hearts as we travel toward our distant goal.” I would assert one step further, that your goal not be in the distance, but rather be in each moment of each day. In choosing an overall life where your heart is in sync with your dreams and actions, the power and intention of each day creates an effect of natural movement towards the life of your dreams, a life of empowerment for you and those around you, a life mapped by your destiny.

Know that this is entirely possible for you, starting today. Instead of saying immediately, “Oh, I can’t do that! No way!” ask yourself instead, “How can I live my destiny?” I challenge you to take the first few simple steps. Begin integrating these into your life today and watch what unfolds in the process.

What if you believed completely that no task was too big for you to complete? Accept this as truth. There is nothing that is too big. Perhaps you will have to tweak or modify the specifics of your dream, but no specific task is impossible.

What if you let go completely of the scarcity and lack? How much does fear block you from your greatness? How often does your mind race immediately to “I can’t afford that” or “That price is more than I have” or “I will have to wait”? Relax in the knowledge and belief that you have everything that you need and more. Abundance is the truth. One step further, it is yours.

What if you embraced in your heart that each person you encounter is an equally magnificent creation? That means that you are as valuable as anyone else on the planet. You have a specific, unique purpose and destiny. From your core is a fountain or wellspring of possibilities. All you need to do is to stay grounded and focused on your daily goal or intention of a life in alignment with the callings of your life put into daily actions reflecting those callings.

You can do this. You are worth it. You are big enough, strong enough, sure enough, and have enough resources. Today! Here and Now!

In a world where she could neither see nor hear in conventional ways, Helen Keller opened a world of possibilities to the seeing world. Embrace her expansive vision, play a symphony to her ears. Go to your destiny.

Champagne Coorks Are Popping To Celebrate Your Promotion!

Many people are stuck in dead end jobs, resentful that they are passed over for promotion. They know they are capable of more but something is holding them back.

You want to succeed What should you do?

The first thing to understand is that if you do nothing differently then nothing will change. In order for anything to be possible you have to take action.

Secondly you have to start by looking at yourself rather than blaming your position on others. Be honest with yourself. Close your eyes, see yourself at work as others see you.

Over the next few days at work listen to yourself and consider how you act.
Do you behave like promotion material?

Sit down quietly and write your own reference based on how you actually perform now.

Include a comment on your work habits, time keeping, reliability, ability to get the job done, attention to detail, accuracy, how you manage under pressure.

Think about your ability to work as part of a team, how you get on with colleagues and customers or clients, your communication skills.

Are you a problem finder or a solution provider? Do you moan about things or deal with them in a constructive and helpful way. Do you do just enough to get by or take a pride in a job well done? Are you enthusiastic, loyal and committed?

What skills have you to offer?

The third step is to think about the job you would like to do. What sort of person does it need? Think about the personal skills and characteristics you would look for if you were on the appointment panel. Make a list under the following headings:
Personal Characteristics, skills, knowledge and experience.

Compare your reference with the job specification you have created. Think carefully, would you honestly recommend yourself without reservation for promotion?
Are there any areas you need to improve or develop? Have you got enough experience? Where are the gaps? What do you need to do to ensure you have what it takes?

Fourthly, identify your goals and when you want to achieve them by. Make your goals realistic but challenging. Work out a daily programme to achieve your goals. Talk about them to others, make them real and make them happen. Remember to celebrate your achievements. If things go wrong remember that it happens to successful people too. They don’t give up but use each failure as an opportunity to learn and develop.

Make sure you model promotion worthy behaviours. It may help you if you think about those people you know who are good role models, or about what makes the ideal boss? Think about what makes them good. Make a list of their attributes

In house promotion or a job elsewhere either way you will need a reference so the opinion of those you currently work for will count.

The fifth step is to make an appointment to see your boss. Make it at a time convenient to them, when they can concentrate on your agenda. Prepare what you want to say.
“I am really keen to develop my career. What do you think I need to do to be ready for promotion?

Listen to the feedback with an open mind. Ask for support and training in the areas where development is needed. Show them your action plan and involve them in the process.

Be honest in your dealings with yourself and others. Know your strengths and face your weaknesses. Believe in yourself and others will believe in you. Take charge of your own destiny and the possibilities are endless.

Great Teachers

A Great Teacher by Paula Picard

A great teacher always leaves knowledge in his/her wake. They leave you with an understanding and knowingness you had not previously been aware of.

Great teachers do not always make their presence known. The teacher is sometimes disguised as an adversary such as the domineering parent, unfair employer, dishonest business partner, or unfaithful mate. The adversarial guide causes you to dig deep within your own spirit to reveal your own courage and power. On the contrary, a great teacher can be a wise and enlightened soul who’s very presence is inspiring. They challenge you to find your own answers. A great teacher is a mentor who instructs by example. A true guide will never give you the answers or tell you what to do. They will assist by leading you inward to discover your own wisdom.

In either case, your life is greatly impacted when a teacher has appeared. You will walk away from the encounter with new knowledge and wisdom. You are never the same once they have entered your life. Each day you encounter numerous teachers and by embracing this understanding you open yourself up to many opportunities for growth.

Take a moment and consider this, “How was your life changed by someone in your life?” If it was an emotionally painful experience, what did you learn? If it was a mentor or guide, how did they inspire you? What wisdom or knowingness was left by their appearance in your life?

Paula Picard copyright 2003
Paula Picard is a professional psychic and spiritual teacher. Paula also publishes a monthly E-Zine available by subscription. To learn more about Paula Picard and her powerful work You may reach her at [email protected]

Spirituality Information – Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 62 )

And so, my mind ran from one topic to another as I packed for an upcoming trip. My work sometimes takes me overseas,to different cultures, peoples and places. This time, business was taking me to the land of my ancestors,a land of contradictions, the mysterious subcontinent of India. It would not be my first visit to that country. I’d been there before, as both my children were adopted in India Malika first, followed by Jonathan a few years later.

I had the opportunity, in my earlier visits, to experience the extremes and subtleties of this paradox known as India. Opulence and wealth existed side by side with poverty and decadence. Medieval villages, where life remained unchanged for centuries, contrasted sharply with modern, urban metropolises. Holymen dressed in long,flowing robes shared the crowded streets with executives in double- breasted suits or brightly colored saris. It was not strange to see a Rolls Royce jostling with a Brahma Bull for right of way through a crowded intersection. From the hustle and bustle of Bombay to the quiet waters of the Jammuna, one traversed not only time and space, but the very nature of reality. Perhaps, like everywhere, yet, nowhere else on Earth, one can find the best and the worst in India.

It would not be an extended trip, just a matter of a week, then back again. In a seemingly unending pattern there were pressing matters at home matters like upcoming deadlines, urgent household repairs and ongoing financial crises to be dealt with, but they would have to wait until my return. I was hoping to see Gideon and Marla before I left, but it was not to be. Much as I valued their friendship and missed them when they’re away, I sometimes feel that they’re just a figment of my imagination and do not exist at all. But then again, how could I ever doubt the times of my knowing, the times when Gideon and Marla had shed so much light onto what seemed like hopeless, burdensome situations. No, these two have seen me through some of the worst periods of my life. I’m sure I’ll be seeing them when I get back.

To read the rest of the story visit

The Most Powerful Person In The Universe – Spirituality Information

This is the story of a young boy who had a dream to serve the most powerful person in the world. He lived in a small village and so one day he went to the head of the village and said ” Sir, from today, i am going to serve you for the rest of my life. My dream is to serve the most powerful person and you are the greatest…..”

One year passed by and the young boy deligintly carried out all his duties. One fine day the head of the village told the young boy ” Today the Governor(head of the state) is coming to visit us. Serve him properly…”

The Governor arrived to a pompous reception. The head of the village did everything to please him and took great care of the Governor. The young boy was watching everything. He said to himself ” How stupid of me ! I thought that the head of the village is the most powerful person. But this Governor is more powerful than him…” Later during the day he went to the Governor and told him of his dream to serve the most powerful person in the universe and the young body said to the Governor ” From today i am going to serve you for the rest of my life…..” So the young boy went away with the Governor…..

Six months passed by and the young boy was happy to serve the Governor….

” Today I am going to meet the king to discuss certain issues of the state” said the Governor . ” If you wish you can come along with me” . The young boy had nothing much to do that day and so he accompanied the Governor to the king’s palace. When the young boy entered the palace he was ecstatic . He couldn’t believe his own eyes…The majestic elephants outside the palace, the rich clothes the king’s men were wearing , the silver plates on which the food was served, the royal gold throne, the chandeliers, the artistically carved pillars…. The young boy was thrilled…. The Governor walked up to the king’s throne and saluted him and bowed before him…. The young boy was watching all this…..

Later during the day he went to the king and told him of his dream to serve most powerful person in the universe and the young boy said to the king ” From today. i am going to serve you for the rest of my life…..” So the young boy stayed at the king’s palace…..

Two years passed by and the young boy noticed something peculiar about the king. Every day at 6.30 pm in the evening the king used to go alone for a long walk…. That day the young boy followed the king…. The king entered a small hut in the nearby forest . A great yogi was sitting inside the hut in deep meditation. The king bowed before the great yogi and prostrated before him…. The young boy was watching all this….. After the king left the young boy entered the small hut and told the yogi of his dream to serve most powerful person in the universe and the young body said to the great yogi ” From today. i am going to serve you for the rest of my life…..” So the young boy stayed at the small hut…..

The yogi was a very disciplined and strict person. He was always in deep meditation and never ventured out of his hut. However, on the seventh day of every month at 3.30 am in the morning the yogi used to step out of his hut and came back only after an hour. The young boy was curious to know the movements of his master. But he was afraid of venturing out in the dark in the deep forest. However, that day mustering sufficient courage he followed his master…

The yogi walked briskly for twenty minutes chanting a prayer silently till he entered a small but beautiful Krishna temple located deep in the forest. With tears in his eyes the great yogi calling out for Lord Krishna prostrated before the magnificent idol of Lord Krishna…. The young boy was watching all this….. After the yogi left the young boy entered the temple and prostrated before the Lord.

” Where were you my child. I was all along waiting for you” echoed a powerful voice from within the temple. The young boy looked at all directions but he could not find anyone. The powerful voice echoed again… ” Where were you my child. I was all along waiting for you..” This time, the young boy listened more intensely to the voice.. He did not look at all directions. He closed his eyes and said ” Lord i have a dream to serve most powerful person in the universe….”

The powerful voice came again” I have a plan for you my dear child. I will reveal it to you as we meet more often…” The young boy smiled. He had never experienced the tenderness,sweetness and the love he got in those few moments in the temple. The hero within him had taken him to the right place. He lived there happily for the rest of his life and became the most powerful person in the universe…….