Monthly Archives: September 2009

Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 54 )

However much their systems of philosophy and religion may differ, all mankind stand in reverence and awe before the man who is ready to sacrifice himself for others. Here,it is not at all any question of creed,or doctrine – even men who are very much opposed to all religious ideas, when they see one of these acts of complete self – sacrifice,feel that they must revere it.

Have you not seen even a most bigoted Christian, when he reads Edwin Arnold’s Light of Asia, stand in reverence of Buddha, who preached no God, preached nothing but self-sacrifice? The only thing is that the bigot does not know that his own end and aim in life is exactly the same as that of those from whom he differs. The worshipper, by keeping constantly before him the idea of God and a surrounding of good, comes to the same point at last and says, “Thy will be done,” and keeps nothing to himself. That is self – abnegation. The philosopher, with his knowledge, sees that the seeming self is a delusion and easily gives it up.

It is self – abnegation. So Karma, Bhakti, and Jnana all meet here; and this is what was meant by all the great preachers of ancient times, when they taught that God is not the world. There is one thing which is the world and another which is God; and this distinction is very true. What they mean by world is selfishness. Unselfishness is God. One may live on a throne, in a golden palace, and be perfectly unselfish; and then he is in God. Another may live in a hut and wear rags, and have nothing in the world; yet, if he is selfish, he is intensely merged in the world.

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Negative Thinking – Beware The Results Can Be Powerful

Before the movie “The Secret” a long line of writers and thinkers has promoted the self-help powers of positive thought as long back as man pondered his own existence.

Reams of research have shown positive thinking to be good for your health. A positive attitude and optimistic thinking are healthy. The power of positive thinking is shows that those who remain positive are healthier, live longer, and report greater satisfaction with life than those who might be labeled pessimistic.

But, what about negative thinking?

Here’s a story about how negative thinking can affect your health. (I’ll have to paraphrase it; I heard it off a seminar by Bob Procter.)

One night a night watch man was patrolling a railway yard to check that no one was breaking into the containers and stealing the contents of them.

He came across a container that had its door open. He walked over cautiously to see what was going on and could find no sign of life around so he took a quick look inside.

The container was empty, but as he walked in the door of the container closed behind him and he found himself locked in. he pushed on the door for a while to see if it would open but it was completely stuck. He then started to yell for help but there was no answer.

As he resigned himself to being looked in the container he started to look around and noticed that the container he was in wasn’t a normal but that he was locked in one a refrigerated one.

After a while he noticed that he was getting colder and colder. Because he didn’t think he was going to get help any time soon he decided to write on the wall of the container to tell of his experience.

He wrote that he was getting colder and colder and starting to lose feeling in his body.

After a couple of hours it got harder for him to write but his last comments he wrote that he was going to die soon because it was so cold.

The container was opened later that morning by some work men who found the night watch man dead body in the corner.

If I finished this article you would say it was a tragic accident and it would be, but the tragic part is that the container the night watch man locked himself in was having maintenance done it that day. The part that was broken on the container was the refrigeration mechanism.

The temperature inside the container that night was no different to the temperature outside.

So what caused the man to die? Was it his thinking? Had the negative thoughts he was having about his situation caused him to give up his will to live?

You may have your theories, but I think you can see that not matter the situation you find yourself your thoughts either positive or negative can affect how you deal with your problems whether real or imaginary.

The River Of Affluence

“The real ‘haves’ are they who can acquire freedom, self-confidence, and even riches without depriving others of them. They acquire all of these by developing and applying their potentialities. On the other hand, the real ‘have nots’ are they who cannot have aught except by depriving others of it. They can feel free only by diminishing the freedom of others, self-confident by spreading fear and dependence among others, and rich by making others poor.” – Eric Hoffer

How does it strike you when I say, ‘I love money’? I love wealth and affluence and abundance.

What do you think when you read that?

Some people say, ‘Well, duh. Everyone loves money.’

There are others who will feel uncomfortable with an unfettered love of affluence.

There’s a Bible passage that says, ‘It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” (Matthew 19:24) And perhaps you grew up with the idea that loving money and wealth is greedy.

Not feeling worthy, issues of deserveability plague many people and our relationships to money can be very complicated, as can our desire to accumulate wealth.

For the most part, our culture, especially compared to some horribly impoverished nations, is a very rich one. And our position of relative affluence can inspire feelings of crippling guilt in contrast.

It’s complex.

By immersing ourselves in the flow of an affluent mindset, we create and attract more to us.

To create more, to expand our universes, we create a vacuum in our lives in relation to affluence so that the universe will respond by giving us more of what we are asking.

Here’s the deal with money:

Money is its own energy and it’s a very specific, precise energy and you have to learn to get into the flow of money or else it will control you. I work all the time to stay in alignment with that and to make it even more prevalent in my life.

You need to be realistic. Your goals can’t be outlandish. An example of outlandish: ‘I’m going to make a million dollars this year’ when you’ve never even made $100,000 before. If your goal is ‘undoable’ in your subconscious mind, you’ll sabotage yourself from the get go. But you can increase your expectations as time goes on. This will get you into the flow of affluence.

Money is like an ocean. . . there is so much more of it that you can or should ever take for just yourself. There is plenty to go around.

Like the water in the ocean, the only shortage is in your ability to carry it home. And even that’s not a shortage, you just need to learn how to do it.

All you have to do is create a specific strategy to extract what you want. And you can grow or diminish it at will. But if you don’t do it at will, it’s going to do it to you. It’s going to tell you how much you can have and how much you need and what you can do. It’s going to be in control of you all of the time.

We simply need to understand that we’re in control, that we can manifest whatever it is we want at will.

It’s that simple, while at the same time, profound. Change your attitude about money, and it’s flow, and watch as you accumulate more of what you want.

Keep Playing

Recently I had the great pleasure of hearing one of my favorite bands, Groovelily, perform their original musical theater piece Striking 12 in New York City. Before the show, as the band was warming up, the lead singer/violinist Valerie told us a powerful story. Valerie had recently performed with her father at an event to celebrate his lifetime contribution as a cantor. After the performance, an older woman came up to Valerie and told her about how she had played violin as a child in Germany and how much playing the violin had meant to her. She went on to explain that when her family fled the country during the Nazi regime, she was not allowed to bring her beloved violin with her to America because her family feared it would mark them as Jews. So, she grew up, got married, and raised a family. While she encouraged her son to play the violin (and he grew up to be a musician), she never indulged or rekindled her passion to play the violin again. When the woman finished telling her story, she held Valerie’s hands tightly, looked her in the eyes, and emphatically said, “Keep on playing.”

Every time I hear this story I am deeply moved (yes, I love the band and have heard this fairly recent story multiple times already). I am moved because of my own ups and downs as an amateur musician who can think of a million excuses why I’m not good enough to be playing or how I shouldn’t be “wasting” time when there are so many other more important things to do. I am also moved because I am overwhelmed with the sheer amount of creation, beauty, joy, and passion that is missing in this world each day because so many people have abandoned their passions and joy for the much more “important” and “serious” business of life.

Take a moment right now and consider:
– What activities did you love to take part in as a child, teenager, or young adult? Do you still partake in any of these or related activities?
– What did you dream about most wanting to be when you grew up?
– What are you doing when you feel the most joyful, passionate, or in the flow? When was the last time you spent time doing this?

If you’re like most people I know, you’re probably laughing because it has been so long since you’ve done any of these things that you don’t even remember or you’re muttering a number of excuses as to why you can’t be doing these things. Some of those excuses might sound like:
– I don’t have time
– There are more important things to do
– It’s impossible to do now that I have a wife/husband/mate, career, kids, house, etc.
– There’s no way I can ever have what I dreamed about, it was only a fantasy. After all, I’m middle aged, overweight, and out of shape and certainly not going to become an NBA, NFL, WNBA, Broadway star, or rock musician in this lifetime, so why bother at all.

Well, what if you could have and do what you most enjoy? What if you could get in touch with the essence of what you really wanted and then go and do THAT? For instance, perhaps what really appealed to you about becoming a rock musician was making music and sharing it with others. You could achieve that dream at any age. Pick up an old instrument you used to play and begin to take lessons again. Learn something new. Volunteer to share your music with kids, the elderly, or a church group. Another example could be that you loved the spirit of competition and physical challenge inherent in the dream of playing professional sports. Well, you can have that too! While you might not be the next Lance Armstrong or Serena Williams, there are many ways to get physically fit and be competitive in sports at any age. I’ve seen athletes in the Masters division of different sports play with more heart and competitive spirit in their 70s, 80s, and 90s, than many young professional athletes exhibit. I personally know people with demanding careers and families who regularly compete in triathlons and cycle, run, or walk untold numbers of miles each year for charity. If they can do it, so can you.

My point is – you deserve to have joy, passion, and play in your life. Yes, life can be serious at times and we all have responsibilities, but you owe it to yourself to really live a little and give yourself the gift of something just for you. You’d be amazed at how just a little bit of time spent regularly on something that feeds your soul will yield results ten times over in the other “more serious” parts of your life.

This month, go in search of your long lost violin. Dust off your guitar, tennis racket, paintbrushes, or writer’s pad. Give yourself permission to rekindle the passion, find the joy, and PLAY.

Glimpses of Esoteric Christianity Part 3

Man’s Fall

There are several versions and interpretations concerning Man’s Fall to be found in the Western Tradition.This particular doctrine can be said to be the foundation from which all other doctrines and tenets of esotericism are built upon; for without a “fall,” why would there be a “salvation”? Why should there be a striving towards perfection, wholeness and unity? Man in his present state of being finds himself isolated, alone, and fragmented. Man subconsciously feels a certain loss of being, a sense of disorientation towards Life, Nature, and his fellowmen. He seeks, not knowing what he is seeking. He pursues earthly goals, and when attained, it leaves him dissatisfied and unfulfilled. Gradually, the realization dawns upon him that his energies are being misdirected, misspent towards ephemeral goals with no absolute value. He then commences his search and journey towards higher goals and spiritual endeavours.

But how shall one tread the Path of Return? To know the Way of Ascension, one has to discover how man’s descent occurred, how he originally lost his divine estate. What brought about Man’s Fall? After studying the various traditions perpetuated by the Bard’s of humanity, each student would arrive at his own interpretation and conclusion as to what actually occurred in the beginning of Time. Although personal opinions, speculations, assumptions and convictions may not be facts, and should not be treated as such, they do give us a working knowledge to commence our mystical work–in an experimental manner, especially when inner or spiritual guidance is lacking. We will present the doctrine of Man’s Fall according to our level of understanding:

Universes, like any other organism, or aggregate, come and go. They are created by the Shakti, or power of God, sustained for a period, a cycle, called “Manvantara,” and then dissolved, destroyed, or absorbed back again into the Source, to be recreated or re-emanated once again in a “New Day.” It is appropriate here to say that Esoteric Christianity is essentially emanationistic in its cosmo-conception, its cosmology. This means that God, or Omneity, emanated beings and spiritual worlds from ITS own Womb. However, the emanations do not possess independent existence; all is an expression, or active manifestation of Omneity or “Allah.” All, in fact, is Omneity; and yet Omneity is definitely more. This is the immanence and transcendence of God. Separation is an illusion, a play of the senses. The process of Activity and Rest, or Manvantara and Pralaya, is eternal; and its purpose is incomprehensible to man. We will not speak more on this as it would only cause confusion.

During one of the active cycles, Humankind, called “Adam Kadmon,” or “Anthropos,” was emanated by that great expression of Omneity called “Logos.” Adam Kadmon is the collective name of the Fragments composing its being. Sometimes Adam Kadmon is identified by scholars as the Creative and the Solar Logos. This is questionable, as some mystics have differentiated the three; perhaps it is analogous to our physical body which is constituted of cells, each of which is a being, a unit of Life. Now, although the physical body is not our Self, it does have an elemental consciousness all of its own. Adam Kadmon’s relationship to the Solar Logos is somewhat similar: the Solar Logos, is the Self; the Creative Logos, or collective Elohims–the elemental consciousness of the physical body; and the cells are the Fragments, the Monads of Man, or collectively, Adam Kadmon. The Fragments of Adam were individualized in previous cycles and were ready to resume their evolution towards a Divine Self-Consciousness.

There is another Logos to consider–the Redemptory Logos. This being or principle is not one and the same as the previous Logoi mentioned above. Within man, the microcosm, this Logos is the “Atma-Buddhi-Higher Mental,” collectively called “the Holy Christ Self.”

Prior to Adam Kadmon’s emanation, the Godhead emanated “Perverse Beings,” as called by Martinez Pasquales. Certain Gnostics call them as a collectivity, “Sacla,” “Samael,” and “Iladabaoth.” These beings were the laggards of previous cycles that did not quite make the grade and were mercifully given another chance to live harmoniously with the Cosmic Laws, which are the laws of their existence, the laws of their being, and evolve accordingly. It is taught in a certain occult philosophy that the disobedience of such laws would eventually cancel the core-identity of their being, the fiery-essence of their identity on “Judgment Day,” at the end of the present cycle should their conversion to holiness (wholeness) not be forthcoming. This is the “second death” and is an expression of Divine Mercy, for to allow these beings continued existence as spirits would cause them needless anguish, pain, and suffering–all of which are of their own making. Though newly re-emanated, Sacla did not repent, and the evil way of thinking which almost became second-nature to him, resumed. Because of pride and ignorance, he willfully denied the existence of his source and believed himself the creator of the Universe. The desire to be worshipped and to act as the Supreme Being, in creating other beings, eventually caused the downfall of Sacla. John Bricaud in his work “Esoteric Christian Doctrine,” has this to say about the Fall:

” . . certain heads of the angelic hierarchy refused to obey the laws which govern the pleroma; that they wanted to go over to degrees higher than their class without fulfilling the required condition, which caused great disorder in the pleroma.”

This state of spiritual denial and opposition caused anarchy and pandemonium. Most of the angels fell as a result. At the head of the rebellion was a being, traditionally known as “Lucifer,” “Athamas,” and “Orphiomorphos.”

To coerce these fallen angels to obedience would have been a violation of the Law of Free Will that Omneity had established. Therefore, to contain their perversity, their evil thoughts, the lower spiritual planes were emanated by Omneity to circumscribe and contain the activities of these rebels of the spirit; to limit the power of their influence upon the pleroma and higher heavens. The principles or component parts of these beings were automatically densified or crystallized according to natural laws as a result of egoic-focus.

In reality, Cosmic Laws in their totality is the expression of Omneity–is Omneity. Disharmony with one’s spiritual nature naturally densifies one’s being and restricts the mobility of one’s soul and spirit. This was what occurred to Sacla. He rebelled against the law of his being and degraded, and circumscribed his expression as a consequence. Evil limits the extension of itself by the nature of its own low vibrations. This is the reason why evil in any form cannot exist in the celestial worlds. It was not Omneity who punished directly, but a natural response of the Law of Cause and Effect. To oppose the Will of God is in effect the opposition of the laws of one’s existence. It is incorrect to say that Omneity punished the fallen angels, for this would imply that Omneity is directly concerned with, and recognizes states of duality, which in fact means that God is aware of something other than ITS own existence. This is illogical from the Absolute view-point, as taught in philosophies of a non-dual conception of Reality, such as Advaita Vedanta. There is only God–all else are illusions. All mystics agree with this.

After the Fall of the rebel angels, Adam Kadmon was re-emanated to resume his journey towards Godhood, and to be the warden of the perverse beings; or in other words, to be the director of their evolution. Adam was in an intermediate state. He was attuned with the Cosmic Mind and at the same time felt the evil thoughts of the perverse beings. Although emanated after the perverse beings, he was somewhat “loftier” in spiritual status, by virtue of his being pure–and innocent, for his mental being was as yet germinal–this was the state of Adam’s paradisical bliss–a blissful ignorance, for he had not yet tasted the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge; he had an unawakened mental nature.

Now, Adam as warden, was supposed to induce purity into the perverse beings with his spiritual nature; he, however, was influenced by their telepathic suggestions of rebellion towards the tasks at hand. More than that, Sacla made Adam believe that he would, and could resemble God by consuming the forbidden fruit–and create like Omneity. And so, with his autonomous free will, Adam attempted to create but ended-up bungling the job. He created the physical plane of dense matter which he called “Eve.” He then populated the plane with shadowy beings unfit for the Spirit to dwell.

That a creator other than Omneity (God) created the physical plane was a strong belief among the ancient Gnostics. This imperfect creator, called the “Demiurge,” created an imperfect hylic world. However, this very condition gave the Fragments a greater opportunity for accelerated growth. Exoterically, “The Great Architect of the Universe,” the Demiurge, or P’an Ku, as the Chinese philosophers call him, was a contributing cause of the bondage of his constituent parts, in the same manner that we at times make the cells of our body a slave to ill health by our inharmonious thoughts and feelings. Esoterically, however, T.G.A.O.T.U is a mastermind of Cosmic evolution. For matter, with all of its resistance to control by interacting intelligences, offer spiritual discipline to juvenile spirits.

Adam was so enchanted by his creation that it gradually entrapped him. This condition is illustrated in the Greek Mysteries by the allegory of Narcissus, who was so absorbed and fascinated by his own reflection in a pond that he fell into it and perished–spiritually speaking. Adam forgot his true identity as he identified himself with his caricature. All previous powers that he possessed were lost in the mist of Self-forgetfulness. It was the misuse of free will that caused his Fall, and it was his ignorance, his Self-forgetfulness that constituted the “original sin.” His “punishment” was more severe than the rebels of the angelic hierarchies for he carried-out his wayward intentions to completion, something with which the rebel angels did not have the opportunity to consummate. The Fall of Man is dramatized in various ancient Mystery Schools, in the myth of the hero-god slained, and the kidnapping and rape of Persephone. The mythos of the crucified Christ is just a perpetuation of the Cosmic event which occurred before time.

Adam, before his fall, was not aware of his Source. Being ignorant he considered himself as the highest being, just like Sacla before him. Pride, desire and ignorance were the major causes contributing to his entrapment within the tomb of matter. This unfortunate state of mind, this level of consciousness, is to be found among the masses today. Many are ignorant of the divine potential of man, the Cosmic verities, the existence of an Absolute Supreme Being, higher intelligences, and the spiritual worlds; and this sorry state misdirects their energy-forces into thoughts and actions that are detrimental to their spiritual well-being. From one point of view, Man has never really left his Edenic state. The apple he consumed has produced the delusion of separation from his Source. His consciousness is blinded by what we personally call “Maya-grams,” or “forms of unreality” by our definition–and these Mayagrams man considers absolutely real. Absolute Reality is that which is eternal; Mayagrams are ephemeral, the stuff of which dreams are made. Man relegates his Edenic-Reality to the background of his consciousness and hypnotizes himself with fleeting things; he thus finds himself apparently denuded of divine qualities and faculties. The serpent that tempted Man, as recorded in the allegorical book of Genesis, to consume the apple–the apple of forgetfulness–as seen from one perspective, represents the Law of Evolution, the creative impulse of the pulsating Center of All. This is represented in the Mystery Schools by a snake coiling an egg. The principle of this symbol is the evolutionary urge inherent within Life, within Man’s being that prompted him to descent into matter, to unfold his divinity, and to ascent to his God-estate.

The perverse beings later joined man on the physical plane, and they are with us today. Their characteristic wickedness as we are all familiar, have their strong influence in the political, economic, social, scientific and religious fields. We see that humankind, therefore, are divided roughly and symbolically into two lineages: the perverse beings, the “descendants of Cain,” and the Fragments of Adam Kadmon, the “posterity of Seth.” One way of classifying man according to Esoteric Christianity is the threefold division:

1) Hylic, the individual who lives solely according to his carnal nature, “the dead,” as designated by Jesus.

2) Pneumatic, the individual who lives in accord with his spiritual being, the type of personality called by Jesus, “the quick.”

3) Psychic, the individual who lives in an intermediary state, or what Jesus called “luke-warm.”

The above are the basic three natures of man. Man, however, does not represent solely of the human race. There are angels, fallen angels, titans, and other beings incarnated in the shadowy form of Adam Kadmon. The “sons of God” did cohabit with human spirits to produce hybrids as told in Genesis and the Books of Enoch.

The whole drama of Man’s Fall corresponds with the four worlds or stages of development in the Qabalah:

1) Atziluth, the World of Archetypes, corresponds with the impetus and commencement of a new Manvantara.

2) Briah, the World of Creation, corresponds with the emanations of beings; the period of the rebellion of the angels.

3) Yetzirah, the World of Formation, corresponds with the creation of the lower spiritual realms and the actual fall of the rebel angels.

4) Assiah, the World of Activity, corresponds with the creation of the physical plane and the Fall of Man.


Getting To The Top By Fits And Starts

I would venture to believe that most people have the qualities to make them a success. Then why are not more of them successful? One observation is; by not following through on actions that they started with. They have victory in sight and then do you want to know what they do?

Settle For Mediocrity!

Have you ever known someone who was full of immediate action with no ultimate purpose? Their body is moving, their hands are busy, but their destination is unclear! Even when their actions apparently seem right, they show they’re not fully aware of where they’re going.

Since they’re not really sure of where they’re going, they settle for something less than what they started after. Here’s an example: You decide you need to get some area of your life under control. Maybe you decide you need to stop worrying. And, that’s a good thing. That’s a very worthy goal to pursue.

So, you begin to read good motivational books, you listen to good motivational tapes and you’re busy as you can be to get this worry bug under your foot. But, all the time you’re doing this, there is a nagging thought in your head that says; “what if it doesn’t work this time?”

A Rotten Apple Will Spoil The Barrel!

In affect, what you’re doing is; tearing down worry on one side and building up fear on the other. If someone says to you, how are you coming along with eliminating worry? You say, “Yes, it’s going great!” And then you say, but, you know I heard they are going to be laying off a lot of people at the plant and I’m afraid I may lose my job.

What have you done? You showed “worry” the door, and invited fear in to play footsy with you. And, believe it; fear will cause just as much havoc as worry. They both come from the bottomless pit, and have no business in our thoughts.

Listen, even if they are going to lay off a bunch of people at your plant, you can’t do a thing about it by fearing it or worrying about it. If it happens, deal with it then; NOT NOW!!

And, don’t tell yourself you can’t stop worrying because it is too serious of a matter and could devastate your livelihood. !

For Crying Out Loud!

If you believe that then you’re saying that nothing bad has ever happened to you without you first giving it a real good dose of worry before it happened.

I tell you right now; many lousy troubles have happened to me, right out of the blue, and I never spent ten seconds worrying about them beforehand. I didn’t even know about them. The point is: if troubles are going to happen anyway, we need to know how to deal with them. And, worry and fear is not the way to do it.

Every Dog Has Its Day!

You have never fixed anything in your life by worrying about it. If it got better, it’s not because you worried about it; it’s more than likely because you didn’t settle for mediocrity and insisted on full victory. And, sometimes good things just happen. Hallelujah!

Now you can understand why some people’s actions seem directionless at times. They put all their efforts towards eliminating one obstacle while setting up another. They’re like the proverbial “unstoppable object hitting the immovable object.” And, then on the way to success, they stop somewhere short and settle for whatever is there at the time.

Most of the time, you can be relatively sure, it was some emotion that stopped them short. It was an emotion that started them and it will be an emotion that stops them. Emotions are a funny thing: They can fuel us with enough fire to leap tall buildings, and at the same time, make us feel like it won’t happen until pigs fly.

A Fine Kettle Of Fish!

What a revolting development. What do we believe? What do we do? No wonder some people seem directionless in their pursuit of their goals. No wonder some people just settle for mediocrity in mid stream just to satisfy those conflicting emotions and shut them up. And, it’s a pretty good way to boast success since we didn’t follow through to see what would ultimately happen.

I’m thinking of too many times in my life as a young man that I stopped in mid stream to take what ever was there and stop the feelings that kept saying; “if you keep going you might not get it; better take what you got now.” You know that ole saying, “a bird in the hand?”

I didn’t want to hear that bird in the hand crap. My head said that to me so many times I was beginning to feel as lucky as the only man in a women’s prison with a fist full of pardons. Talk about directionless; and settling for mediocrity.

Ah! That’s Where The Rub Is!

The problem is: someone can get into a habit of “settling”, and then that’s the real source of the directionless and out of control life. As long as we live in this world, we will have opportunities to “settle” for something of mediocrity.

The more we “settle” the more of a habit it becomes and the more we sub-consciously start expecting a “settling point.” We don’t think about it and we certainly don’t start out with the intention of finding a place to settle. But, when it shows up, and the “bird in the hand” voices start their song and tap dance on our forehead, we say, I know when to hold em, and I know when to fold em, and its time to fold em.

The point is: it’s not a bad thing to fold em if you can walk away ahead in the game. But, if it becomes an ingrained habit then the folding point will start showing up earlier and earlier till you find yourself folding right after the start.

Get To The Bottom Of It!

How do you know when to fold? This is not rocket science. It’s pretty simple really. Ask yourself a couple of key questions. Can I walk away ahead? Has this thing given me something of value? And most important; has something else presented itself in my life that I can replace this with?

For me, if any one of these three questions are “no”, then I’m not ready to fold em; especially the last one.

Would you like to know why we settle for something less? This is not really difficult to understand but it might be hard to accept. So pay attention, and at least give this some serious thought. Don’t let the simplicity of it get away from you. The reason is, we don’t know “how” to fix it.

If we knew how, we would keep going. If we knew what to do, there would be no need to settle. If we knew what was going to happen in every circumstance, we would not worry! We would never worry. Think about it. The lack of knowledge.

Overcome challenges and find happiness with these life-management techniques

On the surface, a glimpse into the life of Dara Stewart reveals nothing unusual. She’s got a job she likes, friends and family who love her and a big, dumb Akita named Jake. But after a brush with death from a brain hemorrhage in 2002, Dara’s recovery included having to learn to walk again. For Dara, the normal life she has now, for which she is profoundly grateful, required an astonishing degree of effort and focus.

Relying on simple but powerful life and stress management techniques, she was able to not only recover from what her doctors had expected would be a disabling medical catastrophe, but to go on to find her life’s purpose and to discover a peace that far exceeded what she had known before.

These techniques are available to all of us.

Manage stress: “Meditation was my initial way to relieve stress,” said Dara. As she recovered, she found that a connection with nature calmed and focused her. She combined hiking and meditation into mindfulness walks and volunteered at the Desert Botanical Garden in order to stay in touch with nature.
Exercise: Dara found that yoga, in particular, helped keep her balanced. “It really made a big difference in the stress and the body tension that I was having and also it decreased the numbers of headaches that I had,” she said.
Reach out to friends and family: “The immense support that I got from friends and family reminded me that no matter what happened to me, I was going to be ok,” Dara said. “Whether I died or became handicapped or lived an absolutely normal life, I would be ok.” Diagnosed immediately after a move to an unfamiliar town in California, Dara found additional community in her church and support groups.
Practice self-acceptance: One side effect of Dara’s life-threatening illness was increased clarity of purpose. “It wasn’t a matter of knowing the exact career I was going to have, it was knowing that I was supposed to be here and that there was a purpose for me,” Dara said. “And I didn’t feel at all worried anymore.” Her mantra became, “I am enough, I am everything I need.”
Purge negativity: “I would go so far as to not watch scary movies,” Dara said. “I even limited the amount of news I watched.”
Set boundaries: Initially Dara was careful to surround herself with people who had a positive outlook, and even now, when working in the mental health field makes that harder, Dara says that “what I’ve learned to do now is deflect to some degree. If it starts getting too intense, I take a break.”

According to Dara, the key for having the life she wants is maintaining focus in her day-to-day activities and goals. “As I pursue things, I’m also listening for what I need, which is positive energy in my life, what I want, which is a peaceful life and what fulfills me, which is giving to the world in some way.”

The Secret – Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 11 )

The truth is that life is hard and dangerous; that he who seeks his own happiness does not find it; that he who is weak must suffer; that he who demands love, will be disappointed; that he who is greedy, will not be fed; that he who seeks peace, will find strife; that truth is only for the brave; that joy is only for him who does not fear to be alone; that life is only for the one who is not afraid to die.

— Joyce Carey

If there be righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character.If there be beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the home, If there be harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation,If there be order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.

— Confucius

Justice alone, fundamental as it is, will seldom kindle holiness in a soul in which the light of love is quenched, or burns but dimly. It is justice illumined with mercy that floods the world with ineffable goodness and grace.

— Talmud

Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.

— Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi

Learning is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily.

— Chinese Proverb

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.

— John Lennon

The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

— Dolly Parton

Wisdom is born; stupidity is learned.

— Russian Proverb

Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced–even a proverb is no proverb to you till your life has illustrated it.

— John Keats

There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.

— George Sand

By learning you will teach, by teaching you will learn.

— Latin Proverb

No one really knows enough to be a pessimist.

— Norman Cousins

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Alcohol Rehab

Alcohol abuse refers to the chronic consumption and craving for alcohol, so that it interferes in the normal social and economic functioning of the person. Alcohol Rehab tries to treat and bring back to normal victims of this condition.

The alcoholic is unable to stop his craving for drinking. He fails to complete his obligations at work or home. He undertakes activities that are dangerous in his condition, including drunk driving. He may encounter legal problems, and cannot and will not stop drinking despite personal, official and medical problems.

Alcoholism can be fatal. It affects the addict’s health in many ways. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is an irreversible condition associated with excessive consumption of alcohol by pregnant women. It leads to physical and mental deficiencies and even fetal death. Another killer condition is Cirrhosis, caused by alcoholism and leading to liver failure and death.

Alcohol Rehab must be done carefully by trained medical professionals. It involves evaluation and management of acute alcohol withdrawal, treatment of nutritional deficiencies, detoxification and the maintenance of abstinence.

Medical treatment of alcoholism involves initially the management of alcohol withdrawal. Treatment includes the use of thiamine and folate fed intravenously to prevent Wernicke Kosakoff syndrome (an eye disorder). Seizures must be treated with Benzodiazepines.

After medical management is over, a psychosocial Rehabilitation program must be undertaken. This includes educating the entire family of the patient, individual or group therapy, or even a spiritual ’12 steps to sobriety’ program given by Alcoholics Anonymous.

There are some important points to remember. Supervised withdrawal is the first step and must not be hurried. Hurry can be fatal. A medically supervised detox program is the first step. Next step is to choose a Rehab center. Find a treatment center that deals not only with addiction but the holistic picture of psychosocial and legal problems.

The program must involve a major amount of therapy–counseling and occupational. Therapy or counseling is critical for alcohol treatment. Patients learn to resist alcohol use, replace drug-using activities with constructive and rewarding activities. They are asked to shun alcohol abusing company. They also relearn normal family and social living patterns.

Treatment involves continuous monitoring for alcohol use. Some people may require medication for their treatment, and this too must be monitored. Some may be suffering from mental problems that need special treatment. The treatment duration may vary with each case, but 3 months is a safe period for most treatment.

The main point is that there is no singular Rehab formula. The success of treatment depends on finding the right program and methods. Effective treatment must address the patient’s drug use and also related medical, social, psychological, vocational and legal problems.

The treatment may be long-term, involving periods of relapse. The crucial point is not to give up hope, but work patiently till you reach complete abstinence.

Are You Your Own Worst Enemy Or Your Own Best Friend?

Are you the kind of person who is your own worst enemy? Do you live your life with doubt, always trying to live up to the standards others set for you? Life can be filled with disappointments if we live each day seeking the approval of others.

Remember that you are who you are because of you, not because of another’s perception of you. At the end of your life the only important question will be: “Did you live your life as you saw fit?”

In all honesty, I can be my own worse enemy. I let people get the better of me.

When you let someone get the best of you than you are really letting them win. In life we are faced with the joy of living life or the pain and disappointment of not living life to its fullest.

I have always gotten by the strength and courage that I learned from my mother. One thing that she taught me was that life is a battle and sometimes you have to fight or you will die having never tried.

I am in charge of my destiny, and it is up to me and only me to live my life. I know what’s important to me. I set goals for myself and I meet those goals. I know my friends, and I know my family, and most importantly, I know myself. I know who Rose DesRochers is.

Ask yourself, what is important to you? Do you know who you are? Are you happy with yourself as you are?

Never lose sight of who you are, and what you stand for. If someone wants to dismiss you because you don’t meet up to their standards, that is their problem. Maybe they set their standards a little too high.

Don’t allow yourself to be your own worst enemy. Sometimes it’s just a matter of putting yourself first. If you can love someone else, why can you not love yourself? You are worthy of being loved.

Be true to yourself and your values. Don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself even when it feels uncomfortable. Accept yourself as you are. Never let anyone dictate to you who you should be. A poor self-image will only make you feel worthless. Believe in yourself, because the one person you can trust and rely on is you.

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Can you see in yourself who you really are, or do you see yourself as others want you to be?

Building self confidence means learning to love yourself. Learn to believe in yourself. Learn to accept the things that cannot be changed. Learn to accept that you’re not perfect, nobody is. Learn to accept that you cannot change someone’s opinion of you. Quit wasting time dwelling on what is negative in your life and concentrate on what is positive. Stand up and be counted, because at the end of the day when you look in the mirror, you should see your best friend.