Monthly Archives: January 2010

Love your Job

Tip: “Love your job”

” If you can’t be in the job you love…

Love the job you’re in (or the way you do it) “


Friends ! loving your job is an extremely useful tip for reducing tension from life :- Love your job.

I know that not everybody among us is fortunate enough to have a job of his/her liking. We all are living in a fiercely competitive era. In today’s time, just being eligible for a job is not enough. We have to be most eligible than all other eligible persons to get a dream job. Now to be the most eligible of all is not that easy. It depends upon a number of visible and invisible factors such as our family background, our educational qualification, our physical appearance (in some jobs at least ), our performance in a particular exam etc. Since not everybody can be the most eligible one, most of us will have to contend with other jobs which may or may not be of our liking.

Let us consider your present job. It may be the case that you are doing a boring, routine and less rewarding job. May be you are not getting the chance to work at your full potential in this job. Certainly a man/woman of your caliber deserves something better. And if you are making all the necessary efforts to get the perfect job in your dream company, I give you my best wishes for your efforts. However, it is my humble advice that while you are searching for that perfect job, enjoy the way you are doing your present one, and keep celebrating and expanding all the other joys of life that surround you.

No matter how bad, boring, frustrating, and less rewarding your present job is, one thing is certain – you’ll go nowhere by fuming and fretting about it ! Consider this : at any given moment your job is the main source of your income. Your bread and butter comes from the money you earn in this job. You pay your monthly bills, your taxes and your child’s school fee from the salary of this job. You take your wife out for a dinner and give her a beautiful present from the money you earn from this job. Your present job is the platform on which you’ll lay the foundation of your future dream job. So dear friend your job is no that bad. Just see the positive side of picture. Love your job , respect it.

I know it is not very easy to love our boring and dull jobs. However, if we want, we can easily make our job interesting . A little bit of effort & innovation can make any kind job interesting. Let me give you a very useful tip : If you want to make your job interesting, then ask yourself – “How can I do this job in a better way ? How can I improve my productivity ? ” Just think over these two questions and you will get the answer. The best way to make your job interesting is to constantly find the way of doing it in a better way. Here are few benefits which you’ll get by loving your job:

(1) Your productivity and performance output will increase.

(2) Your image in the eyes of your seniors will improve.

(3) You will feel less tired and exhausted at the end of the day.

(4) Your overall relationship with your colleagues will improve.

(5) You will be able to finish your work quickly if you do it with passion.
As you love your job and do it wholeheartedly, you will not find the time for fuming and fretting over its negative aspects. You will remain busy in it and will not feel frustrated or tense owing to the dullness or monotony of your present job.

Three stress relief techniques

There is good stress, and there is bad stress. Good stress is the type that propels a person to excel, to reach new heights or to complete a big project on time.

And there is bad stress. Stress that comes from conflict or worries. Stress that keeps a person from sleeping and happiness. Stress that calls for relief. Here are three stress-relief tips you can follow.

Meditation for stress relief.

Can there be a more obvious stress relief strategy than to bring your entire physical being to a calm? Meditation techniques often involve visualization of something calm, like a blank screen or clouds. Or it can mean clearing your mind entirely.

If stress is caused by how we allow our minds to captured by worries and fears, then replacing those worries and fears with calmer images is the obvious way to reduce stress.

You can sign up for a free course on meditation techniques to reduce stress at my website.

Exercise to reduce stress.

If relaxing to a state where even your blood vessels are almost still is the ultimate in stress relief, surely exercise, which gets even your blood pumping at breakneck speed, must be the ultimate stress demon.

Not so. Exercise is a big stress reliever. In fact, the bigger the muscles you exercise, the more less stress you will bear. That’s because exercise releases physical tension in the muscles.

Here’s another tip: exercise in water to reduce stress even more. Why? Because you are more buoyant on water; gravity takes a much gentler toll on your body, so the tension created in your muscles just by holding you up gets released. For the ultimate stress release, exercise in water. Or meditate in water. Or laugh in water.

Laughter reduces stress, too.

Yes, laughter also relieves stress. The muscles we use to laugh are those tense ones in our faces. When we loosen them, we release tension from our faces. We also allow more blood to flow to the pleasure centers of the brain (which might be why someone with a ‘good sense of humor’ is considered more attractive).

I think I will close with this excerpt from my newsletter, A Daily Dose of Happiness, which shows the value of a little creative humor:

“Little Lady was guarding the space between the trees, as I tried to kick her little ball past her.

“Then an idea struck me. Off to the side lay a large, purple fit ball that the kids like to be bounced on. A rushed over, rolled it into the clearing and kicked it toward Little Lady. ‘Giant Blueberry Soccer!’ I shouted. She laughed.

“For the next ten or fifteen minutes, we rolled and licked and laughed and shouted, “Giant Blueberry Soccer!”

“What a great family moment, stress relief, joy-injector, fun and more. My formula was simple, and you can do it too. Look around and find something that just would not belong, like a too-big ball. Then imagine what it might be, like a blueberry. Then thrust it into your situation with all the gusto you can apply.

“Have fun.”

5 Reasons To Not Let Depression Control You Anymore!

Family It can be very vexing to loved one’s when you are depressed. On one hand they want nothing but the best for you, but on the other they sometimes get frustrated and wonder why you can’t simply snap out of it. It can be particularly hard on children of someone with depression as it may affect their outlook on life for many years to come. Having experienced this myself, I can say definitely this the number one reason to fight your depression.

Work – Work life generally suffers when in the throws of depression. It is more difficult to concentrate and not as easy to create and maintain good professional working relationships and partnerships. Furthermore, it makes being a “Self-starter” more unlikely. Rather than moving forward, maintaining the status-quo becomes more acceptable, even if only unconsciously.

Love The love life of a person with depression can suffer tremendously. Regardless of How much someone may profess their dedication to another person, if the other person can never see the bright side, it can wear on them. Life is short, right? Love conquers A WHOLE LOT, but it doesn’t conquer everything. Sometimes we must add internal fortitude to love to truly be invincible. Besides isn’t it better to fight, not just for you, but for this person that you love as well?

Health University studies have proven that people who are depressed are more likely to get sick, and more likely to die of an illness than those who are content. It is in your benefit, health wise, to fight your depression as well. A recent New York Times article, citing a University study, indicated that persons who have been diagnosed as depressed have more hospital visits, and a shorter lifespan.

Prosperity The depressed person sometimes lacks clarity of thought, and may miss golden opportunities to improve their lives if only they had been paying attention. This may be, perhaps, the most important point, since many people believe they would be happier if only this part of their life, or that part of their life, etc was different. Allowing good things to happen in your life might just give you the jump start needed to end the cycle of depression and self imposed-isolation( even if only figuratively ).

Fighting depression can help your life in many ways. In some ways, the fight in itself is also a reward. You become stronger, do better at work, have better relationships, and can focus on what is really important in life so that you can improve it, for yourself, your family, friends, and loved ones.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Is A State, Contingent Upon Happening Of An Event

When stress is qualified with two additional words, traumatic on the left side and disorder on the right side, what can happen to an individual? It is not only the situation that you have to face; it is an ordeal that you have to undergo.

It is not a disease in itself. Post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is a state, contingent upon happening of an event. It depends upon the intensity of the incident, and the level of your response to it. Feeling of danger to life is one of the worst types of traumatic stress disorders one may have to undergo.

Our soldiers are but human beings. There is a limit beyond which the human mind would say, “Well, this is the limit. Beyond this I can not bear. This is demonic.” The dastardly war-scenes might trouble his memory, repeatedly. Even if you are not the direct sufferer, the impact of the suffering of others, watching a serious accident, a natural calamity like Tsunami, or a violent terrorist attack, a devastating fire- all these could lead to PTSD.

The following factors may also contribute to PTSD:

1. Flashbacks that create intense impact in your mind.
2. Highly disturbing memories.
3. Feelings of guilt.
4. Panic attacks.
5. Panoria.

The treatment for PTSD varies from individual to individual. It depends upon his mental and intellectual levels-his capacity to understand and bear the strain. Post-traumatic stress disorders can cause flashbacks, which are vivid, and disturbing memories of the event.

The person with PTSD is helpless individual and requires sympathy and understanding. Tactful handling of the person is required to create fresh hopes in his life. Efforts must be made to cultivate in him deep understanding of life. Counseling on socio-spiritual topics is likely to give positive results in his disposition. His emotional numbness will have to be tackled. The person needs to be told that he has a purpose in life and he must fulfill it, by positive thinking. There are many cases in this world, which are worse than his, he needs to be emphatically but politely be told.

The attack of PTSD is difficult to predict. It may be immediate, one month after the event, sometimes, it might happen after years.

The Organized Tool Box

Are you always digging around for the right tool? Hammers abound, but why are the flat-edge screwdrivers always missing? Wouldn’t it be great to have everything in an easy-to-find space? Here are some steps and tips to get you on your way.

Step 1: Inventory.

First, start by gathering all your tools. Make a list of the locations where you found your tools. Garage, kitchen, basement, car, truck? Lay them all out on a bedsheet or blanket. Sort them by type to get an idea of how many different kinds of tools you have.

Next, examine each tool and decide what to keep.

Is it a duplicate? If so, how many of this tool do I need?
Have I ever used it? Some tools passed down thru the family should be kept for sentimental reasons, but others that you’ve never used can surely go.
Is it broken? If it isn’t usable and can’t be repaired then discard it.
Have I replaced it with a multi-purpose tool that does the job more efficiently?
Does a neighbor have a better version that I usually borrow?

Toss out the broken tools, sell the good ones on eBay, get a tax break by donating to a local charitable organization, have a “yard sale for men” or help a favorite college grad begin their first tool box. Only keep the tools you are sure to use in the future.

Step 2: Make a Plan.

Using your list of locations from step 1, think about how and where you use your tools. You may decide to centralize your tools in the garage or basement. Begin sorting your tool collection into groups according to their desired location. This will help you to determine the storage space requirements for each area.

Step 3: Choose your Tool Storage System.

The internet is a great tool for finding the latest tool storage solutions. Portable tool boxes are great for on-the-go types to keep in their car or truck. Behind-the-wheel tool boxes for pickup trucks are a great way to take advantage of unused truck bed space. If you have a ton of small parts, you may consider some plastic storage cabinets with sliding drawers. Pegboards work nicely in the garage or basement workspace to keep tools handy and off the countertops. Maybe you need some new shelving to store larger-sized tools.

Step 4: Implement your new Tool Storage System.

If you’ve ordered a new tool box or some other item, then when it arrives begin to place your tools in order. Once you’ve got everything in its place, remember to always take the extra time to put items away when they are done being used. If you’ve added a pegboard, consider drawing an outline around each tool as it hangs on the pegboard to make it easier to know where to return the tool.

Get motivated you’ll be glad you did. Once you’re organized, maybe you’ll even have space to buy some new tools!

Importance Of Listening When Doing A Speech

Try listening to other expert speakers as much as possible during a speaking event especially the guest speaker since they may be able to provide useful tips while hearing them talk. This could also eliminate redundancy and add more bits and pieces when it is time to speak in front of the audience. Also, this is to save a speaker from any embarrassment, since other speakers at some point try to use materials of the same kind.

Aside from listening to the other speakers, try to listen to the majority of the audience. By knowing the audience, a speaker can have a clearer idea on what is really sought after and what the audience may not like to hear. Here are some tips that can be accomplished before making that big speech.

Your Life Is A Do-It-Yourself Project

The responsibility of working hard, planning and living a successful and fulfilled life falls largely on you. This simply means that from this point forward, the burden of shaping your adult life, is on your shoulders. The sooner you realize this, the better!

The most important question to ask yourself is, what can I do today, this week, this month, this year, to get my life going in the direction I desire?

If you truly believe that there is more to you than meets the eye, stop making excuses, and start living your best life today!

If you are either on the verge of giving up, or are sick and tired of being mediocre, you can make a decision to start winning, by casting a YES vote in your favor today!

You don’t have to continue being stuck in that rut or being hounded by feelings of under achievement! Believe in yourself, you can make something of your life. Just don’t give up!

5 most important life management questions:

1. What?

What do you want to do with your life? This is probably one of the most important questions that you will ever answer. The answer to this question will lay the foundation for your destiny.

Once you have clearly identified what you want to do with your life, it then becomes the focal point of everything you plan to do. Knowing what you want to do, gives you clarity and a much needed sense of purpose. It also prevents you from engaging in side tracking, time wasting ventures which have no connection to your purpose.

2. Why?

Understanding the importance of why you want to achieve certain things in your life, is the motivation that will drive you to accomplish the goals that you have set for yourself.

Why do you want to achieve these goals you have set for yourself? Why do you want to lose weight? Why do you want to get married? Why do you want to start your own business? Why do you want to boost your self esteem? The answers to these questions must be compelling enough to move you into action.

3. Who?

In order for you to achieve certain things, you need to take on certain qualities. Who do you need to become as you strive to achieve your goal? Do you need to become more confident, committed and action oriented? Do you need to become a risk taker? Do you need to be more assertive? Identify the qualities that you need to adopt in order for you to achieve your goals.

Max Dupree rightly said that we cannot become what we need to be, by remaining what we are.

4. How?

How are you going to manage your life as a project? How are you planning on achieving your objectives? Do you have a step by step plan? Certain tools need to be in place to help you tie together all the pieces of the project you plan to accomplish.

Having a plan is very important because it is the road map to your goal. It will help you know what information you require to make each phase of your life a success. For example, if you want to lose weight, how do you plan to lose it? If plan A fails what is plan B?

5. When?

Every goal you set must have a deadline and any plan you have, must cease from just being a plan, turn into action and produce tangible results. When are you going to be done with at least one specific goal you have set out to accomplish? When are you going to wrap up the project?

Your life is a do-it-yourself project. If you want your plans to materialize, start taking action today!

Ten Top Tips For Successfully Setting Goals

“Goals. There’s no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There’s no telling what you can do when you believe in them. And there’s no telling what will happen when you act upon them.” ~ Jim Rohn

Would you like to achieve positive results in your life and get what you really want? This tried and tested goal setting strategy is an effective way to set and achieve your goals. My Ten Top Tips are as follows:

Write them down. By writing down your goals you are showing personal commitment and declaring your intention to succeed, as well as helping to clarify your thinking.

Be specific. Write down goals that are specific, measurable and positive. Focus clearly on what you desire, not what you lack or want to get rid of from your life.

Have a time limit. Set a date by which you will have achieved each of your goals. Otherwise, it’s like starting a football match without having agreed when the game is to end!

Think of the benefits. Think through all the benefits of achieving your goals, and write them all down. This helps you clarify why they are important to you, visualise and feel what it will be like to achieve them, check how committed you are to working on them – and all this will help energise and motivate you if the going gets tough.

Consider options and obstacles. How many ways can you think of to achieve your goal? Evaluate the results and consequences of each. What could stop you or cause a problem? And what about subconscious obstacles? Complete this sentence several times to find out more “I want to achieve (name your goal) but………”

Make a detailed plan. Having chosen your preferred way forward, identify all the actions you’ll need to take. This breaks a seemingly big and daunting task down into manageable steps, enables you to plan what to do, prepare for problems, and reduces resistance to actually getting started.

Identify resources. What skills, knowledge, ability and contacts do you already have? What additional resources will you require? What changes do you need to make? Realistically review and assess this when making your plan, and ask for extra support as required.

Balance and fit. Check that all the areas of your life are in balance if not, will your various goals make this happen? Will your goals support your long term plans and fit your ambitions, are they worthy of you, do they reflect your values? So while you are building that great career or business, ensure that you are also looking after your health, relationships, fun time, wealth and personal development etc.

Take action! Make a start. Actually take the first step you identified when you formed your plan of action.

Review and reward. Set some interim milestones as part of your initial strategy. This means you can check your progress regularly and see that you are moving in the right direction. And as part of this process acknowledge your achievements along the way and reward yourself for everything you accomplish. Celebrate!

Is Being Angry Ever Good?

Some psychologists who study anger say anger does have a positive side. For example:

Anger helps clarify relationship problems;
Anger helps finalize business deals;
Anger fuels political agendas;
Anger can give people a sense of control during an uncertain situation;
Anger can cause an entire culture to change for the better as with the women’s suffrage movement.

In certain situations anger can be defined as being constructive rather than destructive and helpful in solving problems.

When using the Bible definition of anger we see that the Bible teaches us anger is an emotion we all feel at some point in time and that anger itself is not the villain, but what we do when we become angry is what defines whether or not anger is constructive or destructive. Bible scripture says: Be ye angry, but sin not. I believe this to mean if we become angry at our neighbor, our spouse, friend, enemy or stranger and “shoot to kill” and do murder that person, we have responded in a destructive manner as according to our earthly knowledge and also committed a sin in the eyes of the God of Heaven and Jesus Christ his son. To handle this same type of anger in a constructive manner both in accordance to the laws of man and the laws of God we would end up helping to clarify a relationship problem, or finalize a business deal, or change something in our neighborhood or family for the better. An example also might be forming a neighborhood watch against the neighborhood population that insists on breaking into homes and robbing.

Psychologist continues to study and examine how anger can aid intimate relationships, work interactions and political expressions, but agree there is no one definition of what “constructive anger” actually is.

Anger has a bad reputation partly because of the violence that is associated with episodes of anger. However, it has been noted that aggression is not always followed by anger, and that lots of aggression occurs without any anger.

A number of studies show anger is often beneficial in domestic life. In fact it has been found that angry episodes helped strengthen relationships about half the time. I would suppose all relationships strengthen by episodes of anger were those in which members became angry, but sinned not. There probably were no black eyes or broken bones as a result of the anger expressions and episodes!

Who is more likely to use anger destructively?

Children who witness their parents using violence against each other and who regularly receive excessive punishment may be more at risk of being involved in an abusive relationship as an adult and using anger destructively rather than constructively. Research also shows that this type of misuse of anger toward a romantic partner is difficult to change and that more needs to be done to develop prevention programs to identify major risk factors for partner violence before adult relationships develop.

Studies also find that a history of physical abuse by a caretaker may increase the chances of using similar techniques of conflict solving in adult close relationships.

Of these two above situations, however, some researchers feel that exposure to violence between parents poses the greatest independent risk for being the victim of any act of partner violence. So that the greater of these two evils would be a child exposed to violence between parents from a very young age rather than being the actual one abused by one or both of the caretakers.

Prevention Programs May Be the Key for At Risk Individuals

There has been no sex differences found in predictors of partner violence. Both males and females who were abused as children and/or displayed conduct disorders as adolescents were found to be at risk for partner violence. Therefore, prevention programs should not just target the boys.

Prevention Programs could be created by individuals who were at risk as children and are still angry as adults. This would be another example of using that anger in a constructive manner rather than continuing the cycle of violence as a respond to anger.

Below is a list of some further resources you may want to explore regarding handling anger constructively and Anger Prevention Programs:

Dr. John Rifkin- Emotional Success- The Healing Power Of Anger Dr. Rifkin explores the childhood roots of anger, the spectrum of angry behavior, how anger can be a gift to a relationship, and ice-cold passive-aggressive anger. He also discusses anger’s links to addictions, anxiety, mood disorders, and difficulties with emotional intimacy. Readers will come away with new insights into their emotions and behavior and new skills for using their anger in a healthy, functional manner.


Effective Time Management For Today’s Christian Entrepreneur

As believers, mastering effective time management is one of the greatest ways we can be fruitful and demonstrate our faithfulness. We have to do all that secular businesses do and find time for our prayer, meditation, worship, and service. As believers, we have to be twice as good to be a full reflection of God’s glory. There is one business principle that is true for all businesses your business will prosper to the extent that you master peak productivity. The key to executing at a peak performance level is having effective time management habits.

It is truly possible to know what God created you to do and live life longing for it, without ever making the time to actually carry it out. Second to lack of trusting God to provide, lack of time management is the reason so many people never fully bring forth God’s vision for their lives. It would be a torturous existence, but people do it everyday because it is so easy to stay completely busy each and every day of your life without making a single significant dent in God’s intended purpose for your life.

In God’s Kingdome, time multiplies when we put Him first. Now is the time to take an inventory of how you are spending your time. Is it forwarding your freedom and vision? Is how you currently spend your time adding to your income? Remember that your schedule should be full of tasks and commitments that bring you joy, increase your spiritual and physical energy, and create profits for your business.

As believers, time is more valuable than money and you often need to tune-up your schedule. Here are my top five effective time management secrets that can transform your relationship to time.