Effective Time Management For Today’s Christian Entrepreneur

As believers, mastering effective time management is one of the greatest ways we can be fruitful and demonstrate our faithfulness. We have to do all that secular businesses do and find time for our prayer, meditation, worship, and service. As believers, we have to be twice as good to be a full reflection of God’s glory. There is one business principle that is true for all businesses your business will prosper to the extent that you master peak productivity. The key to executing at a peak performance level is having effective time management habits.

It is truly possible to know what God created you to do and live life longing for it, without ever making the time to actually carry it out. Second to lack of trusting God to provide, lack of time management is the reason so many people never fully bring forth God’s vision for their lives. It would be a torturous existence, but people do it everyday because it is so easy to stay completely busy each and every day of your life without making a single significant dent in God’s intended purpose for your life.

In God’s Kingdome, time multiplies when we put Him first. Now is the time to take an inventory of how you are spending your time. Is it forwarding your freedom and vision? Is how you currently spend your time adding to your income? Remember that your schedule should be full of tasks and commitments that bring you joy, increase your spiritual and physical energy, and create profits for your business.

As believers, time is more valuable than money and you often need to tune-up your schedule. Here are my top five effective time management secrets that can transform your relationship to time.

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