Monthly Archives: May 2010

What Can Herpes Support Groups Do For You?

The purpose of herpes support groups is to help you deal with the psychological aspect of herpes and provide information about treatments and research. People often write to me for support. They either feel ashamed, helpless, and dirty or just want the pain to go away. I do everything I can in my book Herpes Wise and on my website to tell people how to alleviate the physical pain, but I’m fully aware that I cannot provide psychological pain relief to all of my readers. That’s why I feel local herpes support groups are important.

The International Herpes Alliance defines the role of a support group as an entity that can provide medical advice, refer patients to clinics and doctors and help people pass through different emotional stages. They say that for most people, genital herpes is a psychological disease, not a physical one. I must agree with that. People are afraid of herpes and often fear rejection. Some people just deny being affected by herpes. These are the people who don’t disclose they have herpes to their new partners. Deep inside, they often feel dirty and ugly and lack self-esteem. Going to a herpes support group will help them express themselves and build confidence, eventually breaking the isolation that they confine themselves in.

People usually feel very anxious at the beginning. Is this the end of my sex life? Is there a cure? How do I get rid of it? These are all very common questions. Talking about it freely and no longer feeling lonely will release the pressure. Some people will talk a lot about it. I am one of them. Others will only speak to a few people. Getting support and staying well informed is the first step toward empowerment. People eventually learn to adapt and control herpes or at least not let it control them.

If you feel very anxious, ashamed or dirty you may want to participate in a local herpes support group. There are several forums online. Online support groups are a good place to start. People can learn to talk about herpes, share personal experience and speak with others who are already in control of herpes. Seeing that other people get on with their lives relieves part of the anxiety.

Offline support groups can offer human face-to-face contact. That is essential for people who feel ashamed and tend to withdraw into themselves. Going to a local support group, meeting people, and shaking hands with them, may be an important step toward self-acceptance and love.

I feel that taking care of the physical part of the disease is like treating 20% of the pain with painkillers. Doctors usually don’t provide psychological support for people who are diagnosed with herpes. Statistics confirm that most people are left dissatisfied by their doctor’s appointment. Herpes Support groups can provide the friendly environment that a doctor can’t. However, they cannot change the fear of herpes that is rampantly growing in our society.

Herpes can be controlled and doesn’t have the power to ruin our love or sex lives. We do. If we accept herpes, then maybe we can help people understand that it is not that bad to have it. We can promote healthier ways to respond to STDs in general.

You can find a list of local herpes support groups on my website.

So your a righteous jerk

It’s a funny world we live in. The lives we lead are all so different, so unique. It amazes me how many different versions of ‘the truth’ or ‘right’ there can be from just one situation and several witnesses. It makes me realise that there is no truth, and no right or wrong. Just interpretation.

Although I love this theory, I realise that it’s a double edges sword, since I just loooove to be right. Sometimes I will battle to the death to prove my righteousness, only to be left with a lifeless corpse on my hands. It’s relationship homicide. Unfortunately I often get this after I’ve killed them off, realising that the only thing I’ve really proved is that I’m a big fat jerk.

When I’m fighting to be right and dismissing the other person’s point of view, I’m actually loosing so much more. People will either resist me or sacrifice themselves in order to shut me up (they’re still resisting in silence, by the way). Either way, I come off being a jerk. And in case you haven’t noticed, people dislike jerks. It’s all about making people around you feel good about themselves, right (pardon the pun)? I need to remember this next time I’m shoving my (most likely stupid) opinion down someone else’s throat. I’ve also got to realise that hacking away at someone trying to prove my opinion as the right one (and theirs by default: the wrong one) exposes a massive ‘lack’ in whom I believe myself to be. Ironic really. It’s usually what I’m desperately trying to prove otherwise.

So next time you feel compelled to prove your point at the expense of invalidating another, give some thought to your motives behind it. A hundred percent of the time the underlying motive is an ugly one. I believe it comes down to one of the following (or a combination):

1) When we hold onto strong opinions and beliefs in order to create stability and comfort in a world of uncertainty. The cost to this is that hanging onto certain beliefs means living in a shallow world and limited choice. It consequently blocks any form of growth.

2) Another reason for tenaciously clinging to our opinions is the fear that changing them would lead to the loss of our identity. But we are not our opinions. We are people who hold opinions and can let them go if we choose to. When we learn from others, we don’t lose our identity; we expand, enhance, and enrich it.

3) A third reason for wanting to be ‘right’ is low self-esteem (as I mentioned in my case previously). Some need to show off their ‘superiority’ to compensate for their feelings of inferiority.

You can see the cost to yourself with each of these motives, but I believe the biggest cost comes down to personal relationships being harmed, and a future loss of communication, either by communication being censored or closed completely, due to ones own proven narrow mindedness. So you’re not only a jerk but a loser too. Just kidding! Just remember what you want to create in a relationship, not what you can limit by your need to be right.

Effective Listening

All too often we are far more enthusiastic about talking than we are listening. Yet it is so vital if we are to communicate effectively. Most break downs in relationships are caused because people talk at each other without really making contact. Unless someone hears what has been said including the subtext the words have little value.

When we are actively listened to we feel valued and are far more likely to engage in negotiation and compromise.

Listening is about far more than words. Watching facial expression and body language is often a far more accurate barometer than the words that are being used.
Nice things being said where the smile doesn’t reach the eyes is an obvious example.

To be an effective listener it is vital that you listen actively.

10 tips to becoming a more effective listener

Make eye contact.

Read the body language of the talker. Are they relaxed, anxious, angry? Extremes are easy to recognise but often the message is much more subtle

Mirror the talker’s body language- subtly, a gentle dance rather than a caricature.

Show that you are listening, nod, make appropriate responses

Ask relevant questions, ask them to clarify if you are not clear about their meaning

Summarise: so what you are saying is……….

Use open ended questions, the who, what, where, when,

Be careful of the tone of your voice when you respond or ask questions. It is all to easy to come across as judgemental or as an interrogator from the Spanish Inquisition

Use empathy. Acknowledge difficulties, but be careful not to fall into the trap of going into anecdotes from your experience. ” I sense that you are finding this rather difficult” rather than “Oh I know, it happened to me but mine was bigger, more difficult etc”

Take a real interest, if you are simply going through the motions the lack of sincerity will be obvious to others. Leave your ego behind, concentrate on the other person.

Discovering Your Passion and Purpose

“I can’t seem to discover why I’m on the planet.”

“What is my purpose here? I know there’s something I’m supposed to be doing, but I don’t know how to find out what it is.”

“I don’t seem to be passionate about anything.”

I’ve heard these complaints over and over from my clients.

Discovering our passion and purpose is vital to our joy and well-being. The problem is that many people have lost touch with any sense of their passion and purpose and have no idea how to access this information.

The blueprint for this information lies within our core Self, our essence, the true Self that is often buried during our early years. If our true Self was not seen and validated by our parents, teachers, or other caregivers, it is likely to have gone underground. The self many of know as our “self” is generally our wounded self, our ego, the self we created to get love and avoid pain. Our wounded self has within it all of our fears and false beliefs, and does not have access to what is true for us.

How, then, do we discover our passion and purpose if the blueprint for this information is long buried? The good news is that while it is buried, it is not lost. Anyone can reclaim this information if you are willing to do the inner work of healing your wounded self.

I’ve worked with thousands of clients who, as they practice the Inner Bonding process that I teach (see our FREE course at, gradually heal their fears and false, limiting beliefs to the point where their true Self comes peeking out. This is the vital, alive aspect of ourselves, the aspect of us that just wants to joyfully express ourselves in the world. As you allow this aspect to emerge, you will gradually discover what truly brings you joy.

In our society, we tend to ignore our special talents and choose our careers according to what will give us a sense of security. Too often, however, what makes us feel safe does not fulfill us spiritually. For example, Roger worked for many years as an attorney, but he never enjoyed it. He made lots of money, yet when he consulted with me he was suffering from anxiety and depression. He had become an attorney because his father had been an attorney and wanted Roger to follow in his footsteps. Roger had gone along with what his father wanted for him because he didn’t know what else he wanted and now, in midlife, he was miserable. He yearned to discover his passion.

A few months after starting to practice Inner Bonding, Roger remembered that he had really wanted to be a teacher. He had never seriously considered teaching because he felt he couldn’t make enough money, but now he was willing to make far less money because he was so unhappy with his present work. Roger went back to school and got his teaching credential and is now a high school social studies teacher. The last time I spoke with him he was radiant! He loved working with adolescents, and he felt he was making a real contribution to their lives. For the first time ever, he felt alive and passionate about his life. His wife decided to take up some of the financial slack by doing something she had always wanted to do: design children’s clothing. She started her own mail-order business and is thrilled with it. Their marriage and family life is flourishing because both of them are happy and fulfilled within themselves.

Ricki came to see me because she was so unhappy working as a controller of a big import business. Yet she had no idea what else she wanted to do. It took about a year of practicing Inner Bonding before her true Self told her that she wanted to be a nutritionist. Ricki hadn’t wanted to hear her true Self because she didn’t want to go back to school. Finally she was so unhappy that she decided to listen. She is now back in school enjoying discovering her passion.

While it may not always be possible to change your work immediately to something you love, if you follow your passion, it will often lead you there. And even when you have to earn money in ways that do not express your soul, you can seek volunteer opportunities and hobbies to express who you are. Often these can lead to the work that you will eventually do.

Alfredo worked as a manager of a large supermarket. With his small savings, he decided to start pursuing a hobby that had always fascinated him – restoring old cars. He used all his extra money to buy his first old car and spent many blissful hours restoring it. He was so good at it, he was able to sell his restored cars for a lot of money. Eventually he was able to quit his job at the market and pursue his passion full time. Ultimately he started a project in a prison teaching inmates to restore cars. Alfredo now loves what he does and receives great satisfaction from helping others.

Your soul has a deep desire for you to express yourself in ways that brings you joy. It is your job to discover what that is and to bring it about.

How To Stop Drinking Alcohol : Alcohol Addiction

Do you wish that you could stop or control your drinking? Is the alcohol starting to take over and you feel that you need some help in regaining control? Are you fed up with all of the problems and aggravation that comes from being addicted to alcohol? Have you ever thought of trying a successful and effective way to control or stop your habit? The why not give hypnosis a go to help you regain a lifestyle that is right for you? Hypnosis could just be the answer that you are looking for now that you know that the answer that you find at the bottom of a glass does not help you.

As a hypnotherapist and author I have helped many people in my career to regain a hold on their life and take control of their alcohol addiction or alcoholism. People get addicted to alcohol for many reasons, however many of them end up in the same situation and this is not a great situation to be in. A dependence on alcohol can rip apart relationships with loved ones and can crush families leaving children with a tough time trying to understand what is going on with the person that they love so much.

What would life be like if you dealt with this issue right now? What would change over the next few days and weeks as you started to take control? What would your get back maybe even things that you thought had gone forever? You owe it not only to yourself but to the people that need you to be around to make a success of controlling your drinking. Just imagine all of the great things that life is offering you and just imagine how much more you can enjoy them with out the drink controlling you.

Hypnosis works to reprogram the part of your mind that makes you… YOU! We call this part your sub-conscious mind and this is where all of your habits, beliefs and behaviours are kept, including the ones that relate to your drinking habits. So whether you want to stop drinking alcohol completely or just want to control your intake then hypnosis may be just right for you.

If you are serious about being a happy and content person that can control their drinking habits or stop completely then I suggest you try a hypnosis download or recording or look up your local hypnotherapist.

I wish you the best of luck in achieving success with your drinking.

Joining An Attention Deficit Disorder Support Group

Living with the effects of Attention Deficit Disorder can be overwhelming and enormously demanding. Everyday activities that are barely noticed by other people take on a whole new set of challenges when you have Attention Deficit Disorder. The impact on one’s daily life can really only be understood by those who have also experienced it. For this reason, many who suffer from this condition often find participation in an Attention Deficit Disorder Support Group to be enormously helpful.

Those who have studied Attention Deficit Disorder are unclear as to its origin but are in agreement that it is most likely a neurological condition; the effects of which are manifested in inattentiveness, hyperactivity, or in some cases, a combination of both. Because of the prevalence of research being conducted, Attention Deficit Disorder has been brought to light in the last decade resulting in more and more diagnoses. Along with behavioral therapy, and in most cases, medical treatment, patients often find support through an Attention Deficit Disorder Support Group to be an integral part of their treatment.

For many, an Attention Deficit Disorder Support Group means the chance to be with people who understand. For young people especially who are at the age when fitting in is of paramount concern it can be a tremendous relief to be in a room where they are just like everyone else.

For adults many of whom suffered through childhood before Attention Deficit Disorder was discovered the opportunity to interact with those who face similar challenges can be a rewarding experience. Many of these adults are left with feelings of insecurity, having been misdiagnosed, misunderstood, and untreated for most of their lives. An Attention Deficit Disorder Support Group allows them the chance to unleash these feelings of inadequacy in a safe and supportive environment.

Attention Deficit Disorder can affect every area of a sufferer’s life, including their social interaction. Because of certain behaviors and challenges associated with the disorder many who suffer from it choose to isolate themselves rather than face social rejection. The Attention Deficit Disorder Support Group can mean a whole new world for Attention Deficit Disorder patients.

For information regarding Attention Deficit Disorder Support Groups the Internet can be an unrivaled resource. Look for support groups online; many will also have information about groups that meet in your local area. Additionally, any medical professional who treats Attention Deficit Disorder will commonly have information about Attention Deficit Disorder Support Groups.

Through medical treatment, emotional health, and a thriving Attention Deficit Disorder Support Group, sufferers of this disorder need no longer suffer alone.

Coaching A Quote A Day

“Life is not about how fast you run, or how high you climb, but how well you bounce.” Author Unknown

Believe it or not, the use of motivational quotes can have a positive impact on your resolve to move forward in business. We all suffer through moment of self-doubt and find ourselves somewhat incapacitated in our entrepreneurial endeavors.

This article draws from a select group of quotes and ideas that may help you jumpstart your willingness to move forward.

“In the factory we make cosmetics. In the store we sell hope.” – Charles Revson

You have customers to think of. In the end, you sell more than a product you also sell something intangible, but altogether needed an emotional attachment to the product. Some people don’t care about how they connect to a product on an emotional level, but many do. How have you developed your product to have an emotional appeal?

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” – Anne Frank

Anne Frank endured Nazi repression and her life represents one of dedication and willingness to help others. She did not become bitter in the midst of great difficulty she simply found ways to make things better. How does this thought mesh with your entrepreneurial efforts?

“A person who graduated yesterday and stops studying today is uneducated tomorrow.” Author Unknown

Have you stopped learning? Sometimes it becomes easy to rely on what we have always known because it just takes too much work to do otherwise, yet ongoing education can help you take the entrepreneurial spirit and apply it to new methods. Never loose the joy of learning and then share what you’ve learned with others.

“That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.” – Abraham Lincoln

Look at the successes of those around you. Don’t view their success as something to envy, but as the encouragement you need to see that success is possible.

“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” – Will Rogers

You may have failures in your past and it may be easy to dwell on those failures as evidence of your inability to do anything meaningful in the future. By living in the rear view mirror you fail to see opportunities and potential success ahead.

“The buyer buys the seller not the salt.” Author Unknown

You may sell a certain product, but what you are marketing is trust. If your customers trust you then they will trust the product. Conversely you can have the best product available, but if people don’t trust you they will never make that all-important first purchase.

Print this article out and refer to one of the quotes and thoughts each day. It may be the encouragement you need to turn the corner and make positive steps forward in your business.

Let me leave you with one final question to consider. Believe it or not, your answer is important.

“What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail?” – Robert Schuller

Reducing The Stress In Your Life: Personal & Realistic Solutions

Stress, like the weather, is ever present in our lives. While unavoidable, we can make it more manageable, just as we can dress appropriately to suit weather conditions. Stress, defined as our reactions to external situations or internal psychological states, affects our physical health and emotional well-being. Despite all the advice that has been written about stress, why are so many of us overwhelmed by it?

One reason is that we find it difficult to accept that living itself causes various forms of stress, making it impossible to eliminate. Nor is all stress bad. The satisfying excitement of achievements and happy events in our lives result in a stress that we welcome. But it is realistic to avoid–or at least reduce–the harmful forms of psychological stress (e.g., worries, anxieties, fears, irritability and depression) and the damaging physiological reactions (e.g., increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, muscular tensions, and an impaired immune system). Stress may also cause us to behave destructively.

Let me say that in coping with stress, we should avoid ineffective or self-defeating techniques, including overindulgence in alcohol, smoking and the use of illegal drugs. These temporary methods not only fail to relieve stress but cause more damage–physically, emotionally, relationship and job- wise. Users become addicted to them and all too often spiral out of control.

Another approach to controlling stress is the use of psychotropic drugs prescribed by physicians. But as a psychologist, I use behavioral and other psychotherapeutic techniques. With most people, these treatments are effective. But they involve the persons participating in their own recovery. However, if the person’s stress is severe, medical consultation could be indicated. Knowledgeable physicians will treat their patients with an effective drug that has the fewest side effects and will follow up on the patient’s progress. They will also reduce or eliminate the medication when the stress is manageable. The patient should not hesitate to question the psychiatrist about the medications and their effects. Often, psychotherapy may be indicated to make more effective and lasting progress.

Physical causes for stresses should not be overlooked. A good physical work-up may be necessary to find out if medical treatment is indicated. Sometimes, medications themselves can cause stress reactions. In considering the cause of stress, we may need to play detective.
Let us keep in mind that people differ in their coping styles. Even with the loss of a loved one, a relationship breakup, losing one’s job or a serious financial setback, some people are more resilient. Others recover more slowly or are even stymied in moving on with their lives. Those whose suffering is severe or lengthy should not avoid seeking professional help. As a consumer advocate, I would suggest that the person consider the various treatment options and consider the pros and cons of each.

Strange as it may sound, stress can be helpful! Like pain, it can motivate us to make changes in our lives or to obtain the necessary treatment that can not only reduce stress, but also improve our lives. I can give two examples in my own life. One concerned a job that was damaging my physical health and psychological well-being. Those stresses made me quit the job, return to school and change my career. A second was an overwhelming workload and a weight gain that were taking a physical and emotional toll on my health. I switched to a nutritious eating pattern and started practicing meditation techniques; both improved my physical and psychological health. I must admit that I had the same difficulties as my patients in overcoming these self-destructive patterns. While we are creatures of habit, we can be motivated to change if we strive for health, longevity and greater happiness.

Having used myself as a case study let me give an example from my psychotherapy practice. A patient worked for two years without a pay raise. Finally, he was encouraged to approach his supervisor. He discovered that the supervisor was unaware of the situation and promptly got the patient his raise. This problem arose because of a personnel glitch and the patient’s not speaking up sooner. He had underestimated how valued a worker he was. His insecurities contributed to the problem! As a result off this experience, he was also able to consider other situations in his life that he could confront.

But let’s be realistic. Another supervisor could have acted differently and defensively. If he had, my patient could have considered all possible options, such as appealing to a director, looking for another job or biding his time if he was not ready to quit. While not wanting to unnecessarily prolong our suffering, we should avoid acting impulsively. It is best to carefully consider our options, including a change in the situation. For several of my patients the difficult supervisor was transferred or quit. Since we are each unique, there are no boilerplate solutions. Know thyself is a good maxim. One person may find it better to quit, another to bide his time. But each should consider the consequences of each choice.

Let me now mention couple relationships which offer not only many satisfactions but, as we all know, stresses as well. While we realize “talking it over” is helpful, all too often, each person goes into the defensive or critical mode. Criticizing and complaining are counter-productive, escalate the conflict and make a bad situation worse. Communication, while highly desirable, has to be constructive All too often we ignore the basic ground rules of effective communication. They include: a calm situation where both are willing to spend the necessary time to listen as well as talk. Rather than criticizing, or complaining and defensively not admitting to any fault, just listen. Don’t neglect to say what you like about the other person and the positive aspects of the relationship. If neither existed, why would you want to remain in such a relationship? Present the difficulties in perspective. I can’t go into all of the effective communication techniques that help resolve conflicts, but be assured there are many. If such discussions don’t help, consider other alternatives, including couple counseling. If your partner is unwilling to go, consider going yourself to get help as to what to do. Often, the partner who’s unwilling to come may change his or her mind. With a skilled therapist, couple counseling will help both persons realize what each is doing to contribute to the problems and what each can do to improve the situation.

One recent example is the couple that came to me, the wife saying, “He threw me out!” while the husband said, “She left and wouldn’t return.” It soon became clear that after a heated argument, he told her, “If you’re unhappy, you can leave.” After she left, she refused to return. By the way, anger, a stress itself, interferes with listening and thinking. The couple, after several sessions, realized that their intentions were not to end the relationship but rather that their words were expressing anger and frustration. They decided to again live together and in counseling learned to discuss and resolve their conflicts more rationally. If all efforts fail to resolve differences, couples may consider divorce to end a futile situation. Hopefully, each can learn from the experience and move on with their lives. If there are children, the couple should avoid involving them in their conflict and reduce as much as possible the damaging effects on them.

Let me summarize my approach, which is appreciably condensed in this brief article. First, realize stress is an inescapable aspect of living and may even prod us into improving our lives. Two, consider the causes of the stress (don’t leave yourself out!) and the options for reducing or eliminating it. Three, realize that many stressful situations have developed over time and may be complicated. So don’t expect instant solutions. Consider solutions a process in which we may be stymied, enter blind alleys, make blunders, but always consider the ways to recover and better resolve the situation. Four, realize that reactions to stress are not limited to fight or flight. Our human species has the capabilities for considering constructive options if we are motivated, realistic, persistent, flexible and are open to getting professional help. And lastly, realize that a realistically optimistic attitude can be maintained or learned if necessary to help us effectively handle the stresses in our lives and live more happily.

5 Ways To A Healthier And More Prosperous Life

Let me start by asking two questions? First: Are you as happy and content about your life in every way? Secondly: If you are not completely satisfied with your life do you have any desire to change it?

In my conversation with all kinds of people I’ve met including conversations with family and friends I find many of them are not always enthused or thrilled about everything in their life. Even though some are not satisfied with their lives they haven’t any interest in making any life change. They’ve decided to stay with the simple life, not wanting to design a new life for themselves or change their environment.

Next are those individuals who have sometimes thought about making changes in their lives. Some even became beautiful dreamers for a while. However they never followed through on reaching any specific goals. Either because they weren’t aggressive enough to start the task or weren’t sure how or where to begin. For those who fall into this category and are willing to get an education of what’s necessary to make the changes, here’s 5 ways to assist you in getting started whenever you are ready.

1) Create a list of goals you believe would make your life more financially abundant, healthier, less stressful, and more stimulating. Write down where you want to go what you want to do and see and what you would like to improve. Once you have a list of 50 to 100 goals here’s what you do next.

2) Select only six goals. Six goals are enough to concentrate on reaching for the time being. Choose the ones that are the most desirable and important to you for now. Then write a detailed description why they are important to you. Be as descriptive as you can about each of these goals. Get inspired by them. Become truly emotional about them. Review them everyday without fail.

3) Set up a series of steps and a time frame for accomplishing each of your six goals. Each step should be set in small increments so they are easily reachable. Decide on a target date for each goal and make sure you enter these dates on a calendar or in a planner. I also advise that you track your progress weekly to see how well you are doing.

4) Seek support from only those individuals who are successful. Ask them for their advice and what they would recommend you do to become successful. And here’s something else very important to do. Purchase a few informational and motivational CD’s, DVD’s and/or books. Spend a few minutes each day reading or listening to this kind of support materials. They will do wonders for your attitude. They will also teach you various skills for handling challenges and roadblocks you may encounter along the way.

5) Never quit pursuing your goals and don’t listen to anyone who might suggest that you do. Just stay committed no matter what happens. Here’s another idea to keep you motivated and on track. Begin to build a series of pictures of the goals you’ve decided to reach. Here’s the best way to do that. Cut out pictures from magazines, newspapers or any publication that reminds you of your dreams and goals. Even print out positive sayings and pictures on your computer printer that will stimulate your attitude. Place these pictures in places around your home or office where you see them everyday. If this doesn’t feel comfortable doing this put them in a three ring binder. Just make sure they are available to view first thing every morning before you start anything else that day.

Now you have an action plan to guide your life in a more positive way. Are you convinced these 5 steps have some merit? Can you now see how these ideas could cause you to have a more attractive, favorable and commendable life than ever? Why not get started today and find out. Good luck!


If I were a bird

What if I were a bird? I would need no tickets to fly. Just fly whenever I want. I would save a lot on air tickets! Jokes apart, what does a bird see from the sky? What does it feel? What opinions does it form and how does it look at human beings?

Let us first talk about birds. Have we ever thought that a small bird that comes out of the egg, flies without any help from any aircraft companies? It needs no design and no development of latest alloys or other light-weight materials to fly. It flies itself without any help from mankind. It can swoop down or rise fast, sit or simply glide in the air. It does all this effortlessly without any chance of failure!

Now, let me become a bird and start my daily journey. I will not reveal about the part of the world I live in. What is the first thing I see? I watch the sun rising in the east. What a glorious sight is this! Sun, the great star, because of whom, we are all alive. As the day begins, I watch people moving around in the streets. I fly higher in the sky. Figures start looking very small on the ground. These people who look so small from the height, think that they own the world. When I watch their expressions of worry and anxiety, I wonder. I want them to come with me and watch themselves from the height. As they
will rise higher, they will realize that they are small, very small. And they will stop worrying.

How can you think of yourself as insignificant in the universe and still worry so much? This is the only cure for the worried people. Don’t think that the world will come down if you don’t worry about your problems. Carry on and let the problems not bother you so much that you stop living.

What beautifuls thought of a bird!