Destiny and Freewill – Secrets to life choices

Destiny and Free Will – the hidden secrets

Working as a psychic medium and healer I meet many people from all walks of life- from pop stars and pa’s, princes and paupers, the wise and the not so wise.

As well as the usual “what’s going to happen” advise, I specialize in reading, guiding and teaching people who are undergoing the most major traumas – people who feel like they’ve wandered off their life path. From losing a loved one or a soul mate, to people who just think their life is somehow cursed with bad luck from years of trying to push forward and repeatedly meeting opposition, lack or opportunity or suffering at the hands of others.

In these extreme cases destiny’s fingerprints are usually to be found everywhere and “WHY” is always the question.

In order to understand why the individuals have to experience such life traumas we need to look at the big picture; their destiny, life purpose and Karma. The secret is that the universe has purpose – rules and challenges. Nobody is here by accident; we are all here to live out our life’s purpose, to learn from experience and to walk the path.

No life is pointless, it’s all about progression, learning and succession to a higher level – something that even transcends one physical lifetime because our soul returns to continue the progression. This is our KARMA, the grand plan for our lives – the credits and debits, the good and the bad – the path we must tread. When we can instinctively ‘tune in’ to that karma, we find the purpose and the reasons for our lessons and can finally find our true path, to understand what’s happening and why – and to walk the path in peace and happiness. In other words we can free ourselves.

It never fails to amuze me when people call up and ask when they will meet their soulmate; but of course he or she has to be no older than 27, tall, rich and good looking. And of course if they could me them before the holidays that would be great.

These are the same people who will most likely call me again in a few years in misery, married to the wrong person and unable to move on because of commitments. Another type of reading are the ones who expect the universe to deliver everything at their door and take care of everything without making any effort. The “I know he’s not good for me but I’ll stay until something happens or I meet someone else”

But we and destiny both have a part to play in order to move along the path. She will present the opportunities and challenges but we must continue to walk the path. The secret is understanding how WHAT WE WANT and what’s MEANT TO BE sometimes coincide, and frequently contradict. Sounds simple but as always, in the simplest of things is to be found the greatest wisdom.

Consider our destined path as a route through a maze. The maze represents all of the possible challenges and rewards, all of the ups and downs, and all the people who we will meet who are destined to come into our lives to bring happiness or conflict. Within that framework of the maze we have free will. At any point we can turn left or right, go straight ahead or go back.

As humans we frequently have the illusion that life is totally free will. After all we can choose what to wear, where to go, who to marry and what color we want our d

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