Self Defence 8: Curdle His Blood!

Tyson, my dog, is a powerful Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Tremendously strong, huge jaws and a tremendous bite. Which I know to my cost when he misses his rope tug-of-war and accidentally catches me instead!

The only thing which subdues him is a sharp command from my wife. And down he cowers. [A bit like me?]

Gorgeously natured, he is afraid of nothing. That’s how it should be. He is able to go wherever he chooses when I allow him.

But I have observed on so many occasions an important fact.

A sudden loud noise completely throws his mind off-balance; instead of his usual ‘Boss of the World’ demeanour, he transforms. He closes in upon himself, his Power VANISHES. His Mind-Force depletes and he could at that instant be eaten by a little Yorkshire Terrier. For just those few seconds …
But a few seconds is enough to survive in a street survival mugging or rape confrontation.

There is a little-known martial arts system called Kiai-jutsu. Essentially a method of uttering a loud shout at the psychological moment to render the attacker witless and mentally thrown off balance. It is very effective, but can be done by everyone, if they have given it consideration and adequate training.

On the tennis court you will have heard the grunt or gasp the player makes at maximum impact with the racket. As the weight lifter desperately drives the iron up to full stretch. As the boxer strikes his lightning-fast ultimate uppercut. On a social scale, as the crowd erupts its roar as the ball curves into the net.

This is the kiai. Or at least, a form of it. The automatic instinctive release of sound-energy at a moment of maximum exertion. Focussing and directing body forces through a central all-destroying direction.

Destroying Tyson’s mind. Nullifying your attacker’s. Reducing their attacking force to zero.

I used the kiai to defeat a champion of Germany in perhaps two seconds flat. It worked for me. It can work for you! It is an important self defence tool.

Take your weapon a walking stick or Sjambok? Put up a cardboard box. Stand back perhaps several feet, tip of the stick on the ground just behind your foot.

IN THE INSTANT slash the end of the stick up through the box, as if through an attacker’s left chops. But IN THE INSTANT tightening your belly muscles sream sharply and loudly AS you slash. If your power is ‘turned-on’ you may feel yourself tremble and shake from the force you have just out-put. Put everything you’ve got into that kiai scream. Absolutely! In effect, there should be no more energy left in you. Or almost so, anyway. Just as well that his head is tied onto his neck. So that it stays attached!

Any self defence action you ever take MUST be output through a kiai. No half measures. If you hit him, you hit him with maximum force. Surrounded by a kiai. The shout and the impact are one and the same.


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