The Secret – When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 12 )

Standing at the podium was an attractive, middle-aged woman of medium height. She looked at me, smiled and continued her lecture.I felt the audience’s annoyance at my late arrival and I angrily thought to myself, “I want to be late,OK?”But after a few moments the meaning of what the woman was saying caught up with me. She told us about her ability to see things before they occurred and how she was able to give what are called “readings” to people.

She explained that she was born with the “gift of seeing,” that each and every human being had the ability to develop those same talents. She spoke of God, angels and spirits, of different dimensions and different worlds.I was just beginning to think that I’d wasted the entire morning when she decided to give us a demonstration of her natural abilities.”

She asked if anyone in the audience had ever seen or met her before in person.No one had. Beginning with the back of the room,she pointed to people at random and told them a little about themselves and their lives. To one especially nervous woman, she said, “Your friend Elizabeth will be getting married soon and will be moving out of the area.She is so concerned about her sick mother that she needs all the support you can give her. Do you understand what I mean?” The woman was simply astounded. “Yes! Yes! That’s so true,” she stammered.

After a few more “readings” she turned to a tall,dark man somewhere in the middle rows. “The trucking business which you are about to start will become a tremendous success,” she said. “Watch out,however, for one of your partners the short one with the beard and funny hat. He will try to take control of the company away from you. Do you understand what I am talking about?”

“That’s amazing,” said the man, “Absolutely amazing.

There’s no way you could know about my trucking business and my partners,” and he kept shaking his head in astonishment.

By this time,I was becoming very excited about the possibility of my turn. June pointed to a few others and gave each of them some important bits of information,but totally ignored me. Perhaps, she’s disregarding me as punishment for my tardiness I thought with paranoia, but I knew that couldn’t be the reason.

Finally, because she’d been speaking for such a long time, she asked if someone could bring her a glass of water. Here was my opportunity to be noticed. Up I jumped and rushed to the water fountain in the hallway. Using a paper cup,I hurriedly brought June some water. Surely now she would notice me and tell me something about my future. Again I was wrong. Not one word did she say to me.

As the lecture came to an end, I sat there, progressively more dejected. After she thanked everyone for coming, she looked at me and said, “Young man,I’ll see you later. What I have to tell you wouldn’t be understood by anyone here,least of all by you.” I was surprised, but happy to have the chance to speak with her in private.

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