Three Secrets To Getting Everything You Want

Three Secrets to Getting Everything You Want

Those of us who look at things like “getting everything you want” are usually those who don’t have everything we want and know it and feel it often to the point of pain. Two very painful things in my life started me on this path of trying to get a life I wanted instead of the one I had.

One was a really bad relationship that I lived in daily and didn’t know how to do anything about and the other was a very skewed view of how I look. Those areas caused me tremendous pain and I’ve been learning and looking at how to have what I want for over 25 years because of them. Here’s what I’ve noticed. It simply comes down to three secrets.

The first phase involves healing. Healing means you look at all the relationships and situations from your past and work on bringing them into equilibrium. For example, you can never think about your mother without a little bit of negative coming up with those thoughts. She’s annoying or not as loving as you’d like or frankly critical. That has to be effecting your relationships somehow. In therapy many people look at how but that’s where they seem to stop. It doesn’t really matter how it happened. What really matters is that it’s effecting your life today. That little bit of negative may carry over to all of your relationships with women, for example. And the lucky thing is, you don’t even have to know exactly how it’s happening. You can just assume that any unresolved relationships or situations from the past are having some effect that you don’t want in your life today.

The next phase or secret involves belief. This means you have to believe that what you want in your life is possible for you to have it. If I say I want a prosperous life but deep inside believe I can’t really have it, then all the positive thinking in the world will not allow me to. For years I heard statements like, “if you believe it, you can have it” or “if you think the right thoughts, you can have the life you think about”. All that did for me was make me feel like some kind of dope who couldn’t get my thoughts in order because clearly my life was an outer reflection of the terrible thoughts I was having all the time. What to do? How can I believe what I don’t believe?

The third and final secret is action. All the pure thought and healing in the world is not going to change your life if you take no action. If your friend tells you that you will meet the man of your dreams in a workshop as my friend told me, you have to go to the workshop as I did – and I did meet the man of my dreams.

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