Your Heart Matters

Does this sound familiar?

“If I can just figure it all out, then I’ll be okay.”

“Then I’ll be safe.”

“Then I can figure out a way to be happy.”

In theory, it doesn’t sound like such a bad idea. You DO need to know what’s going on; to be aware.

But awareness comes from the heart as well as the head. They’re both equally important.

Doesn’t seem like it, though. We’ve been taught and conditioned – practically since birth – to focus on our thoughts and to ignore our feelings.

When you shut out your feelings, your begin to build walls around your heart.

As you come to believe one of the Big Lies of society – “Feelings are bad and wrong and you must do everything you can to shut them out and lock them away”… then your heart appears to wither like a plant denied water.

Remember the one-hundred-year-old classic by James Allen – “As A Man Thinketh”? If you haven’t read it, the whole book can be summed up in one sentence – Thoughts create reality.

Which isn’t such a bad idea.

Now could you imagine a book called – “As A Woman Feeleth”?

Yeah, I thought it was funny too. But when you got through laughing would you buy the book?

Most people wouldn’t. Who cares what a woman ‘feeleth’?

In today’s society, thinking equals strength; while feeling equals weakness.

Look where it’s gotten us.

Could you even IMAGINE a more dysfunctional society?

Keep ignoring your feelings, and you won’t have to imagine. Cause you’ll be living it!

Here’s why you need a strong heart as well as a strong head:

Your head activates and stimulates; while your heart generates and receives.

Your head rationalizes and justifies; while your heart creates a higher order of being – beyond logic.

Your head attempts to dominate and control; while your heart loves, allows and embraces.

Bottom line – your heart creates the space and your head fills the space.

Your heart can incubate your dreams.

But so many have lost touch with their own heart; abandoning it as they were forced to deny their own feelings.

By a society that allows no room for matters of the heart.

When you ignore or deny your heart, it creates separation. Separation leads to pain.

It hurts to not feel your heart. Now would be a good time to start changing things.

When you balance your heart with your head, you can reduce and even eliminate that pain.

Here’s one way to start:

Imagine your heart as a chamber (which it is) – more real than your physical body.

See it as being REAL. Visualize it.

Imagine you’re standing next to it.

Now look at what’s currently in your heart. Don’t judge what you see. Invest the time to look closely and closer. Look deeply; beyond the obvious.

Don’t settle for the knee-jerk answer –

“Oh yeah, my heart’s cold!”

Look deeper.

Develop the habit of looking at your heart.

Next, reach out and touch your heart. You won’t hurt it. Not any worse than you already have.

Start by touching the outside membrane of the chamber of your heart. Just imagine yourself standing next to your heart, imagine what it looks like, and then imagine yourself reaching out to it.

There’s no ‘right’ way or ‘wrong’ way to do it; it’s simply a matter of doing it ‘your’ way.

You can develop a relationship with your heart.

Like a teenage couple – awkward at first – but they kind of figure it out, don’t they?

You can start out in a similar way with your heart.

You don’t NEED to know how to reconnect with your heart. You’ll find there’s such a strong attraction between the two of you that it just sort of works itself out.

Once you get started.

You’ll find your heart longs for you as much as you long for it. Like a magnetic attraction. Like two teenagers in the back of a Chevy.

You’ll find the pain doesn’t come from your heart.

The pain comes from the separation.

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